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Show J Tuesday, June 1, waaan I nogansfe one President Wants to Get in on the Act 1 Talks-Every- - H t BeiJ Syndicate. 4 ment develop- S' crute from- its semi gis- mo when, stage it primitive as was, it caused the entire i the the under of of tactics knights the Otto first ,.fL, King great, of the Germans. could trace lie its evolution down of delicate interthe days through play when it broke up the Empire and on down to of Charlemagne, the fall of Stalingrad. The colonel had brought the general about up to the third .Punic war and the secretary was wigThe general himself had gling. begun to fumble with form The colonel realized that he was rapidly losing his audience. So he raised his voice so that file clerks in the next office stopped filing (their fingernails) and looked up. he By the way, General, Did remarked confidentially, yon know that Im writing the Presidents next speech? The one y he delivers to the association? The generals secretary perked : . the general raised an eyeup the colonel smiled . . . brow .. At about the same hour, over in the Metropolitan club, a very dapper young man from the division of the Far, Near and Middle East and expert in was sipping a thin a w'hich his chief His chief was had just ordered. - bored. By the way, Chief, he said in a whisper so loud that even the waiters Stopped looking respectful and listened: I'm writing the y Presidents next speech at the Inter-Planetar- ... economic-ethic-patholog- scotch-and-sod- Inter-Planetar- associations ence. confer- In four other places, four other young experts were telling their bosses the same thing. All were perfectly honest, all were believed, and in 20 minutes or so, stenographers, clerks, messengers, waiters and cab drivers were pointing out the guy who writes the President's speeches. All this has been going on, I suppose, in world capitals since before somebody else thought he had codified the code of Ham- murabi. What really happens is this: The President calls in one of his more literary secretaries all of them are literate, but not all literary (some those whose duties are conversing with politicians, dont have to be too literate). The President says to the literary one: Bill, in this speech I have to write for the conference, Im going to mention the super-gadge- t, and I want to touch on the current economic and social situation in Beluria, also there are some erosion statistics I need, and tome data on the problems which irose as a result' of the Whiskey Rebellion. Okeh, Chief, says the literary secretary, and ou his way back to his office, he begins classifying, according to departments, the' people he thinks may have the facts or the people who will know who knows somebody who has the facts. He either phones or dictates a brief memo to these people, requesting not more than one page from each on the subjects indicated. Highly-please- d young and old men, on receipt of the memo or phone call, begin leafing through Ihoir research libraries and dictating to their secretaries. In two dajs a number of large packages Inter-Planeta- ere ry to the-- White; vn special messengers. The literacy secretary curses and sets to work boiling down a thesis .on Hot progression of tau mute from the Sanskrit et elia to a sen- Hs-ue- c -- tence and half which he has his stenographer type into the rough draft of the speech which the President has dictated and sent to him for the purpose. Franklin Roosevelt became angered because columnists persisted in which confidential revealing adviser wrote the last speech he delivered, whatever it was, that he once showed us the actual draft of a speech he had dictated and written,- and as was his In fact, the custom. revising of Roosevelts interlined manuscripts often went on ' while newshounds growled in the outer office and mimeographers stood by to handlethe finally-okaye- d sheets in takes. a last-minu- te President Truman got a little peeved recently over the same line of columnar chatter and began to let It be known that he could write himself. Of course, all presidents get advice, counsel, assistance and inspiration from many men of many minds. Of course, there are humanitarians and grammarians, stylists and Carlyle-ists- , and lexicographers and geographers, economists agronomists, Russians, Prussians and Persians upon whom he can call if the need arises. And somehow or other, each and all, if they but contribute one jot or tittle to the sacred paper, think or at least they wrote the whole the stenographer who had to take down all the stuff hopefully offered for possible presidential use thinks so, and tells her friends about it confidentially. The problem of presidential speeches is much to the fore these President days for this reason: Truman and his advisers, despite the rebel yells, the wails of the defeatists, the triumphant roar of the elephant and the ominous hoof-beaof the polls as they Gallup downhill, still believe he has a fighting chanee to return in November to the White House, and he intends to fight for it. The President is going on a of speaking tour of the West course, it isnt a campaign, that would be undignified and immodest before