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Show Tuesday, June 1, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH FICTION CORNER FOLLOW THROUGH By HAL MARQUETTE AND SHOULD you encounter this man, exercise care He' dangerous. Any further news that comes In will . . ." Jerry Anderson snapped off the radio. Hed heard the particulars of the brutal strangulation of Mrs. Prescott and the description of the suspect several times this eveAfter that wordy, unlovely ning. portrait of the man, he felt that even he would recognize him if he ever contacted him, but he hoped that he wouldnt. Jerry was no coward, but . . . After Jerrys recent discharge from the hospital, he decided that he wanted to live out at the cottage while making his plans for His family objected the future. not without cause, and it wasn t until old Doc Crowder, the family friend and physician, cominced them that it would be a good thing for Jerry to do under the circumstances, that they finally yielded to his wishes. Jerry had spent every summer of his life there, until his enlistment, and he loved the old place. So, when his mother and Lucy reluctantly left him this after noon, he was glad Not that he did not appreciate the things which they had been doing for him, but he wanted to be on his own. He had plans to make and this change and the quiet that he would have would be perfect. He had tried, during his month at home, to his own "self reasoning apply He method, but to little avail felt confident that it could be tested properly by facing his problems Independently. Jerry sat near the undoubtedly thought that he was alone. Perhaps he had seen Lucy and her mother leave hours before and had waited for darkness to come After what had seemed an hour, he heard the man get up from the table and walk toward the hall which led into the living room. Jerry knew that his safety depended upon what he would be able to do within the next few minutes It wasn't a very pleasant spot to be m, but . . . He thought of the broadcasters remark, that the killer had not used a car, and that it was suspected that he was making a gets away by the county and woofs This could be the man For as long as he could remember, no ord n lry tramp had ever strayed so far away from the mam back-road- go. I am t done nothing but eat some of your grub Honest, mister. Ill get out of here quick if youll put that gun down." This was the voice of a frightened man, but not the voice or true dialect of a hobo Jerry relaxed slightly, and the man in the chair moved. This was the time to "follow through" it he was ever going to do it. "Get up and do exactly as I tell you, he commanded The man cringed but rose slowly, his eyes still on the gun. He hated guns, he was afraid cf guns, and he knew now that this man knew it, too. If he could only knock it to the floor . . . "Keep your hands high, get to that telephone beside the door, and do as I tell you. Any monkey-busines- junior ice-bo- betaif mart ebreii oCinei on s. The man advanced toward the door and the telephone without looking from right te left. Jerry moved to his side as he passed him. He could feel the mans body tremble, as though he were having a dull, when he touched him with the gun. "Now put your left hand on the receiver, lift it off the hook and Daytime Dress smartest daytime dresses youll see. The popular diagonal lines are finished in soft scallopa the high slit neckline is so flattering. If you like, three quarter sleeves are also provided in the pattern. One of the Ilappy Birthday FEW EVENTS WILL MATCH the pleasure that a real birthday party can give to your youngster. The gaiety imparted by a few favors, crepe paper decorations, e house full of little friends and a cake ell bis own, these are the things a child will remember so pleasantly for a long time. Birthday party menus depend mainly upon the age of the children. Very simple food is the order of the day for children of three or four; and for children of fiva or six, the food is only slightly more elaborate. Children from 8 to 10 and older may have things such as lamb chop or hamburgers for the main dish, but Its still important to plan to serve only familiar foods for little guests. Ice cream and cake are essentials at a birthday party no matter what the age group. For the younger children, however, serve only plain Ice cream such as vanilla, and a very simple, not too rich cake, so there will be no digestive upsets. knew that his safety depended upon what he would be able to do within the next few minutes. Jerry highway. He must have come upon the house by accident When Jerry heard a hand moving along the wall groping for a be stood up and pointed the gun toward