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Show I V I- - t ; 7. ' ' it : ' . . , . i v - I 't'ViWwwww t the Weekly reflex, Kaysville. utah -- Own aDiaVhoiid I lull. Doa l viih lot one. We show lU sizes of the detupble piJn. So t there u do question we o satisfy' yoa. We mount them any way' you wool' them. ' Out modest pzices-mskbuy j r but-tho- Tficres a VGFtfood rearon wr-wiftould makciaenfediliilioirGoj'- e BOYD PARK DARING ROBBER TACKLES JOB AND MANAGES TO ALONE MAKE MAKERS OF JEWEIJY, aga-has- h nur h sur Ru$ aches? 'Stomach e sitive? A Ettle cough? N strength? Tire easily? AH after effect cf this dreal mal-atf- y. Yea. they are catarrhaL Grip is at catarrhal disease, Yotrieaa never be well as long north-- ; tEjTUns by - WITH mSjLUFF-COODr- -- le cir U3Y THE UNITED STATES FORESTRY HEAVY LOSSES, I BUREAU! sen- 'I- - hf ) as catarrh remaixmnyour sysAttack South of Douiumont Also ReThe planting and care of trees will RBOR day has now become aS; Teutem, weakening, your whole sults jn Failure, Advancing seriated all O'er the United inculcate. in school children patience Met tons ef With Curtain body with stagnant blood and Being States' with patriotic and es- - and foresight and wrW impress upon From Fire Machine Guns. unhealthy secretions, " t . Darknes. fthetic as well as economic them the desirability of use of the resources of nature .dens. It I?, at once a means of doing t I .teuton hv the Grr- An both and eSthetically. and to tho economically community good Union practical Cheyenne, Wyo., i . further mans to senuh pros-on In of trees the The agiuvst pasMhe planting Overland Limited No. 1 wan, held up in incentive to civic betterment. TinDoiuiUr p French of in school been Arbor Vchool has Is trgtojv day children usually Wanting of trees by by a lone bandit ati Carlvtt junctio-of Verdun, ha mot s grounds or parks.. Recently it has benortheast tuotit, in everyeaspby..cere-ironieIts the one tonic for the after jive miles vest of here, early Tuesday iccompaniod losses bo used as a means of stirring "With repulse and to gun to both upon intended of impress were of gripi. because it is a e&cts relieud Seed that grow, ol course: Vogelti 1 .y1 Passengers ighL north of the Uuil- and up interest in roadside planting, first lit ihe same of trees the hose beauty catarrhal robber present treatment of proved Grade, and Tested Albltt 800, Tho. escaped. letto wood, the Frenoli hove continued in cities .and then In rural communicxcHencet. Timothy, Closet, and Grasses lot special Take it to clear The bandit appeared in the aisle of heir .effect in improving the appeaties. -- Tho city of New ark, N. J., is do- their progress In driving huet, the pasture mixtures. See that the seeds ne of the Pullmans, about 9 oclock, ring of school grounds, streets, porks effects cf grip, to the ad away . for yota rentable and flower gi ing model work in this lino. There is Teutons. tnd homos. left train the Cheyenne after clear up the bine the hortly digestion, den are Vof ici The German attack south of iHiuauf which Also soul Se As a patriotic festival it partakes of a special shade tree . No one In the car appeared to know foffammetf membranes regulate the Potatoes and Dry Land Or ini. ntont was launched against the French. celebra-10n- s issues a map o t tho city ou which tiro ' .towvfiLsntl sett yens on. the highway ow the robber entered,' and attention he nature of Fourth of July first lines of defense, ittr the French. in aro a tho streets their shown Vogel et Seeds look like other seeds, but that Washing-ufof lo eumpteCe recovery. observance or ttTTus the. when called as presence first they never fail to make good." And the variety of trees planted raked the advancing caro with, where in the and South, valuables Ftahsps amr r more ef yonr for from birthday, a began to call Send foe our catalog. It is Fiee 1m the some on each, a leaflet giving directions for their curtain of tire machine guns and In friends id it haw finpil it valuables is ie. reason propitious,, ie passengers, flourishing asking, to trees Thousands .them care and of retreat tho lire, infantry forcing ef people ht every state along 22. planting ates observed 9n February enforce his demands. in disoider northwest toward .thw havwunihavemldasaf ic Many certain-ba- d tho streets and a general Arbor, day Arbor of Tho day originator After the bandit had collected about been more thousands have' helped 'hauflotfr wood .one In 3,177' . yea nearly ts of the da to pamphlet. all ;00 in cash, according to Union Pa at critical times by this reliable t - on the An nuns46 attuckJiyt.he-.Gestreets. were trees .ory Many means planted mJ. But it was chiefly as a iftc officials, he disappeared from the family median. Salt Laka City, Utah ' other cities aro now organizing tho town of Haneonrr, northwest f Verinducing the people to rear coach. He slopped the train by dun, also fallen, as likewise did La i an attempt to supply the state of work of tree planting on tho Btreets, ulling. the hell cord, and. leaped out Is used case attempt to reach the French trenches Arbor and in every day ! raska with the trees necessary for into the darkness as soon as the train Seppois.'