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Show 4tfjHvagfietiTgfiiz. WORST 1UMEAJED Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit IN FIRST . As Well As Men ; sjy-- BANDIT SURPRISED BY AND AMERICAN - TROOPERS PUT TO FLIGHT. MEXICAN TBUItD)H ROAD BUILDING -- Bandit Escapes In Light Wagon, But Trusted Lieutenant and a Number of His Followers Are Killed In Battle. U; Experience and Expert Knowledge Are Essential Federal Government Offert Aeeletance. Road building is a scientific problem not a haphazard Job. We however, that if a census were taken tomorrow, 99 per cent of the peopl'of this land vrould claim that they were amply qualified to build a road and edit a newspaper Only a mall percentage get a chance to try . il their hands on the I but a trlp over almost any country road will convince one that most of the 99 have had a crack at road building. Little by little the public in general and the officials charged with the responsibility for our highways are learning that road building requires expert knowledge ind experience. That ridiculous, antiquated provision El Paso, Texas. Surprised by American soldiers, the main body of Villas bandits was put to flight an Marph 29, after sixty Mexicans had been killed.: and ' four American sol. diers wounded. The attack of the Villa forces was made ypossible by an aeroplane scout a ho had located the bandits. Four hundred cavalrymen from the Seventh and Tenth regiments, led by Colonel George A. Dodd, at the end oi a ride, which they made in surprising short timeJsurst upon the unsuspecting Vijlista camp, where 50C banditf were celebrating the massacre of 172 Carranzistas two days previously at Guerrero. Villa, Bhot through the leg and with one hip shattered, was hurried .from the scepe barely in time to escape the onslaught of the soldier! oTthe north. but hop 'The .bandits made less stand before the fierce' charged Colonel Dodd and bis troopers. Then they broke and fled, leaving sixty dead on the field. Including their General Eliseo Hernandez. Two machine guns, a number oi horses, rifles, ammunition and equip ment fell into the hands of the victors. Among the known wounded Is Pablo Lopez, Villas lieutenant In the Columbus raid. Thq American casualties were four privates wounded. The American soldiers did not linger on the field of victory. For five hours they drove the enemy before Fran-.risc- o ' r be-Her- e, fifty-mil- A) f - Thls photograph shows the remains of to Pullman coachea of the first section of the of the second section is seen in the debris- The. wreck Recurred n ear ,r Amherst, O., and at least X A- ri V- Chicago-Pittsburg- 16 he h - engine persona were killed and 40 - Injured. GATHERING BODIES FROM WRECK OF NEW YORK CENTRAL TRAINS Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious 4 good clear skin; a natural, rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of .drinking phosphated hot water each morning, what a grab lfylng change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemip-looklomen, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; instead of the multitudes of nerve wrecks." rundowns," brain fags and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful f of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, liver kldneyfe and ten yards of bowels the previous days Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thug cleansing, sweeten- - . tag and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting 'more food ' into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, biliousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly .those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who. are constipated very oftenrare urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from any druggist or at the store which will cost but a trifle but Is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change In both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We must remember that Inside cleanliness is more Important than outside, because the skin does not absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores In the thirty feet of bowels do. Adv. g h propo-slt!on- mom-ta-g helps ua look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Abounded IS DIFFICULT blue-penc- Glass of hot waer etch rosy-cheeke- e com-m&nde- f, d them into the wilderness of mountain peak, desert and canyon, where roads or even trails are unknown, and where a misstep means death tc English preserve Early French. The pronunciation of Beaumont, one horse and rider. They halted only after the chase had leff them ten miles of the villages captured' by the GerWell-KeRoad In Iowa. from the battlefield and the, fugitives mans In