the door. Then it happened the . living room light was snapped on. He put it to your ear. When the operator answers, tell her to connect you with the Helm road district police. When they answer, tell them to come immediately to the Anderson cottage off Helm road. The man lowered his arm slowly and took the receiver off the hook. heard a hoarse cry of surprise. Hed stall, he thought; maybe the The man's breathing was heavy nut would give him an in. But as he stood motionless, facing the of sound regular He had a fear that Jerry hearing the gun. the and, breathing pressure feeling could sense was genuine. of the gun against his back, any "Get em up! Who are you and what do you want?" Jerry was an illusions that he might have had officer in the infantry again as he regarding an in, were ahattered. "Operator, gimme the Helm road made the demand. station. His voice quaverpolice he The man was shaking when ed, and his hand was shaking. He spoke, "Youre a cool one, brother. Put that gun down, please, before couldnt keep the receiver close He took a to his ear. you hurt somebody. The man was conscious of the step forward, and Jerry raised the at his back, and he spoke in gun from it gun and moved slightly a hoarse whisper, "Come to deep side to side. Looking toward the the Anderson cottage off Helm not of was what sure man, Jerry be should do next. Then all the road right away." "Whats up?" Jerry heard the admonitions of his teachers came back to him: SHOW NO FEAR-THI- NK officer ask. Tell him," he snapped at the FAST-SPE- AK WITH CONFOLLOW man. REASON VICTION "Ive got the man youve been THROUGH . . . for. looking "Sit down in that chair," Jerry heard the quick break of Jerry voice loud his at roared, surprised at the police stathe connection of confidence. This gave him a bit VISUALIZE CHANCE IT tion. Then he thought of his next move. DO FOLLOW THROUGH . . . A nut," the man ventured, half He . answer . had the . under his breath, and he obeyed. "Drop that receiver and get He kept his eyes on the gun as left arm up. He hesitated, your it. though hypnotized by then ordered his prisoner to go "Shut up and sit still back to the same chair and sit "Youre a smart . . . The man down. glanced away from the gun Just The killer had a dogged smirk long enough to see if there was on bis face aa he turned and could he that near grab anything moved toward the cbfr. He "Wot you going to do? Let me felt positive that his captor was a not, and with that gun . . . Seconds passed as he continued to glare at Jerry. Then he thought of an old trick that he would try in order to get Jerry off guard. He wondered why he had not tried It when he first came into the room Stiffening himself and settling back in the chair, be broke the silence with a tirade of oaths "Keep it up and keep them up, too," Jerry ordered. This was not the reaction that the killer had hoped .for. He then quieted and began to talk more coherently, and soon was telling of the crime for which he was being hunted. He spared none of the details. jl Yjrt ft, ; Then Jerry heard the purr of a motor and mens voices. A slight wave of relief swept over x4dr him. Almost immediately, there was a sound of crackling shrubbery and running feet. The front door opened and two officers, with guns drawn, rushed In. They saw their man and covered my bon aloes him. light-switc- h, ? but ia There are a thonaaad shining pcooft that QtnM b a Using fores today, tot I hare known The whits In fillibi ones thar hare sifictd To blot away all doubt. He k to neat That I as touch Hun with my reaching hand. He ia to dote to me that I an beat Him apeak the ample weeds I nndetOand. "Many infallible proofs, He showed to that At they walked and talked with Him on Hu earthly k s' Jelly Rhubarb Pie Add milk; mix well and beating. add sifted dry ingredients. Mix until smooth and add extract Fold in egg whites. Bake in an ungreased caka pan in a slow (328 degree! oven for one hour. Invert pan to cool, then frost. Birthday Party Igena (For Children 8 to 6) Creamed Chicken In Toast Cups Green Peas Carrot Siloes Ice Cream and Birthday Cake Beverage You may use the recipe for creamed eggs, and use chicken. The green peas may be mixed with the chicken or served separately. The carrot slices may be raw or cooked and served with the peas. Use the same cake as suggested for the first Pattern No. 1765 ia for sizes IX 14, 16, 18. 30; 40 and 42. Size 14, aleeve, 4 yard of cap Pattern No 830S comes In sizes 11. 12, 13. 14. 