-tojhemounnear inter& s Vesgea means of as . sAny size roll film ' I A arousing public slowed down so that it was safe, for .utde, farm protection, and fuel and I U CCFllS Elsewhere tains. we.stera the along est. use that thp rber- for neighborhood developed him to' jump. The entire country in Has a lUHLOD VSaodpils. In 1013 tho United States bureau of front, there have been only reciprocal an of setting aside a certain day of Any size film peck O A the vicinity of the robbery is being fmu.tltlip woodpito- - walnut . logs men ts bom some hard and issued entitled acti bulletin r mining CCIltS .o jear for tree planting was adopted. education . developed scoured by posses on foot, horseback thrW ever blocks of ground frenpod onTlte line held by the E'.mfs h. Arl-oday has been celebrated in Hood Roads Arbor Day, in which Ity automobiles and in, the of the new is waiting completion Oil tho Russian front the artiiVry Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. hiasUa with enthusiasm from its wero set forth tho.advantages of plantMo. Chillicothe', at gunstock factory to Like Russians of the Not activity Ue S. Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah ry beginning in January, 1872, to the ing trees along tho highways DEMOCRATS WIN IN CHICAGO. men the force A ef Is up Um)' buying in- . only Bhould wo build good roads, wo region southeast of Dvinsk ha nsent day. Iowa., timber walnut in Kansas, creased, but in general' no Important U fore 1S72, however, planting had should also mako them attractive and Wards, Republicans Carry Twenty-onArkansas amt Stisouri Train-LoaIn over. to change in the position of the Ruscomfortable travel many One. Thirteen and Socialists 'on' haphazard ; and only those farmof tog cf arriving In Chillico-th- v lans and Germans have taken place. European countries this is done by to a were take who good scored Democrats willing. 's heatily Chicago. doily. The factory already has c NELSON-RICK- S ' CREAMERY CO. The Austrians have occupied the al of trouble to find out ways and planting tho roadside with rows of in Tuesdays aldermanic elections iu 859 Eoeles Avenue roil ef t,aih men oath when comSalt Lake City. Utah pay border ridge between LobhUuita and cans of improving their farms by trees. This treo planting by tho roadwards of the city. ihe thirty-fivwill he thniforgest plant of its pleted. was held by the outbreaks and groves did anyIant-ig- . side has not yet become common in Monte Fumo, which A' year ago the Democrats carried bs kind the country. With, a decrease WANTED men AND WOMEN. Now.liths to Italians: Artillery duels are still timeto learn the barber trails. Bar but seven wards, The adoption of the Arbor day this country, as it should. William 11 and demand to for gins, the manufacturing bers in demand. Special rat irogress on the Doberdo sector of the Observing Arbor Day. was elected dan meant the organization of the now open for 30 days.great wooden ware. uch. t motor car Thompson, Republican, ef Only short time required. Tools furnished and commission paid while learnSome objection has been made to Col. 1H latna and In the GtmLicarian and wagon vork in the state. As a result near-- y 147,477 mayor majority. by spoke. wiII he taken up. ing. Call or write Moler Baber School, 13 Coma billion trees have been planted in trees along tho roadsiilo on ;r.a ground Alps. mercial St., Salt Lake City, Utah. the Democrats carried Tuesday Another Zeppelin raid was made ett wet wenty-onwards, the Socialists one he state since the plan was first adopt- that they hinder drying out after England Monday night, the fourth in STOP EATTSG MEAT I? road if holds This the weather. ed more than Is that It estimated good EXPERT KODAK Finishing and the Republicans but thirteen. us Berlin says that formany BACK HURT KIDXEYS Have our professional photographers do your holdover alder 00,000 acres have been planted in is poorly built; jbut trees aro actually tifications days. There are thirty-fivwere atYarmouth near South Main finishing. CUIDI UDC road built well to an aid. In dry Nebraska. rees line-ukeepings to revised Salt Lake City. men, and with the if they are not planted too clone. Tho tacked. A British official statement Take a Cfats ff Saits to Clean Ki. Nebraska Needed Trees. Films Cameras Supplies date the Democrats came within four . Kansas and- Tennessee followed the