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Show 0 8 Pages this Issue & Paggs this-Issu- e REACHES EVERT NOOK AND CORNER OF DAVIS COUNTY. VOLUME XI TIIOMASE. KAYSVILLE, LAYTON AND FARMINGTON, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1916 HARRIS Old and Honored Sotrt"ThePeahut HONORED dron. (itien Passes . Wal- r-Ca- lviF CITY COUNCIL SYRACUSE , Story of Grandma and the little clothes--VerMunn. Song Four sons and four NUMBER 32 KNirRY PROCEEDINGS FLOORS FOR THE DAIRY BRN The Kaysville City Council held its piovided by toms. ' 5 1 , Proportion the concrete bag f" prosperous farming and rich of Laying' CoTi e Floors Poi thitnl cement to 2.1, j cubic feet of On Wednesday, March j1', the relaMonday evening. Mayor community in the northwestern saiul and 5 cubic feet of crushed rock, with Farm Labor portion of Davis County. Fine G. M. Barnes presided, .and all the tives and friends of Thuni;- - E. Harris, . In farms the and fannor bag of cement to ft cubic feet of movement of wide fields homes, and voluntary of Layton, met at tie lAme 0f his Recitation in the German lauguage high grade stock are present, iftilk, at better nrices, the clean pit gravel. At one operation lay for ers better important Nevie Harris.-daughter, Mrs. J. D. traig, to celefeatures. Has two' canning estabapproving the first thickness of the stall step toward improvement is the the full the.f h a his seventy-fiftbrate lishments, artesian wells, North-D- minutes,) previous meeting,- bmhday, the Song T. E. Harris and Nettie Dra of ami three stalls the same-u- s th floor more finish etani vis High school and beautiful MayoF" Barnes presented a proposition making party being given, by hi., children. .All per. one section of sidewalk. . No surorchards. Branch of O. S. L. raillaying concrete floors. The method is his children, together with .their husPoem, composed and read py Lillie way from main line to lake shore from Mrs. Bosworth, owner of the frac- so man can own dolus that anyfacing mortar is heeded. For setting simple tional lot adjoining the City hall propbands and wives, were prevent, except Watt, showing the love and respect furnishes shipping facilities The so small and work. the t.iOi is cos; patented stall divisions, follow the his oldest son, William, who live.-Pierty on the east, in which the owner or her grandfather as shown by his o great that thare manufacturers returns directions; for hometl. offered to sell the property to the city Canada palso a number of his grand- - family. Mrs. Christensen is, visiting with her in for soon made themselves divisions, makv jmortises by pay preventing for the sum of $2f0. The proposition mother, Mrsr EphEtyalker. Her baby was referred tp the committee on pubis very sick,with whooping cough. lic grounds. Jhas. Barker" has become salesman Attorney 'T. McClure- Peters-for-- t hef ore t he rtmrrctl and asked He will xelll hTough Hub of young men of the city a thal the agent, Mr. Rampton, of Clearfield. be allowed to erect a tennis court on Mrs. Elver Thompson is -- visiting the city hall grounds. The request was 1 with her mother, Mrs. EstheV Sessions. granted. There is seme talk of her coming to Councilman Linford jrchairman of reside in Syracuse in the near future. the water works committee, reported a thatlhe at the opera meeting masjg If you "have not examined the John "declared of house .for construction the Deere mowers and rakes-- "do so'befor.e new. a the and tank 1 against storage ";; ' , ' W' '"I1 you buy. Consolidated Wagori and 1 A of water meters. i installation -Machine "Company, Layton. iv. Councilman Walter Cottrell, -- Hiive you noticed" that't he man who man of the Electric hajs an auto first had a John Deere reported at length concerning electric SDreader? Sold by the Consolidated meters which had not ben paid for and Wagon and Machine Company. Advr was instructed to get a line on all such r meters and have the city ' electrician o ten specify euKar companies sanu. llnless promptly paid John Deere beet cultivators because for. The city electrician was ordered Sanitary Floor with Concrete. Manger And Swinging Stanchions they are the best. Sold, by the Con- to connect Charles Beiinettwith up sol idated W a gon and Machine Comthe lighting system, and S. Nielsen & the breeding of flies, in the Having of tamping the concrete around greased pany. Adv. Sonwere granted the day rate- for iquid manure, in the reduction of la- tapering wooden cores, which are Tom Sessons fell off the slaughter power purposes in their blacksmith bor, and in the increased flow and im- withdrawn as soon us the concrete' house at Clearfield last Wednesday shop. proved quality of milk. The plan de- stiffens. A wooden float is best for Four Generations in the Family. of Thomas E. Harris. below is for u barn in which finishing the floor. A steel trowel scribed and sprained his foot very badly. The Councilman Layton, chairman of the Thomas E. Harris, Mrs. J. D. Craig, two rows of cows stand heels to- yields u surface entirely too smooth, the doctor had to be called in. It is still streets committee reported in favor Mrs. Frank Schmalz, David Schmalz." . each ward other, with a driveway be- and such u finish should always be very much swollen. He is obliged to of furnishing the pipe for a culvert ' tween. It is easily modified to the op- roughened by brushing witli a stable In thetreet adjoining the Arthur children, his brother, Mr. and Mrs. D. Song J. D. Harris ami wife, and walk on crutches. Mr. Smith posite arrangement. Likewise the me- broom. Sbnith B. Harris, besides a number of other Calvin Waldron and wife. Henry Williams has pulled out over would property, provided While the concrete of the three place the same and make the thod is adaptable to" both old and new relatives and friends, making a total Speech James Criddlf.