16 and 18 Size 12, 4 Mi yards of 39 inch. You'll like the smart and practical sewing information contained in the Spring and Summer FASHION. S2 pages of style, color, easy to make frock - free pattern printed inside the book. 25 cents. cm Cl E PATTERN DECT. Some Wells St. Chleage 1. IU. Enclose 28 cents la coin lor eaeb pattern desired. site Pattern N SEWING UO Address. Bottle of Coral Sea Termed first Big Defeat for Japan menu. d In the battle of that island-studTHE MENUS AND RECIPES Ive Ia NR (Nature Remedy) Tablets ocean known aa the Coral sea, which Birthday Party Menu planned will give you e clue as to there ere ae chemicals, no mineral ia and Children Solomon islands near over the (For 7) the best way to plan these particular w phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are about 1,000 miles northeast of Audifferent or different. Purely woo Lamb Chopa on Toast or party foods. table e combination o 10 vegetable stralia, America's first real victory Hamburgers on Broiled ingredients formulated over 50 yearg of the war with Japan was scored. Birthday Party Menu Tomato Slices ago Uncoated or candy coated, their (For Youngsters 8 to 4) The action occurred on May 4, 1942, Potatoes Au Gratia Green Beans action ie dependable, thorough, yef and called for deeds of valor as Cream of Tomato Soup Ice Cream with Sauce or gentle, at millions of NR'a have American aa in all or any thrilling Crushed Freeh Berries proved. Get a 254 box. Uae at directed. Goldenrod Egge history. Birthday Caka Carrot Sticks or Carla The Corel sea battle was the first Milk Sandwiches Peanut Butter-Jell- y If you aerva lamb chops, lti a great naval defeat ever dealt the Vanilla Ice Cream Sponge Cake with And yet good idea to hava them boned when imperial Japanese fleets. Milk this battle was fought entirely in Orange Icing you give them to the younger chilC!CXrcUf Goldenrod eggs ere e nutritious dren. Theyre more healthful, too, the air, by the planet of opposing rcxAca aircraft carriers. dish whether the party Is for lunch if theyra broiled. in this The battle ships engaged or dinner time. Eggs prepared this Heres a tasty recipe for hamway are Just a bit more partified burgers, if you decide on them for never got sight of each other. They slugged it out without firing a single than creamed eggs. the party: SSua'ba fire from Itching of gun at another ship the first enGoldearod Egga Broiled Hamburgers gagement of Us kind in history. In this first great victory for the U. S. (Serves I to 8) (Servea C) i i this global war the Japs lost more 2 tablespoons butter or substitute 1 pound ground round or chuck Dontdelay apply soothing, skilfully medicated Reamol to the irritated than 15 ships sunk and at least 20 8 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons chill sauce akin I Note how this famoua ointment The action Z cups milk 1 IZ teaspoons relievee itching end burning. It belpa prepared mustard others severely damaged. invafrom Australia saved so many skin sufferers, it muit be 1 teaspoon minced onion perhape IZ teaspoon salt good. Costa little et your druggist's. sion. 14 eup fine bread crumb f eggs ? a America high However, 1 12 teaspoons Worcestershire paid Parsley price for her victory in the aultry sauce ( toast wedges Coral sea. In this engagement the 14 teaspoon pepper Melt the butter, blend in flour, aircraft carrier, Lexington, famed 8 slices bread You Can Be a Partner then add milk slowly and stir in ship that laid the foundation of our 8 tomato slices fresh seasonings. Cook until thickened. modern navy's aircraft carrier opBuy U. S. Savings Bonds I Combine all ingredients except Cut whites of eggs into tiny elivers went to the bottom. This and add to the white sauce. Pour sliced bread end tomatoes. Spread erations, on May 7. creamed mixture over foast wedges on slices of bread. Broil for eight happened and top with yolk minutes at moderate heat, then top pressed through a sieve. Garnish with tomatoes which have been broiled at the same time. Serve at with parsley. The sandwiches may be omitted once. when the eggs ere served, but if FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY CAKE, V desired, they may be made into If select a yellow, white or chocolate and also served. "fingers the soup is served, they may be one depending upon the youngsters Because Kelloggs Com Flakes preference. Then frost It with chocoplaced on the plate along with it A cake that will do the Job nicely late frosting, as given below. The are so popular, they come to for the younger generation is this cake may be put together with you fresher. Crispy-deliciou- s! one made with hot milk, eggs and marshmallow cream, spread with aniA of the procession frosting. only a little shortening. It may be frosted prettily with a confectioners mal cracker around the sides. will Icing, moistened with orange Juice delight the children. If animal canand flavored wtlh grated orange dle holders are available, use them rind. Flute it through a pastry on top. rosette tube and dont forget to Magic Chocolate Frosting write happy birthday across it and Z squares unsweetened chocolate use candles. 