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Show v- -- v 'V THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH ELDERLY-WOME- N Potato Doughnuts SAFEGUARDED (Write rain Tell Others How They Were Carried Safely Through Change of life. . h -- 6 Baking Powder 1 Com Vegetable 45 and had the Change of life, pound. When 1 was UUU ggp W ings that I took several bottles. I am now well and healthy and reeom- mend your Compound to other ladies. Mrs. MARY Ridgway, Durand, Wis.' A MassachusettsWoman 'Writes My troubles Blackstone, Mass. were from my age, and 1 felt awfully eick for three years. I had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. I took Lydia E. Plnkhams Vegetable Compound and now am well. Mrs. Pierre Cournoyer, Box 239, Blackstoiie, Mass. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu lari ties, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness, should be heeded women. Lydia EL Pink-haby middle-age- d Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through this crisis. . ms " mjrcxiA.y or u-2q- W r"r- - 1 teg V? V friend .recom: mended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feel- ,.;r y cywws Try a can ssrs HE (which have lone much damage have been der veloped rapidly by the Kaisers naval constructors. xu JAQUES MFG. CO. CHICAGO ats A AM ' t ui, more striking proof of the rapidity of modern advance tn engineering could be quoted than the startling career of. the airship and submarine, both but a few years ago a mere possibility looked upon with more or less skepticism, but at the present day among the moL Jarful weapons of ships which JKfTVZ r cJLW&UVM' Case Mrs. 219Laura 8. Lillie Burke. St., Moscow, Idaho, 1 an atbad says: tack of the grip which settled in my kidneys. Tbs pain almost drovs me craiy. I had hot cloths put on my back, but they gave only tempo- rary relief. My kidneys were in a bad condition and the kidney secretions highly colored. 1 was In bed for over a month and was totally helplesa I finally used Doan's Kidney Pills and got great lief. Get Dese's at Any Steve, SOc a Bes re- ter, whereas at the surface, knotq per hour are reached bymodern submarines, the radius of action, without replenishing the olltanks, being 5.000 to 7000 miles. The torpedo Is to the submarine what the projectile Is to the gun. Each of .the later type of German submarine is fitted with ten to twelve torpedoes andslx torpedo tubes (four ahead and two astern) thus allowing the torpedoes to be fired, if desired. In Germany Held Back. Bauers attempt to attack the Danish flet with bis "brandtaucher" ("Are diver). It Is true, proved a failure, the craft foundering In Kiel arbor. However, his boat was rescued In 1887 and now stands In the couityard of the Berlin Museum of Oceanography, a lasting monument of Bauers inventive genius. The 8wesh engineer Nordenfeldt, about thirty years ago. completed the Inventloniof the modern submarine In its leaAng lines. The problem of submiine navlg tlon has ever since been tn the order of the day, the French the first to undertake met Intended to promote the the surface, the horizontal rudders are acted on, thus. overcoming the last traces of buoyancy. In order again to rise to the surface, the water la driven out by compressed air and the horizontal rudders sra set working. FOSTERACLRURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure 1. ! ft CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purdy vegeta- ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner distress-cure Indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten the eyea. SMALL FOX, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PR1CE Genuine must bear Signature BLACK T. I Atoto V1f A ,4 USSR PRTYDrm SUBTLY kr CsttWi BlMktas PHHL P1 lelUbl; prV.nM to (ink Mocteea toe, to, toy ara tact etews IMr ic W rlta far booklet sod tMUnaoUa. m pfcfa. Blaalitaf Put, fi.ss Wun pkM. sifcls Pill 4.P Cm any tnfcrtor, bat Cottar, btot. Tbs mpariortty of Cottar product, 1. du, to U yoan of apacUIUIn hi laimi sag aaly. Iwtrt aa Cottar',. If nnobtalaahla. order dlrert. TNC CUTTES LABORATORY, Bartrfay, CtJilaraU. mat 4 of the submarine. DOANS m Other Germany (in 1905) amon were slow in following su as there were no really suitable sut marines available, thre 4aa in fact no harm in observing a wee reserve, while other nations wer time and money on costly spending experiments. Events go to shoi that the Oem. bu known np for any delay In this 7 resect 'Many Problems Involved. A submarine to be realli suitable, should be especially seaworthy, being able not only to sail on the surface, but to st Aid the enormous water pressure at considerable depth, its bull, therefore. Is made of highly resistant steel plates. An ovoidal ot lengthy ellipsoidal shape Is most convenient The problem of propulsion 'js one of the most important While use of the