-.-- , ninehundred apple trees, all choice apstalls is still soft, mold the stanchion road grade. He also recommended burns. of seventy-ninSong Shirley Craig. ples, Johuatnis and Wjnesaps; the Floor and the of the Planning Gruding the ditch settingfG inches thick) upon it. As that IrrigaKaysville All conceded it a privilege to parRecitation Leone Munn. fruit from themwaajy,riyfinaindeed; forms use the projecting be height tion changetfilon ticipate in the splendid time thatwas Speech Bishop UrGrWattT" they were nine yeacsold and first bein 2 4 of on and centers stalls the jTpiece ptucer by already from of the. Joseph Peak, property T. ginning to bear good, but in had. The following program was renSong; Once I Had a Fortune spite of the 1 d boards in und 6 two inches from feet to by alike the be shared length by expense dered, which paid honor and respect E. Harris. the good crops and fijvp fruit he has The together so us to provide another and Mr. manger wall to drop gutter. the company irrigation D. city, dance Adams. to the noble character and life of Bro, E. never been able to pay expenses on Step 2 wide 6 is Inches the feet at was The recommendation height untTa bearing plate to rest Peak. manger "Harris. The program was arranged Speech Christopher Weaver. them, as there was no sale for them. on 2 one and the the with at feet bottom, green concrete. These forms top and read off by himself. Song Charles Draper, given in the He is. seeding the land to grain. d y for swingmade be to floor. the face 'The matter of appointing a water may sloping up Samoan language." Piano selection Edna Schmalz. The 7 the forms with befrom Fill near tent the is stanchions. The measured inches, master for the New Survey was posting depth meeting house, Uncle Josh Verne Sketch of the life of T. E. Harris Recitation, surthe to 8 inches wet and was the stanchion burned poned for two weeks. longing concrete, trowel, mushy Harry Lowther, setting, Munn. D. B. Harris. the and to the ground on Friday evening, He is set feed round the The floor. from the alley corners, face, The city marshal requested instrucalley Song Abraham Higgs. Song Marion F. Adams and wife. has first recently been appointed jani- tion in relation to stock running at Recitation-M- iss T. Ina Smith. Story, Going to the Canyon tor the new meeting house and the large, and after discussion in which the for E. Harris. Song Nevie and Aletha Harris. hall and was living in the shortage of hay was set forth, it was Aunt Browett step dance Mrs. J. .Resitation, Vacation Song Ruby amusement tent his wife and two young chil- decided to allow Btock to be grazed on with D. Craig. Craig. dren until something better could be the streets of the city, provided a Recitation, Over the Hills to the Poem, composed and read by Gorilla procured. caretaker was with such stock and VernaT Munn. Poorhouse Muir on the life of her father. He here came from a about that all stock should be placed in a England After the program a- dainty Song T. E. Harris and his and his wife followed shortly safe enclosure by sunset and not taken year ago, luncheon was served, the first daughters. after. She had in the tent a large therefrom until after the sun was D course on Daniel Harris, consisting of sandwiches, poSpeech house- shining over the mountains in the tato salad, green onions and water English packing hamper full of noble character" of T. E. Harris. hold etc. Silver linens, wedding pres- morning. The marshal was instructed Mi J. D. and Robert cress, and the second ice cream, cake Song, Juanita ents she her from with all to stock found at Engbrought impound large, and punchr C. Harris. It was a grand occasion in honor of land, in fact, all they possessed was with or without a keeper, between sunDialog, Discussing the Weather in the tent with them, and everything set and sunrise. a grand old man. Annie Watt and Priscilla-Adams- . n of Concrete Dairy-BarFloor Showing Usual Dimensions was burned, including all their clothThe matter of constructing an ading. One little girl was asleep in the ditional reservoir was discussed and 4 feet 6 inches wide. The drop-guttstanchion holders. Repeat thjpera-tio- n taxes on account jof double assessment. bed and was only just snatched off in it was determined to COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, with