1 13 cups (1 can) sweetened conHot Milk Sponge Cake densed milk 4 egg yolka 1 tablespoon water I 12 cups sugar Melt chocolate in top Of double 12 cup boiling milk or wain Add sweetened, condensed boiler. 1 12 cups caka flour milk, then stir over boiling water 14 teaspoon salt five minutes until the mixture thick1 teaspoon baking powder ens. Add water. CooL Spread on 1 teaspoon lemon extract This recipe makes cold cake. 4 stiffly beaten egg whites enough frosting for the top and sides Beat egg yolks until verythlck; of two (nine-inch- ) layers. Change to SAKO add sugar gradually and continue NU Fetora IU1 by hard-cook- hard-cooke- d ierXrispen he- r- oo fW(bs J si "Good work, Mr. Anderson, good work. When the officers yanked the man to his feet and they had started for the door, one Of them said to the prisoner, "Youre lucky to have bad this extra living time, him spotting you and with everybody- in the county ready and willing to ahoot you on sight" The prisoner did not comment but be scowled' and was shaking and snorting with anger. "The gun was not loaded, officer, end I could recognize him only from hie story , . . you see, I am blind, Jerry said eoftly. Molded Orange Salad Bran Muffins Beverage Date Frock Three tiny buttoned tab make a pretty finish for this youthful date frock. Juniora adore the brief sleeve, the fitted waist, the full flared skirt. It will be perfect in a gay candy striped fabric. DRY ECZEMA Many IrifalllHe Proofs p, LYNN CHAMBERS MENU Chicken Chop Suey on Rice Chinese Noodles d in ?; But I hare often touched Hu garment'! hem. And fck Hu healing power aa swell aa they. Oh, not alone to them care proof on proof Ha dura mj lost He tree beneath my reef! J4as hlice , ice-bo- x .H, naj dure ere. jdrocb planted window for quite some time trying to make a start at some of that "self- reasofung, but his mind kept reverting to the broadcast he had heard earlier. If the woman only had had a gun, he thought. She probably would have been afraid to use it, though; most women were. He thought of the empty Luger in his bag and wished that he could have tried again to get some ammunition for it He loved that gun, a gift from one of his buddies who had not come back. Jerry went into the bedroom and took the gun from his bag. He fondled it and then slipped it into his pocket He smiled when he realized Just how foolish that was. He came back to his chair and then lit his pipe. He had been sitting there for Just a few minntes when, suddenly, he heard the back door being opened, and then the click of the light switch. He aat a till, wondering who it could be, a dozen thoughts chasing through his mind. He felt the useless gun in his pocket and took it out, gripping it firmly. Now, if ever, he could test himself on several of the things which he had learned during his rehabilitation. In less than a minute, it seemed, x door being he heard the chuckle come low a and opened, from the intruder. Then he heard things being put on the table. He knew that whoever was in the kitchen seemed sure of himself. He must know, he thought, that even with the whole house lighted. It was practically impossible to see in from any side. The minutes dragged while he listened to the man eating and drinking. From the noise he was slamming the making, door and moving his chair, the man PAGE REYEN 1110 MM m S0P sq , Lhs LYNN SAYS: Leftovers Can Be Time and Money Savers Do you have a few pieces of pineapple? Broil them to garnish and glorify your meat dish for dinner. leftover fruits? Combine them into a gelatin salad. Or make them into a sauce for a pudding. Do you have some leftover potatoes that were boiled? Brush them with melted fat and broil along with hamburgers, chops or a slice of ham. What can you do with those sliced tomatoes? Use them in meat loaf or meat patties or as a sauc base for flavoring other meats. Or atew and sieve them and use for soup. Is there a dab of applesauce in the refrigerator? Cook it Into the youngsters morning farina or use it in an applesauce cake. Never tos away those delicious fruit Juices from icanned fruit Thicken with cornstarch and use as pudding sauce or as liquid for gelatin dessert and salads. Safer Cigarette with rmmm Not a SuUtitutoNut RedfeoNd Sanoa scientific process cuts nicotine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending makes every puff a plea sure. I rururNO-HAi- x TOBiooo oo, iirc w. r. V wreeaered eaKwelwtialaar reveler SreeSe row pocrot moot uko ciemms |