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Show Eastern Carbon' county has the brightest future of any area in the Intermountain area he Dr i n Dune Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, June 1, 1948 l Volume Banned KAISER r.liliE 1948 SUBSCRIPTION Si ut Plans are now underway for a winter sports area in Whitmore canyon northeast of Sunnyside with the announcement that the OUTPUT CAPACITY Utah Fuel company is setting up an arrangement whereby a ski WILL BE INCREASED run will be constructed on the BY 25 PER CENT slopes of the canyon The woikl of clearing the run will be un- The Kaiser Co Inc., operators dertaken during this summer, so of the Kaiser coal mine has just area can be available to that the recently completed installation of skiers this coming winter major equipment in their propis one similar to The project erty. Included are four Joy 11BU that by the Utah Fuel sponsored 10RU , loading machines and eight cutting machines with CD23 hydraulic drills mounted on them Eight new shuttle cars have been purchased, four being now delivered, these are of the drive type The remaining four will come this fall of the very latest type In fact, they are still in the engineering stage, but will be of two-whe- the four-whe- el company and the Coal Mountain Ski club along with the .Clear Creek Sports association at the now developed ski site at Clear Creek. el East Carbon Rotary Host To tjpe. The first new units were m- stalled last October on a trial It is anticipated by the basis management that this new equipEast Carbon Rotary club acted ment will increase production by as official host to tne annual la- at least 25 per cent dies night banquet of the Caibon County Chamber of Commerce last Tuesday evening in the junior high school auditorium at Dragcr- ton. Main speaker was Governor Herbert B. Maw who pointed out advantages of management and workers cooperating in prodac- tion and safety work. An excel- lent meal was piepaied for the large crowd, who attended the ai- Considerable comment has been fair circulating recently in regard to Dr. Fred Jones, president of the the coal kind leased by the East Carbon Rotary club, turntd Kaiser Co, Inc from the gov- - Uhe meeting over to William P ernment three miles beyond the Maack, president of the Chamber Horse Canyon mine of Geneva of Commerce Mrs. J Bracken Steel Company. Lee acted as mistress of cere- Kaiser plans to spend some monies. $50,000 each year for the next Speakers besides Governor tnree years on engineering and Maw included Mrs. Maw, Mrs A. development of this area. After D. Keller, wife of Mayor Keller this period, plans call for a rmnej0f price; Mrs. Edna Graham, to open within the next two g parbon president; Mr years, according to company of- and Mrs C. L. Leavitt, Mrs Go-- 1 ficials mer F. Peacock and Executive Thus it appears, that east CarSecretary J A. Theobald and bon will have a new coal mine Mrs. Theobald. Dance numbers within three to five years. This were presented by students of is expected to gradually take ov- Mrs Louise Danford, and a piano er output needs from the present solo was given by Marilyn mine Carbon C. of C. Hew Mine Planned By Kaiser In East Carbon Area 'ill BY PAT GRAHAM The combination radio- - phono- graph went to Glenda Lee Civish with a total of 82,000 votes Glenda turned in 46,000 votes the final day but with the tei rific finish f Miss Giaham and Bob Vaught vas good for only third place Merlene Staik who had been m fourth place for the past month remained there with a total vote f 36.000, just nosing out Helen Rowe and Jennie Abejta who are 6ed fffh place with 33,000 vtes each Miss Stark wins a bicycle and Miss Rowe and Miss Abeyta have to decide who receives the photo- graphs at Carryls Studio. FINAL STANDING RECREATIONAL HEAD Preston Summerhays, coach at the Carbon county senior high school, has again assumed the Fuel Sportsmens Riot rec- - company r rec The East Carbon area toll call telephone system operated by the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company i3 nearing Us end, as reports indicate that work PRICE MAN WILL HEAD GAME GROUP Coal League Sets Schedule For Summer Drager-seven-coun- ty Ken-nam- ed ?n -- Committee j Equalization Are 1 Welfare Thursday, Set 1 East Carbon High ' or er Set June 4, 5, 6 NEARLY 700 WILL SUBSCRIBE WHEN EXCHANGE FUNCTIONS t c Summc- who was Preceding the banquet, the on this