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Show Jl BOUNTIFUL ,C Silos vSf trans-Continen- 4 , .. . INTERLOCKING CEMENT STAVE SILO, 10 by 30 fWt, greeted on John Frahm farm near Murray, Utah has capae- ' -- of Milford, Hof L t t i.V? OUR NEW PREMIUM OFFER five-year-o- ROCKERS Free To Our Customers Call and see them and gefa punch card Myron W. Phillips, A Confectioner The graded school under the direction of Mrs. Sitzer gave a very interesting musical Sunday evening in the First Ward meeting house. The house was crowded to its capacity. Mouse Cleaning Some bargains in laces and other I lime Is Here. Your house or outbuildings may need a coat of lint. We have it. The famous lasury brand. Your walls may needjreshening and recoloring. The material to do it with is C. 2). . EafwCo i s . s (jtah HYDE . THiq Make Your Home Store Grow. w We will be glad at any time shovv you what we have. r And k A HERBERT E. SMITH COMPANY Hansons Office Abstractor a - - SHEFFIELD NOTARY PUBLIC Kaysville . . hirst Clam Works Quick Utah Oak Leaf Poultry Farm and Motto x Up-to-da- te Our TELEPHONE 45-- J CASH PAID FOR POULTRY AND EGGS., Agents for Conkeys Poultry ana Stock PLUMBING! Remedies. 1 A" General plumbing repairing will receive prompt at- - - 4- -. tention;' Ei WbitaKer W. KAYSVILLE UTAH KAYSVILLE, DENTIST Dr. Grant Place . Kaysville, Utah Ihoi.e 41 Kaysville Exchange, nr 9 Bountiful for aopoiatmenta. . Office In We build all kinds of , buildings and do all kinds of cement con- - PREPAREDNESS Crete work, Let us figure with you Kaysville, Adv. l S Uta- hr- SE c 3 Do you believe in Preparedness ? We do. special preparations to give y ouubetter-servic- e We have made during the rush of spring work that is sure to begin in a few days. Yes, why not today?- - Bring in your Plows, Harrows and, Cultivators and have them put in first-clashape. Dont delay. The policy should be put into effect at once. Manys the time that you have been caught in the rush of e arly spring work with broken tools that you need badly, Dons let it happen this year. YOURS FOR SERVICE, ss do-it-no- Quality' w S. Neilson and Son Meats KAYSVILLE, UTAH. m al- ways with first quality meats the only kind buy or serve on your table.. We carry not only the staples but also the delicacies that go to make a complete market stock. We want to serve you. NiaC BONNEKORT, Prcprktcr When You PYRAMIDS Kaysville Meat Market Cixi TJUGAILEY Electric Shoe Shop ' Open 5 C a banlc account, satisfy yourself7 that there is no question 4 to the solidity of the you-woul- d Notary Public P. A ILBkif. . Kaysville Millinery Store -- Licenced to 6--A meet them RO'DIJVSOJV I - - Building Contractors Co-o- p. . large assortmcnt of hats now on display." If we havent what you wish leave your order early and weAvill get it. Spencer Barton We Have lt j$e Bamberger depot. CaEs answered promptly day er night s.'hunle S. B. Chipman, and Mr. and Mr. m. (). Rotuttson returned Moduli' night from a business trip to ldutu ' trimmings at the Kaysville Millinery. nt R-Utlcd- PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OSes and Residence on Locust Street Mi No matter what your wants may bein the meat line we can meet them, and we The House of Quality. , the !a.t ld Miss' Lucy Hatch entertained Tier many friends at her home Friday evening in honor of Mr. Burnham Knowl-to- n of Farmington, who will leave shortly for Canada. Spring . A TnT Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moss returned home Sunday from Sam Francisco, Cal., where Mr. Moss had been at. tending a veterinary college. Kavs'Ville. Jtxh - Cal-o-Ti- cih , X Co. Stewart-Burto- n Kaysville Miss Cleo Robinoni it is will be hi oqght home toward-' of the week. Mts. Heber Sessions, who has bout Mrs. Judson Folman is suffering on with two broken ribs, caused by a jthe sick list at the home bf her in Bountiful for the mother fall.past week, las returned home much improved, m Mnu Joseph- - Hr- - Holbrook -- vs - quite iralth. J , , sick; she is suffering with blood poiOn March ISO, Justin Oviatf Uiu! soning. the two transient men who got 'into a Judson Mabey, of Bancroft, Ida., is on the north hound Bamberger quarrel visiting at the home , of his father, train and were