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Show r r"T T" rr r . pr r ' f .Ms Page 10 i Pcdl-G- Memmott .QCjrStGaD . E3B Do you have tips cn careful holiday eating? iredkrikg y?2M3 Extension Educator 101 ways to hslp olhsrs a lawn. 2. Serve food the next guys car wash. 58. Bake bread for the school bake sale. 59. Make a quilt for Primary Childrens Hospital. 60. Forgive. 61. Do your brothers laundry. 62. Read to the blind. 63. Join the 8. Shovel someones walk. 9. Be PTA. 64. Be a candy striper. 65. a Crisis Line volunteer. Compliment a friend. 66. Com10. Smile at a stranger. 11. pliment a stranger. 67. Send a Take a grade school class to the birthday card. 68. Make cookies, zoo. 12. Help Special Olympics. ring the doorbell, then run. 69. 13. Rake someones yard. 14. Be Be a friend. 70. Be a teachers a Hospice volunteer. 15. Be a pen aide. 71. Send a sympathy card. 72. pal. 16. Sing a song. 17. Train see- Send flowers. 73. Carry some ing eye dogs. 18. Pick up litter. boxes. 74. Wash the windows. 75. 19. Tutor immigrants. 20. Teach Serve breakfast in bed. 76. Scrape off a windshield. 77. Give peer mediation. 21. Be a courteous driver. 22. correct change for the person 23. Organize ahead of you. 78. Weed your a neighborhood watch. 24. Tell a neighbors garden. 79. Give joke. 25. Coach Little League. 26. blood. 80. Stuff envelopes for a fund raiser. Call a friend. 27. 81. Be a Big Brother or Sister. 28. Take your kids camping. 29. 82. office for next donuts the Help a lost dog. 83. Give to Buy door. your neighbors favorite charity. note. 31. 84. Give to your favorite charity. 30. Send a thank-yo- u for Buy flags your neighbors. 32. 85. Be a scout leader. 86. Restore Put money in a parking meter. a wildlife habitat. 87. Organize 33. Give clothes to a homeless a water conservation program. shelter. 34. Tend abused chil- 88. Rehabilitate mountain trails. dren. 35. Wash a car. 36. Visit 89. Help immunize infants. 90. abused children. 35. Wash a car. Help with Head Start. 36. Visit a lemonade stand. 37. 91. Set up activities for latchPlant a tree. 38. Recycle. 39. Visit key kids. 92. Watch your neigha sick neighbor. 40. Give a tip. bors pets. 93. Take your friend 41. Read books to children at for a Coke. 94. Get out and vote. the library. 42. Take your office 95. Shine your dads shoes. 96. on a picnic. 43. Make a dinner Be a lifeguard at the community for a busy mom. 44. Visit a nurs- pool. 97. ing home. 45. Groom your neigh- 98. Clean up our neighborhood. bors dog. 46. Take toys to shel- 99. Bring home a box of chocoters. 47. Clean a park. 48. Let lates. 100. Have the new neighsomeone in ahead of you. bors over for dinner. 49. Be a high school tutor. 50. 101. CALL YOUR VOLUNClean up graffiti. TEER CENTER 51. Build a bird feeder. 52. Utah Commission on Volunteers, Help someone in need. 53. Listen. 54. Wave at five strangers a 324 S. State Street, Suite 240, for free. 56. Vis- Salt Lake City, UT 84114-794- 5 day. 55. Baby-sit your grandparents. 57. Pay for 1. Mow at a homeless shelter. 3. Talk to a friend. 4. Hold the elevator door. 5. Change a tire. 6. Let the other guy have your parking spot. 7. Make a wish come true. y. Adopt-a-Highwa- i Wednesday, December 10, 1997 Nephi, Utah aEfellifciin:2M By Margie Message Prom Aargie tSfmcsfcfos a. " Adopt-a-Grandpare- it Alfalfa is the most impor- poisons, because trapping has tant cash crop grown in Utah, been perceived as too time Answer by: Georgia Lauritzen, bringing in more than $160 consuming," he says. In real- Utah State University Extension million annually. Profits could ity, an aggressive trapping Nutrition Specialist be higher, but Utah State Uni- program initiated early and If your New Years resolution applied seasonally may be a last year was Lose the excess means of weight I gained at Christmas, controlling pocket gophers consider these strategies to help Most trap- with careful, healthy eating this over the long-terping can be done in conjunc- year. tion with regular field inspecThink ahead. Make a list of tion activities. your holiday meals and parties He says there are several ef- and mark them on the calendar. ficient gopher traps on the On the day ofa party, start with success. market. Some common names a light breakfast and lunch and Dont forget to exercise. With include Macabee, Victor and try to avoid eating between all the holiday meals and parties, Easy-Se- t. These. traps are meals. Also avoid going to par- it is more important than ever to available at local farm, ties with a ravenous appetite. schedule regular exercise time. readily ranch, and hardware