same guests were taken on a tour of the Kaiser-FrazParts corporajob last sum- tion coke ovens, and the towns of mer, works out t r e a Columbia and Sunnyside tional programs Horse Canyon mine the group was for the resi- taken on a trip about a mile inMeeting . dents o f the side to the rotary dump under Three full days of celebration com-- 1 safeFuel of A Utah Summerhays of Carbon conn the Olson, Emery meeting supervision will mark this year's ann communities for the in committee the Democratic central county ty pany ty company. engineer Sportsmen's Riot of the Carbon- Clear Creek, Castle is scheduled for Monday night house was held at the including Open Emery Fish and Game associahome office of John Gate and Sunnyside. ; May 31, at the court house --m 4, and 6. Although the Dragerton tion June 4U 'Pi ice, according to Eugene Coll, programs of events are being held m , arrangements being in chairman. county Board ' in Price, Helper and Scofield, of Gerald Galbreath. All precinct officers in 1ie charge many East Carbon sportsmen arej Dates Set county are expected to attend the Arrangements for the tour and going to make strenuous efforts banquet were made by Mr Theowhich will take up con- meeting to have part of the celebration The Carbon county commis- - Slderabie business. bald of the Chamber of held in the eastern section nexti as a sioners will meet on June board of equalization and during j ear. The festivities will get under this meeting any property ownRIFLE ASSOCIATION BEING Show way with an unusual stag smoker ers who have any question on in the Helper civic auditorium on ORGANIZED AT SUNNYSiDE their assessed valuations for 1948 June 3 the night of Friday, June 4, at will be heard. The board of The Sunnyside National Rifle equalization will again meet on 8:00 p. m. Admission to this will There . will be a Welfare association is' being organized June 8, 9 and 15 to consider apbe by membership card only. Show this coming Thursday. Saturdays activities will in- there, twelve members having peals by county property June 3. The double feature clude a parade on the Price Mam signed up so far. James Cassano will consist of Danger Street" street at 2'00 p. m. to be followed is senior executive officer and and Rose of Santa Rosa." The ofand Silas Ross sportsis junior executive SUNNYSIDE NEW HOMES by childrens sports mens contests in the Price city ficer. Mr. Ross is also a scoutTen small homes will be started rnatinee show will start at 3 30 park. This will include a model master at Sunnyside. A great at Sunnyside immediately to give' p. m. with the first evening rn. airplane flying demonstration un- deal of interest is being shown more housing facilities for coke' show beginning at 6:00 p. oven employees. der the direction of Jack Sweet- in the new organization. ring. Saturday evening a fight card will be presented at the School Helper city ball park. On Sunday the scene will be M SYSTEM NEAR now is progressing for the establishment of an exchange at Dragerton to service the four communities of East Caibon, including Dragerton, Columbia, Sunnyside and Sunnydale. Under the present tolj system, all calls are what the naitie implies, pay calls. Under the system, telephone sub- Above is shown the graduating class of the best scholastically of any graduation change scrlbers wlU y a monthly fee Eas Carboij junior high school band, class in East Carbon, No more junior high ( for thelr telephones, with free Dragerton, the exercises being held on May excercises will be held as the board of edu- - calls to anywhere in the East 20 for 66 graduates. This is the largest and cation this year will cease such ceremonies, Carbon area containing the four communities mentioned. One of the principal handicaps at the present time is the acquisition of a building. Unless some other means are devised, the new Class exchange will be located in one C of the homes near the business Di Frank A Mighore of Price district. It is estimated that some 700 was elected last week as presiEldon Tidwell, Dragerton dent of the Eastern Utah Wild- telephone subscribers will become tiapshooter, won the Class C life Federation recently formed stute singles title Sunday in The balance of the games .... part of the service when the exIs completed, the Utah Trapshooting tourby representatives of seven coun- - the Carbon Coal Baseball league chang st-u- p nament at the Salt Lake Gun ties