arrest ed in' Ogden by . Joseph T. Mabey. officers who had been phoned Ui meet Mrs. Eccles and daughter, of Cali- the train. Sheriff Reading brought" fornia. are visitors at the home otMr. them tojarmingtonand both plea. led and Mrs. Wm. Doxcy. guilty to disturbing the peace One was fined $5 and costs, the othecC" The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. and costs. The man who was fined $ 5 Elmer Arbuckle has been quite illbut las paiiL up afttLouJeaving agrmMoi is now on the improve try to get funds to help his pal pay the $25 to save him from the 25 days Arley George returned home the imprisonment. first of the week from Bancroft, Ida., where he had been working. Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Robinson, attended The daughter of Mr. the Boston and Mrs. Heber Burningham is danGrand Opera Tuesday night in the Salt Lake theatre. gerously ill of heart trouble. They say that every seat was sold and that hunGrandma Luker passed away Sun- dreds were turned away, hot being day at her hpme in South Bountiful. able to get even standing room. The Funeral services were held Tuesday. cheapest parquet seats were $5.00, and Mrs. Annie E. Netelle returned standing room $3.00; standing room in the first circle was $2.50, ami in the Tuesday to her home in Idaho, after second circle $2.00. The third circle spending the winter here with relatickets were $1.00 each. The Salt Lake tives. people were given a rare treat in a Mrs. Agnes Smedley returned home musical line by this famous company. from the D, S. hospital Monday, whefe she had been operated on for FOR RENT The Taylor cottage to " the right party. James Criddle, Phone appendicitis. Mr. Wm. I)ox(yv who for the past 2413, Kaysville. Adv. few days has been quite ill, was able - ..Spring. to resume his work in the Bountiful is looked Spring upon by many as . ' Light, Wednesday. . the most delightful season of the year, Mr. A. F. Sundberg and family re- but this cannot be said of the rheucently moved to Salt Lake City, Mr. matic. Hie cold and damp weather J. S. Squires of Salt Lake City hag brings on rheumatic pains which are purchased his home. anything but pleasant. They can be Mrs. Sid. ILHale, of Preston, Ida., relieved, however, by applying Chamis visiting at the home of Fred M. berlains Liniment. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. April. Balwinkle. Mr. Hale was a former resident of this place. mail. Opening - pur- Mr. Allen Bryson moved his family to Centerville the first of the week There are many siloes of this construction in Davis all of county, hu h are gi satisfaction. vingJ For i information a s to uses of concrete, tear off the coupon below and u feIouIllai Co. Send Me Catalogue Millinery in Miss Bessie Steed was brought norm from the hospital in Salt Lake Tuesday Mr. W. R. Stark has been added to and is fast recovering from tlu. City the clerking force of the Gohlen Rule for appendicitis. operation store. ' Pleas inter-mounta- U. Foote, of Neplu, heie with her p.uents,. Mr. Mr. Willis Perkins is suffering with and Mrs. J. K. Robinson. an 'attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Vincent Devork, was visiting friends here UrfH The Rose City The Clean City County-se-at of rich and fertile Dans county. Home of the Miller" floral Company, the largest growers of flowers in the country. Location of the faln'-ou- s Lagoon resort. Has waterworks and electric lights. A fine place for residence. tal Mr. Ted Ilepworth has recently chased an automobile. ity of 50 tons of silage. U.r FARMINGTON Nine miles north of 'Salt xCity, suburban and residence town, largest city in Davis County, has waterworks, electric lights and power, telephones, cement sidewalks, surrounded by rich market gardens and fruit lands, two electric .railroads with low fares,' two railroads, brick ard, two banks, good business houses, commercial club, graded and high schools, churches and lodges. A good place to live. CEMENT STAVE .V II Examine ?lOur Condition . and you will be satisfied. that your money will be as safe ,as the Pyramids. Do not wait to get a large sum of money, start with what you have today. . 'ynion State "Banti BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. |