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Show t tCf Wednesday, December 10, 1997 '' A 1 IN I Juab Middle Schools w Kids Speak for Kids essay contest The following students placed the Juab Middle Schools 7th grade in the first annual UNICEFUSA Kids Speak for Kids Essay Contest: Alyse Greeqhalgh, Bobby Brough, TVa-- d Worthington, Nathan Faucett, Lacey Johnson and Blake New-- , ton. v To enter, students needed to write an essay on what could be done to end exploitative child labor. Part of the criteria was to suggest solutions that could really make a difference. The essays were not to exceed 200 words and were judged based on creativity, writing style and writing mechanics. Initial judging will be done by professional edu cators. The finalists will be judged by a panel of prominent UNICEF supporters and au. thors. For this essay students had an opportunity to read articles offof the Internet concerning child labor laws. Jigsaw was used to disseminate the information. In their groups they each had an article to read. Next, they met with the students who read the same one to discuss what they learned and their impressions. After that, they presented the material back in their base group. Finally, they used the reading and writing strategies for expository texts which became the outline for their essay. out-of-coun- Lad chance to renew at the old rates that have been effect since January 1994. Any current or new subscriber can renew or subscribe up to three years at current rates as long as payment is received before January 1st. 798-217- 3 372-987- 5 1 Sand Pea Gravel f Feet:-t- T Yes! Sign me up! I want to save f Licensed Contractor We Service What We SeB! $$$$$$ 1 Name - : - Address I J1 callcx-iux- c $19.00 $34.00 $51.00 Out County $23.00 $42.00 $63.00 Machine and dealer sales will be 754 per copy effective 1198. Subscribe and save $18.00 per year if you buy from a machine. I I PLUMBING & BUILDERS1 SUPPLY 66 SOUTH MAIN, NEPHI, UTAH Westing Service Plumbing Service Electrical I Rock ' Good Prices 4-- D ( n. In County Current rates One year Two years Three years Great for driveway and corral needs We also Deliver Delivered by cj ty f Keigley Quarry Gravel Bruce Ludlow Custom Hauling mm Subscription rates are going up! Effective January 1, 1998 Subscripion rates for Will Be: The Times-New- s $21.00 in Juab County and $26.00 per year JMS students who placed in the "Kids Speak for Kids essay contest are: Nathan Fausett, Bobby Brough, Blake Newton, Lacey Johnson, Alyse Greenhalgh, and Traci Worthington. ESSAY CONTEST from Page 7 Nephi, Utah Citv : - ' " ' j JGunrcht Subscriber j Chech enclosed for $ State Zip. NevvSubscrlbcr Telephone Number J t |