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Show rrm vcztur fifzus. mavtilfi. fatuf mt 'iVffhln BY W. P. Entered as ruary Mrfta o ErrERSON & SON s second-clas- 15, 1911, matter Feb- . My commission xpirea '' at Kaysville. Utah 12,1918. under the act of Mirch 3, 1S79. Advertising rates on application. Auction of consumption of. luxuries there is expected to reduce that amount 'to 1,500,00 tons this year. England has bought 400,000 tons of November raw'Sugar in Cuba, and about 100,000 Subscribed and sworn to befora me this 4th day of April, 1916. (Seal.)" . JOHN R. GAILEY, t Notary Public. NO LIMIT IN SIGHT FOR SUGAR - " i PRICES , when Subscription $1.25 per year paid in advance. $1.50 per year on Only 3,000,000 Tons Are Available to overdue subscriptions or when not Meet the Worlds Need for - 4,000,000 Tons. paid In advance. To what price Sugar mny rise-nTELEPHONES . would make a guess yertehlay-ione No. 10 Office, C. A. Epperson, No.-- 109-the sugar district. The world situation affecting that food staple Is un; W. P. Epperson, No. 70. precedented. Jngeneral terms the TKofld, outside, of Germany, Austria STATEMENT OF OWNERSIIII and their allies, wants 4,000,000 tons jAND MANAGEMENT, ICTC'. , of sugur. ' The sugar in sight amounts . Required by the Act of Congress of o only about 3,000,000 tons. The August 24. 1912, of The Weekly Resugar crop of Cuba Is the largest In flex, published weekly at Kaysville, its hiatory. Planting of cane, was Utah, for April 1, 1910. Atimu'ated by the high prices and the of Utah, J . State weather has made this a favorable County of Davis. ) grbwmg season. With all these con Before me, a notary public in and ditPins the total Cuban crop, cannot for the county and state aforesaid, exceed 9,000,000 tons. In erdinary conditions' a crop of personally appeared W. P. Epperson, who being duly sworn acording to law, that size would mean refined sugar at deposes and says that he is the editor (hi -' r.nd a half cents a pound, whole - of The Weekly.-Refleand that the sale,, in this country. The price of to the best of his knowl- sugar yesterday at wholesale., was following is, and belief, a true statement of seven cents a pound. This refers: to edge - the ownership, management of the fine grnnulated sugar, the basis of aforesaid publication for the date price for refined sugarsvand the staple 'Shown jn the above. caption: of that commodity as sold for con Publishers W. P, Epperson and C. svmution. A. Epperson, Kaysville, Utah. Price will take its usual part in conEditor W. P. Epperson, Kaysville, trolling the equalisation of supply Utah. and demand should sugar continue to Managing Editor W, P, Epperson, rise. Ten cents a pound is freely preKaysville, Utah. dicted, especially in the western part Business Managers W. P, Epper- of this country, where wholesalers son and C. A. Epperson, Kaysville, j ha e been expecting that increase for Utah. me wteks If. sugar goes to ten Owners (if corporation, give names cents its excessive cost to the conand addresses of stockholders holding sumer will result in greater economy one per cent or. more of the total in its use. In the sugar market disamount of stock): trict here this natural equalization was the subject of discussion its, a princi Henry II. Blood, Kaysville. II. J. Sheffield, Kaysville, pal check on a continued rise in price. John G. M. Barnes, Kaysville. That sugar is likely to' go higher John R. Gaileyl, Kaysville was a general impression near the Hubert C. Burton, Kaysville. foot of Wall street, where are colW. P. Epperson, Kaysville. lected the offices of the great refinMartin Kissler, deceased. eries, the brokers and the experts of Known bondholders, mortgagees all kinds in the sugar trade. and others holding one per cent or . The war is the cause1 of the prices. more of total amount of bonds, mort- England in 1915 consumed . 1,900,000 tons of sugar. The campaign for re- gages or other securities. None. v- o I Socials tons of refined sugar here.