the convention has asked. He will speak under no "political But he will speak sponsorship. and he is going to ad lib, as we say in the trade. Even if we hadnt had our ears conditioned for 12 long years by the golden voice that breathed over the firesides, 'the oratory of Harry Truman when he reads a speech, be it ever so humble, never would be mistaken for the vox humana or the angels chorus. But when Ilarry Truman gets up and talks, hes very human, very sensible, and not altogether unpersuasive. So from now on, hes going to speak extemporaneously, no matter how much preparation It takes. He showed what he could do without notes or manuscript (and without learning by rote) when he addressed the newspaper publishers and the Gridiron club in April, and again in May when he talked to the national conference on family life in Washington. And since such speeches arent written, nobody can say he wrote them for him. ts Jlorse would earn the dollar Gus got for helping Dad clean the cat every Saturday afternoon. By KATHLEEN NORRIS of the Cutter THE storyis worth telling in these days when prices are skyrocketing, when all the governments of the world are concerned with the problems of living conditions and when taxes are higher than they ever were in the world before and the rising tide of national debts indicates that theyll stay high. salary 10 year George Cutter go, when his two older children were babies, was $4,200 year. The family lived on it nicely and paid for a home that is still comfortable. although in a less desirable neighborhood than it was. Hazel Cutter is a clever and pracShe and her hustical woman. band worked out a budget and felt themselves free of money anxiety. During the war Georgbs pay went up and now he receives $7,200 a year. Taxes of various sorts "reduce this income by about $2,000. This leaves him and Hazel $500 a month on which to manage. - Morse and Shirley-Jan- e are at expensive ages: Shoes, car fares, dentistry, schooling, laundry. Hazel tries to keep food under $50 a week, but cant always manage it, for the young Cutters are hospitable and often her main dish, planned for at least two dinners, Is finished at one. Then she has all the worry of todays good mothers to see that the children get fruit juices, green vegetables, milk and cream. And this doesn't include the lunch money or extra milk and cones both nourishing, but they count up! They Begin to Worry About two years ago the senior Cutters found themselves getting Will to Peace worried, nervous, irritable and unFinds Expression satisfied, bitten by all those finanNext month a national confer- cial termites that fret our lives toence for the prevention of World day. They simply couldnt keep Wa.r III will be held on the camthe pace set by the children's needs of Grinnell college in Iowa. pus movies, cameras, new coats, biThe purpose is to present a cycle mending, radio mending, definite, concrete working plan to cleaner, school treats, swim suits prevent a third world war; methods and a thousand other claims. which can be presented to the two The Cotters are more than sennational political conventions at sible and practical people. They Philadelphia. alwaya have kept and developed The roster of speakers will inthe spiritual aide of their lives clude' representatives of many of as Hasela letter aays, they and, the organizations now working for took It' to the Lord in prayer. a single sovereign, world organizaShortly afterward, they Invited tion. the children to a family conferMeanwhile Winston Churchill is ence and supplied all three, even his at purpose hammering steadily Twlrley, with pads and penof building a Initcd States ot cils. Europe, Although the Attlee govThen George set down his salary ernment has not approved the Idea, the prime minister himself and wrote against it the absolute essentials taxes of all types; gas. has spoken words of encouragement regarding the formation of electricity and telephone bills, upkeep for the car, his club dues and a real federalization of the westhis lunches The older children ern union. wrote also these sums and down to Attlee even went so far as say that Britain was willing to sacrifice everyone subtracted them. Then Mother offered a few calher sovereignty in part to bring it culations. Butcher, baker and about, although he qualified the had their turn. These were promise by saying the time was grocer subtracted, too. The children were not yet ripe for such a step. now, but Still there was Impressed strike-no-toBu ChurchiU... wants-' He received considerable something close to $200 left and felt that it was a generous support from the unofficial gath- they margin. a forum, they ering m the Hague So George deposited that in the called, it composed of rebrtsenta-tixeat the corner and every night sank counof the Marshall plan the Cutters checked their daily out-- i tries, plus exiled leaders. Everything daily and the lay against' it Churchill's proposals tooth Gnnnell conference are both part of paper, the telephone, the car, carfilms, paste, candy, magazines, the tremendous "will to peace" that was listed fare. movies, gum currently is finding expression. Perhaps eventually .we will learn to that great lesson