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Show PAGE FOUR HIE DKAGEHTON TKIBUNEDRAGERTON. Dragerton Tribune QUALIFICATIONS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS Tuesday, June UTAH 1194$ now being sold and the winners present The affair will start at will be announced during the 5.00 p. m. Publish at l Weekly bingo game. Office: Dragerton Theatre Dr. and Mrs C. T. CalUster Among the prizes are a girls The Happy Stitchers of 1947-4- 8 Phone Dragarton 16 Minimum qualifications must radio and electric and children are spending theic table bicycle, have changed their name to Rates 42 50 Per Year; 5c percopy;be met before a person is ehglMe clock. Winners do not need to be vacation in Seattle. the Stylish Stitchers" at the Last week at the Mrs of social shower for home at retirement Clifford ...Jack Publisher security Thursday evening held last Tuesday, May payments, Sherman H Ruesch, Curly Monroe, a farewell par- Dragerton. They plan to be mar- meeting at the home of Patricia Ber-ard- i. 25, second-class matter manager of the Provo social se- ty was held for her at which time ried in June. Entered as November 11, 1947 at the post curity office said today, adding she was presented with a beautiThis meeting was the second Dragerton, under the act of March Mere possession of a social se- ful table lamp. The party was a BRIDE IS HONORED held this year The first meeting S, 1879 success a was and good time Mrs Oscar Padgett, the former curity card at age 65 is not great had by all She is leaving im- Miss Nellie Halliman, was honor- was held at the home of Naomi enough. Anderson. Photographer John Blevin. While ten full years of work is mediately for the University of ed at a show'er Friday evening, The officers of the club enough to qualify anybody, older Utah where she will take a sum- May 28 Several guests attended, Patricia Berardi men and women can draw social mer course. refreshments and games being Vice president Geraldine Hy-l- ta even retirement payments security enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs if they worked less than ten On Wednesday of last week the Padgett are living in Price. Secretary Sylvia Jensen. Mr Ruesch continued teachers of the elementary side Mr. and Mrs Frank Sjostedt years, Treasurer Irene Sixkiller , e of and Connie Lee came out of The exact length of time East Carbon school gave a PINOCHLE CLUB Reporters Katheryn Zele and on workers age It surprise party for Miss Rose Pog-laje- n, ENTERTAINED AT Range Creek Tuesday night They pends Donna Leavitt left for their vacation Thursday, may be as little as one and who is soon to be married KATE NEUMEIERS Song leader Patsy Burdick They will visit in Salt half years if the worker was 65 and for Mrs. Vondella Hanley, There are eleven members in Lake and in Idaho and go on to( before July 1, 1940 Ten years who is leaving Dragerton Miss - Dragerton the Stylish Stitchers The and two Sunnydale their ranch in Wyoming They are of work is required only for Poglajen was given a lovely waf- Pinochle club was entertained at leaders, Naomi Anderson and to be gone for two weeks and those who will not be 65 until fle iron and Mrs Hanley received the home of Mrs Katie Vera Warren, Neumeier while they are gone Bud Monsonjl957 or later Work done after a beautiful glass tea set The par- on This year the girls are work-M- rs Friday, May 28 Guests were and Sherd Blackburn will be at age 65 counts toward meeting ty was a successful surprise and Bernice Rich, Mrs. Frankie mg on best dresses The next Range Creek to keep the pumps these requirements greatly enjoyed by all wall be held at the home Murphy and Mrs Pearl Turner meeting are knowIf in interested you going. Mrs Gertrude McCourt won of Patsy Burdick. Mrs Ben Justesen is leaving high score and Mrs Frankie Mur- The second set of twins arrived in yur minimum requirements contact the social security Dragerton this week for a few in a week in these two communi- - ae phy took second place in addition ties. The first were a bay anl, representative. Sterling K Peter-gi- rl days visit in Manti, to winning the traveling prue A a the court house in Price to Mr. and Mrs. Vance Fu-sdelicious lunch was served guests P une 8 from 9 00 a m to and members gate of