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Show T? 'I r ,r -- fr ov 4w 'r lP Classifieds 12 Weather 3 Only 14 Shcppi- -' Days Until Christmas Happenings 4 Church News 3 r - O c Serving East Juab County A Nice Place To Live! ' i City Council clariffss parlung ordinance FAA ssrcs sinirpairit expamsloe will icsuralt Gmwoiramsintoll tanpadt joy, said Robert Steele, mayor. The mail and the banks regularly use s Correspondent the airport to help residents with speedy The Denver Airport District Office of service, he said. In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration has Consultants, and the jobs it provided issued a finding of no significant impact residents, was attracted to the commuon the environmental assessment pre- nity by the airport. If we are going to move Nephi into pared on the Nephi City Airport expanthe 21st Century, we have to move forsion project. with this project, said Steele. Copies of the written finding and the ward assessment indicated the present The .environmental assessment are availexable for public review at the Nephi Pub- location was the best place for the was so a public hearing lic Library and in the office of the Blair pansion and Residents on document draft the held Robsaid Recorder, Painter, Nephi City to were given the opportunity provide ert Steele, mayor. "The Federal Aviation Association pro- comment to accompany the draft and vided a grant to Nephi City to conduct there were a large number of protests. "Each of the protests were addressed an environmental assessment for the A Tinding proposed expansion and to compare al- in writing, said McKnight. ternative sites with the present location of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was b of the airport," said Randy McKnight, rendered." in writing Two comments submitted city administrator. in included the docuto are the are agency the in "Most people community not aware ofthe significance the airport ment along with the response to those has on our lives but it is extremely im- comments. Since there were only two comments portant and part of the lifestyle we en By Myras Trsuntvein Times-New- Mid-Sta- te By Myraa Trauntvein Times-New- Correspondent s Nephi City Council members rejected an amendment to the ordinance setting forth regulations for parking on city streets for extended periods. The council considered the amendment to the parking ordinance to clarify questions about abandoned vehicles on the and decided y city because, the wording against ordinance the determined, they to those latitude much too gave who owned travel trailers. They did approve the addition of 72 hours to the ordinance, however. It is now an infraction for any person to park or leave standing on any public road, street, alley or municipal property any motor vehicle for more than 72 hours. Previously, the ordinance read that it was illegal to leave vehicles in such public places for longer than 48 hours. Wouldn't it make more sense to specify travel trailer in the 72 hour specification? asked David Leavitt, city attorney. If someone were to go on vacation and leave a car parked in front of the home, would they return and find the car gone? Brent Bowles, city council member, said he was concerned about the length of time allowed those who parked trailers of any sort on city streets. "Other vehicles, such as travel trailers, utility trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles may be removed or impounded if parked or left standing for more than seven consecutive days on any public, road, street, alley, or municipal property, read the rejected amendment. Bowles said he worried the proposal gave too much time to those who had trailers of any sort 1 don't think people will want a trailer parked in front of a house for a full week. David Leavitt city attorney, said he could understand the concern. Some would never park their utility trailer, used to haul garbage, anywhere else. They would fill it up during the week, move it when they drove to the landfill, and park it back on the city "What is reflected in the intent language of the proposal?" asked Handy McKnight, city administrator. The intent, he said, asserted that the chief of police should take into account the meaning of the section when enforcing it "It is not the intent of this section to prevent the residents of Ne'hi City frcm pxtirg their regularly used pnesangar vehicles on the public streets, but it is the intent to prevent the placement or puking of junk vehicles, vehicles under repair, net regularly used vehicles, travel trailers, utihty tellers, cc.:rcial vehicles, including tcrJ trailers, or rgricultursl vehicles on the public streets, right-of-wa- right-of-wa- y. -- n the intent Sm Streets on page 2 Single Copy Price 502 12 pages Wednesday, December 10, 1997 v..,; made, said Chad Brough, city council member, "I propose we send these comments to them. Brent Bowles, city council member, suggested only the responses to the comments made be sent to the two who wrote the protests. Comment one was entered by Gerald Cooper who proposed consideration of the Levan Ridge for location of a new (NEPA). Environmental, social, economic imconsiderations raised in the pacts public hearing were considered. The second comment, submitted by Darin Peterson, was addressed paragraph by paragraph, since Peterson had several points. Peterson said he thought the draft EIS failed to address the comments made at the public hearings. The response was that all verbal and written input from the public was itemized, considered, and responded to in the addendum to the environmental assessment. Then, an additional y airport. The suggested Levan Ridge location was analyzed in the addendum to the Environmental Assessment in response to comments given at the