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Show r THE DRAGERTUN TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH Pag Eight Five Couples Get Attention Fishermen : Utah Fishing Season OpenzJune 12 at 5:00 A. M. mum Marriage Licenses Trout fishing in Utah will open June 12 at 5.00 a. m. That'. Five marriage licenses were Just two more weeks or less, which is notification to the by couples from the office of the county clerk during the states sportsmen that tackle should be checked and made ready 'week ending May 26 and include for the first day. r the following: The June 12 opening will be for all lower streams and lakes, and will not include the high Umtah lakes and the Perry McArthur, 18, Hunting- -i streams above the 7,000 foot elevation where the nati.e ti out ton, and Yvonna Stevens, 18, Cas-t- le are still spawning. Dale; Clyde Arthur Grames, 19, and Betty Lucille DuVall, 17, Opening on June 12 is the famous Strawberry Reservoir, .both of Price, Paul L. Young, 18, which has always opened at a later date m years past. Fish and LaRean Carr, 19, both of Lake and Deer Creek Reservoir will also be opened June 12. Helper; Patricio Gutierrez, 23, The daily bag limits for this season are the same as last seven pounds and (or) one fish, or 15 fish, whichever is caught c and Stella Valdez, both of Rains, and Paul L. Dimick, 21, and Velfirst. The possession limit is the same as the daily bag. Fishing L. Winn, 18, both of Price. ma hours this summer will be from 5.00 a. m. to 9 00 p. m , throughout the season. Size limits are seven-inc- h minimum. of being allowed to go to waste. Fishing this year should be better than ever, considering Work is also being done on the the number of people who will turn out. License sales to date reservoir for storage of water, but have already indicated a larger turnout for the trout season. because of the fact that 1900 feet of pipe for the water line cannot be secured at this tine, water will be pumped temporarily from a well near the Price river A spur track to the site which is south of the main D & R G W. railroad wall also be constructed in the near future. Another new development exWork is progressing very satis- place and insulated and insulasoon is a "topping plant pected of on the tion of connecting pipe is being factorily completion Records Coal Processing company finished. A gas storage tank is to take off light volatiles such as plant near Wellington, a trip to being constructed so that this benzole and gasoline. About June the site recently revealed. fuel may be returned to use in 15 present supplies of coal willj All eight coal retorts are in heating the main boilers instead be put through the process after' which cement coal storage rooms; will be completed and a powr1 shovel installed to fill the re-- 1 torts With this finished, steady commercial production will not be far off Of particular interest to pen-- 1 pie of this section where the fu-- 1 ture of coal is of such vital im- of poitance, is a breakdown 100 tons of coal processing RE-BUILRE-CORED T It is estimated that this coal t would cost in the neighborhood 521-J 67 West. 1 fit North Phone PRICE, UTAH of $500, labor is set at $150, supervision, power, water and incidental-, at $100 per day, making a tota' cost of operation approxiob-,tai- PINS JUNE j Line of Fishing Tackle We carry a select line of the leading Fishing Tackle Lines, including Weber, South Bend, Dave Davis, Leslie Davis, Perrine, Harrocks, Ibbotson, Wheeler, Millsite, At Wilson, Lou J. Eppinger, and many others. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF POLE HARDWARE Records Coal Processing Plant l!ov; Hearing Start of Commercial Output Buy Your Fishing and Hunting Licenses Here. and mately r.lEHDElHALLS NAPA STORE AUTO PARTS AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP MOTOR REBORINO . BRAKE CLUTCH REUNINO REBUILDING ' BRAKE DRUM TURNING Piston RinK Refitting and Resizing YOUR IS A 62 N- - N.A.P.A. JOBBER GOOD MAN TO KNOW 1st West, Price Phone 506 ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE ( Except Sunday) Effective May 17, 1948 LEAVE PRICE FOR (Er cept Sundays) Wellington Sunnydale Dragerton Sunnyside 10 30 PM. 3 00 PM. 9 10 PM 8.00 A.M. 5.30 P.M LEAVE FOR PRICE (Erccpf Sundays) Sunnyside 8.45 AM 1215 PM 5 00 PM 6 40 PM Sunnydale 8 50 AM 12 20 PM 5 05 PM 6 45 TM Dragerton . 