in thi-- . section, including Car- - are Keitn g,ven by President club His two-da- y record was bon, Emory, Gi and. San Juan, BejmtL the schedule will end July 191x200 Duchesne, Uintah and Wasatch Fourth. The second half will be-- ! Dr Mighore has previously aerv-gRalph Niles. Tooele, won july H am end August 22. Class A; Pat Miller, Salt Lake ed as temporary head of the group pbe remaining games are as tiie peimanent election. City, won Class B; H. L. lows' Claience White of Taboma'was Iloutz, Thistle, won Class D June 6 Rains at Hiawatha; named vice president, and Jack wattis at championships C. B. HigSunnydale; Sunnyside World, president of the Carbon- - at Kenilworth; gins, Salt Lake, took the state Spring Glen at crown. doubles Emery Fish and Game associa-- i Dragerton tion, secretary and treasurer. June 13H,awatha at Wattis; V Two directors to serve for the sunnydale at Sunnyside; organization weie ton vs. Rains at Kenilworth; from each of the sports- - RWorth at Spring Glen, men associations and include the John 1 worth; Sunnydale at Dragerton; following: Duchesne, nd R Watte vs. Rain, at Spring Glen; employment at the too mine, and agents ,d,n and YelStan Kig; Spring Glen at Sunnyside: the registra lows Jensen, jn East tone, Clarence Jones and Les June 27Rains at spring Glen; tion for the coming election have meant many day. of lost work far not yet been set by County Clerk Pearson; Roosevelt, Wayne Malm Sunnyslde at Wattjs; Dragerton ich truck hauling will and Howard Harrison; Hebor, at Sun-1 nefs Hiawatha; Kenilworth at b. H. Young, but this will prob-tIn addition to this, the Darrell Simmons and Lloyd Law- (alleviate. nydale ably be done at the next meeting ton; Moab, J. E. mine has its own cars Gneva and Charlie Kirby July' at vs. Rams 0f the commissioners on June 8. the Carbon Carbon unty rail Emery, Jack Spring Glen; Spring Glen at Wat-- 1 thrugh The first registration day, how-hay- s, Eberle; cars needed World and Holly Bryner. road, releasing many at Kenilwortn; tis; Dragerton ever, will be on June 15, said Mr. to other properties In the district. at Hiawatha. Sunnydale Young. All supplies have now These facts, together with the been received. Second Half fact that the East Carbon mines carJm, " reational direc- for the Utan Mc-Alpi- TELEPHONE I ill fol-un- til A as VX 'I4 . EAST CARBON m AGAIN duties 1 I Championship 132.000 90 000 82,000 36 000 33.000 33.000 SlTMMERHAYS V'KTy I;' Dragerton Shooter Wins State fr Bob Vaught Glenda Lee Civish Merlene Stark Jennie Abeyta ., Helen Rowe U 'A The last day of the Dragerton Subscription contest saw Pat Graham shoot from fifth place to first place with a lead of 42,000 votes over the nearest competi- tor Pats total votes numbered 132,000 Miss Graham wins a $50 clothing outfit and a three day all expense paid trip to Salt Lake City. Bob Vaught, the second place contestant, for many weeks re- -, mained in second place but in order to do so had to turn the heat on the final day. Vaught jumped from 30,000 votes to 90,- 000 and earned himself a three day all expense trip to Salt Lake Pat Graham 0 I if Trlr,T ruT Ur KAlt Band shifted to Scofield where speed boat races will be featured. This will get under way at 1 30 p. m. underthe direction of the Provo Boat club. Sunday evening. a baseball game will be featured dt Helper between the Helper Coors team and the Eureka entry in the Central Utah league. COKE OVEN MEN MOVING TO SUNNYDALE July 11 Kenilworth vs. Rains! are furnishing coal to industrial at Kenilworth; Dragerton at Wat- - instead of domestic users, means the year employment tis; Hiawatha at Sunnyside; Sun- - steady in a section this around, placing Glen. at nydale Spring more much position advantageous July 18 Rains at Sunnydale;. most other coal producing mng to get situated in their home Sunnyside at Dragerton; Wattis at (hat life As ouickly as the new homes Kenilworth; Spring Glen at , Hia-jcam- wathathey are mov- - are be.ng finished Juy 25 Hiawatha vs. Rains at ing in to Sunnydale Pete Connell, the assistant su- - Kenilworth; Sunnydale at WatMs; Kenilworth at Sunnyside; Drag- 500 perintendent, Mrs Connell, and Gen' Mrs. Connells mother moved erdn August 1 Wattis at Hiawatha; last week. Pete is from Upland, at Sunnydale; Rains at Suyslde resiwhere he was a California, Ken-fir- st coke ovens dent for many years. This is h's DragertotU Spring Glen at The Kaiser-Frazare moving