roots by constantlV taking In water asserts that no casualties resulted and wye HT dodder Bothers Ysu wards of wresting control of the city that no damage was done. and the in Ueia assist AddL next Meat by and Forms the in tops of ead 1875, Nebraska drainage, THIEF OR BUSINESS MAN? council from their rivals. ear Minnesota fell into line. In Kan breaking the force! of driving rains . Reported Villa Loses keg, as the same conditions as In Nebraska prevent washes In tno roadway. Tito Eattog meat tegu tarty eventually Mrs. Harriman Wins 1laho Case. Some Reflections on Honesty That Mex. Villa haa Uwt Queretaro, immediate economic most important usg of trees by the of nado the kidney trouble to some form plan produces li Idaho Idaho. state The of Boise Seem a Little Harah at the May log, according to a dispatch- received or say n we tt known authority, ether, .without right to exact an Inheritance First Reading. by the war department from, tho mis because the uric acid to meat excite tax from Mrs. Mary V. Harriman nicipal president of the tows of T the kldneysL they beedtoe overworked; If you deliberately plan to Bell to widow' of E. H. Harriman, former head mosuchic, Chihuahua, who reports that and cause ad is This Pacific Union man another: system. Villa was so badly wounded to the get stoggtafr; clbg up something which you. of the sort fCatrewa, ef particularly backache know is not worth the price you ask, the conclusion reached by. the su surprise attack recently mad on tho and misery to the kidney region; rhea-- I and you depend on his lack of knowl?reme coui of this state In dismissing constitutionalist garrison at Guerrero motto twtogesL severe beadaebss. odd edge! concerning It to make It possithe application for writ of mandate that ampualon.ot he Umb wan aeees MiameciL cunaCpadun; torpid liter. ble for you to carry out the deal, yon jby Attorney General J. H. Peterson tc sary. sSsepUssmessL bladder and unwary h are a thief. be directed against the probate judge tttaCom. - Oh, it sounds a little harsh, does It? of Ada county. Jews to b Sent to Siberia. The moment your bock hurts or kld-tAnyone making that statement to New York. The Ruestoa govern small aetto right, or If bladder you you would call him a liar? Nevadan Charged With Horsestealing hosment has decreed that JewtsiF bothers yen. gat about four ounces of Tou hold that an article Is worth B&ckman Iowa. Sam amt Cali ether Ottumwa, tages from Lemberg front any good pharmacy; Salts dad to another man just what he Is willing wanted In Elko, Nev., charged with cluti cities who now ore to Kiev uut ha a glass of take a to pay for It. tahtespoonfril , those who have been expelleit front stealing a carload of horses and ship before tor e tow days water breakfast Mighty alimsy cover for your dis- ping them t?ack to Blakesburg, Iowa Galicia by administrative order must them act flam. and will your kidheya honesty, this. western inforto. the be sent started for city Tuesday Siberia, according t tomans to front the Thta made If your conscience does not botheit .in custody of Sheriff J. C. Harris ol sails mation obtained by the- American Demon Joint, comacid of and you after you have made a deal In' Lika grapes Jewish committee and made- pvilic which you know that you have wrongbined with Ethia. and baa been used here. , Sir generational to fftoh dogged kid- -, fully convinced a man that something State Treasurer Went Wrong. you sold him represents what he paid neys and stimulate toot to normal Prisoners to be Held to Stockade. SL Minn. Former State Treas for It, you have a mean, dishonest urer Paul, J. Smith was eetfvtCy; ato to neutralize the adds to Columbus, N. M. The Vllliata pci Walter given an in streak in yon. , oners will be confined in a wirestock-ade- the arm so It a fonger frrltaea,thu determinate. sentence of from one tc Tou are taking from that man someenifTng blaller CoordcrSL to be built on the military re five years in prison after he had plead Jod Sait cannot tejsae anyone; thing to which you are not entitled. ervatlon here, it was learned Sunday. ed guilty to a charge of second degree That la what the man does who ene delightful effjifvescent Rthiar-wate-r Bakes The stockade will be similar t that Smith turned $18,000 of state ters your house at night and rob larceny. which mUllona of men and drihk erected at Ft Bliss in ISIS for the school funds tohis own use. Restltu , yen. women new and them to keep the tale five Mexicab who thousand refugee - That he gives.you nothing In return tion Was made by friends. tin at El khfaeys sad arfnary argons dean, thus crossed international the and has not asked your permission beKvefutog cerfoas kidney disease. Adr. Paso when Villa attacked Juarez. Embargo on Grairv Shipments. Shady Street in