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Show J , Tuesday, June 1, 1948 THB DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON. UTAH Improvements Necessary At Sunnyside PAGE FIVE Of ards observed and appropriate Carbon March means of correction thereof will Free 7 Up Kaiser No. 2 Mine; Cited In Inspection be embodied in the more detailed Dimes Donations Kiddies final report, pursuant to the proIn State Recommendations for safety At the time of inspection the visions of the Coal Mine Inspec- Highest Show improvements at the Sunnyside mine employed 270 men and had tion and Investigation Act of more Carbon raised county mine No. 2 of Kaiser, Incorporat- a 49. daily production mark of 2,127 1944, Public Law money per capita than any of the Free 7 Up will be given to ed, were made in a recent mine tons The mine workers and the op- other 28 counties m the state durthe first 240 kids at the Saturinspection report by A. J Kopp, The purpose of this prelimi- erators of this mine are parties ing the 1948 March of Dimes fund Matinee. The 7 Up Botfederal coal mine inspector. day nary report is to list violations of to the National Bituminous Wage raising campaign, according to a tling company of Price will The inspection was made from the federal mine which schedule received this week by safety code in- Agreement of 1947, to the children a the federal mine safety 'Charles Semken, Carbon county give away May 19 to 24 and a copy of the volving hazards of im7 Up. of primary bottle You must be report was posted at the mine on portance at this mine A discus- code and requires prompt com- March of Dimes chairman and one of 240 there in the first 25 May by Mr. Kopp. sion of these and additional haz- - pliance with the recommenda- chairman of the Carbon county to get a free bottle of ice order this tions in report. chapter of the National Founda-tio- n cold 7 Up. The show starts at Recommendations made by Mr for Infantile Paralysis. 00 p m There will be a cowThe Carbon county raised a total of boy show in addition to three Kopp include the following blower fans should be powered $7,295 97 for a per capita ratio of cartoons and the Dick Tracy by permissible driving units as 3952 to rank in first place The serial Besides the 7 Up you methane has been reported in the 'total collection in the state also get a free chance on the and by Sam The amounted to $120,147.99 for a bicycle donated mine examination book. Buck's by Member of U. M. W. Local 6089 permissible fuse equipment should ratio of 2187 per capita. Goods of Price. Sporting be maintained in permissible con(rand county was second with dition as explosive gas has been a collection of $691 96, for a per reported in the mine examination capita collection of .3342. Cream VA Warns Against report book. Following the 1947 March of was Carbon Dimes Side Payments county drive, on hazards Recommendations Drinks not covered specifically in the in ninth place with a total col- In Sales Vets - Sandwiches federal mine safety code include lection of $4,165.42 for a per The two nonpermissible pumps capita ratio of .2257. VA warns veterans, builders REMODELED AND ENLARGED FOR installed in 10 left manway an and lenders against the ventilated by the air that haa NEW HOMES FINISHED You r Convenience of making or accepting n The E section of the new passed through the pillars on the in the side payments left side of the mine should be homes has now been com- sale of home to veteproperties replaced with permissible units, pleted, but none will be rented for rans with the aid of GI loans, Columbia or be relocated in an area ven- some time yet, according to GerVA said such side payments- ald Galbreath, townsite manager. tilated by intake air. usually made for the purpose of evading the prohibition against sales to veterans in excess of apare a praised reasonable value direct violation of