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Show V THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday, June 1, 1948 An ' pvn.r : TK - iOk t" Xi- lx' tig Westbrook PegCcr About Toicn: During s recent intermission critic George Jean Nathan was told that Chicago's dean, Ashton btevens, was ill. "Do you know," said a review-er- , that Ashtons been s drama critic for over 50 years out there1 "What! said Nathan. "And he Just got sick'1 Released by can ee now will be a bu one for boxing with Louis defendmj his title against Walcott Louis savs this will be his lasl as anjone AS theFAR month of June Feature te hme tW perceived at a sect. on cf the Taft Hartley law before Judge Bir Muoro, in Washington, was suspi nous business Justice Franhfurtoi la'er remarked that he saw evidence of an inside job The defendants were the CIO and its psalm-sin- g mg president, Philip Murray, the 3i Umemene kid THE CIO ANE MURRAY ARE LATCH-KEPALS OF PRESIDENT TRUMAN Frankfurter, in effect, accused the department of justice of slippmg its own client a mickey fmn. Actually we know, and so does Frank-furter and so did Moore, that the D. of J. was politically opposed to law. It is a Republican law. The C I O. and Murray are i ot only Democrats but big contribu S 1 trial cf fight ET AYS... Warren R. Austin. U.S. delegate to the United congress Nations, lnforned that any attempt to alter the U.N. charter to block Y VETO use of the veto im- sion of Moore, who is also 1 is power by the Russians tlae. House possible at thiscommittee bad foreign affairs been considering legislation to revise U.N. charter. this an avowed Democrat, his party, Mr Trumans This is the columns idea of an oarty an the party of the defend inoffensive Mefoofsky quip . . . ants would gam or lose a slush fund Mefoofsky and a pinochle player if millions named Bromowitz got Into a big Judge Moores party hopefully argument during a game . . looked to him to the use of Alter ternj ers exploded (and they that money with ratify which it could Bromo-vwt- z called each other names), corrupt the ballot in the 1948 Presichallenged Mefoofsky to a dential election. In an opinion supat the tols in park with duel pi in porting the casuistical clap-lra- p dawn the defendants own political pamDut's a dill'" agreed Mefoot phlets, Moore Justified their hopes. "I'll be d ire Old Ben Moore came through. were seconds Bromow.tz and his I put it straight to Moore to say at the appointed, place on time, but whether he ever was or never was a sight. in nowhere was MefociPkv After waiting an hour, Bromowitz oartner in a Charleston, W Va , law sent one of his seconds to phone 'irm which represents John L. Lewis and the Unrted Mine Workers I "the dovtv coward' asled him to jay also who pluclrd exso to not get "Tell him urn out of Charleston to sit in Wash-ngto- n cited, said Mafoofshy. "I got and y bp assigned him to Uis in twenty dare I'll he tied opp. ase start to him tell minutes Moore wouldnt shooting swee and, ' although "So obvi- my questions When the President enters public had no Ansirrr ously bearing hal.s for a speech the band strikes y on the At uo "Hail to the Chief" :ase, he threw in a slantwise men-r- n Mrs. P. llesta s private affair for of contempt Well, any citizen orchesthe cued entrance his him, iad a right to ask those questions Wild Just tra to go into. "Im and the bluff just made me more About Harry . . . Jammy Savo, he suspicious However, if it was conmoney of was robbed pocket star he should have done his stuff. tempt by stickups after an .engagement j NOW LET HIM CITE FRANKat a swank spot. The banduts didnt FURTER FOR CONTFMPT leg get $2 500 he hid in his wooden will We may get a more thorough Fifth avenue bus firms hire you only if you can t drive statement of Frankfurters suspicions and objections to the conduct Break you in their own way. if the D. of J when the opinions in of still the supreme court are written. hea Taft says Item: the running. I now have discovered an opinion of the fourth circuit court of They went THAT way! which appeals unanimous, too Sherwood, Moore out with the most Story Tellers: Robert lays the only intimate of Harry Hopkins violent flogging of a federal judge and the top authority on FDR by a higher court that I have about ever (capable of wording a book, read. his biography unveil will them) A baby boy, 13 months old, wanenormous via Harper He had the dered onto the railroad tracks and White Roosevelt Hopkins and a yard documentation engine cut off his hands The his for files House