of history Hazel-An- ff , - s yield the sovereignty that causes wars to the kind of sovereignty that allows not only the other freedoms to the individual but which, also will give him freedom from the FEAR of war. Just as the federalization of the separate colonies made the citizen of the state of New York free from the fear of war with the state of Pennsylvania a situation possible because both recognize a higher sovereignty the United States government instrument! V LBERT GOSS, master of the THE ONLY musical are National Grange, bluntly warn-- d the longWaring plays President Truman the other day necked banjo and the musical sax, s be to his ambition and lat we are inviting another dust early we begin singer fell through because his tenor owl disaster unless the grasslands of the voice just wasnt good enough. Bui his love of singing and his ability Jest. I have just returned from a trip to train singing groups have made and can tell you that m o m mu. mp: jiw Wyoming w bhhij i)iuin j are very real, report-- d ie dangers Goss. "There has been too much we lowing up of the grasslands as insurance against future ust storms. The grange leader, who is the ablest farm spokesman in Washington, explained that the high for prices and demand for wheat domestic and foreign aid were chiefly responsible, since farmers didnt want to maintain pasture lands when they could turn a quick profit on grain crops. "Most people take it for granted iat we have licked the dust bowl azards which caused such tragedy FRED WARING l the West some years back, him an outstanding figure m imdded Goss. "However, dust can proving and promoting choral singlow again, and will blow in my His methods ing the country over within the next few jears pinion and arrangements are used by more nless those grasslands are re- than 800 local glee clubs Hundreds tored. of conductors will gather at Shawnee, Pa., this summer to take his lil Lobbyists at Work course. And, of course, NO. 1 INDUSTRY IN THE CAP- his radio programs have been tops has 'become lobbying. Despite TAL on the air for years le lobbying act, the hotels, the the corridors of Based on the Canadian "atom ocktail lounges, with more of now swarm trial" of nearly two years ago, 20th ongress than iese oleaginous s The Iron Curtain Century-Fox'above out war. the Standing tells only the truth, according to Sol unng ne rest is the oil lobby kingpin of Siegel, its producer It factually all. hem tells the code clerks story, backed The oil lobby has just scored one by Canadian government documents Palestine. Now its as well as more than 100 Russian reat victory on perhaps the rich-s- t oncentratmg he states. documents. of all prizes tidelands oil. Tidelands oil, the great conAt RKO they feel that we want tinental shelf extending under the to see pictures which water off the Pacific and Gulf vital phases of American bisloty is estimated by some as coasts, featuring the legendary figures more valuable than Arabia and whose colorful personalities lent the oil fields of the United States further excitement to the stirring Around 100 billion barcombined. In times In which they live. lie buried in these underrels Fort Apache" simpler words, as against only water oil has been making money, so 20 billion fields, barrels remaining in theyre rushing "Return of the the oil fields of the Bad Men, a film about desperaUnited States. does of the Old West. The petroleum resources of the ontinental shelf are ours to exploit a to make Edgar Bergen plans whenever to exploit them becomes color travelogue recording his Scansaid Standard Oil m a dinavian trip this summer. Hes' worthwhile, And to stockholders. tatement MorCharlie McCarthy- and taking now takes court the ince supreme timer Snerd on this trip can't do contrary view that the continental without them. Reviews of his perhelf belongs to the federal govern-nent- , as the formance shy Norwegian not the states, the oil lobby undertaker in I Remember Ma3 focusing all its power on a bill ma" startled him. Critics said they by Senator Moore of Okla-,omforgot he was Bergen because his an oilman, which himself performance was so good. zould reverse the supreme court. . s Having reversed the United Eleven-year-olJoan Lazer, feas lobby-stoil the on Palestine, tured in CBS' Young Dr. Malone" boast that they openly quite the and and Broadway hit, "Me an put a law through congress Molly," has been placed under contract by Columbia pictures. She will eversing the highest tribunal of he land. appear as an Italian girl her own age in her first film. everywhere. H,ij super-gadg- "gadget's The pattern offered below takes all the mystery out of building the table to any size needed. While the pattern suggests making it six feet. It provides complete, easy to follow, directions for making it longer, if desired. All materials used in building this table are stock size and readily obtainable at lumber yards lust Bowl Menace WASHINGTON. The colonel was talking to the general. It was obvious that the general was as bored as his secretary looked, her interrupted dictation on her crossed knees, which she uncrossed as the generals eyes wandered. The colonel was the army's No. 1 specialist on the which