same type of motor for .stbmarlne navigation and sailing at th4 surface would be satisfactory, it la Cor many reasons prefenredjo, propeLLhs craft by mean- - of an electric motor (fed from accumulators) when submerged, using a steam engine, gasoline or! preferably, a Diesel (oil) motor (or surface navigation. A speed of lo-knots la all that is required below wa te n t ill t .. la saadad ynaatfy J ward ad A3 U ESm. A J lu il - ter AaS, W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 15-11- 11, of quick succession. Fearful Strain on Men. The diving power of the submarine of course is of the highest Importance. Sufficient water having been admitted to Immerse the boat and caase only the conning tower to protrude from The problem, tfle problem of seeing and ob most-diffic- how-everT- ult la the submarine. Service on the submarine is el tremely trying. In fact- - It puts all mental capacities to perpetual strain, In handling the apparatus and machinery gauges, periscope, compass, engines, etc. Any mistake Is liable to result In the death of the whole crew. To this should be added the lack of exercise, and the vitiated air which Is Insufficiently regenerated by compressed air during under water sailing. Many safeguards have been de signed for protection against submarine attacks. Torpedo netting would seem to be relatively most effective, though modern submarines somehow frequently manage to slide past below such Viettlng and strike." LUXURY IN PURITAN DAYS S was tatlon of an occasional venial luxury. At no time, of course, luxury Walter E. Weyl in Harpers Magacompletely absent from America. Men zine. spend when the purse Is full, even though the purse be small Not all Taking No More Chances. the sumptuary laws of seventeenth-centurAn Irvington business man was Massachusetts could prevent called to Buffalo, N. Y., to report to sober Puritans from launching Into the head ofthe flrnL'whlch he represents, - After be ' ad arrived regparel "woolen, sllke or lynnen, with istered at a hotel and was there, to assigned lace onlt, silver, golde. alike or his room, he discovered that his Even the pious slid back threed." had been stolen. While he was slashed doubleta with embroidered Into In a deep o,udy about this misfortune, sleeves, Into , gold or silver girdles, a Western Union knocked on his belts, ruffs, beavr hatta," door and left a boy It was a telegram. rank apno while women of particular brief message from his wife saying and silk forbidden tiffany their home In peared la Indianapolis, and Its hoods. A century later we encounter contents, bad been burned. The Irr show Hancocks disapproval of John man then left the hotel to reington of his In Uving, and extravagance port to his boss, and in going to the French and English furniture, his office walked In the middle of the dances, dinners, carriages, street. and fine clothes. Washington "Whats the matter with .ou? said starved with his soldiers at Valley boss when be entered the office. his Forge, but lived like an English genout the window,-- f saw you Looking Vernonr Mount tleman te his home at down the middle of the street. ab- coming Luxury, pomp, ceremonial were not Are nuts?" you sent. In the eighteenth century, and said the "No, Irvington man. "I who cheered even ardent democrats, to want take dont any more chances and the glorious prin- of bad luck and Citizen Genet a build'ng fall have ' ciples of '89, and who dearly hated all on me. News. Indianapolis aristocrats, were not beyond the tempy trom-pureh..- ,nt-. pock-etboo- k hat-band- s, wine-cella- Ca wrapt oi AsCrw - Bananas can be ripened in a room kept at 11Q degrees. Forty-eigh- t different materials are Every day the River Thames scoops used In the construction of a piano, 1,500 tons of earth from Its banks. which come from no fewer than tlx! A elephant yields 120 of teen countries. Ivory, pounds The government of Argentina plans Eighteen thousand bricks can be manufactured by the steam process in to import .camels as an experiment ten hours. to take the place of horses and oxen An Induction balance . hat been de- In semlarid regions. vised for the purpose of locating burled James Berry, who recently celeshells In the soil of the former battle- brated his eightieth birthday, has been field, so that the fanner may go oy employed in the United States capl-to- l it safely with the plow. at Washington for 50 years. WORTH KNOWING n kj!iey TwoHonwoolUUW. Awtrrftd GRAND PRIZE st the P.P.LL Tho Theater a War Tonic. "Can you Imagine the state tho nerves of the country would be In but for the necessary mind recreation provided by the theaters?" the London Chronicle asks in calling attention to the fact that the war has been prolonged for more than eighteen months and that the end Is not yet tn sight. evening st one of tho theaters, It goes on, "Is a safeguard It is against