Sunnyside and the second011 Mrs Janie Henderson also will were twin boys to Mr. and Mrs 2:00 noon. be leaving town within the next Howard Hughes of Sunnydale few days for a visit in Rock EDNA GRAHAM These little boys arrived Mon- out for them to get into the junThe stork may have been away WyoSprings and Kemmerer, ENTERTAINS ior league. day, May 24. for a big part of her suma week ago but he came back ming John Preston is home again af- mer vacation when she will A new baby girl arrived at tha visit Mrs Edna Graham entertained Wlth a burst ot work to make up home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mar- ter spending many weeks in the relatives and friends her Eight babies bridge club at her home in for any deficiency tinez on Monday, May 24. It is hospital and he is getting along checked g, into the on eveDragerton Sunnydale Wednesday fine and is very happy to be home the couples first child. a pair of twins The seniors at Carbon senior Pltal A 26th including color May spring Mrs. James Cassano is expected with his family again. high school have had a very busy scheme was carried out in table Mr and Mrs Willard Hughes of B Mrs two J Voss, her daughhome this week-en- d after having week beginning with baccalau- decorations and attractive as well Sunnydale had twin boys on May spent the last two weeks in Colo- ters, Ruth and Bobbie, and son reate services, a tea given by the as delicious refreshments. Guests rado visiting her parents and David, are spending two weeki in president, a banquet by Carbon's included Mrs Gertrude McCourt, Mr. and Mrs Jose Lobato of Hospers, Iowa They are visiting Alumni, a senior breakfast, and Mrs Marge other relatives and friends Mrs Cor- - Sunnydale had a boy on May 25 Naylor, The epidemic of measles in the Mrs. Vosss mother, Mrs Jacob finally their well earned and inne Hyatt, Mrs Alice Faddis and A boy was born to Mr and Mrs two camps is still running at a Sma, her sister and brothers Mrs long awaited graduation The 210 Mrs Ethel Peperakis High prize Roy Muranaka of Price last Wed-wfever pitch. Many new cases Voss and the children left Wed- graduates received their diplomas won by Mrs Frankie Mur- - nesday Mr and Mrs. Trinidad have come down since the close nesday, May 19 Dr and Mrs Friday night. May 21, at the civic phy, second by Mrs. Hazel Mor- - Saucedo of Sunnydale had a girl Voss and their family are soon auditorium at of school. eight o'clock. Fol- gan, and traveling by Mrs Inez on May 28 while Mr and Mrs to to move California Dr where new of are homes the Twenty lowing this there was a dance Hyatt Mrs Gertrude. McCourt Russell Winters of Price had a. finished and ready for. tenants, VosS is going into one of the army held at the college gym for the won the guest high prize and con- - boy on the same day. The first tenant began moving jn hospitals solation prizes were presented to graduates Mr and Mrs Henry Trujillo of The Pythian Sisters of Sterling Tuesday, May 25. He is the asMrs Vi Lindsey, Mrs. Corinre Dragerton had a boy on Saturday Miss Rose Poglajen," the future Hyatt, Mrs. Alice Faddis sistant to Mr. Morlock at the 21 held initiation at the commuand while a boy was bom to Mr and center Kalser-Fraz- er building in Sunny- Mrs Bill Bradley, was given a Mrs Margaret Heers. coke ovens and is nity Mrs Jose Archuletta of Sunnymoving in at 390 Edgehill Drive dale on Tuesday, May 25, at 8 00 on Sunday. Seven boys ardale mMany ut of town guests The remaining 40 houses will be P rived as compared with one little to Geare Mrs attend expected completed early in June. smiling daughter neva Yates, who is the grand of chief will be and there Utah, (Last Week) BINGO GAME, RAFFLE others from Salt Lake City, HelpPres Summerhays, who AT CATHOLIC CHURCH . ArPrice and er, Park City. moved to Sunnydale from for the arc rangements was elected of. Price, evening manager The St Marys Guild girls of the Sunnyside ball team at aunder the direction of Mrs V. the Catholic church at Dragerton M and lr-Thompson, she 14 held in the 1 meeting May will conduct a raffle and b.ngo brary. The amusement commit-- 1 ur8es U Pythian Sisters to at-tgame on Sunday, June 27, at the met with members of the erd Catholic church hall Chances are Kaiser company and Utah Fuel