was about to revolutionize warfare, as the colonel could (and would, if he got a chance) tell you. The colonel knew the history of the an fashioned picnic in your o,n backyard. Especially so when you have this aturdy table all set up ready to seat the entire family. Its construction permits leaving it out the year round. old Orw PEARSON WNU By DAUKIIAGE News Analyst and Commentator er By: Donald It. Brann Theres nothing like having IPMIIIID Cuts Expenses Family Cooperation features v Build It From A Pattern msm Kathleen Norris Says: 19 18 jVW w a clever, practical woman . . . TEAMWORK With the ml vent of zooming prices and higher living costs, the Cutter family finds that it is unable to keep its books balanced. Their three children are at ages where demands upon the family purse are exceptionally heavy. Fretful and nervous about the bottomless morass of debt into which they are slowly sinking, Mr. and Mrs. Cutter evolve a simple scheme to retain their financial solv- ency. At a family conference each member of the family anticipates his needs for the coming month. Grocery, gas electricity and tax bills are tabulated. When the expected expenditures are deducted from the net monthly income, a comfortable balance of $200 is left. Thus, a complete plan for the ensuing month, is outlined. About the third week in the month the money was gone. Children Protest in "But Mother, said Hazel-Antears, "I have to have my dollar But Dad," for the school picnic. Morse said, aghast, "if your shoes are right through, gosh, dont you have to get new ones? "Not unless the money Is there, said the senior Cutters. "But, Mother, you can chargel "No, Daddy and I never charge. "But you could this once. "No, because your dentist bill la n in, coming and Hazel-An- we haven't paid for the window Morse broke playing ball." "But do they have to come out of just that one bank!" the children gasped. So now "They do, indeed. Just see what we can do. lets one-wee- back-slappe- te dry-lan- was two years ago. The Cutters still balance the books every night. If George Cutter gets an unexpected commission, everyone shares in the extra money. If illness or any small domestic accident complicates finances the Cutters take to cheaper meals for a while And Hazel Cutter is a genius when it comes to vegetable dinners, stews. tntncea and dried fruit des' That serts wasn't easy or always serene. What is" agreeable But the older Cutters are solvent And the and they sleep nights. younger Cutters are learning the value of money and not hearing financial battles going on over their And that's something. heads No, it and -- Who Owns Wedding Gifts? DECATUR. ILL. Taking issue with some etiquette authorities. Judge 'Martin E Northland denied the claim of Mrs Edith Greenberg to $550 worth of wedding presents She asked for them as she ob tained a divorce from her husband Judge Northland commented that an authority on etiquette said wed ding gifts belong to the wife, "but she cannot be accepted as a legal authority." He ruled that the pres ents belonged to both. d , a, Na-ion- d ke, the Democrat Ingrid Bergman again haa won Home Companion the Woman poll as the screens most popular actress; Greer Garson was second again. Seems the older women like her better than the youngsters do and remember her good pictures, not "Desire Me. Claudette Colbert was third; Bette Davis, The men: Bing Crosby fourth. (third time), Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant. THE REPUBLICANS WERE IIGHT in calling the turn on Gen-ra- l Eisenhowers use of army after his retirement from he army. However, its interest-n- g that the man who called the urn was Congressman A. L. Miller f Nebraska, spearhead of the dacArthur - for - President move-nenThese boys dont like Eisen-loweper-onn- el t. r. Also ugh-ranki- The Cutters calculated what Mother they could do without. would do without Doras help would once a week if Haiel-An- n iron the flat piecea. Morse would earn the dollar Gut got for helping Dad clean the car every Saturday afternoon. Both would walk the extra half mile to public school next term If Dad didnt mind. Dad didnt mind. Everyone wonld give up daily dimes for The comics, cokes and cones. children grew eager and almost noisy In their enthnsiasm. rs y Louis Hayward and George had to rehearse three weeks (or a difficult scene in "The Black Arrow, a movie based on the book by Robert Louis Stevenson. Mac-read- - Hooperatings for the last six months: Fibber McGee and Molly, Jack Benny, Bob Hope in copiedy shows. Truth or Consequences. Taka It or Leave It, Bob Hawk in quiz ihows. Our Gal Sunday. Ma Perkins, Big Sister, in daytime serials; A1 Jolson of NBC's Music Hall. ABC's Bing Crosby, and Perry Como of NBC's Supper Club male singers Odds and Ends . . . Eve Arden changed her blonde hair to strawberry blonde for My Dream Is since its in technicolor, Yours, and Doris Days hair is blonde. . . . Bette Davis celebrated her 15th year as a motion picture star while . Winter Meeting. . making Sarah Russell, who is a boy on "The Right to Happiness and a girl on "Road of Life, does her Juvenile research g for her friends. . . . by Lowell Thomas got a call for a copy of one of his scripts 'rom a Massachusetts woman who explained that she had missed his broadcast. He sent the script. ld baby-sittin- long-distan- land-carve- Barbara Britton, currently starred In Colnmbiaa "The Wrangler, is the favorite pin-u- p girl of Clnrcolor lab technician. significant generals j down t-- satisfaction It yourself and enthusiasts. 