- Experts calculate that England will want 1,250,000 tons more, which must come out of the current sugar crop of Cuba, calculated at 3,000,000 tons. She will supply her allies. Germany and Austria supplied the greater part of the sugar consumed in England, Switzerland and other European countries before the war. They do not supply any of it now, and that means withdrawal from the worlds supply,, outside of the countries, of more than a million tons a year. From N. Y. Herald. in alt departments for During this week we are selling goods less money than usual. We will gladly show jjou the goods and you will be under no obligation tq buy. ) BAGS j DRftS GOODS AND A very attractive line just come in to be sold at $1.50. ;"? This week, special . t- x -- , SKIRTS, PETTICOATS Located in the midst of fertile fields. Excels in production of milk, tomatoes and sugar beets. Has the Comfactory of the Layton Sugar rollcannery, pany (now building), er mills and creamery. Good opportunities for those seeking suburban acreage for fruit growing, truck gardening, chicken raising and dairying. On line of Salt Lake A Ogden and Oregon Short Line. Hat electric lights and waterworks Write Layton Commercial Club for information , Farmers are now planting .beets where the ground dry. r ' Miss Bessie Stevenson, of Salt Lake, visi'ted her mother, Mrs. G. V. Stevenson; over Sunday. - tv y . -- you buy. Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company, Layton. Adv. AND WOOL POPLIN SPRING COATS nrhes wide; $1.85 You will' find these specially priced this week. - 11 $5.00 CORSETS front lace, special One - splendid kind, now make, l 8c l A beautiful line of well lected Dresses and Suits t se- ' now on hand, and the prices to suit any purse. l line of .crepe de A nice -- 98 chin $2.95 $1.50 $1.25 L.D.S. APPROVED GARMENTS 1 75c kind now colored and white, is now shown iif a great variety at SILK DRESSES grade, ,'2-...9- SUMMER DRESS GOODS grand opera performance at the Salt If you have not examined the John Deere mowers and rakes, do so before and 'figured. $IK and. a full lne of Miss Marion Ellison attended the Lake theater Tuesday afternoon. ,i in silk lingerie and tub silk. -- 1 in p WAISTS LAYTON I SILKS , W : 50c 1 carry a full assortment and f wish. PAINE & HORST CHILDRENS HOSE OGDEN, UTAH Where th$ Women Trade 25c f- grade now 2 pairs for 35c x: Ilk x Have you noticed that the man who Walter Bown, - bookkeeper for the STANDING COMMITTED KAXSVILLE CITY , has an auto first had a John Deere Thompson Construction company at yS Consolidated spreader? Sold by the For the benefit of the citizens of Kaysville who have business to transit the big dam in Hobbs hollow, returned Wagon and Machine Company. Adv. from Salt Lake City yesterday morn- with Kaysville City, the following is. printed that they may know who to confer with when occasion demands. on crutches. He went to the city ing Nyals Baby Cough Syrup, just JUDICIARY, FINANCE AND CLAIMS. with rheu. John R. Gailey, W. P. Epperson. the thing for children, an effective Saturday, badly crippled up X , matism. and for colids, gently remedy coughs WATER WORKS. John G. Linford, John R. Gailey. The Thompson Construction com-- , laxative, 25c the bottle. Layton Drug tore. Adv. pany is making substantial progress ELECTRIC LIGHT, CEMETERY AND SANITARY. Walter Cottrell, Frank L. Layton. ' on the dam for the Kays Creek IrrigaThe sugar companies often specify tion company in Hobbs hollow.- This FIRE, POLICE AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. John Deere beet cultivator because ' .1 90 feet high when which W. P Epperson, Walter! Cottrell. will be dam, they are the best. Sold by the Conformed is from dirt being, STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND IRRIGATION. solidated Wagon and Machine Com- completed, - Frank L. Layton, John G. Linford. which is being bydraulized from' either pany. Adv. side site. of the dam 1 r Parcel Post Service. Telephone or field salesman for Clarence Bone, write us your wants; don't go, without the medicine or drugs you need. Call the Utah Power and Light company, ms purchased a Ford machine, which 105W. Layton Drug tore. Adv. 2 te uses in connection with his work. s' 8 per cent Money for long or short time. Loans to suit all needs Bone misfortune had the Clarence It is said that the machine is so well of time of payment Also a few good lots, both business and to have his tools and side curtains trained and familiar with the roads stolen from his auto while in Salt about Clinton that it often runs withresidence and some acreage for sale. Loans on stock securities; Lake City a few nights ago. He out a driver at the wheel. for. long or short time solicited. See the side curtains but not the The Layton Sugar company is now tools. VVA i tf. , - -- Per Cent 2-- f i j Evil obey ed sister of Jesse M7 of Southern resident a and Smith, son with her Jesse, is visiting Utah, in Layton. relatives and friends with from returned Jesse has but recently a mission. . Mrs. Murphy, As a small boy he Stephen Girard ran away to sea and at nineteen was captain and part owner of a trading vessel. Invested savings