the has a width of 18 inches. It is 8 inches proceed until all stall floorirare comThe treasurer was instructed to in- time before the tent fell in. MEETING was once. work at They Thursday morning J. deep gauged from the stall floor, pleted. The feed alleys and driveway he also jjsked were able to save nothing but a few selected as the time when the entire which is 2 inches higher than the Wm. L. Rigby was present and he vestigate thematter; are easily built; they are merely what should be doneyithmoney re- scorched bedclothes and were left council would meet and proceed to asked that a lane running 'east from d sidewalks. Place the For establishing grade driveway. sale. No ceived from auditors-deed- s with nothing but what they the intake of the water system and lines a waste-watin the mangers at level outlets a Jennings lane (North Centerville) be action was taken on this matter. (or carpenters spirit stood up in. the same. - rt inspect 28 and give the of intervals feet and are chalk line a water opened to the mountain. The' board very level) A communication from the D. & R. Of course, nothin g Js insured,and ' Council adjourned. fence 1 the and maintain road. out? to toward of inch a slope agreed helpful. G. RyrCdi in regard to the overhead much sympathy is felt for them in a distance of 14 feet on each let of floor the for To provided the land owners would give prevent possibility filed. aCCIearfield was read and their distressing circumstances. PROCLAMATION . the land. Also in respect to the Lund bridge side of it. The drop gutters may be , all before manure remove settling, MrsA. B. Richardson made applilane (South Farmington) being closed, in like manner or cai be drained earthen Burface of the. The Mutuals here gave a program grading the Mayors Office, Kaysville, Utsh cation for the use of the court room at the commissioners took the matter unone-afloor. Carefully tamp back the dirt sloped slightly in one directionVfor plays on Friday ome date in May, in case the ladies of two short ReThe Commission for Whereas, der advisement around water- - pipes and the drains their full length. For ease in cleanG. A. R. organization of Davis county evening. This ends their activities for lief in" National its Belgium, through A petition was read from JosepJriE. which carry waste water and liquid ing, round all angles and corners (exshould wish to hold a reunion in said the season. Wood named Committee President old by Wilcox in regard to digging upte manure pit. cept at the bottom of the drop gut-termanure to the water-tigThere was a large attendance at room. Referred to Commissioner Hess row need states the for that Wilson, roadDo all filling as long as possible beby applying a 1 to 2 cement-san- d the two short plays, which were much gas pipe line, where it is in, the with power to act. food and for the 3,000,000 clothing mortar immediately after removfloor. As a ways, between Centerville and the Salt for the job of sprink- appreciated. In one of them, entitled destitute in the war occupied zones of fore building the concrete Applications Lake county line. foundation for the stall floors' proper, ing the forms. of the state road, from Graft, the cast was entirely of the and northern" France contiri Belgium thickness of coarse The clerk was instructed to inform ling portions did Caring for Cattle and Floor and place a splendidly, they Wm: Rigby and Margin France, were junior boys ues; to screened stone or broken the petitioner that the county did not read and to manner the bom? Regardless of The kind of floor, bedgravel taking their parts filed. The National of Whereas, Society contact with direct floor from the The own any riht or title to the gas pipe The ding of straw or litter is an absolute other, entitled Hebrew, keep A letter from Mr. H. S. Joseph was Revothe of the American Daughters is done to are floors stall Folthe Since if the ground." necessity; it keps the cow clean and line, and that any damage read and filed, and one from Mrs. Mar- was most excellently caried out. Comin lution the with absorbs the valuable liquid manure. make well is to the of prime importance, it the county highways in digging up tha Gray was read and referred to the lowing is the program: mission in have Relief for Belgium, If the help can not be depended on to the this them first. During Male Quartet. operation pipe fine, the parties doing the damage Attorney. County na8 to celebrate as a agreed bed April be road-can the cows properly, it is advisable 1 unpaved driveway and alleys Prayer Delbert Wilcox." wijl be held responsible; also, the An application for the appointment in commemotional Day (Tag) a removable wooden grating or Flag in use to Then conused as working space. finish, Clarence Nelson, The Hebrew yay must be put back in of registration officer, from Mrs. Jane I and ration of Alberts drivebirthday, King order named, the feed alleys, the platform. Cork bricks also give Gertrude Wilier and Elizabeth Smed-ledition as it now is. W. Underwood, was read and filed. the herewith young following appoint