Btores. Eat a piece of fruit, drink a small Suggest a walk with family or Buying in bulk you can further amount of juice or eat a couple friends to look at holiday decoreduce your per trap costs. of crackers just before leaving rations, or plan functions that Pocket gophers may be trapped home. include physical activity such as Be cautious of foods that are movement games or dancing. anytime throughout the year, he explains. However, it is easier to high in fat. Hors doeuvres often Also plan activities such as skattrap them during the periods fit into this category, as well as ing, snow skiing, or snow shoethey are most active, typically in nuts and desserts. Do your so- ing. Be careful, however, not to the fall and spring. During these cializing away from food and bev- exercise immediately after eatperiods, pocket gophers are ac- erage tables so you wont be ing a heavy meal. Direct questions to: Julene tively expanding their borrow tempted to overeat. If high caloThis is foods or are served, Reese, Utah State University systems. activity usually rie high fat evidenced by the presence ofnew try a half portion. Also be aware Extension, Logan, UT, 84322-050soil mounds. The presence of new of what you drink. Diet soda, Phone: 7971429; fax: soil surface on mounds of the a to water mineral water and seltzer manage actively trying their losses through some type field is also a good sign to begin are zero calorie beverages, while juleneiext.usu.edu. of control techniques. The trapping. alcoholic drinks can contribute most frequently used technique was poisoning. Less than 20 percent of operators had ever used pocket gopher versity Extension Wildlife specialist Terry Messmer estimates that gophers are eating into the profits at a rate of about $3.5 million per year. Pocket gopher infestations in alfalfa fields not only reduce the quantity of hay harvested, but the mounds created by their burrows cause equipment damage, Messmer says. Based on a survey of Utah alfalfa growers by USU and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, growers reported losses of nearly 5 million dollars due to damage caused to their fields by wildlife. Nearly 70 percent of the survey respondents reported the pocket gophers were a primary cause of this damage, Messmer says. He found that, of those farms and ranches reporting damage, only 42 percent were more cost-effecti- ve non-foo- 0. 797-125- 0; il: Airplays offer special challenges traps. Using traps to control pocket gopher invasions of newly established alfalfa fields may be a more effective control measure than the use of poisons. A preventative pocket managegopher long-terment program that employs an aggressive trapping strategy may actually extend the life of an alfalfa field while reducing damages, Messmer says. Although tapping is usually more dependable, many landowners have opted to use m ,j for avoiding infections A few simple precautions can reduce the possibility of catching a respiratory or other infection while traveling in a crowded plane or bus or train, for that matter says the head of Stanford University Medical Centers infection prevention program. If you get sick after a plane flight, the likely cause is contact with a seatmate or failing to wash your hands after a trip to the restroom, says Dr. Lucy Tbmpkins, professor of medicine nothing really special about an airplane in terms of infection except that youre in very close contact with people for a relative- ly long period of time. Many people fear that the recirculating air in an airliner is a special culprit in transmitting colds or other viral infections, but colds and flu are usually picked up from surfaces, such as an armrest or a washroom basin, says Tbmpkins, who offers two useful suggestions for pro(infectious diseases). Theres tecting yourself while in flight. First, be sure to follow moms advice to wash your hands after visiting the restroom, even if age schedule in some other way. you just went in there to get a It will depend on which cup of water. Many viral infecotic youre taking, why and for tions are spread from your hands how long youre taking it, and to your mucous membranes, how much youre taking, Thomi Tbmpkins notes. Heres a typical scenario: You touch a faucet hansays. The most important thing, if dle that was touched minutes you do miss a dose of any drug earlier by someone who sneezed prescribed for you, is not to stop taking your medicine, she adds. Dontstop medication .just because of a missed dose Written instructions provided with drugs tell people when to take doses, but most people