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Show the Logan backs water boy up to the coaches and Will didnt make the turn to go into school officials. 'J ' the line, Dale refused to be ta"Side-Line- s' ken out of the play and came Off the cuff facts about the Role up with the tackle. This is the theii of stuff your editor is talk- game. The Bees tipped kind The Box Elder Bees enter the about and if an "expert hand, after scoring in the third ing By state finals for the, third stnnlght looked over the players. . , took quarter by tossing the kicking tee to the bench. Logan knew year and will meet Carbon in Jfowa-Journtheir ability and figured it with the Utah University stadium they werent going to try and and football savy, they kick weight Sport Edits next Saturday afternoon. The lothe extra point , . . but the would be average. Thats just cals gained the Region 1 berth White kind of a football team Box outcome is the as the result of rushing yardage took the ball from center, faked Elder has and this a its year orHats off, congratulations, over Logan In the contest which better team because of It, .0 LaFramboi.se going into the was played In the Bees stadium chids and all of those well-wor- far center of the line and then lookthe "experts think. than adjectives don't quite fit ed for the back that h& was supMonday afternoon. the occasion, but they will Just posed to lateral to. . . but he ! This method was used be- have to do, because your editor wasnt in Richard then cause time was getting short cant think up a word that will But the football team didn't tucked thesight. ball under his arm and the teams had been unable express the feeling of everyone do all of the work. The Box El- and started for the west sideto decide a winner by score in in and out of Box Elder high line like a He ran out of Two' games, the first ending in school for the Bee football team. der high school band, the pep blockers andshot. to go the ena 12 to 1i2 score and the Mon- They turned in a beautiful band, the BTvers and B'Ettes, tire distance had from the scrim7 7. to day game ending game of football to tie Logan and the entire student body mage line on his own. Two LoCarbon has been the pride of and win a state berth as the re- were in there pitching also . . . gan boys were waiting for him the Big Eight and have a per- sult of a 53 yard rushing mar- proof . , . look at the half time on the 2 yard line and that is fect record in conference play. gin. It was a superb exhibition performances of the band and where they made their mistake. They have a very good offense i of spirit and will to win and They should never have waited which has piled up an amazing boys, all of Brigham City is pep section in the South Cache for White, because he took them football game . , the band in 221 points while holding oppo- proud of you. right with him and was barely nents to 41 points during the the Logan game. Their perfor-manc- e able to squeeze over the double season and have moved through was of college caliber. stripe for the all important exThe sidelines" of this game seven straight opponents as they The a are could fill but here only thing it lacked was tra point on a play that was book, notched the Big Eight's state tiengineered ' to he used some of them. the card tricks In the stands. never tle berth. that way. The entire school is deserving The Bees record is 86 points City short of the Carbon record ofThe Bees werent rated as of praise from Brigham One of the rabid Logan fans fensive and they have allowed champions. Ferg said that he and Box Elder county, from the eight more points to toe scored would consider himself lucky to against them this season. So win three region games. Of on paper the southern represen- course, Coach is always pessitative will rule as favorite. mistic every season, but fans But the games never follow more or less agreed with him the paper results, and they seK this year. Sure, we had Oyler, dom follow along the lines of who without a doubt is an outthe advance notices. Coach Fer- standing high school football guson and bis Bees have had player. He can run, pass, block, good luck in past years against tackle and kick. He is the perCarbon' teams. ' This "Jinx" fect type of player for a single football team because this might hold up again this year ' and the papers will come out wing of football gets the full type with screaming headlines call- use of all of these talents, but ing the outcome an upset. that doesnt make the Bees The Bees have never been la- -' world beaters. The little guy team on the line has to hold out his beled ad a championship this year, but the fact that they man or all the Oylers in the have had the stuff to come from world cant do a thing. Thats behind, fight back when the why call them teams, 10 breaks go against them will other they guys or the biggest per-tag- e make them a foe to toe feared of them have to carry out and watched. before anyone can assignments A good crowd is scheduled to twinkle. make the trip to Salt Lake ity next Saturday afternoon to see Ferg played more Juniors this If this is so. The high school this corner has seen year will have tickets for sale some- him than since play coming to this time this week. part of the United States because he