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Show r EAmtOfl, raxri TO2 XlZZLIt V Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Digging Forkli&yigls, Trowels, Cultivators and many other implements for the spring gardening 'We cany the GLARINDAr ball bearing, double blade, high wheel, sine cut, clean cut v " LpWn, Mower. Dont be afraid to ask to see them. We will take pleasure in self-sharpeni- ng, - '- -: ' ' Lstou ivD LSBi 1 H. Telephone No. 1 explaining the pleasing features J. lWEvO W0P8 SHEFFIELD & SOWS DEPARTEHT CAS 5T0R I The Most of the Best k for the Least Cash in 4 Kaysville, Utah 11 KAYSVILLE - The largest city in north Davie County, fine place ' for residence. Kavsville Roller Mills, vegetable and fruit canning establishment and great brick plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General farming, fruit and. vegetable growing for shipment and canning are Has the important industries. Davis County Central High school, churches and new opera house. City water and electric lights are Inducements for investment. Home ral small articles' from The Reflex office. Herbert is a very confiding individual and, carried an honorable discharge paper from the United States navy. -- He is a confirmed smoker of Duke's mixture, but it is not sure that this weakness has anything to do with his enterprise in shoving worthless cheeky, Th craft w'll do well to keep him moving, and by all means not to entrust him with the office key. typographical error in a news last week stated that John H. Blood had purchased a Case autoDocfor Rutledge has got his new mobile. The item should have read Studebaker roadster and it is indeed William II. Blood. John IL Blood has not yet purchased an auto but he will . some car. no doubt soon enter the ranks of those who Samuel Hart, of Raymond, Wyom pay an extra tribute to John D. ing, is visiting with friends and relaMiss Nan Murphy, of Honolulu, Hatives in Kaysville. waii, is ill at the home of her mother, Reflex and of The its up-to-d- A item printing plant Mrs. Sarah B. Taylor, of Provo, is Mrs. Edwin McLatchie. Miss Murphy has been teaching school in the islands visiting with friends and relatives in for the past two years and was sent Kaysville and Layton. home on account of ill health. She Is an Robert E. Cropland, of Pocatello, experienced teacher, having been Ida., was the guest of Arnold M. employed in Suit Lake City and other Utah cities before going to the islands. Barnes Wednesday. one volume. Miss Blood has been called to. fill a mission in the North western States and will leave for the mission field in a few days. She has been a faithful teacher in the Sunday school for several years. ber County, Utah, on the 27th day of NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY Mrs. Fred Raddish, of Pocatello, March, ,A. D. 1916, at 10:30 oclock The Board of Education of the Davis Ida., is spending a few days in town in the forenoon, at which time the County School District hereby gives as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. said creditors may attend, prove their notice that the following described Edward Edmonds. will be sold at private sale: claims, appoint a trustee, examine the property Old Academy school property in Farmbankrupt, and transact such .other ington; Mountain Road property in business as may properly come Kaysville; South Nalder school propNOTICE OF "FIRST MEETING OF said meeting. erty in Layton; Bishop Layton school property in Layton; West Syracuse CREDITORS. Ogden, Utah, March 16, 1916. school property in Syracuse; East, ' S. T. CbRN, West and South Weber school properIn the District Courtof the United Referee in Bankruptcy. ty in South Weber. DOROC JERSEY SWINE States for the District of Utah. By order of the Board of Education The Kaysville public school ball of the Davis County School District. In Bankruptcy before S. T. Corn, refRegistered Stock HENRY H. BLOOD, eree. team defeated Syracuse yesterday by Old and Young President. In the matter of Henry D. Wall, ban- a score of 6 to 16. The team has THOMAS E. WILLIAMS, krupt In bankruptcy, No. 4305. Clerk. two games up to date and won Single Comb White Leghorns To the creditors of Henry D. Wall of played Farmington, Utah, March IS, 1916. Coach Layton seems to have First 50 Extra fine Laying Hens Layton, in the County of Weber, both. publication March 16, 916. Last publ cation April 6, 1916. the and district aforesaid, a bankrupt pennant winner. lOCckerels Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1916, the FOR I ALE A few shares of FOR SALE The best and Eggs for Hatching. censaid Henry D. Wall was duly adjudApply to trifugal pump on the market. Capaci- Haights Creek water. icated bankrupt; and that the first ty 185 gallons per minute and will James Cridde, Kaysville, Phone 2431. 