first The second a disagreed jury is writing One New Dealer be gave the baby $100,000 The verdict book on Jim Farley not to has was reversed on errors, but the published until after Farley cant -- ourt of he appeals said also that the gone to Heaven "so thatNewsweek udnment was excessive In the . . . himself defend third the before W. Moore, trial, Judge editor, chief s quotes Collier is gave the baby $160,000. He reDavenport, as saying an editor he lury fused to set it aside as excessive, "one who knows precisely what but the court of appeals said it it is what sure not wants but is was and figured that the boy We like the old definition bet- could an income of $4,800 a have redead a is editor ter. "An year for life and still leave an porter estate of $160,000. Presithe Recognizing the painful nature of Is Still Leading Wallace the case, the court of appeals stiD dential Preference Poll (conducted Newsreel condemned Moore for inciting the by the five Embassy is jurys sympathy and for "an ar. Stassen . . theaters) with 3,799 second with 3,224 and Eisenhower Is gumentative presentation which must have prejudiced the defendthird with 2,389 . . . Arthur Murant's case. Arline see to ray thinks its funny One marjuror even off planned her calling Judge Moore an made affidavit calls things Arline usually riage. Is that they all wrote off AFTER the wedding . . . The Partial down a big figure, no sirens on the New York police added them up and the to cops prowl cars isnt funny divided by 12 to get $160,000. Some of them managed to catch a But it was for his treatment oi him stickup, anyway, after trailing de- the locomotive fireman and his partraffic, through midtovvn heavy were forced tiality of the plaintiff that the court spite all the stops they of appeals gave Moore the worst corners. at to make of his bawling out. The fireman was corroborating the Paul Agent Midtown Vignette: The engineer said he did engineer. In Lindys. Small met a ham not his take eyes off the tracks tr "How do yon feel? Paul asked wave to three little boys about 30C Baltiin record . "Broke the InciI feet from where the baby was. . more, was the answer . . of the little boys were two dentally, hear your wifes been Ul, said brothers of the baby They said the Paul , . T killed em in Boston, , engineer waved. was the retort . . . "Well, Small THE THIRD KID SAID HE . . . new? Sighed, "whats DIDNT. "Broke the record in Detroit, . "Where . . The fireman said "Not to my Hero Our said too," was thg engineer knowledge do you go from here? yawned waving. "I go to Chicago, said Paul Moore said: "The question was, the bore . . . "Yes, was the sold do yon know that he wasnt? squelcher, "I hear the trains No sir; I didnt see him A. out! waving at anyone. That isnt the question. over at tho Moore The Big "Scandal United Nations concerns one of Mr. Dn vou know he wasnt waving? I didnt see him. A. Stalins top comrades. He has falMoore "Answer, do you know len for a very decadent American custom. He Is buying the most he wasnt waving? for A. No, he wasnt. capitalistic doodads and gems A Moore "That isnt the quesa keptive on Central Park South. tion. Do yon know he wasnt wavIf the curt southern belle decide that the nwvie and theater ing? A. Well, sir business must be divorced Parasen Moore its pro(interrupting) "You to mount is expected not. Do duction interests and retain the know whether you do or you know that he wasnt waving theaters. at somebody? A. "I didnt see him waving, Newest quip on the Trumans: no sir. Bess. and Porchy X GIVE HIM A DOUSE in THE TOP OP A TREE.. .Mellon Ar slant an (inset) of lest Orange, N.J. , who likes to vetch the race of een go by froa his treetop residence, says: It s hose to ae and I like highest court, if necesfight any eviction to the 100 it.. feet above the ground affair sary. He built the Oanar of the 16 years ego as a protest against civilization. property on vhlch the tree stands non wants to use the site for an aausenent park and he says the tree suet go. .Ill oue-ro- x ? . 