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Show t 1 $ - w Wednesday, December 10, 1997 mjje Page 11 Nephi, Utah tEfmes-fefe- is p ' , ' A i ' ' f $r ' v 't v r 3 T j ys - N ' jAv $ C. Iv? $ & . ? && i.' i, 1968 FORD 390 4X4 . - 623-065- 4X4 - XLT Power 1995 FORD Stroke Diesel. Extended cab. PW, PL, CC, Excellent condition, $20,500. Cali . 49PAID 623-065- 00 For Sale...' STEEL 49Pd. 45'X80, 50X100, 55X125, 60'X200'. Free Delivery, Financing Available. -- SAVE THOUSANDS! 623-186- 49PAID STEEL BUILDINGS SALE: - 30x40x10, $4,527; 40x60x14, $8,257; 50x75x14, $11,866; $15,949; 50x100x16, 60x100x16, $18,614. buildings, 30x160, 32 units, $13,944. Free brochures. Sentinel Buildings. Extension 79. (ucan) 49PAID Mini-stora- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - Yearend blow- out. and 52Pd Arch and Arch straightwall. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS Straightwall. Easy to assemble. Best Prices 973-336- in 1 (800) 49Pd $$$. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - YEAR OFF- - ARCH BLOWOUTI 30 STRAIGHTWALL. $.26 1200 E. Metalmart 100 S Lehi. (ucan) 49PAID SUNNYSIDE MEMORIES BY PAUL TURNER. - 228 pages. Great gift. $13 00 Plus $3.00 S&H. Village Marketing, 145 W. 400 N. Richfield UT 84701. (ucan) 49 PAID APLINE REMOTE CD CHNAGER - New in box, model S960. Retails at $419.00. Asking $300.00 OBO. Call 623-09149PAID ATTENTION FOOTBALL FANS! - Own your own Tailgate Table. Great Chnst-ma- s present) $175 each limited supply. Call today (ucan) 49PAID PAID TIDWELL COAL NEPHI 1997 - 98 Coal prices. Nephi Delivery, slack $62.00, tax. Ybrd pickup, slack lump, $65.00 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE AT SPERRY CHEVRON . 2087 South 49BILL Main, Nephi. tax. Mona $48.00, lump $56.00 Levan delivery, slack $67.00, lump, 623-S- I $70 00. Call 6231999, 40 for yard loading arrangements or -- 623-236- 0, FLIPLESS CELLULAR PHONE - New battery with leather case. Charger for home and power adapter and charger for car. $80. (Only 1 year used). 49PAID ' delivery 51 Bill WEDDING LISTS - We have wedding lists for all Nephi area weddings. $2 or $5. 4-Plumbing and Builders' Supply, 66 - 00BILL - South Mam, Nephi. 623-091- Save $$. Galvanized $.42 sq. ft. Ask about season closeouts ofdiscontinued Items at discounted" prices, purlins, pipe, tubSave $$ on metal. ing, Metalmart 1200E. 100 S Lehi. 49PAID (ucan) ties for LPN's and RN's. New grads RN SHIFT MANAGER WANTED - Join our great team of nurses providing excel-- , lence in patient care while utilizing your assessment and management skills. Call Canyon Hills Rehabilitation and Care Center for great working environ- ment and competitive wages. Located 45 miles South of Provo in Nephi, Utah. Ask for Kathleen or Jeannie. 6231721. 00BILL BEAUTIFUL 1- -2 BEDROOM KITCHENETTES IN MOTEL - Some free rent per month for working in trade, laying rug, . welcome. Located 45 .miles south of Provo in scenic Nephi, Ut. Ask for 00BILL Kathleen (435) 623 1721. , APARTMENT FOR RENT -Call 6234022. 00BILL rectangular tube, large selection. Reasonable Otter Denied, (ucan) 49 - NURSES - Canyon Hills Rehabilitation and Care Center has PT and FT opportuni- For Rent... $.35; ft; . cine Bow- - Owner Financing, $29,000, $500 down. Bob 49RAID (ucan) $.48; 8 $.36; $.58; 4 $.45; $.69; $.59; $2.59. Save $$$ on square and END AND No TECHNICIAN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - Full time ' long term, excellent pay, great benefits. 52PAID Please call (801) 756-600- 8. WYOMING RANCHLAND! 80 Acre, River & Private Fishing Lake- - Hunting. Medi- STEEL PIPE FOR BUILDING FENCES, GATES, PORTABLE PANELS - Save the West.! INSTRUMENTATION MONTANA LAKE LOT CLOSEOUT! -Saveupto40! Lakefront & Lake Access. 