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Show . t ? VILLA BANDITS; IN ACTION S. SOLDIERS U. MEXICO IN ON THE BRIDGE A GUARDING BORDER ' M : jf a-, . rA-?f . A in V ' - IV v Jr Ai cm , .-- WfC ,'. - -- n:T? ;v. v... r : '$, ' k . f i V. , 'di CHANCE A ' s AVt,!is fiXWfrinyft r ' JW ' V i W ( iY'i SLIP OUT TO- - ..1 vu 4 ' ' .rravriW . j wiwiaiaayshaag. m.?'-- FLEEt. WAITING FOR GERMAN x '' . humMM . - ,v. ' ; - '- ZEPPELIN BROUGHT DOWN BY I FRENCH GUNNERS . . A . . $& f h v'w At ? lv ' M . ' ' VOAxf7'' ' s V t -- A. - v4 i - ' ' -- W.'- v .vs ' : : " v, 'w , , '' V V ; v - ' x ' "- YsV 'A n , - ' - :'". ,.i(S: v. .w- .v.v.-- :Nw, -: '' j mi JT toil .. ; Vcx P' VH X 'XVAV. a 'ASV. S SMASPVWA. V X VM. .VvyC.CWWiXI First photopaph to arrive in this country showing a portion of the German fleet It is believed the photograph . lken at Wlihelmshaven, but the exact location was withheld by the censor. THROUGFT DEEP SNOW IN CHAMPAGNE REGION gunn Jrs'atVraLn lihRoT8Ph W tFrlV lh, country ,howlnK the ZePPelln W7. which was wrecked by French USING THE FIELD BUZZER FRENCH LEADER AT VERDUA fi ' ' - f. :..:, j r ' ' 'i' 1 .,,1 "'V$'MCvi " SeH' .v .'.v. v.'. CZARS COUSIN SIGHTSEEING IN NIKKO It '! h, I V vfe -- ..A mm iJlCSM iVV important adjunct of the army on the march is the Held buzzer." which is used to connect the front with tko commanding oflicers and with all ' , parts of the line. m vL! M iWW . An i' iA V'M4 ; ms vs X - -- GIFT PACKAGES FOR GERMAN..SOLDIERS General Petaln, now iff command of the French forces at '. erdun. TAGGART NAMED i L 'jr-- SENATOR -- X - V acksw 'Z eeing was attacked by an, TV SONS .T N 'v'v ' ..XV ;: ' OF l0Tltch-th- . aF. envoy to the mikado, sight-- : many years ago he' and it was the rickshaw boy who saved his life. e JPan THE KING OF BULGARIA ij I I o The photograph shows a signal serv ice corps operaUng a field observation tower. This type of tower will be of the greatest service in the Mexican t expedition. - ' Non-Existen- t. That raeN vrei Thousands of gift packages lying in one of the distributing centers of the Thomas Taggart, named ' German Red Cross. These parcels are being sorted preparatory to beim Ralston to succeed the by governor sent to the fighting men in the trenches. late Senator vena.or from Indiana. Shivel; j is meagt by honesty in politics P asked the seeker after useless knowledge. -Honesty in politics?- - - mused thT cynical man. "Hum. I should say the term is used only in a humorous sense, as when reople talk about the modesty of a acminude dancer yr the loquacity mlfom , sf a Crow. c"i 1 . . wk,' ' BWwi U",.kUl 1 ,6tt ,0r to ! .ern ll.TbW i x |