4jvXv nt- on , I , x - t "ci 1 1 tl V AA3 Z. A of lost his RECOMPENSE. . . Tommy Herbert Cleveland, Ohio, who hands under s railroad was awarded $80,000 in court froe the New York railroad and General Seventy-thousan- engina, probate Central Motors. dollars will d be held in s trust fund, to be qpent only as court approves. an-(,r- ls ... J ;V- St Western I nion soon will be? n tnstVl ng a new f re jrn ng dev.ce in lciding hotels Its the inei ion of a Georgia fan er, deeply shaken by the loss of 121 lives In Atlanta's Wmecoff hotel holocaust He des.ned a thermostat which can be attached to phone wires to ring the switchboard when room temperatures get near fire level . . Deeply religious and in terested only in saving lives, nevertheless Western Union made His reward being $1 him rich 500 000 (it says hero in a deal swung by a Washington patent firm dm PotULf I J,1 Vi "nX li EGLER Mare PAGE THREE Taft-Hartle- iLj:p., .. To sen with the soul of a pioneer thing to do pioneer. Near Pasco, lash., Warren Clifford hla wife, Audrey, view their spacious, albeit empty, fields, as the bureau of reclamation began operating tha pumping plant to bring the Cliffords their first irrigation water. They are the first settlers on the Pasco unit which contains 84 family-siz- e farms and is the first privately owned land in the entire Billion-acr- e project to be opened for settlement. THERE ARE ALVAYS there one is only and PIONEERS. What will happen if Loui wins, and then retires1 The heavyweight division will be the way Gene Tun Then th ney left it ears ago aftermath included Schmeling, Sharkey, Camera, Baer and Brad dock This was not what youd call the greatest collection of fighting flesh ever thrown together. On a general average it was pretty sorry stuff. There wasn't a top fighter in the lot. Yes, Schmeling out Louis, but Baer knocked And so knocked out Schmeling. did Louis in the return match. Tunney left a sorry bunch of fighters in his wake until Louii came along Louis made up for the mediocrity of the others that pre ceded him It was Dempsey, Tun ney, chaos and LoOis What will it be after Louis' Sup That will leave pose Louis wins chaos again If Walcott wins, Jer sey Joe will be the new champion. No one can rate Jersey Joe a great champion. He has been Just another heavyweight too long, Just another average fighter who happened to remain in shape when Louis didn't You cant sell a number of fighters, even champions, the idea that condition is as important as their Yet condition own native skill. than to more be important happens anything Louis has his punch, hi boxing ikill, his gameness Louis as the heavyweight charm title against pion defending hi Walcott was a Joke, a travesty on training, on condition. He was a man who couldnt meve puffy out of his tracks He returned from his exhibition tour m England weighing at least 240 pounds, and then worked des perately to lose 25 pounds in a few weeks Louis took on Walcott as a joke If Louis can win in the condition he hae to offer for late June, Walcott must be a Joke Loui will have to create miracle to be even close to the form that made him, and kept him, champion eo many 5731 Practical Potboliirr An amusing and very practical potholder in the shape of an ear of com to brighten your kitchen. Crocheted of yellow cotton in a pcbbly-lik- e stitch, the green leaves are simple single crochet. Large enough to take care of all sizes of hot pots. To obtain complete crocheting instructions. stitch Illustrations and finishing directions for Com (Pattern No 5731) Pot-hold- er Send 20 cents in coin, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. SFWI NO CIRCtE NFEDIFWORK JJ South Hells 81. Chicago 1, UL Enclose 20 cents (or Pattern. No Nome Addres-s- ft (8e(V in who COMMON... President does m little piano himself. Is shown pitying Roshaking hands mberg, the eosposer, at Covltb-Slgau- THE QUESTIONS What city Is known as "The Bride of the Sea ? 2. Did Pilgrims live in log cabins when they first came to America ? 3. Why are so many pianos im American homes out of tune ? Little 4. Where has the story Red Riding Hood been condemned? B. Where are the crown jewels of1 Great Britain kept? 1. Medal play and matcij play are two entirely different forms of golf. Especially on the psychological fide, which is a big part of golf. I still think medal play is the rongher test, where every stroke Is important. This Isnt true of match play where you can take a nine and only one bole. There is no chance to give your concentration a vacation in medal play. There is In match play In medal play you are fighting both the field and the course. In match play, your opponent is one man. It has remained tor a O I A General Quiz THE ANSWERS 1. Venice. , No Pilgrim lived in a log cabin till long afterwards. When they first arrived they lived in canvaa tents while they built themselve frame houses of boards. 