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Show n m Wit Page 8 Scouting benofiis parents end volunteers as well as girls ages ed their daughters and nearly they have developed leadership and 74 percent feel their relationskills find their that percent has increased behas with their daughter ship improved. "This statistic is sig- cause they served as Girl Scout leadnificant because study after troop, group, or assistant ' a shown ' ers. has that stronger study When Girl Scouts 'and bond means a stronparent-chil- d of the same age ger child, emotionally, academically, and socially, says Ms. Eli- group were surveyed, Girl Scouts nor Ferdon, National President reported greater opportunities to of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. achieve nine positive outcome Ofthe largely female volunteer measures: social skills pool studied, 87 percent say that (ability to make friends), respect for others, feelings of belonging, helpfulnessconcern for the community, teamwork, leadership, 50 ce non-membe- rs self-relianc- e, self-competen- SoodoDg OoeCi and clarification values decision-makin- g. Among the findings that confirm these and other positives effects: Brownie Girl Scouts (ages report experiencing teamwork, feelings of belonging, leadership, helpfulness, and values decision-makin- g more often in their troops or groups than in school. Junior Girl Scouts (ages see leadership opportunities as 14 percent higher in their Girl Scout troops or groups compared to school. ( non-memb- er non-prof- including girls from diverse racial and ethnic populations. We know there are factors that place girls at risk and we know there are factors that are building blocks for girls choosing Wealthy behaviors, says Sharon Stetz, Utah Girl Scout Council Executive Director. "For over 85 years, Girl Scouting has been providing those building blocks and now we have data to show that girls and their parents Cadette Girl Scouts (ages benefit from participation in Girl experience such positive Scouting. outcomes as concern for others, In Utah, over 12,000 girls enfeelings of belonging, and values joy Girl Scouting annually decision-makin- g more often in through 3500 volunteers. Over troops or groups than in school. 1,300 of those girls would be conSenior Girl Scouts (ages sidered to be at risk. say troop activities versus Stetz says that a brochure deschool activities provide substantailing the study is available by tially higher levels of experienc- sending a stamped, ing leadership, respect for othenvelope to Utah ers, teamwork, helpfulness, feel- Girl Scout Council, P.O. Box ings of belonging, and valuesde-cisio- n 57280, 445 East 4500 South, making opportunities. SLC.UT 84157. Seventy-si- x percent of parents With over 3.5 million indicate they are building friend Girl Scouts of the U.Smembers, A is the 6-- 8) 1200 North Main 623-420- 4 Weekly Specials Two 14 Pizza 1-It- em 9 Lunch Special 12 Order Bread Stix and small salad $o)9 Every Mon.Tues, & Wed. Are Family Nights 14 Pizza $5.99 2-It- em EveryMon.Tues. & Wed. Nights are Family Nights Pick-u- p or dine-i- n only after 4 p.m. Now Play Pool on our pool table or play our Cruzin USA game 4 8-1- 1) 11-1- 4) 14-1- 7) self-address-ed Are you a last minute Shopper? 15 items in stock now thru Thursday, Dec. 18th. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Taylors Tack 623-133- N Corels or (CCD) & Saddle 100 E, Levan 3 ) u : t iC C172 e73-7c;- :. C" n to check on her. Cecaurs thry have large heads and wenh umh muscles, shaking a baby Ctr l the head to whip back and fLtth, bouncing the brain around Lmldi the skull. Some of the consequences of shaking a baby in- clude: Blindness Seizures Learning disabilities Physical disabilities Death If you lose control and shake your child, or suspect someone else has, get help immediately. Here are some warning signs that a child may have been shaken: tones. Lethargy, sluggishness TUke the baby for a ride in the Difficulty breathing Extreme irritability car or stroller. Decreased appetite , Call a friend or relative to take over while you take a break. Vomiting Seizures Sometimes, nothing will stop a baby from crying and thats when For more information on Shakyou need to get away. If youve tried everything, put the child in en Baby Syndrome, call the Child her crib, leave the room, and Abuse Prevention Center at come back every 5 minutes (801)393-336, - 10-1- 6. Arthritis, muscb psin cdl for different remedies because these nonsteroidal drugs help reduce swelling in the muscles and joints. Acetaminophen will relieve the pain, but it doesnt have any therapeutic value