the great attack on Verdun, were scattered far and wide in little presents, at any rate so' far as the which out tax" road the for "working bands of half a dozen men each. first syllable Is concerned, no difficulhas spoiled more roads than a bomThe scene of Colonel Dodds victory ties Oven to the man In the street Yet bardment from all the is a broad valley lying at the head oi .In the eighteenth century the average guns of the European armies, Is gradthe Rio Santa Maria.' On the west Englishman spoke of Bewmont and statute our from ually disappearing rise the barren foothills of the contibooks. Board of county commissionBewfort, and Leigh Hunt commentnental divide ahd t.ovthe east is a ing on the fact, maintains that the ers and township supervisors are givtrail, made famous by Villa, which average' Englishman for once was ing the matter thoughtful attention lead! be and improvement will undoubtedly through the Laguna de Castilla right, and was merely reviving the to the district Santa Ysabel original French pronunciation, surgovon. now federal The from rapid It was at 'the latter place that. Villa viving here in the word- beauty," ernment is offering every assistance L killed eighteen American mining- men, which we correctly rhyme with duty." to the forward movement. Object-lessoLondon Telegraph. are constructed upon aproads This photograph, taken shortly after the collision near Amherst, O. shows rescuers gathering up pieces of bod & crime which sent a thrill of horror and the United authorStates or of throughout of-tcounty township ies plication victims of the wreck. ( . marked the beginning of what many The Way It Goea. . ities to demonstrate proper methods believe to be the end of his bloodA man lives three lives youth, of construction and proper use of road READY iRMY AVIATORS GETTING THEIR MACHINES stained career. It was toward Santa manhood and age," philosophically building materials. The office of pubYsabel that he was believed to be stated Professor Pate. Youth is the lic roads and rural engineering of the furnishes of beading when the troopers of the rising sun of life, when he thinks of agriculture department United States swept down from the what a heck of a feller he la going to the services of an engineer, and the north upon his camp. be; manhood Is the sun at full meJocal communities are required to fur From the which details meager ridian, when he Is satisfied that he Is nlsh all the material, labor and suphave reached here Indeed a heck of a feller; age la the Mexican from also and are roads plies. Experimental American military sources. Colonel setting sun, when he sags around and constructed to determine the relative Dodds men made their way unno- brags about what a heck of a feller merits and values of the various types ticed through the arroyos, or deei he used to be." Judge. of road construction, and of the various preparations and materials for use gulches, which split the foothills in all directions, and were almost in the A Beneficent Influence. In road construction. In certain Indo you keep pestering me to camp before the alarm was given. stances the office pays only a portion Why s - j ' o' f Is reported to have been In Villa 'vJ Q some more pictures takand have of the cost of these roads and the go Vs jv, 1 , s tent small in his Is borne by the county balance nursing I Injuries when en? Inquired Mr. Growcher. T T the crash of the American volleys Y the which the road Is located. 7 V;.; v. Because," replied his wife, I awoke the bandits to the is person only It Is too bad that we had to wait photographer v action. know of who can get you to make an for the wail of the stalled automo-bllls- t The extraordinary hold the bandit effort to smile and look natural." to awaken us to the shameful chief has over his followers Is shown condition of our roads. A Scotch civil the fact that their first thought by In Americans now monopolize the as was adviser imported engineer was to save him. Unable to walk or Bpltzbergen coal fields. . (he matter of building a railway over ride, he was hurriedly placed car great western plains, rile investilight wagon and driven over the rough WISE HOSTESS gated very carefully andnkravely remountain some to trails was secret unfeasible. the lair. Won Hsr Guests to Postum. ported that project After the battle on the San Geronl-mWhen pressed for his reason by the astonished promoters of the enterprise, ranch, the American soldiers reThree great coffee drinkers were This photograph shows army aviators preparing their machines for shipment to Mexico. leased a large number of General Car- my old school friend and her two he said: You cannot build a line of ranzas men whom the bandit