nervous breakdown. a tonic more effective than doctors medicine. All the senses are quickened, and Instead of depression we have alertness; optimism. Instead of pessimism. Gladstone went to the theater for mind relief in a time of national strain; so did Abraham Lincoln, and the late tard Roberts advocated showing a cheerful countenance to the "A weekly t. ot ar Colling Uncle Down. "When I was a youngster, remark ed Uncle Draggles. I war about the world. ! STOP SCRATCHING! RESIN0L RELIEVES ITCHING INSTANTLY That itching, burning skin-troubl- e which keeps yon scratching and digging, la a source of disgust to others as well as of torment to you. Why dont you get rid of it by using Resb not Ointment? Physicians have prescribed it for over 20 year. In most cases, it stops itching Instantly 2nd heals eruptions promptly. It is very easy and economical to use. Sold by all druggists. Adv. Rotterdams Trade Grows. The sea trade of Holland's great port, - Rotterdam, waa increased tre- mendously since the"war broke out, and it is now necessary to deepen the channel connecting the port with the North sea to a depth of 38 feet, which later will be continued to 41 feet at high tide, the operation involving r moval of more than 10,00(000 cubio yards of earth by dredging. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sun emedy for Infants and children, and see that It best baseball player in this county. What did you pipy? "Pitcher, catcher, shortstop an all the Teat of em, f Signature of Yes, Uncle, spoke up little Willie, In Use for Over 30 Years. the champion bright child- .- "But we're Children Cry for Fletcher Castoria talking about baseball; not amateur theatricals. To acquire wealth is difficult, to keep it is more difficult, and to spend it wisely is most difficult. Wheres H Got It? "Bet I know .where you got-th- at necktie. They once tried to shut a woman "Five bucks says you dont. up in a lunatic asylum but they say Around your neck, you boob. she kept on talking. ' The stronger the language a man uses the more confidence a woman has in his bravery, Sudden Death the The cream of society is composed of people who have money but are unable to remember how they got it. After Grip Then Spring Fever ? Caused by Disease of Kidney The close connection between the This Is the time of year to look Heart and the kidneys is well known out for trouble! We feel weak our aow&days. 'When kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is Increased and the blood seems hot no appetite. Its functions are attacked. Heart The Dardanelles, poc. 7ic mcL FREE Levi Strauss A Co., Saa Francisco which I tried Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t gave me instant relief. I was then able to resume work. Swamp-Roo- t ii the only relief I can get from kidney disease which I am subject to in the spring of the year. I am writing this testimonial through my own free will that sufferers of kidney and bladder diseases will know of the wonderful merita of Swamp-RooI recommend Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t whenever I can and always have a bottle of Swamp-Roo- t in my home. of Mr. C. J I purchased Swamp-Roo- t Burnside, Druggist, of 202 Main Street, Ripon, Wis. Very truly yours, - THOMAS J. LYNCH, 625 Newbury Street, Ripon, Wis. I have read the above statement that Thomas J. Lynch bought Dr. Kilmer'S Swamp-Roo- t at my stors and made oath the above statement is true in substance and fact. E. J. Burnside Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15tb day of November, 1911. F. A. PRESTON Will Do For Yon Prove What Swamp-RoSend ten cenU to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You wil. also receive a booklet ot valuable Information, telling about the kidneys and blad' der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cen- t and aise bottles for sals at all drug Stores. Adv. one-doll- cuiMt wppb i dim prepaid thaa, IWw.r, ol ImiUboat Look lor relief. rs , . taining oneTbeartngs under water. Periscopes are used for this; that Is, tubes several meters long carrying at the upper end a system of mirror prisms, reflect the Image of the borfc son through the tube to the lower prisms and thence into the Interior 18-2- 0 full-grow- W 75c the suit wo V V, wiU wad On several oecasions I have been unable to work and tattered severe psins in the back, due to my kidnrya. I called on a doctor of Kipon, Wis., but received no CUT Though this attemi was not successful, the Idea was ever since lost sight of. Fulton offe ed Napoleon a submarine of his Intention for the contemplated Invasion of Great Bri tain, and a German engineer, Wilhelm Bauer, In 1850, came forth with plans for a submarine by which, as stated by Burgoyne, an .English writer on maritime subjects, 'the solution of the problem of submadne navigation was promoted to a higher degree than by any other inventor.! : An Idaho U Result of Overwork ZKZZX pkyttme 1 to ciuklrca i lift to atop eircuUboa. Mda m biui dmim, tad Uue mad whfie hickory tapes lot ail the year round. Abo toatennl in kghtef wetfta, dork bhiOkCodict blue, ton or dark red for itotuner reot, ol appcopnotdy tounaned with fut color eaUteo. Mode in Dutch neck with e&nw deerea end high neck and s Weak Kidneys Often the boils are on his neighbor. tug yetn ol age. Made m on piee wH abpprd mi or ol droJberk. 