public hearing held December 3, 1996, reads the comment period was offered. beginning of the response. Peterson said the present location was However, the preferred alternative is to construct a new runway at the exist- noted for fog. The response was that fog consideration. For ing airport site. The adoption of the was not the only studies show preferred alternative was based on an example, ongoing wind meets analysis of the safety and efficiency of that the existing Nephi airport aircraft operations, as well as the re- recommendations for wind coverage', sults of an examination of environmen- reads the response. The airport provides 99.92 percent tal impacts in accordance with the Fedwind Act Environmental coverage for aircraft. eral National Policy . The impact of land acquisition on landowners was evaluated and will continue to be addressed throughout the course of the project. An existing county road will provide alternate access to areas affected by the closure of one county road and impact of the project on CUP may be mitigated by the leasing offarmland for agricultural purpos30-da- V. es. The total reconstruction of the existing airstrip is necessary and the present location remains the preferred alternative because of its viable environmental and economic benefits. Cooperation has taken place with the Utah Fish and Wildlife Services and it has been determined that there is no effect to threatened or endangered speO cies in the project area. The small scope of the airport project when compared with the entire CUP effort will not jeopardize the outcome of the irrigation project. The current and future air traffic at the airport was included in the decision ; to select the preferred alternative. "The proposed federal action is that a ' new runway be constructed and extended to an ultimate length of 7,200 feet OLD MAN WINTER ARRIVES The first real winter storm of the season slowed down the traffic at the Juab Middle School and Juab High School on Tuesday morning but everyone was being careful on the slick roads. The East Juab and that approximately 182 acres of County valleys got by with only a couple of inches from the same storm that dropped 6 or 8 inches in Salt Lake and really property be acquired for expansion and snarled the traffic up north.. 27 acres in easement for runway protection zones be obtained. The airport sponsor, Nephi City Corporation, requested FAA approval to enhance the safety and efficiency of the airport and for participation in funding economof a "a as Steele was program ship, Nephi began being acknowledged required to accomplish future airport By Myraa Itaiatveia man of action who enjoys turning a chal- ic development development. s Correspondent Central to this plan was bringing natThere are current inadequacies relatlenge into an opportunity. and and to ural his term as first cleaning up ed to safety and efficiency at the Nephi mayor, Nephi gas Nephi During Mayor Robert Steele waa presented was by Interstate 15. As a beautifying the city, with special empha- Municipal Airport. These include nonwith the Rural Man of the Year annual areas for many businesses closed along sis on the downtown area. standard safety and object-fre- e award at Southern Utah University in result, Main Street Under his leader- - Mayor Steele has been successful in the existing runway and insufficient Nephis ' Cedar City. all aspects of his program. He has also runway length, width and strength. The Utah Center tor Rural Life sponbeen instrumental in bringing many The runway pavement, on the existsored the fourth annual "Rural Utah other improvements to Nephi, includ- ing runway, is in need of repair and exAwards Gala in ccrj unction with the c of ing the tensive rehabilitation of the pavement Rural Summit at SUU. Communitiee for construction of a surface is needed. the units city, and individuals in rural Utah were recnew sewer system, reconstruction ofthe Tb meet its mission to provide for the ognized for outstanding and innovative water line, the installation of a safety of aircraft operations, the FAA main successes in areas of community develsecondary pressurised water system, will not invest in the airport unless opment and flood control dams along Salt Creek. agency standards for safety and efficienThe pal of the center is to recognize He has also built new parks, expandmet. are cy count: is, conaurdtiis, and individuals industrial park and ed the "The agencys review is now comtor efibrts in strengthening and attract many new businesses to helped plete," said McKnight tha quality cfilTe in rural Utah, As a result, hundreds of new jobs Nephi. end si the time, build a tnm cf have been created. in cur rural karitaga, values, and pride Steele has been an effective u O a O ' s Mayor Robert Steals civairdod Rural Man of the Year amutal etyerd at Southern Utah University Times-New- by-pass- ed , hydro-electri- city-owne- roain-taini- d nj tntt spokes- liatgla. Simla wta recognized tor Lis community terries, trend in seeps, whhh tea Ltd a preTeerJ efieet cn Lis city snd ca tla rrplea. Us Li served ss an sleeted (find for fourteen years, including three terms as Mayor fUeghi, and has mads important contributions ca numerous boards and ccmm person for the preservation of private property righto and multiple use of public lands. At state government levels, he has advocated solutions to problems and n challenges in rural Utah. Us is for standing up when it counts. He is a men of principal and is not afraid to stand up for tboee principals. wall-know- Msyor n.lert CxU Santa in Mona cn Saturday to Santa Claus will be Mona at 12 noon coming Saturday, December 13th. He will be riding through town on the Mona Fire Engine to the Mona TWn Ofice where be will visit with all the children. Sae you there! |