results, but are somewhat Commissioner Cook reported that he ways, the mangers and lastly the gut. u The County Clerk was authorized to Mollie deEvelin Barnes, ladies, Galley, ters. They are set in a and Mr. Hess had examined the roads I Song Mr. John H. Holden, entitled needed supplies for the justiLois Estella purchase and in ' held Barker, are Epperson, Gladys in South Weber and Weber canyon, pression in the floor Mixing and Laying the Concrete. A Game of Gold. ces the of and who are peace. Jarman Claire concrete Gleason, l , For the plan given, 6 feet 6 inches position .on all sides by the had authorized the supervisors to Graft Reese Beard, Bertro Call, David Lewis of Centervilld personsell Belgian tag flags in from the center line of-- the driveway acting as a curb. to authorized im-' Carl Barker, May Walker. proceed at once with the work of on Saturday, April 8, and ally asked the board for some AssistWith the proportions and thickness stake on edge (and to line and grade) proving them. Quite a number of people from here Kaysville ance from the county. Referred to humanitarian the a Whereas, aboVe, 4 hags (1 barrel) of ceas serve h great to 2 given a planki On motion it was ordered that the by are "in Sale Lake this week attending Commissioner Hatch. is work of this commission strictly form for the stall floor at the gutter. ment, 10 cubic feet of sand (say ' ' conference. , telephone poles be moved to 20 feet Officer Alma Hardys quarcivil Likewise set ft similar board, 5 feet cubis yard) and 20 cubic feet of Health the neutral, approved by being from the center of the troad on Church A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. and filed. was read the" belof authorities and cubic yard) report terly military manger crushed rock (about street (Layton) and property owners distant, to mold the Holbrook on Tuesday, March claims was ap- Joseph of usual list The 50 of floor. feet to 45 will in Bear ligerent powers, square stanchion and wall lay setting. be allowed to construct a sidewalk be28; both mother and baby are doing and allowed. G. M. Barnes, mayor of mind that the stall floor has a slope of The usual cost of this mucXjnaterial John proved I, tween the poles and the property lines. well. therefore urgently request 1 inch toward the stall floor. Drain- alone is $2.50. The floor soon pays Adjourned to April 17, 1916. A letter from the State Road Mr. and Mrs, Clarence. Nelson are Kaysville, of our citizens respond lib age for gutters and mangers will be for itself many, times over. all. that , ip relation to the. construction being congratulated upon the birth of Why Constipation Injures. so that we may this to appeal, erally Davis roads for in concrete of county The bowels are the natural sewerage a fine baby boy, bom Tuesday, April do our share in relieving the dire disthis season was read and filed. 4. Mother and child are both doing April Conference is coming soon. e The presbytery of Ogden will meet system of the body. "When these of tress . and innocent hfelpless commisfetr hats now. We Mr. Jonn Pippin askefl the Leave obstructed by constipation a part well. in the Presbyterian chapel of Kaysseas. the across war" of. the victims sioners i4 the county was going to do of the poisonous matter which they to be very busy.' Kaysville Mil- At last meeting Suhday fivc;fine, 7.30 expect , at 1916, 1910, . . 6, ville, April any cement work oh a certain road in should carry off is absorbed into the large babies were blessed. Syracuse is linery. Adv. 3 23. , (Signed) JOHN G. M. BARNES, will be opened The m. meeting Mr. Beesleysdistrict (Clinton); Mr. feystem," p. its population. making you feel dull and stu- certainly increasing 30,000 acres Uinta Basin lands, $10 Mayor of Kaysville. with a sermon by the retiring Moderat s' Pippin was authorized to purchase a pid, and interfering with the digestion extor. Everybody cordially invited to to $20 per ftcre with water. First ton of cement for the purpose. If you have an old hat to be made and assimilation of food. This condi March 29th. Do you want to A large delegation from Kaysville this meeting. Business session will cursion, County Treasurer Burton reported tion is quickly relieved by Chamber- new,- leave it with the Kaysville Mil Herbert E. Smith for parCall go? that he had received a letter from the lains Tablets. Obtainable everywhere, linery now. There will be no time wijl attend the Jefferson Day banquet continue through Tuesday. It. ticulars. . Adv., M. PORTER. W. U. P. R. R. Co, asking for a refund of ; later. Adv. at the Hotel Utah, Saturday evening. Adv. ApriL His Seventy-Fift- h Mil, ..(one. first of the month meeting at the city Method hall last John - A na sons-in-la- - 1 -- , samt-iry'b- - i - . - 'Hi k - , ' - uw ee, light-committ- V . -- - e, 1 ot toe-naile- ch m . dish-shape- feed-alle- ' , - two-cour- se v Cross-sectio- n er ot dis-titu- te rough-finishe- er bot-tdr- " ct s) ht ch as-goo- d - sfttis-facto- ry y. ch J2-inc- , , ch . Com-misi- on they-becom- your-order- s :, ' MondayK-ApfiTlO- - 3-2- 3. , - . " 'n. " " . i j , |