4 eUtoc bfiodi sel Is Tor salo. Occasionally a dark blue stripe may be seen running fore and aft on a vessel; as a matter of fact, this Is a sign of recent bereavement. Rlne Is the sailor's mourning, and the stripe of this color takes the plare of the black margin or band used by the landsmen ns a notification of death. It is not at all difficult 'Tor a man to have the patience of Job If the - pult prertkc!. nrt minted . the meaning seaport Towns to gm-sof A basket slung from the mainmast head is a sailor's sign to notify that tho cargo has been loaded or discharged, as the case may be. and that the ship Is ready to start on her next trip. This she cannot do until the nsfial board of trade formalities have been observed, and the ship's papers, which, while a ship Is In port, are deposited with the hoard of trade, have been returned to the captatn. A generally mysterious emblemris a hesoiuTashed to a mainmast or bridge railing. This is to signify that the ves- nd Get rid of it Probably your kidneys are out of order. Resume sensible habits and help the kidneys. Then, kidney backache will go. also the dizzy spells, lameness, stiffness, tired feelings, nervousness, rheumatic pains and bladder troubles. Use Doans Kidney Pills. Thousands recommend them. TKe Bo trmenti hang from dwellers 'In Strange signs .Off, Kleen Keep KidstkUul. , The beginnTngs of the submarine, though not dattrg back to Greek anti-- ' qulty as the ini yuon of aerial navigation, are olde than la generally thought Leaving out of account the early attempts of a Dutch physicist CLEAR RED PIMPLY FACES In 1620--atheEagllshman Symons In 1747 it will came as a Red Hands, Red Scalp With Cutlcura to surprise many that the Americans tn the and Ointment. Trial Free. Soap War of Independence, In 1773, endeavored to make the trst submarine at The soap to cleanse and purify, the tack. Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing better, quicker, safer, surer at any price for skin troubles of young or old that itch, burn, crust, scale, tor ture or disfigure. Besides, they meet every want In toilet preparations. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. That Ache ! Stop Don't worry about a bad back. 2.0 b.Pdl ed, But Are Plainly Understood ' by Sailors. this greatest of wars. There are about a thousand kinds of mosquitoes. OVERALLS Little Meaning to the Uninitiat- Have Time. What caused the coolness between you and Jones? A heated argument. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets sre tbs original little liver pills put up 40 years ego. They regulate liver and bowela. Adv. todayat our' risk. .A Handy Book containing 10 Cook-Ir- -g and 54 Tested Recipes will will send be mailed you FREE if 'v your na p1 ard aOJn-fcut- at U-Bo- to please. 505!7:vAlwayssure frqtf 'm 7wi wil Vi 7 n ir-- rrsw A Hot :i? the moisture several days. An with the pure I am the mother of Durand, Wis. fourteen children and I owe my life to Lydia E Pinkh&ms i Ktclpa) excellent wholesome food when made" . a foe When time to clean house! This is when he kidneys no longer pour forth waste, the blood is dogged and we suffer uremic poisoning occurs and the per- from what is commonly called a cold. a son dies, and the cause is often given Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovas heart disease, or disease of brain ery purifies the blood and entirely or lungs. eradicates the poisons that breed and a good Insurance against such It a risk to send 10 cents for a large feed disease. Pure blood la t: trial package of "Anuric" the latest to good health. The wet'--, rr r discovery of Dr. Pierce. When you debilitated condition wi suffer frdm backache, frequent or people experience ix cJ scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or feet of imr--r t r The present name of Dardanelles was given to the ancient Hellespont from theYO castles that protect the narrowest pari of the strait, and that themselves preserve the name of the famous City of Dardanus in the an clent Troad. The name of 'Dardanelles" Is briefly referred to as baring been derived from the name of the City of Dardanus, but the Ency- there, or that constant tired, worn-ou- t net feeling, get "Anuric" at the .'nggist cry clopedia Britannlca states that it 37 Itstimes more potent the twin castles for which the strait oe .'v dissolves uric add as Is actually named v. 1 - sugar. A -- |