Washington, D.C. fore hfi takes It is not an argument Calgary, Albert. Congestion at the on whlcn you may refute the date-'meTurks Sink Russian Transport. head of the lakes and at points east mportance. In Minnesota the white roadside, however, is the prevention skint deep.1 she that you are a thief. "Beauty to A 12,000-toBerlin. Russian transis dust. of the mat Dust were on forests in cementing has resulted being destroyed )lne .placing an embargo sneered. Every bit that you have taken In 1 and no jproyi-lioerial In macadam roads, and if it port with troops and war materials excess of the worthof the article you grain shipments to Fort .AVLUiam and vlth alarming rapidity my tfssrj retarlsd the cthsr. aboard was sunk by m Turkbl submathe loosened blown and was Breaking made away effective which for, Fort became replacing being Arthur, sell 'makes you a dishonest man. ExwwoTda't u Bkstechaagesktoe-wtt- h "hut rine oil March 30, the .Turkish war ofTuesday on all three western trans- .hem. After 1875 there was for some up of the road is hastened. me?" change. What the trees do for the roads they fice announced Monday. A surprise continental railways. The embargo rears a check to the spread of the do for the forested hillsides. attack on Bfltish' troops to Arabia not until also ' and it was' krbor idea, will day effect remain in More for Use Than Ornament indefinitely. Some peopte met aa though they to 1882 states Wherever there are no forests on the caused them to retreat after they hod more two that began Mrs. B., new to the neighborhood afraid they might forget their were celebrate the day. North Dakota and lills and mountains the rain and melt suffered heavy loss, the war office Wants Divorce from Prisoner. where she lives, received her first IntraubDes tf they didnt talk about them ed snow rushes off in a torrent, dlg-- also said. ' Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Clara Dhio. vitation to an important social event alb thus. the Two new elements were introduced ging out great gullies and carrying and tor the occasion arrayed herself Louise Peck Waite has filed suit for Experiment Director Resigns. with becoming daintiness. It was one divorce against her husband. Dr. Ar- Into the Arbor day plan when Ohio away tJj fertile soil. a school was made trees took Utah. The resignation ef the is a it Where there way up; forest, Logan, the, so who thur Warren is not those very Waite, of .charged murky evenings, planting protect the soil from lhefreating oMhe Dr. E. D. Ball, wh for the last ten far back, and to protect her feet on in New York with the murder of her estival and the practice ofwas inau- rain. The roots lead the water deep years has been director of the Utah the way from the door to her auto she father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John nemorial trees and groves IkllJtMJ new These into the ground to be stored up there experiment station, of Utah Agriculdevelopments gurated. drew over her Cinderella party' slip- E. Peck. exwere largely responsible for the and gradually fed out by springs alj tural college, by the pers a pair of storm rubbers the kind tension of Arbor day over the rest of ;he year, round. The leaf litter absorbs board of trustees of the college at Its Assassination Story a Hoax. that look twice as big, because of .the boand holds the water like a sponge. meeting here. Dr. Frank S. Harris shield that comes up over the Instep San IVanclsco. Reports emanating the United States. Tree planting a festival The trunks and roots prevent the was elected to fill the vacancy. urne combining pleasure, on .When time came to put her wraps from Chinese sources here to the efto go home, she was horrified to find fect that thegovernor of Canton had utility, and instruction, and one of the rapid runoff of the water and bind the Favors Building f'rograna. that she had been revealing to the been assassinated were said to have greatest benefits of the observanceim-of soil - together. - The forest Is of trein effect both its been has mendous Arbor benefit Washington. The house naval com day jn preventing public gaze all evening a combination come from a journalistic hoax. , of a. the in minds floods the mittee young is. It and reality upon brought to an ead Monday U and pressing of party slippers, silken hosiery drought tastiest, storc-- of water. prolonged hearings on the 1917 naval the trees and of value and the natural rePeru Loan. to to had shoes. people gatherer She gum Negotiate forgotten natall the Daniels the bill. It is imperative, therefore, that Secretary appropriation move her weather protectors. Lima, Peru. Montro Tirado, who necessity of conserving statement before watersheds of navigable streams and closed a three-da- y fbod last mouth was appointed financial