toward capacity opertime to take residence in August 8 Kenilworth at Hia- - ation. At the present time there Ht3h Dragerton at Sunnydale; are nearly 400 ovens in operation wathaL Ben Covey, general foreman, went to Pomona, California, last Kains at Wattis; Sunnyside at 0(R 0j Hie 0aj ggg Each day Friday to get his wife and son. Spring Glen. approximately 500 tons of coke August 15 Spring Glen vs. are being shipped to the Ironton Ben is a native of California. at George Morlock, superintend- - Kams at Spring Glen; Wattis - plant. This means that between at Hiawatha DragerSunnyside; has his wife two and ent, j j qq t0 J20Q tons of coal are mov-ter- s, daughRoberta and Charlotte, stay- - on Sunnydale at Kenilworth. ijng jn0 e ovens each day, 93 Rams at Sunny- - men being employed. August 22 ing with him in Price. George at Spring Glen; Ken- - Th& trucks that are hopes to move to East Carbon fldeI Wattis moVing the at Dragerton; ,ilworth Hawalhaicoal from the utah Fuei and Kai- very soon. One of Carbon countys native at Sunnyda. le. ser mines are, it is reported, besides Other league 4 officers daughters has come back to live doing an excellentjob. r' Leavitt include Joe Rich, with us again. Mrs. Cady, the The new road over which the office manager, was born in Car- - Kenilworth, vice president, and, 60-tCapacity trucks will oper bon county but for the past eight James Reese, Hiawatha, seeretaiy- 'ate is a fourth finished a.t the treasurer. years has lived in California. She present time. is now living with her father in Price KAISER OVENS OUTPUT TONS DAILY er ' on County Cancer Drives Over Top F Water Supplies In East Carbon Are Now Sufficient Mrs. J. A Theobald, captain of the Carbon County "Cancer Society, chapter, announced todayl it's amateur night ever Friday that the quota set for this county evening at the Sunnydale ball in the recently concluded cancer park. Under the direction of drive has been achieved ;en Kestef, foreman at the Utah with some to spare. The quota Fuei companys coke ovens, resi-fthe county was $1300 and 1 dents of the East Carbon area though all of the drive receipts (are invited to attend and partici-hav- e not been turned in to the pate in the programs presented county headquarters assurances eaCh Friday evening at 7.00 pm. intimate that the quota will be The programs are put over a surpassed.. public address svstem, so that people in parked cars may enjoy the shows, along with those seated in the park bleachers. No prizes are given. The program is just for the are in order for ment of the spectators and for the have tal- the position of postmaster at enjoyment of those-whSunnyside. Please call at this of- ent and bke to present it before fice for information and appli- an audience. The amateur night program Is cations, which must be filed and mailed to Washington, D. C., prior a part of the Utah Fuels recreto June 3, 1948. ational program. ( 2-- will beshipped by truck. water shortage seems apparent for Sunnyside nj Sunnydale this summer, according to available information. This week a caterpillar tractor is repairing the road to the Range Creek pumping station eight miles over the mountain. Several breaks in the pipeline caused by are being fixed. About 130 inches of snow fell during the winter in Range Creek compared with 150 inches last year. Sufficient water also appears probable at the White-mosprings, source of the Dragerton water supply. No Road To Asphalt Quarry Now Being Improved For Use Improvement work on approxmiles of road from imately the tram dump to the quarry of the rock asphalt plant at Sunny-sid- e is now being completed. Two p eces of county road equipment are working on the project, according to B. H. Young, county clerk. Some asphalt production is being done by use of the old conveyor belt system, but finish of the road to the quarry is expected to eliminate this method, asphalt snow-slid- es V re The East Carbon juinior high school band, directed by Harold Hanson, is pictured here in their new uniforms, along with the drum e, Number 48 East Carbon Junior High Graduating Class I EQUIPMENT Sun-nysid- PER COPY 5c NEAR SUNNYSIDE CONTEST WON HIST ALLS HEW Serving a combined population 'of 6000 in Dragerton, Sunnydale and Columbia major and majorettes. About forty bers are in the band. It made an excellent showing during the past school year. mem- Y - Ow-fu- nd or al-- entertain-Applicatio- ns o |