25e for FULL SIZE Picnic Table Pattern No. 22 to Easi-P.ilPattern Company, Department W., Pleasantville, N, Y. Rend d Super-Luxur- Buses y Being Built Snack bars, rest room facilities, steward service and electric razors arent usually connected with buses, but all of them will be a part of a bus service soon new super-luxur- y to start on the main highways of the nation. The first regular service of the new coaches will be limited to fast, extra-far- e express schedules to and from New York, St. Louis and Chicago. Although constructed on a chassis, capacity of the new model is. reduced to. 22 seats In order to provide space for the washroom and the buffet counter and to between the give more legroom seats. The snack bar la located at the forward end of the bus beside the driver. Constipated? So Was This Woman iI would go from one Sunday to the nest, then take a harsh purgative. Thats over now that I eat Kelloggs all-bra- n Mrs. Kaiherin daily. Tamer, Indianapolis, Ind. If your diet lacks bulk for normal elimination, eat an ounce of allbran every day inCmilk and drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 KELLOGG'S days, send empty carton to Kellogg Co., Battle Creek Mich., and get double YOUR money now! N BACK. Get KELLOGGS srm other admirals that lave continued to use army - navy tersonnel after their retirement. ior instance. Admiral Ernie King, low retired, used not only a navy iffice but navy clerical personnel o write a book. And if all the money spent on Gen. John J. Pershing during his retirement were added up it would total over a million. Pershing, although retired for years, continues to be the second highest paid government official, drawing a salary of around $26,- 000 a year. Only the President of the United States tops him. In addition, Pershing has a colonel as an aide, plus ether army personnel, and for years has lived at Walter Reed hospital. Eisenhower has a staff of three issigned to him at Columbia Maj. tobert L. Schulz, an aide; WAC Varrant Officer Margaret Hayes tnd Mastersergcant Leonard Dry,' chauffeur: ' He also draws a sal-trof $15,751 a year for life from he army in gdditiop to his salary is president of Columbia univer tity. Note Pershing, although appoint id by Woodrow Wilson, is the son of the Republican cha rinar f the senate appropriations com ruttee, the late Francis B. Warrer if Wyoming. The Republicans now zonsider Eisenhower a Democrat seeing hmuer of turn into a useful picnic table cr lawn chair, you will undoubtedly become one of a huge army of Bifid WITH inseclf-cid- Double-dut- y ' Sapital Chaff HENRY WALLACE is lookinj iround for a new Charlie Michelsor .o supply him with campaign mate ial. (Some people think thats I vaste of time; Harry Trumans do g a better job than Charlie Michel ion) . . . Democratic leaders wil se amazed when they find out tha Oregon Democrats are going to sup ort Henry Kaiser against Truman ei Kills by contact kills by fumes. Destroy plant See but sparse Oft pkn loop motes 6 oqIIoas of ftetivo ephid iproy. beneficial bisects. loii com e orifmol factorf-uale- d tamers to in tort oil ilrrn&M. V TOBACCO CHEMICAL COSPORATION Sicotmt Specialties Stnn tOUISVIUI . X last INTUCK V 2Z2SSSZEZZ3 Relieves Distress o) MONTH!! y 1PL- - Also Helps Build Up Red Blood! Do female functional periodic disturbance make you suffer pain, feel nervous. Irritable at such times? Then try Lydia E. Plnkham's TABLETS to relieve sucb symptoms. Plnkham's Tablet are also very effective to help build up red blood In simple anemia. Lydia E. Pinkhams TASIETS 1 ld The day June Haver began "Silver Lining" she received a little rose quartx elephant Yom her mother for good luck. It ivant straight back with a note aay-ii"Mother! Never, never send me in elephant with its trunk hanging lown. It' the worst luak In tha world for an actress. its Building the table or other pieces furniture provides an or 1 noqiical solution to your household equipment problems. In manv cares two articles can be made for Ws than one costs ready made. Bes '!cs prosaving money, woodworking vides hours of complete relaxant n. the Once you've experienced deep of lawn May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its hurry end worryj Irregular habits, Improper eating risk of exposure end Infecdnnkmg-it- s tion throws heavy etrein on the eorlt of the kidneys. Thry ere ept to become ovr-txe- d end fail to filter exreaa acid end other impuritite fro the blood. Aou mey tuffer pegging beckache. hnadache, dirtiness, getting op night constantly leg patne, iwelling feel tired, nervous, eit worn out. Other signe of kidney or bladder disorder ere sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doent Pill. Doan't help the kidneys to past o harmful excess half waste. They have had more then century of public approval. Are recommended by grateful users everywhere. Ask goer wet ghbor! . |