company to plan the ball team MANY MEASLES CASES FOR SALE Band instruments, program for the coming summer An epidemic of measles has So many people have been so vigorously from vent, turn switch Tom McCourt, Tom Mahan, Bill been prevalent in Sunnydale, the accordions, guitars, sheet muto pleased with the CELIA PUDsimmer, and continue cookand musical gifts. The sic Lindsey and Cliff Powell will as- - last week of school about half the on simmer about 45 minHOUSE OF MUSIC sist Summerhays and the outlook smaller children were absent on DING recipe, and asked for it ing Price utes Turn out, serve with or Theatre Building. for the ball season is very bright. account of this disease. Although that in order to get enough copies without whipped cream. The young boys are practicing and it has now slowed up there are for everyone I am putting it in column in the hoping something will be worked still many cases in this section. my paper. CELIA PUDDING saucepan small unit. Cooking time about 1 hour i Happy Stitchers Adopt New Name Sunnyside de-th- one-morni- ng j BOTTLING CO., Price, Utah on 7-U- hos-mn- as FOR THE HOMEMAKER Mary Black EC, says ee 1W2 SUMMER ELECTRIC HOUR Batter tablespoons butter or shortening 6 tablespoons brown sugar 1 egg 8 tablespoons grated raw carrot 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 teaspoons lemon juice V, teaspoon soda 1 flour cup enriched teaspoon baking powder Vt teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon cinnamon Mi teaspoon cloves 2 cup chopped nut meats Syrup 1 cup granulated sugar tfc cup currants 3 tablespoons butter or margarine cups water 3 HELPFUL EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE cargo; emery dark M Featuring j Utah Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn usimjilie Some old oil"? 1 t 0U) Oil tan eauft Ist Qf tnublt 9 t Cleai, Freslj Oil .letter h Yeer Car EIGHT AWAY1 oil ro-o- ll lit carkar SlIarMltal, , MMl olr ctooaar, Wa.wil fm loo , , , owl Haw cly, loot how loop boo M booa oloro yaw'. b your car ul carafwl It IVMUCAIIOW mmif kihrkx.u. mmd lit Job! Now car, or oU II will plro yaw o rtco aa4 groat ridlog uco wbou you it regular a n M 4o Dootool hikrlcattow. to aw,', tically -r- lobrl-catl-oa yotat-by-pot- st , go yu H Xko to bora your o r 4y to go owywhwo oog who to-- o'tr 4ro kw ow4 aao uo. tha right ylwco, to tha right aaraioal It, Ptynnl Plan DIHH1ELL GARAGE Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Etxtcrn Utah FRANKIE CARLE IvSL PHONE - 3:30 P (X Brought To You Sift flour once, before measuring, then sift again with soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cloves Mix baiter ingredients in order given (No, the milk has not been left out the carrots provide the necessary liquid ) Next, mix the syrup and cook in a covered Cook on saucepan high" heat until mixture boils, about 5 minutes. Then add batter, and, when steam escapes ELECTS OFFICERS 4-- pital the Pm-U- p -- r SHIPPING UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. CLOSE-OU- T on Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moving Service . . . We Pack , Pick Up and Deliver FIRST flATIOHAL DARK PAINTS Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah At Reduced Price- - - Prices A full and complete line of builders supplies. See us for an FHA home loan. TRI-STAT- 1948 Boy, but After see mg that photo I've changed my mind Im the homeliest guy in town. As MOVING PACKING S. CARBON AVI, j be Gantz makes a statement. In regard to the photo of last week. I've been lrnown around the hos- STORAGE 309 By Top Quality The Busy Bees elected officers for their H club last May 19. Joan Jewkes was chosen president for the coming year; for vice president, Kathleen Carpen-dal- e and secretary, Anna Lou Bradoo were chosen. The leaders appointed were Mrs. Carpen-dal- e and Mrs. Cottrell. Colin Burdick is the reporter. BOY! CAMPBELL'S TRANSFER BEnilETTS BUSY BEE CLUB NO GLAMOUR Atk About Our Budget BUCKS SPORTING GOODS Every Sunday Lo IM chock Four oar', crankcaoa. oartrMto, uS cl mo ob4 $4.50 AND HIS BAND AND VOCAUSTS ls Stoll special j se Price, Carle Corns Calling " BASKET, with harness included E LUMBER CO. Price, Utah o Utah ooo Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Iaauraoce Cerpn |