chief daughters. railway over that country because was holding. It Is probable that it ALICE MRS. L0NGW0RTH theres no place to run your tunnels." They were always complaining and MEDAL OF HONOR FOR 0BREG0N was at the Guerrero massacre that The designer" of most of our country taking medicine. I determined to give SSSSSSBSSS Villa was wounded. roads has been laboring under a simithem Postum instead of coffee when lar twisted and contorted vision of Staff officers here believe there is they visited me, so without saying no doubt that Colonel Dodds his Job butjwere on our way. Iowa army, anything to them about it, I made a Homestead. strengthened before now by men sent big pot of Postum the first morning. forward by General Pershing, has beBefore the meal was half over, gun a driving hunt for, the wouhded each one passed up her cup to be reCONCRETE ROADS GAIN FAVOR! band if and for the scattered remnant filled, remarking how fine the 'coffee of his force. It will he no surprise was. The mother asked for a third Highways Are Expensive to Build, but now to General Funston and his staff cup and inquired as to the brand ot Are Proving, Especially In Calito receive a report at any time telling coffee I used. I didnt answer ber fornia, EveHastlng. of Villas capture. News of another question Just then, for I heard ber say battle Is not expected, however. The a while before that she didnt like PosInvestigations by the department of smart blow administered by Colonel tum unless it was4 more than half agriculture have shown a wonderful Dodd, it was believed here, would coffee. increase in the popularity of roads serve to deter Villaa men from speedy with heavy coneretebase. Such roads After breakfast I told her that the v. reconcentration. coffee she liked so well at breakfast are expensive to build, but are proving, Colonel Dodd, who led the troopers was pure Postum, and the reason eh especially In sections like California, that almost everlasting. put Villas followers to Sight, is liked it was because it was properly Invest-! best described as a typical Remington cav- made. ment California has made has been b He 64 is officer. but old, years alry her good roads. There have been I have been brought up from a show it doesnt by twenty years. He some mistakes: there have been disrides his horse' as though it were a nervous, wretched Invalid, to a fine appointments because of the inability part of him, and is known through- condition of physical health by leavto cover all sections, but there have out the army for his activity in de- ing off coffee and using Postum. been enough benefits Secured from the I am doing all I can to help the veloping cavalry horsemanship- .- He good roads to amply compensate for is the man who made the monkey World from coffee slavery to Postum all they have cost. drill a cavalry feature. ' freedom, and have earned the gratitude of many, many friends. Name Aviator Has Bad Fall. i Battle Co. Postum. given Creek, Community Action Needed. by Grinnel, la. A, C. Beach, successor Mich. In many places community action In .. ; to Billy Robinson as head of the Grin-- , destroying weeds Is necessary, as it Postum comes in two forms: y nel Aviation school, fell fifty feet here may not be profitable for a farmer to Postum Cereal the original form-m- ust on Sunday when he lost control of his clear his side of the road If the other be well boiled. 15c and 25c monoplane. He was badly bruised and side is allowed to remain a harboring Pkgs. CUL place for pests. Instant Postum a soluble powder-dissol-ves quickly in a cup ot hot Selects Summer CapitaL Add Pleasure and Comfort. cream and sugar, makes with Washington. President Wilson! Well-keTThls is the latest photograph of klrs. trees growing along the Instantly. beverage to occupy Shadow Lawn," the Alice Longvorth, daughter of, Colonel plans roadside contribute greatly to the and 50c tins. summer home New in Jersey offered; Roosevelt, who has resumed her prompleasure and coin fort of the travelers Both forms are equally delicious and General Obregon, the commander of Carransas armies, having inent place In the society of Washing- him by people of the state, as soon, cost about besides lending an attractive air to the same per cup. as pongress adjourns, or else spend a medal of honor pinned oi his breast by Benortta Alasorie In the of 'her bus week-endcity ol! ton since the ' "Theres a Reason for Postum. tie grounds along the side. s there. - . Celaya. At CM right lq Genelal Carranza, da facto president of Mexico. band to congress. ' sold by Grocers pt , high-callbere- d Ill-fame- d - - n he in ? A S X s n Vs v V S ' . panic-stricke- n j , lna o -- , wa-tersau-d, pt one-arme- d |