1. Adv. meeting of his creditors will be held at throw water equal to a fire hydrant. jmy. office at rooms 0 First Na- Call on, phone or address W. P. Eptional bank building, Ogden City, We Kaysville Utah person, Kaysville. Adv. Butter Wrappers at The Reflex -- before FOR SAFE ! ch Frank Hyde 309-31- Miss Marguerite Thomussen has for George Gailey, who hus been called to fill a 'mission in the Central States, her house guest this week Miss Rowas married to Miss Laura Bone, of setta Soloman of Salt Lake City. Layton, in the Salt Lake temple yes- Born to Mr, and Mrs. John G. Linterday. He will depart on his misford, on Thursday, March 31, a son. sion on the 24th of this month. The Mother and son are reported doing Reflex extends congratulations to the well. worthy couple and predicts a long, happy and useful life. Keith Barnes fell on the Deseret Gym floor in Salt Lake City on FriThe Salt Lake and Ogden railway is day . evening and broke the middle now busy with its overhead crossing finger ort his right hand. and flume for the iftorth branch of the Lester Gleason is home from the Davis and Weber Counties Canal comA. C. ut Logan for a short vacation. pany, just north of the Davis county is making great progress in line north of Clinton. The job will e a piece of massive reinforced con- Ins school work and is thoroughly and will be put in to stay. The crete " joying it. mdge is on the state road and will B. R. Transeau, of Garfield, who be completed befort the state road purchased the Robinson property on commission is ready to place concrete Eighth street some months ago, is on that portion of the highway, which moving his family to this city for will be the first work to be done this permanent residence. year in Weber county.- .- As has been Chester Flint, Son of Mr. and Mrs. previously announcedln' TheKeflex, it is proposed to concrete the road John Flint, will depart on a mission from he Davis county line to River-dal- e April 24. He has been assigned to the before commencing work in Davis Central States mission with headquarbetween Kaysville and Farm-- 1 county ters St Independence, Mo. ington. David McFerson, of Clearfield, was The Democrat state convention was the recipient of a surprise party at held JnSaltLakeityLyesterdayand j his home on Friday in honorof his is reported to have been an interesting forty-nint- h birthday. A number of gathering full of patriotism and enKaysville relatives attended. thusiasm. The convention was called Senator. John-W- . Thornley-ha- s his for the purpose of selecting delegates sheep on the move from the desert to the national convention, which will west of the lake to his mountain lamb- be held at St. Louis on June 14, at ing grounds. He reports his flocks in which time, unless all signs fail, good condition and the loss for the Woodrow Wilson will be nominated to succeed himself as president of the winter small. United States. Among the delegates l?ishop Jones, ..of the Episcopal named to attend the convention was church, held a sacramental sendee at Hon. John R. Barnes, of Kaysville. the Kaysville opera house Sunday aft- Mr. Barnes was a to the delegate ernoon,' which was well attended. In Baltimore convention which nominated the evening he addresed the Mutual President Wilson, and believes he will societies in the tabernacle. be nominated and elected a second W. E. Barton was the recipient of a time. It is indeed an honor to Kayspleasant surprise party at his home ville to have one of her citizens Friday-eveni- ng i n honor-o- f tojperform so high a calling and hisf an honor to be so well represented. birthday. Refreshments were served and the time was spent in The officers, teachers and members music, games and a social chat. of the Kaysville Sunday school tenII. V. Robinson has moved to the dered Miss Temma Blood a testimonial John Bruce property on East Pine surprise at her home Tuesday evening. street, whidhe recently purchased. The party assembled at the home of John Bruce, who recently sold his Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes to the number of about sixty and went to the property on East Pine street, to II. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Robinson, has gone to live with his John H. Blood, in wagons and autos. adopted son on the Mountain road. J The evening was spent, In social interHerbert Henry, a tramp printer who course, music and games. A feature worked for' The Reflex a 'couple of of the evening was the presentation of weeks, departed for parts unknown the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Saturday night after passing several Covenants and Pearl of Great Price Miss Blood. The three books were rrrthless checks on tv -- trchinis of eve:i cant Lea rnely bound in red Morocco in "'7:ville, -- -- - ed We have purchased the drugs from the GENERAL STORES and have an For 15 DAYS ONLY, BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 8th,. and ENDING APRIL 22st, we will give the people of Kaysville the BENEFIT of the following CUT PRICES. After April 22nd the overstock will be distributed in our othei stores. over-stoc- k. . Bromo Seltzer, 50c size 34c Bromo Seltzer, 25c size.. 17c Bromo Seltzer, 10c size 7C Salus Mentholtfs, 50c size 34c Salus Witch Hazel Cream, 25c size 17c Peroxide of Hydrogenp25c size....;. 17c Salus Peroxide Cream, 50c size 34c Premier Talcus Powder (3 odors)j 25c size 15c Winslow Teething Syrup, 25c size 17c Winslow" Soothing Syrup, 25c size 17c 50c size 34c Thompsons Wild Cherry Phosphate, 25c size ...17c Kodol Dyspepsia Remedy, 50c size 34c Shilohs Vitalizer, 75c size 54c Celery Compound Cordial, $1 size 50c Women Cordial, $1.00 size 50c Teko Liniment, 50c size 34 Columbia Liniment, 50c size.c... 84c Tiko Liniment, $1.00 size 67c Chamberlain Pain Balm, 25c size..17c Kendals Spavin Remedy, $1 size 67c Munyon Witch Hazel Balm, 50c 34c Orino Fruit Laxative, 50c size. 34c Kline Nerve Restorer, $1.0 size 67c Magnetic Cream Liniment, 35c size 24c Townsends Canker Remedy, 50c....34c Townsends .Diarrhea Remedy, 50c. 34c Beef Iron and Wine, $1.00 size 67c Dicolo; 50c size 34,. Comp. Ext Sarsaparilla, $1.00 size 50c Curacoa Tonic, 50c size 34C Kennedy Favorite Remedy, $1 size 67c whV.pe.R.heumatic Remedy, $1 size 67c Miller s Lax. Cold Tablets, 25c size 15c Penetrato, 50c size.., 34c Fig-Laxative- , Salus Cold Cream, 50c sib I Atheucaine, 50c size Glycerine soap, ioc size.!;:: Jockei Club Soap, 10c size Disinfective Soap, 25c sizT Castor Oil, 10c size Grafenbun Panacea, 50c size. ..... .....34c 34- - 5c i n- - iu. 34c Homenti, 25c size 17 Liquocide, $1.00 size ZZZ67c Liquocide, 50c size.... 345 Smith Bile Beans, 25c giz, - 17 Ripans Pills, 25c size Quinine Laxative Tablets, 25c size 17c Chambers Kidney Pills, 5)c size. 34c Improved Cathartic Pills. 25c size 17c St. Patricks Pills, 25c sU. J7C Thedfords Black Draught, 25c rize 17e Dewitts Rheumatic Pills, 50c size 34c H H H Liniment, 60c siz .34c Columbia Stock Tonic, $.50 size $1.74 Columbia Stock Tonic, $1.0 size 67c Columbia Stock Tonic, 50c size. I.34c Sturtevant Poultry Tonic, 25s size 17c Sturtevant Egg Producers, 25c size 17c Mentholine, 25c size. 17 Chamberlains Eye Salve, 25c size 17c Swans Ointment, 25c size 17c Creoline Petrolatum, 15- - size'.l. '' Carbolated Salve, 25c dze Carbolated Pine Salve. 25c size 17c .iZZZilc Dewitts Carb Salve, 25c sire.Il7c Dewitt s Veterinary Salve, 50c size 34c Man Zan Pile Ointment, 50c size....34c Bees Cough Syrup, 50c size .34c Bees Cough Syrup, $1.00 size 67c Bees Cough Syrup, 25c siie 17c 34c Foley Cough Syrup, 50 size Foley Cough Syrup, 25c size. 17c Mentholatum, 25c size 17c Mentholatum, 50c size .......34c Chamberlain Cough Syrup, 50c size 34c Chamberlain Cough Syrup, 25c size 17c Hallers Cough Syrup, 25c size 17c Ballard s Cough Syrup, 25c size 17c Rocky Mountain Cough Syrup, 25c 17c One Minute Cough Syrup, 50c size 34c One Minute Cough Syrup, 25c size 17c Hill s Honey and Tar Cough Syrup, " " 60c size 34c Oyers Cherry Poctoral, 25c size.Z.17c Wakefield Blackberry Balsam, 35c 34c White s Cream Vermifuge, 25c size 17c Taysum Burn Salve, 25c size. .17c Buckhns Amies Salve, 25c size. 17c Palmers Skin Ointment, 25c size 17c Browns Herbal Ointment, 25c size 17c Kennedy Headache Tabs, 25c size 17c Foley Pile Salve, 25c size 17c Foley Family Pills, 25c size t..17c Fo ey Kidney Pills $1.00 size ...67c Foley Worm Candy, 25c size 17c Chamberlains Stomach Tabs, 25c size i7c Chamberlains Salve, 25e size 17c Chamberlains Cold Tabs,. 25c size 17c Household Ointment, 25c size 17c Stewarts Cathartic Tabs, 25c size 17c Columbia Gall Salve, 50c size ,34c Columbia Gall Salve, 25c size 17c Columbia Hoof Ointment, 50c size 34c Veterinary Dusting Powd, 50c size 25c e ternary Syringes, $1.75 ickmore Gall Remedy, 25c size....$04 size 17c Uenwood Lice Powder, 50c size....34c Worm Lozenges, 25c size 17c KAYSVILLE EDDY bRUC CO. Prop. " (PpSon SpoUto) R- - C LUCRE. Mgr , |