are confused about what to do when they miss a dose, notes a Stanford pharmacist. What youre going to do about it really depends on what medication you missed and what youre taking it for, says Lisa Tuomi, drug education coordina- Tuomi warns, an extra dose can be dangerous if its not rec- so do follow direc- - tions. If you have questions, con- tact your pharmacist or your pre-- 1 scriber. Some antibiotics have special rules. Ask your presenber or pharmacist whether to double up on your dose or readjust the dos- - tor at Stanford University Medical Center. For most drugs, the best way to get back on track is just to take the medication in a regular dose at the next regularly scheduled time. As a general rule, dont double the dose to make up for the skipped dose. antibi-ommende- d, The Forestry, Fire and State Lands Advisory Council will meet on Wednesday, December 17th, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in Room 3710 at the Utah Department of Natural Resources, 1594 West North Tbm-plSalt Lake City. The advisory council studies natural resource issues involving forestry and state lands and recommends courses of action, explains Division Director Art We find insight from the mm Du-Fau- help may to . use moist disinfectant-coate- d a tow-elet- te or bathroom tissue to wipe off your hands and face from time to time. in helping us see all sides of an issue and welcome public in- volvement. Among the items to be discussed are a report on Bear River water, a proposal for 8 administration of sovereign lands, a summary of a mineral leasing plan on the Colorado and Green Rivers, an update on fire legislation and the divisions participation in the creation of wa1997-199- ter quality guidelines as they relate to forestry issues. - prop- - or ?. Priced to tell at $S3, CC3. Cell LsDaun. NZPHI DUPLEX Super nice units. Al brick. Only $123, CC9. Call LsDaun. HOMS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Be in by Christmas. Owner will pay up too $3,000 towards closing costs. home. C & G is in. Great location. Ceil LsDaun. UAIN STREET PROPERTY 2S4 foot frontage. Price reduced to NEPHI OFFICE C-St- 6i2oo toys or nonperishaSle fooditems to us at the CooRery. We wid leave them on display in our restaurant untdthe 6ig day and then male sure they to thefamiGes who need it. We get would Gh to help as manyfamiGes as we can, so your hslp is needed and wid 6e greatly appreciated t . Second, if youre sitting next to someone who may be leaking viruses by sneezing or coughing try to avoid touching the armrest or other surfaces where the viruses may have settled. Bear in mind, however, that just touching the surface isnt likely to spread infection; its delivering the virus to a mucous membrane, such as your mouth or nose, that causes problems. It erty with building in Nephi. Great for to fiefp out thefamiGes here in INepfii who are in need this year. Ifyou would RRe to hefp out, please 6ring unwrapped 'V seat. JUST LISTED Commercial Su6 For Santa 1597 South Main St., Nephi Inside Flying J lt. advisory council to be invaluable We are proud to sponsor our very own Coolkery Rest&waiiiti into his hands. If you touch your nose or mouth afterward without washing, youre at risk of transmitting a disease to yourself. Tb be really cautious, use a paper towel to open and dose the bathroom door, depositing it in the trash on the way back to your Forestry Advisory Council schedules meeting e, m substantially to your calorie total. If you are the host ofa party, be sure to provide low fat choices including fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat spreads and dipp. Keep track of what you eat. TYy to match days you overeat with days you undereat Recniit a friend, family mem-ber or spouse to help monitor your eating, then reward your-d items for your selfwith ry 1 TURN KEY PIZZA EUSINESS. Price reduced to $110,CC3. SELLER HAY CONSIDER RNANCINS on home with lots of extras. C1E3,C23. Ca3 IxDaun. THIS HOHE GUAUr.ES TER UTAH HCUCGI3 - low interest loan. th home on quiet strset, kneed yard, dack walk out basement, new gas furnace and water heater. Newty painted, neutral colors. Must see for only t:3,5C3. Call LsDaun. NEW OF THE UARKST. 3 bedrooms, one bath on .53 acres in Nephi tor CE3.CC3. Call Wallace Callow at LEAHINGTCn HCIE2 FCR SALE. 3.230 cq. ft. 5 bedrooms. 2 ba3ts, .50 acres. Owner relocated because cf work transfer. CaEaw HIGHWAY CCITJ-'C- I.! FECrznY Lcccd at Nephi South IWGaaa Ca.a ar. CIXIC3. interchange. C3 area CE3-C2- 3. Call-Wallac- e tl . , LcDcun: C23-277- 3, tlcty: p 1:3:7 1-- Ci: CX-7Z2- 7 pr::r C: J i |