8:55 AM 12.30 PM 5 15 PM 6 55 PM P00 PM 5:45 PM 7 25 P M 'Wellington 9:25 AM LEAVE PRICE FOR COLUMBIA 10 30 AM 3 00 PM LEAVE COLUMBIA FOR PRICE 11:45 PM 4 30 PM 6 15 PM SHOPPING BUS SCHEDULE (Saturday Only) Leave Sunnydale for Price 9 15 A M Leave Dragerton for Price . . 9 30 A M. Leave Price for Dragerton and Sunnydale 3 00 P. M. . . ... MEET YOUR FRlERDS AT THE $750 From the results of this operation will come 70 tons of char valued at $9 00 per ton or $630, 5000 gallons of tar at 26 cents per gallon or $1300, 7500 gallons of ammonium liquor at 10 cents per gallon or $750; 500,000 cub c feet of gas worth $115, and 800 gallons of benzol market valued at $1 00 per gallon or $800 Total saleable products are given as $3595 Less operating cost of $750, this leaves a profit of $2845 for a days production Although these figures seem almost too good to be true, officials of the company claim thntj practically all the are already contracted for and a ready market exists for every-- , thing the plant can produce Since1 .the recent reorganization of the Records company, sale of stock has been steady so that now the concern has nearly sufficient capital for initial commercial operation, and finances no longer present any senous obstacle The abundant optimism of officials and stockholders of the company and the faith of dozens of people in Mr Records coal piocessing method lends credence to the ptocess and the project It may well be that this small beginning is the nucleus of a va,t and important industry in eastern Utah that will prove the salvation for our western bituminous industry and eliminate the ups and downs of seasonal pioduction wiinj its accompanying periods of un- -. employment. I'eher n STANFIELD RADIATOR SHOP REPAIRED, CLEANED Get a real fishing motor. Johnson Sea-Hors- Co-Pilo- t; each WEBER P.C.W. Fishing Flies 5 Great Models Theres a size for every outboard each one famous for need Johnson DEPENDahility. Priced joiinson Sea-Hors- . k j FLY RODS & IV;?- - FLY BOX $1.70 10c and up No. 99 $3.25 LEADER HOLDER $1.00 FLY BOX ROD THREAD JUVENILE FISHING KIT 15c ' - '"-- I"' -- r- $8.00 $2.00 Snell Hooks Huurrisi i he new Euy 5 pi miner u&trb Ml up to 29 were water Clothes dr y Farter indoor on rainy day. No wringing, in die Spin either. Clothes art damp-driedrier basket. It'i proved, 35c I each COLUMBIA, UTAH i No. 97 $3.00 t; Perrine Automatic Reel Pouch $3.29 ' ; y.i ?. Sa II nil 6 Co. FLY BOX LEADERS SI uln F. Ansclmo i Wm rsf hotested, mire not quite sure what u need, why not rome down and look around. We'll be glad to help you select the proper equipment so that uu can get the most from jour fishing. Top Grade 'Wacom backed by 68 year experience in bondry equipment. Set st ttderyl u W 10c each Fly and. Leader NICK ZAKIS, Prop. 2.40 PER DOZEN Others as low as $123.75 es Dry Flies 30c es are packed with features fishermen like Dual Carbure-tio- n for slow, steady trolling patspeed and flashy pick-up- ; ented smooth, quiet Perfected Alternate Firing; Reverse; POWER with light weight; and much, much more! 'xnumm N Z Inn 02 A Let Us Help You Flan Your Equipment Reeds Eastern Utahs Largest Complete and Open Stock Here! .... RADIATORS Tuesday, June 1, 1948 Fishing Creels Leader Pouch 35c each $2.98 Twisted Copper Trolling Line 300 feet $2.95 Wheeler Colorado Spinners -- 30c sizie40, each 75c Fly Books, leatherette Childrens Reels 1.50 2.65 Landing Nets Dupont Nylon Leader 13c Material, per roll 98c Collapsible Landing Nets Sportsmens Kit 14-p- c. Camp SILK DOUBLE TAPERED 10.45 FISHING LIRE S8.95 and up EASTERN UTAH ELECTRIC CO. kt PRICE Sportsmens Headquarters Since 1920 UTAH |