to reduce swelling. Harris also notes that ice apsprains and general overuse plied to the sore muscle within All pain relievers arent equal, says a Stanford rheumatologist, who recommends acetaminophen for "wear and tear arthritis without a lot of inflammation, and suggests other pain relievers, including aspirin, for sore muscles, mild over-the-coun- from exercise. , the first four hours after exercise works very "Aspirin, ibuprofen and ace- taminophen all work well for well with acetaminophen. most people with minor arthriHe adds that arthritis, unlike tis pain and all are fine if taken strained muscles from work or , occasionally. But .common pain sports, may require some e relievers other than acetamistrategies that are with professional best and managed Tylenol generic nophen equivalents may not be a good assistance and possibly a stronidea for regular and sustained ger medication. The rheumatologist notes that therapy, says Dr. Edward D. Harris, Stanfords George DeFor-es- t nonprescription painkillers, in- Barnett Professor of Medicine eluding acetaminophen and asand author of a definitive text- pirin, are far less potent in their book on rheumatoid arthritis. versions than "The problem is that we have in formulas available by presome good evidence that the tra- scription. "And even if your pain is miditional nonsteroidal and infrequent, always mennor (such drugs as aspirin) may interfere with tion joint or muscle discomfort to the normal metabolism (func- your physician during an annution) of cartilage, the very tissue al physical. He or she may get we want to protect, he says. you on a program that can help "On the other hand, if your relieve pain, determine if the problem is muscle pain from ex- condition springs from a more ercise, then aspirin, ibuprofen or serious illness, and help you related formulas may be the bet- avoid future long-terdamage," ter choice, says Harris. Thats Harris says. pain-causi- ng long-rang- off all Tack, Saddles and gift 220 C-- cCcs ttCCl) f-- 2-3- 17 just-releas- cihrr adults through lxrgt org&dz&tioA fzr girl Li having a daughter involved in the world. For information on Girl Scouting and 67 percent re- haw to volunteer or join Girl port that tlsy il that they are tv giving bach to the community. 7 Ninety-fiv- e percent cf volunteers felt they had a positive influence on the development of girls, 3 percent say they developed shills , Did you know crying is the they otherwise would not have number one reason a baby is developed, and 5 percent agree sbaban or injured by a parent or they receive rewards they dont caregiver? Despite many recent typically receive in their daily news reports, 25 to 60 percent of Americans still dont know that lives. More than 5,000 Girl Scouts shaking a baby is very dangercounte- ous. Its normal to become tense and their rparts, 2,000 parents of Girl when a child cries continuously, Scouts and 544 volunteers, were but there are ways to keep your surveyed during the National cod and keep the baby safe: Check the childs basic Outcomes Study conducted by Social Program Evaluators & needs is she wet or hungry or Consultants Inc. (SPEC Associ- perhaps just tired? Check for signs of illness such ates), a leading research and proas a fever, a stomachache or it orgram evaluator of swollen gums. and ganizations. Troops groups Rock or walk with the baby. from all regions of the country Sing or talk to him in soft were polled with an emphasis on ships with (Girl Parents and volunteers benefit from Girl Scouting as much as the girls themselves, accordoutcomes ing to a study called Girls, Families and Communities Grow Through Girl Scouting. The study is being released locally by the Utah Girl Scout Council. Among the findings, 54 percent of the parents polled report that Girl Scouting allows them to spend more quality time with Xzzizy, December 10, 1C07 Nepfai, Utah The shop will be dosed from Dec. ih- - Jan. 15th over-the-count- er m TO NEPHI CITYWATER CUSTOMERS: With little or no snow on the ground and Sifccffifa TcfaS t Esfibire f freezing temperatures here, frozen water pipes are possible. It is important that you make sure that your water mbter lid is cover-in- g the meter and is securely fastened:' ; ; $19. . fiSt3 iraftso t ouMdII pan yiasr Jam. lot KENWOOD Free Talk 2-W- ay kZzi Crt tre? yea in touch wLh yeer wedi. you have any questions or need assistance, please call Nephi City at 623-082;n If 2. r -- you have had a problem with frozen watei? siiculd, pipes in any past winter seasqn-voiconsider leaving some waterdripng ih your bathtub during extremely cold ten If VJs V. ts O LV . r ; , I 4 |