20 to 160 acres from $39,900. Just 15 minutes to Helena. .Excellent financing. All must be sold! Call for details. (ucan) 49 PAID 20yr Warranty. (ucan) 10 SHEO - Tan and white with black shingles. $850 will deliver in Nephi, Mona or Levan. Call 623-72449PAID BARN Notices... plumbing or carpentry. Manager for motel. 6234000 or 1(435) 6733101. The Times-New- s does not endorse, proor the purchase or sale mote encourage RENTING 1 AND 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX in - Some rental exchange for remodeling. f ' of any product or service advertised this newspaper. Advertisements are the Call 50BILL sole responsibility of the advertiser. The Times-New- s hereby disclaims all liabil-it- y for any damage suffered as the re-- . suit of any advertisement in this news-- . s has the sole paper. The authority to edit and locate any classiAVON- - NO DOOR TO DOOR NECESfied advertisement as deemed approSARY. Earn to Have fun and reserves the priate. The Times-New-s make money too. MLM available. Great 00 right to refuse any advertising. Christmoneymaking opportunity for YOUR LIFE BEEN AFFECTED BY HAS mas. Independent Representative. , DRINKING? For information about AA 49PAIO (ucqp) 0 aK r or i CASHIE&JEEDG3 AT SPERRY CHEV-- i )&738620v 4 3 M 52Pd RON - Applications are being accepted for cashiers at Sperry Chevon, Must be 21 years of age. Apply in person at S1BILL 2087 South Main. 623-400- Help Wanted... r. HOME MADE FRUIT CAKES CANDIES -and many hand made items. See our display table at the D.U.P. Museum, M - , F, 12 - 4.623-52049PAID PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN NOT 1, NOT 2, BUT 46 NEWSPAPERS 80AC Equipment. (ucan) NEW REDUCED PRICES! Card of thanks... (eoe-m- would like to thank everyone who helped make by tree for the Festival of Trees" a success. Theresa ' Barnes. 49PAID THANKS f) 49RAID -- 1 2 bath, oversized garage. Professionly landscaped yard. Fantastic price, $129,000. ar D Cl Garsgs. On life yssur 5s. a fa- 1 i 4. V V. T C23-051- 0 ThI3 STOMACH 425 Yest 500 South, Nephi, Utah Cell TREE DELIVERY Within 25 miles, at least 4 months rental wmewmsm? OOtaUSCTUMHMi FEA11JWNG Superior Quality Yob Expect In A Home." Afpret MM for SCorc3 n d-S2S-SS2- 23 f.'.zz.oTo G:rj G;? c::o : - - Z ft. 801-628-00- 50 .mm. C3 - worlds Largest T he Ksot... . - - (na fifr in i C-- rl r . i 'H'eTulGG- u?"5 r Rent Lease Buy CCS.CCqol'V" J SECUTIE J -- A psrfsrit giiffit J ' r 472S 23 cn::no. i::e. FCiHuii S3 E. CO Ivins 1.C5 ACRE BUILDING LOT in city limits with animal rights. $33,000. . . , . Ci C2LTA 4 acre lot, Eest Utih (800)211-281- 1 S, - Nephi, Mobile Storage Containers and Mobile Offices ftaMreryASNUL 2-c- ar Bill mental Assessment. Copies of this finding and copies of the environmental assessment are available to the public for informational review at the Nephi Public Library and in the office of the Nephi City Recorder at city had at 21 East 100 North Street in Nephi. They are also available at the FAA Denver Airport District Office at 26805 East 68th Avenue 50 BILL in Denver, .Colorado. Z 5.BEDROOMS 2 12 SPACIOUS car-- , baths, large familyxofCSof storage, port. $133,000. 4 01 5 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has made an environmental finding on the Nephi Municipal Airport Environ- (801)295-181- 1 VERY WELL KEPT HOME with many extras. 2-c- 8-- F PUBLIC NOTICE 49RAID DRIVERS - Swift Transportation. Hiring Experienced & Inexperienced Drivers. Contracted Training Available! Excellent Pay 6 Benefits, Home Often, Consistent Miles, Job Stability, Assigned 8 M-- 489-567- GREAT WESTERN LEASING & SALES Graduate Students. (ucan) 623-023- lease, located near Fountain Green, Sanpete County. Bids must be received by mail or fax no later January 16, 1998. Information on farm acreage, lease terms, and management goals is available upon request to: Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources Attn. Fountain Green Farm 1115 N Main St. Springville, UT 84663 1 -- 800-391 -- IDAHO. Agnc. Land for Lease. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is offenng established alfalfa acreage with water shares (pressurized hand line) for a multi-ye- ar 623-47- COOK Canyon Hill Rehabilitation and Care Center has P.T. positions for our DONS APPLIANCE REPAIR 6230835 ' team. Ask for Annette Parkin. (435) 623 Washers, dryers, ranges,' ovens, dis-- 00BILL 1721. posals, microwaves, sewing machines, vacuums. $34 95 plus parts. 49PAID DRIVER OTR TOP MILES Top Pay Leader in Miles for Five Years Running. ARE YOU BREATHING? - Do you own Bonus for experienced Real Estate? Then you're approved for $ 1 ,000 Sign-O- n Drivers. CALL COVENANT TRANSa home loan! No income check. Credit PORT for Experienced dings OK. Equity Asset Fund. Drivers and Owner Operator Teams 49PAID (ucan) Real Estate... HELLS CANYON Com. Services... NOTICE TO ALL FARMERS 151 North 800 installation , 49BiR Chairman Sales and 50. -- Joseph A. Bernini Carpet and vinyl Times-New- 623-245- the Juab County Clerk., Key? p 49PAID Alanon-meeting- WEDDING LISTS Thinking about wedding gifts? We have weddings list for $1, $2, $5 and up. Nephi Lumber Company, 1005 N. Mam, Nephi. 623-01400 BILL 49PAID HOUSEKEEPERS LAUNDRY - Positions open for PT at Canyon Hill Rehabilitation and Care Center. Ask for Karma Penrod. (435) 6231721. . 00BILL -- FACTORY YEAREND CLOSEOUTS CANCELED BUILDINGS - 20X24', 25;X30 40X58', 1996 SUZIKI JT 50T MOTORCYCLE Excellent condition. With training wheels. $950. Cal) 49PAID 8 X BUILDINGS! - (ucan) 1. 623-052- imes-New- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held at 11:00 a.m., December 15, 1997, in the chambers of the Juab County Commission to take public comment on the proposed 1998 budget and the amendments to the 1997 Juab County budget. Copies of the proposed budget and the amendments can be reviewed at the office of the Juab County Clerk Pat P. Greenwood Juab County Clerk Auditor 49 Bill NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held at 10.30 a.m., December 15, 1997, in the chambers of the Juab County Commission to take public comment on the proposed 1 998 budget for Special Service 1. Copies of the proposed budDistrict get can be reviewed at the office of the Juab County Clerk. Wm. Boyd Howarth 49 Bill Chairman NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held at 10.45 a m., December 15, 1997, in the chambers of the Juab County Commission to take public comment on the proposed 1998 budget for Special Service District 2, Copies of the proposed budget can be reviewed at the office of DRIVERS- - FLATBED 48 STATE OTR. -Assigned New conventionals, competitive Pay, Benefits. $1 ,000 Sign On Bonus, Rider Program, Flexible Time Off. Call Roadrunner Trucking $49,900 - Snake & Salmon Rivers. Spectacular open & wooded mountain property wcreek. Adjacent to 1000s of acres public lands. Loaded wtro-ph- y wildlife. Warranty deed, financing available. Call owner now 49PAID (ucan) 1 BATH 1 ,500 sq. LEVAN 3 BEDROOM, ft. Darling home, newly remodeled, garage. $82,500. Call Susan WBHG THROUGHOUT UTAH. - One placement, one payment puts you into the Utah Classified Advertising Network. Reach over 412,000 Utahns for only $120.00 for the first twenty five words. $3.00 for additional words. Call the The s 5 T for further at $1,000 OBO. Call 49PAID Christmas 5tocl'ng vOver 6 feet tall ftfl of toysl 5 No purcha$ necessary to Cd 2srr t .I rt . r CIC STAU CANT mow mm dmVUacM |