law and subject offenders to possible federal - At Saturday inco"-porat- es 1 New Folder Points To Carbon-Emer- y SPECIAL SPEAKER AT COMMUNITY CHURCH v Rev, W. V. Yaggy from Glen- dale, California, will be guest speaker at the Dragerton Community church this coming SunRecently published by the state day, June 6th. A cordial invi department of publicity in co- tation is extended to all. operation with the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce was a the Carbon County Chamber of folder advertising with pictures Commerce and the printing was and copy the industries and scenic done by the publicity department. attractions of Carbon and Emery Copies of this publication are counties. available at the office of the The information and pictures Chamber of Commerce in the for the folder were furnished by Price municipal building. County Industries " COLUMBIA COUFECTIOHERY Owned Ice Fountain Beer TREATER DRAGERTON Marakis Operated TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. JUNE wags- Candy WKIfl TORCH AND 1-- TCUHJWtf 2 t'e y- wir tram To j 1 conse-jquenc- es Drag-erto- Phone 7J3 j n be sure you prosecution. Many cases have been reported in which veterans have been induced to pay the builder or seller an amount over and above the sales price shown on the loan report submitted to VA, and upon which the government loan guarantee is based. Veterans who knowingly conspire to evade the law by making such side payments risk loss of their rights under all veterans laws, VA warned. In addition, all parties involved are liable to prosecution under federal law. gel1 She before you buy HENRY CLAUDITTI COLBERT; FONDA Mira ASTHUS MWg WWW JOHN CAARAStNE FAY 0UYH . DOS C3U1S IDHA KSSS KC3UT U1WET SHHSS . 1X3 S522 JOHN FORD Directed by FRIDAY, SATURDAY. JUNE 4. 5 I I let us V !; ' 7 t;0 utm. ' U' f 4Y 4 if , 'f z , y 'r-- J X; 'ii Cw.o. - ? ' Ai. ! yr f-- 1 q YOUR GI HOME LOAN GUARANTY IS GOOD ONLY ONCE TAKE YOUR TIME MAKE YOUR SELECTION WISELY- - the ... ... That happy-luck- I ' musical y If IjJJJjI .. with a cast that just & MW ouse taaturing Far FULL information ceetact rmr VKTEH AN3 ADMINISTRATION laral Then youll know why users say the Laundromat does more, and does it better, than any automatic washer made. Youll prove its advantages, with your own clothes, before you buy. ACCEPT OUR FREE Let us wash installed in OFFER... CALL US TODAY -- ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to order in my home. Decorated birthday and wedding cakes a Mrs. Walter Whitspecialty. 167 burn, Grassy Trail. nm and fancy r,rr"."i " " ir : fi rz 'A ;-X in: DELfl- Y- fc-ir.- P ' DE - a load of your soiled clothes in a Laundromat our store. Well make the appointment, the Laundromat pick up your soiled clothes, wash them in while you watch. Call us today. PHONE 982 VlllTEniZE tjir. 'Uiiim uitlm just ahead! Nows the time to have your seasoned" through ijg. gfltfaib Hl'IOb ) Warm weathers car SPWNS ex- BncM , v S performance and dependable i A Ir DON ml BU001PN DO UMUHI S, itV - BYINGT0N tf V RAN DELL RON pert service to assure finest IWTIIAS J MATE WCtWCTK t X motoring. THI HIMT OF Authorized Chevrolet TH laundromat In 1l I Trinafa-ft. $.!. "VS ymn iwnHed h SERVICE Aw year REDD ESSgsiM L Thursday, June 3 Double Feature CAR AND TRUCK L 50 WEST MAINSTREET i 'n -- c$:s zr count irrsoc.-tu- o SUNDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 7 Double Feature FOR SALE New pianos and organs. Piano tuning and repairing. House of Music Price Theatre Building. - DONT CHARLIE MCCARTHY DONALD DUCK MICKEY MOUSE MORTIMER SNERD oiSTeiiurro iy mco sadio fictuees -- ne a sur- sooo to BE Tur'-- ,' With oca CLASSIFIED with a load of vour own soiled clothes c:xahSHQRE ecrarBERCEN M80 PRICE. UTAH J ' r.:0T0H CO. Phone 384 129 East Main GLORIA HEW! HU DAVFNPCBT inaialumiMM WELFARE B0KB BOADOS froAxtitolKLUMItUXBI BbtctN HUUhi . . ' |