had to. That BOWLING RESULTS him a green team. Eight gives Juniors have seen quite a lot of News & Journal Bowlers service this year. One Sophomore, Vern Wells,' has also playMove Into First Place ed a lot of football this season. the Bees, That should The News and Journal bat- but It didnt. handicap tled their way Into a tie for first place, October 31, In the What Is it the Bees have? Tri-citleague, when they hum- iThey gained 100 yards more bled the Best Market of Corinne than Logan in the 12 .to 12 tie. with a clean sweep. They had a 53 yard margin in Co..Waynes Service and the, .the second game .which ended in rinne Celtics split two points a 7 to 7 tie and Logan ruled the each, while Palmer Jewelry roll- favorite in. both games or' at ed a high 2970 series to win four least even. But the difference Truck lies in an points from the Brigham intangable thing and i Implement - Co. hurlers. which some people call a "will This left Palmer Jewelry and to win, a fighting others WayneS tied for third place. heart, and still others spirit." Wiand Bill. Hadley .Ralph lliams each rolled a 200 to win That kind of stuff can cera hat cleaning job at Finer tainly make the difference. Cleaners. Ralph also hit a 203 e lo? $2.00 in trade at Some of you fans will want Lumber, to know where your editor gets this stuff. Well, if you saw Tri-Sta- te Lumber Takes the game Monday, it came out in the form of Richard White, 3 Points From Tire Shop weighing less than 150 pounds In the Thursday night league, wringing wet, hitting like a Lumber squeezed the freight engihe, diving in three points from the Brigham for jarring tackles, giving evTire shop with exceptionally erything he had and making it consistent bowling. The victory stick. Oyler getting hurt, yet it TASTES clinched top spot for them, leav- still wanting in the game. AnTry ing Brigham Tire in second. derson, reaching for a pass and , The Eagles moved up to third fighting with two Logan boys vic- for the pigskin and finally gaplace with a - three-poin- t tory over the Indian school. An- thering it in just before it hit dersens clipped Earls. Food the ground to give the Bees the Fare for four points, yardage to keep their - Max Morgan rolled a 203 to necessary drive for the score going until win $2.00 in trade at it hit pay dirt. Poulson, a jun. Lumbers ior end and who weighs only 144 pounds driving in to force The News-Journtelephone plays into the line where the rest oL the Bees were there .to number is 1,000. stop it, and Rate Carbon 'Tf Favorite KW al fhebusinessmen was kicking up quite a stink after the game about the underhanded way Box Elder had won it. He claimed the game should have been played on a neutral field such as Bear River and that Coach Ferguson wouldnt budge or even talk'untll he got his way. their stores to 'attend, so the school officials considered playing the game in the evening. But it was finally played in the afternoon and a good crowd atwas tended. Then the play-of- f set. The schools spilt three ways with the Region which uses the money for conferences on rules, schedule meetings, trophies and many other items. The game, according to Fergs reasoning would draw a better Brigplay either In Logan or would ham City, but the crowd at be much smaller if played Bear River or some other neutral field. Coach made a gambling proposition. A flip of the the school winning coin would name the site. This gave Logan an equal chance and the game would be played in a town that would draw a bigger crowd. Box Elder won the toss and the game was played here. . . . and now Logan fans come back calletc. and ing it underhanded, even had his glasses off ready to do something about it. All Freeman was trying to reason with him and at this moment Alf Freeman probably wished he had been Rex Layne or at hair-raisin- n couldnt leave least able to protect himself in This is one time . . . and there have been others and there will be more . . j when this comer will back up Coach in his actions. After having a long talk with Ferg on the subject, here is the roachs reasoning. The Weber game and the North Cache games were washouts as far as a crowd was concerned and the paying fan is the one that keeps football going at Box Elder and every other school. the same manner. ELDER Brighaj Brigham City has almost closed its doors for the duck seadeer hunting, pheasant son, season, so one more wont make much difference. . . so well see City next Satyou in Sait Lake Carbon-BoElder urday for the football game. . . then well go to work to try and pay the Christmas bills which he know will ccme. Wednesday, Th" They RelT brookyiliTt, Motorists behind clined be be George Smith of , hi d. x big highway intersect saw why he 01 little girl with road safely. 'w 1 'V M&ym ,V' X& ... His money goes to buying equipment which keep the boys from getting hurt. The fund was very short this year and if the necessary equipment was to be purchased for next season, some money would have to be taken in somewhere. The South Cache game had to draw a crowd in order to get this done. It was an afternoon game and lots of BOX uv ' ? jn v Wrlcf cl' Y SEASHORES Sheet Metal Phone 25 Pi Air Conditioning Heating 48 Nwt mam Otoe mWz flCfloO Ibeftftei? 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