were profitable and he sup ported the government with a five million dollar loan in the 1812 war. Girard college for poor boys is his monument. There is not much variation in these stories of men's achievements. The poor boy who works earheajy and saves as much pbssibleTor future . investment generally is the person who commands men and directs igreat enterprises in after years. Now is the time for you to build for the future. Begin by depositing a part of your salary with us this week. Get the saving habit It will help you later. Multiply your money in qur care. t i Bames Banking Company nar-cto- c, sion field soon. N John Layton went to Salt Lake City yesterday and' brought his brother, David E. Layton, who has been recently operated on for appendicitis, home. It is said that the doctors have ordered that the patient remain in his room for the next thirty days. Mr, Layton has been very ill since-th- e operation, but is recovering. SEE VERY BEST . Douglas & Owen Painting, Paperlianging and Graining. Hiey will do your ' EVEP'-- OEtUB HIS IT. sugar making campaign. This is an annual job with all the sugar companies as it is essential that all the machinery be tuned up to the highest notch in ample time to handle the crop. Just at this time storage bins for beet seed are bding constructed. Stevens Brothers are in the market for fresh eggs at 15 cents per Safe Medicine for Children. chickens at 15 cents per pound, and Is it safe? is the first question to good veal at 13 Vi cents per pound. If be considered --.when buying cough you have either of the above for sale, medicine for children. Chamberlains take them to their market in Layton, Cough Remedy has long been a faAdv. vorite with mothers of young children end of Davis Sill lost the one as it contains no opium jor other Mrs. and may be given to a child as of her fingers on her right hand by getting caught in an electric washing confidently as to an adult. It is pleamachine. She will have her hand crip- sant to take, too, which is of great importance when a medicine must be pled for some time. givetvlQ young children., JThis remedy John and Frank Smith, formerly of is most effectual in relieving coughs, Layton, now of Cardston, Canada, have colds and croup. Obtainable everybeen visiting friends and relatives in where. Adv. April. Layton the past week. Frank Smith has been called to fill a mission for WOODS CROSS CLUB the church and will depart for the mis ENTERS NINE MATMEN Known Everywhere As The Made of Choicest Utah Wheat . Milled in the most modern Mill Packed jn the Neatest Manner. getting the plant in shape ' for the fall work right. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Phone 24-1- 3 Criddle ranch For the annual A. A. U. wrestling and boxing tournament, to be held in Salt Lake on" April 1 1,12 arid lS. the Woods Cross Athletic club has entered nine men. All winter, under tutelage of hone other than Mike Yokel, the boys have been in hard training and are now listed away toward the top of likely contenders. Among the most promising are Robert Hatch, Ray Hatch, Rex Roberts and Clifford Roberts. Last year, Rex Roberts, 115 pounds, and Robert Hatch, 145 pounds, won the finals in the tournament and were sent to San Francisco to compete in the national A. A. U. tourney. Following is the list of entries for the local tournament from the Woods Cross club: Robert Hatch, Eldon Grant and Van Stringham, 145 pounds; Clifford Roberts and Stanley Hacke,-12pounds; Rex Roberts, 115 pounds; Ray Hatch and Elmer Rice, 108 pounds; Wjiford Hatch, light heavyweight. U. S. ADAMS, LAYTON JL The Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company, Salt Lake City, will have a BIG spring opening from April 3rd to April 8 th, inclusive. It will be one of the biggest attractions, and best displays of farm implements that was ever put on in the state of farm Utah. All of the latest machinery will be seen, properly set up, and most of it running. It will De an attraction thatwill certainly be worth while for any man interested in farm machinery, to see. up-to-d- ate Our Entire Line of the Celebrated -- CnT3 Going at 20 per cent Discount 1 Call in and look them over before buying elsewhere Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less, and is often the cause of insomnia. Eat a light supper with little if any meat, and no milk; also take one of Chamberlains Tab lets immediately after supper, and see if you,do not rest much better. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. April. & ilcza Kaysville, t I ' Fcrnicbrs Utah " I v I |