ural resources of the country. yeer a final appeal is Unrest In Crimson Gulch. with the committee which those the observance festival school towns, irrigacities, a As upon of pefu in the United Statesris agent Us fellers at Crimson Gnlch decid- authorized water-powe- r plants support of the administrations five-yeto negotiate a loan in this of Arbor day has spread not only tion projects and for- be ed," remarked Broncho Bob, "as how country.1 building program. throughout the whole United- States depend for their supply should were fur peace. - The general senti1887 ested. In but far beyond lts border. Ten Killed In Scotland Raid. ment wag that wed he more peaceful Mothers Pension Law Passed. The greatest value of Arbor day lies, the education department of Ontario ? London. Ten persons were killed if wed disarm. "But you are carryAnnapoiis, Md. The Maryland gen- set aside the first Friday in May as a to Its effect upon our attitude toward ing gun." "Tes. Everybody Is .wai- eral assembly at Uie closing session tree and day. In 1836 the trees that are already growing, fori and eleven injured 'in Scotland, in Suntin fur everybody else to disarm first. it was offiSave the sTyjatiarecf pension the plan ytas adopted officially in manifestly there are thousands ol day sights Zeppelin raid, afternoooC passed as mothers Um kind o afraid this reluctance an Tuesday announced and Monday one cially 1905, trees of natural origin teTevery law and legislation creating a board Spain. At reached Hawaii in suspicion is goto to start some hard of censors for moving is now in vogue in all the dependen planted by11 man. The average citizen, There Was no casualties in England. picture films. crx each facLr"? c ettiua feelins. cies of the United States and to Great is only now beginning to care for these " Last Banfrits Calf. Get. cf set Progressive Leader Dead Britain, Australia, the English West trees, having never before considered TlC.2. From the Soli. Torreon, Mexico. In his proclamaSherman,' Texas. General Cecil A. Indies, South Africa, New Zealand, that they needed any care. Farmers The Russian army is in the main a Lyon, Progressive national committee- France, Norway, Russia and Japan. have been in the habit of turning their tion calling on the Villa bandits to lay peasant army.. Tartars, ' Little Rus- man, diet) here Tuesday night after an cattle in to graze on their woodlands, down their arms, Gen. Jacinto TreThey Know the Value. sians, Flans. Lithuanians, Tchoovash, Illness oil several weeks. . General The time of the observance of Arbor where they break off and destroy the, vino, commanding this district, stated Khirgise, Esths, Poles nd Circassians Lyon wa. prominent for many years day varies greatly In different states young growth, trample and injure the, that this, by authority of the first ere all repregeilted, hut the mass of in national and countries, being determined some- roots of the larger trees and pack the chief, would be the last calL politics. the soldiers come from the Krestjane, what by climatic conditions. grounj hftrd, thus not only destroying Schwab Buys Tin Plant. or peasant, classes. Farmeh and Dairymen Strike. A clean and beautiful town is the future forest but shortening the Baltimore. Charles kL Schws source of pride to its, citizens and a life of the trees that are already growWilling to Be of Use. the of board of directors ( 1 chairman it rewho has plan have been dosed ss a constant Incentive to them to go on ing. The Arbor day student "Now, hubby, I want. ffl. be helpful," Bethlehem Steel eompanv, ofnhe Strike of 10,000 farmers and and do better. Been taught to plant and care for trees the said the bride. "Bless n little wife." sult cier and r, f ol more SiAund Chicago, think m in Arbor after the win, dairymen ef years, The celebration according day fry ' "So If you have any esupons to be J. Kl,tUe; secretary of the Milk planting of trees is the assumption of turning cattle .into his woodlotjtban has fjr work over to W. clipped you may turn I Producers association. round responsibility, , into his cornfield "c vt 'all-tto me. Louisville Courier-JournaV.' Relieves Passengers on Overland Lim Ited of Valuable, Caused Train to Stop and Disappeared in the What seeds niak"nig'-tiuu-bes- W. yv You Need aite-mp- PERUNA - , p 3 o,on-Uler.i- 7 1 '' , 1 Yen-ton- s ohei i 1 Vogeler Seed Co. these-aspec- n te -- , , - .U -- Bli-nul- a,. e ds Cream Wanted e e 03 e OnirLLRD 1 p - - , ys sN -- - - . ..M . nt uly n n fTL i was-accep- - ted The Quality Feed the meat healthful and most cccsvi'iicfl thsi esa crss ar - At All Good Grocers?' g ranlF. Pern Chicago.L-T-wcnty-eIg- milk-distributin- ht g j ttt -- h L Y -- 9 Macaroni or Spaghetti r flower-plantin- T multi-mlllieaire- -r v' Cr: el Cz a t . |