3. Shortage of piano tuners. Tha 3,000 piano tuners cant possibly tune the 16,000,000 pianos that need 2. it i 4. In England by the Nursery Schools Association of Britain. They nstitution hall in Washington where the President heard erg-lead hla orchestra in n benefit concert. The Live Ball Romb- fW AtlOTtm I ; Medal Play Is Tops Truman, (S. (W (V, (8. ASK ME year. SOMETHING fLm consider it too cruel. 5. In the Tower of London In a special glass and iron ckge, with Yeomen of the Guard to watch them all the time. young pitcher to caU a check op your reporter and also enter what rebuke. is perhaps a This rookie pitcher is smart and what is more important be also can pitch. Up to $100,000 was offered for bis service in the box. he said, "that "Tow write, Johnson, Walsh, Alexander, Matty and others pitched around 400 That right. Inninga er more. You also write that no modern pitcher can work 300 Innings. Most of the good ones are pitchers. That's right too. Bat dont forget those old pitchers ball were throwing a bail a a spit bail a fuxzed-u- p logy ball that Samson eouldnt hit out of a bandbox ball park. rookie d cer-taml- v ... 1 2 -i- THE EPECIES AND ALL THAT... There When a woman takes into her bead to FEMALE Or is 3 ii'i fight for her borne It front sidewalk, her opponent la going to have a rough grind. Here, in Altadena, Calif., in a hole excavated by a telephone company, stands Mrs. Rose Grock, stern and unyielding. She didnt want anybody planting telephone pole in front of her house. Other Altadena boosewiveW Joined the protest and claimed that the poles sould depreciate property values by at least $1,000 a home. it. and sr Now, y red-hair- Miss Gooes Girl of 1048. Nov shell tend geeae at the race- track. Eilly, isnt it? y J, ty S ... V A back with me tfarsfi Coxafires ed ! it' check n y XX iui n & v. ,( are AVf necessary hr most peope The ot of a lemon in a day, some of these bums Im ing at might pile up 12 home runs In two weeks. "I'm telling you, he continued, that today we are throwing explosive bombs to the plate. Every ball we throw is loaded with dynamite. Ydu can take a broom and hit one for three bases. "You remember those old Yankees headed by Ruth and Gehrig? record that They set a home-ru- n never would be6roken, and they were swinging at a rabbit balL Last year the Giants came along Yanand made those kees look like bunters. They were hammering at a rubber ball, even faster than the one Babe and Gehrig awung at "To show the difference. If Ruth were playing in the day at Home-Ru- n Baker, bis top would have been 20 home runs for the entire throw- Ruth-Gehn- ... glass juice water, when taken first thing on arising, is all that most people need Lo insure He mt the cult Maybe nice tell of it s m caseher to both of Hunt mrmory. .Not knowing mil the fmets, girl Dorothy Jean Hodgson is weeping! too many caalnm mfelrerm. She wanted, to be doggish friends mt the dog ehos in klialng her,. while his Into hlaself to sulk. rltt-bnrgh'- the Trench ball mt left' lnslate&.oa rival, stricken with Jealously.-wlthdr-e But DREARY OUTLOOK... itmdiffl a This wistful youngstsr, born In a displaced at Sslsbnrg. persons cssp ont froa behind Austria, peers a fanes narronndlng the bar racks vhlch has bean hla hone since he van bora. g USI CAUrOKNIA game, save layeL this modern normal elimination SUNKIST UMONS MERCHANDISE Which reminds me that I ran into few years after he Larry LaJole iad quit and tha llvaly ball had ;dme into use. Larry played Ja n Must Be GOOD to be ' Consistently Advertised t we didnt ball when I Tm glad," ba stld, prompt kertb laxative, that irritate digestive tract and impair nutn Lemon ton! in water is good for you Oeeeratioa. ef American have taken lemons for health and generation of doctors have recommended them They are nch hi vitamin C, suppU valuable amounts of Bi and P, Thev alkalinize; aid digestion. Nat tea sharp ar ewr, lemon in watei has a refreshing tang clears the mouth, wakes you up. Its not h purgative simply helps your sya tem regulat itself. Try it 10 days leaSOfl. HOI SAD CAN TOO GET?.. to why the Amaxiof from thw id Writ for FKEB CATALOG. ILLUSTRATED Kiuurl WUATEI. LOAM Baker hit 12 home runs Lot Angeles Home-ruand promptly was In one year lodging press photographers Here Baker. Hollywood Park racetracksn labelled Home-Ruannual beauty contest took Is the king of all home run hitter Jeanne He smashes 12 four baggers in one gander nt Ayrent end proaptlv named her season and he is the king. Why to- FEATHER WEIGHT... L V I Ovr 100 000 ntaifed M with IroftClad OuuutM. Ordor half-dea- d 'Znjr? no doubt about AmttMDOT-fo- 250-inni- i1 . x, . rOirttt I mV ' BUY ADVERTISED ) GOODS |