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Show THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SIX SOME FIX A M m Tuesday, June 1, 1948 :Vh A c BEST LAUGHS OF THE WEEK inainss By knris 3cwti ffioSuUttot VANEY AND MOTHER-BU- T I GET ALONG ALL RIGHT OUR DOLLS DON'Tl I Little Sus.ie, age lour said mother, "When I grow up, have a husband like daddy7 Yes, replied her mother And continued Susie, dont get married, will I be maid like Aunt Louise7 Yes," replied her mother I WelL sighed Susie am in a fix " 60 ON HEARING HIM THE REST OF THE NIGHT, COULDNT YOU? COULD No 7 NANCY NANC- Yhovv DARE SALTS? If again iurely Brimstone before him at eating houses A stranger, eyeing it with curiosity, asked permission to try it, and put a liberal quantity on a piece of beef, which he then bolted There sai i pause The stranger (gulping down a Say parson vou glass of water) preach hell, dont you7 The circuit rider tee) it my duty to remind the wicked that there is retribution b;ond the grave n u re the Anyhow Stranger first preacher Ive seen th it carries samples 1 LITTLE REGGIE VJZZULY RID! By J By Hay Mathlssa WELL I HOPE VOURE USING LOTS OF SOAP ' WORRY MA-US- ING a PLENTY SOAP rTn -- M r AV cj Margarita 17 Stowaway M Pats rv1? 'A SifJHj Jf'iv Qj2al MUTT AND JEFF wHATY THE 1 DO YOU CALL THE. ROOSTER'S WIFE? v2- - AND WHAT DO YOU IcHltfKENS CALL THE CHILDREN SlRl I OF THE ROOSTER, AND HlS WIFE? s. BUT WHAT DO y00 CALL THE X Gnnnl ORWELL, THIS tS MEATLESS TUESDAV ANYWAY' J ' An uispectui Uoardmg a stnett.a was surprised to see the conductor sitting at ease smoking while a pas senger was collecting fares What does this mtjn7 he de You sitting thoe ind a manded passenger doing your wi rk That s all right" aid the conhe s a stowductor, an away I found on board He can t pay his fare so I m making him work his passage -- r, NEXT DOOR By Cluyas Williams JITTER By Arthur Pointer JITTER- - itoldyuA Business Before Pleasure . IOT TO AWJSfi THAT PUt STRAIGHTEN CARIES TCOL1 UP to bathroom to DOWN CELLAR WTTR, StotTVD SWEEJJ and finds cellar. If PRETTY Pl.TY, LKT WNt WORK. HE1D BCTTER SWEEP GOKTOCuPWW IT Up A SAT RfcMEM&ERf ME, Should have shut PVT NEW WASHER OF WATER FIRST H FAUCET 60E5 TO DO The young lawyer had been delivering a long and tiresome dissertation on th merits of his case when, noting an apparent lack of interest on th part of the Judge, he paused to ask, Is it the pleasure of the court that I continue7 The Judge heaved a sigh and rePleasure, my dear sir, has plied long been out of the question, but you may proceed SHUTF OFF reflect in6 ceuab TO GET NEW REGLAR FELLERS BULS By Gene Byrnes too - BUT CXXT THINK. IT A BIT UNCOHNfOdTNBCt FOB, 7 LA BIRO 09. A 300 FISH FINDS CUPKMRD PCClPES WHILE HE'S THWcS IT NEED SHARPENING LOCUS POOR NEED PIANINO ABOUT IT TO OVER ALL HH TOOLS AM5THER LOOK TO HAKE IT SHUT GOES TO WORK BENCH FOR HIS CHISE- L- WIFE SHOUTSW TURN TO GET PLANE. WATER CW, SHE WANTS LOCATES IT TO WARN DOES SC Ht ECX IN ICAia ' TEACH TOO TO INSIXT NVf NtW SPRlN HAT U1 1 1 U WE BUY AND SELL Office Furniture, File, Typewriter big Mechlnee, Safes, Cash Regmters SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE SIS South State 8L, Salt Lake City, ODES UPSTAIR REFLECTING HE NEVER HAS TIME TO PC ANYTHING AND ELFCTKICAL By Ed Dadd SUNNYSIDE AND CATCHERS MITT SP9 THOSE PAYS ANO FOR THE USE OF THESE THEY'D LET US PLAY... BUrWoUTW &AT' TO FORGIVE UE at 60SC0, MISTER T1MS SOMETIMES I WISH MY STORE WASN'T SO NEAR THE HIGHWAY U iept field where nothing ever happened i vf0. f&UI tS Eaat tth SHOP Established 1920 So. Salt Lake City, I tab HELP WANTED MFN, WOMEN Men and wmnen agents Part or full time Electrie home and health appliance Very high grade product with many uses and needed in erery home. Each sale leads to another. Attractive eonun. Good deal tor orew manager. Hotrwood Leruefirr, i ne., 4985 EfltfU Rock Bivd.. Lot Angeles 41, California 11. Jeff Hayes FAIMtWrit at r f JTRF15 MtOemeal pportunUli Keeamibly priced. C. F Co CaaedUa Fa Ac Vmcou'u. Fertile By I FQUIPMFNT THE ARMATURE CANADIAN SILENT SAM i Electric Motor Repaired Automobile Generator and Starter Ke paired or Exchanged Special Attention to Orders by Cldik S. Haas YOUU HAVE UES A BIT I an old A circuit rider, encountering many a meal that needed sqas, rung car Tied with him a tiny bottle of tabasco sauce, and pu it on the table By Ernie Bushmiller YOU USE MY to Her will I eoiU. trailer homes FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS .a& We are haadqtwrters for trailer homes naea a large itock of new naed trailer homes BOTAL w..LgfMM1R WHIRLABOUT COLUMBIA 9CHULT Pomr eoeremenee trailer market, am located ka f XpwatklloT benoIS JESSE M. CHASE, |