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Show r , Local qisLeir inJl 1 on KUED spcccal on quilting The book was finally published in the spring of this year. However, before the book went to press Irene received a call inviting her to be interviewed for a KUED special to be aired this fall. Irene spent half a day at the program taping which was done at the Fairview Pioneer Museum. The sound, lights, and camera had to be just right, so she By Julie Smalley Times-New- Correspondent s t n Several years ago, Irene read an prticle in The Provo Herald about a move by the Utah Quilt Heritage Corporation to document quilts crafted in Utah from settlement to 1950. Irene decided to take a quilt she made, while in high school and have it documented. Documentation days were held from 1988 to different lo1994 in twenty-si- x cations throughout the state in an effort to preserve the history of the quilts in Utah and record the stories of the women who made them. More than 2200 quilts were documented. From the 2200 documented quilts, 80 were chosen to be presented along with the quilters story in a book entitled Gathered in Time." Irenes quilt was one of those chosen for the book. Irene made several trips to Salt Lake City for interviews and to have the quilt photographed. Man-gelso- had to tell her story several times before the crew was satisfied- From approximately 2 hours of taping only about 3 minutes is used on the program. Her modesty has kept the honor of being selected for the program sort of a secret. Even family members only get details if they question. Irenes story tells about the postage stamp quilt she made at age 17. It has 11,605 pieces. Irene and her twin sister Jeane each decided to reproduce a quilt their made in England using a technique called English paper great-grandmoth- er People often think that acne is an adolescent issue. While acne commonly debuts with the horn monal changes of the oncases adult are years, many set, often accompanying the hormonal changes of pregnancy, hormonal irregularities in the menstrual cycle, or ovarian cysts that may cause hormonal abnormalities that increase androgen productivity. ' Alan R. Shalita, M.D., Distinguished Teaching Professor and Chair of the Department of Dermatology, SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, New York, speaks highly of the new treatments for the practical manage' ment of acne. While none of these is considered a dramatic breakthrough in acne treatment, they are positive therapeutic options that are now available to the dermatologist in managing this very common and frequently, troublesome disease," Dr. Shalita says. The new medications include: Tretinoin (microencapsulated) The incorporation of tretinoin in micro ponges decreases the potential for irritation in the use pre-tee- piecing." shapes are traced onto stiff paper using a brass template. The fabric is cut into small squares just enough larger to allow the edges to be folded over the paper and basted into place. The tiny blocks are then whip stitched together and the paper is torn away. Irene would carry the small pieces in a matchbox to school and work on them while sitting in the back of the classroom. It took her eighteen months to complete her quilt. Jeane also completed her quilt in about 3 years time. Irene is the wife of Golden Mangelson. Their home is in Levan where she is still making quilts. Irene has made quilts for all of their children and grandchildren. She also quilts for other people, quilting about 23 quilts per year. . Gathered in Time" will be acne this aired Friday, December 12 at of medication. 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, DecemSodium Sulfacetamide clear ber 13 at 4:15 p.m. on KUED lotion Another golden oldie in channel seven. s acne care, this lotion reduces inflammation and is well toleratd ed. It is particularly for adult women, and is preferred over a topical antibiotic. Three-quarter-in- ch ' carefully monitored by a dermatologist. Once improvement is achieved, a maintenance dose is usually necessary. Women who develop adult acne typically have years. This receptor the problem for manythese Tazarotene medDr. Shalita believes utilized been has retinoid specific into be can ications treatincorporated in both acne and psoriasis existing treatments as topical, ment. local office theraTypically, women suffer from systemic and of acne adult onset, or worsening pies, fostering a lifetime skin. See a more often than men. Women healthier, acne-fre- e for expert advice usually seek standard acne ther- dermatologist acne. on apies such as topical preparations, antibiotics or Accutane. Unfortunately, 60 of these women either do not respond to standard acne treatment or build up a tolerance to frequently used medications. Antiandrogen and or hormonal treatment of acne, limited to women, offers a differ- Azelaic Acid This has gotten mixed results in Europe. It provides a broad spectrum of activity in acne cases, but provides slow onset of action. ent approach that is proving helpful when other treatments are ineffective," Dr. Shalita says. In addition, the FDA has now approved an oral contraceptive for acne treatment. Most acne treatments require prolonged care that should be well-establish- ed Acne attacks! Relax great well-suite- Adapalene A Naphthoic acid derivative with retinoid activity. It appears to be less irritating than some forms of tretinoin and As many adults enter their is effective in acne. 20s, 30s and 40s, they may be confronted with a variety of lifes responsibilities, problems and rewards. They may look back on the teen years with nostalgia for treatments are here the carefree days of mall hopping, first crushes and...acne! To the dismay of millions of these Americans, its a case of deja vu ACNE has once again crept back into their lives landing on the face, mostly right around the jawline, chin and mouth. Thankfiilly, the news is good. There is continued progress in the development of medications to help acne sufferers. Several new medications for acne treatment have become available in the past year. made. she QUILT STORY Irene Mangelson stands infront of quilt i ONE MONTH ACCESS FREE 90 OR DAYS FREE LOCAL INCOMING CALLS OR 2 FREE MONTHS! FOR RENT DOUCLED KINUTES EACH KONTH Day or Night Events Take advantage now of our Double Double plan e Unused doubled minutes on your first 2 months will roll over I Call thru 971 4-- D 623-592- 9 Plumbing & Builders Supply 66 South Main, Nephi, Utah 84648 623-- 1 1 y oe--- i H' tat v Wish Youfid " i O O ' O O l 111 1 ! 1 i v ' I i' f i O O O O Sofas Recliners Curio Cabinets Breakfast Nook O. 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