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Show 2IIe '(EtmeaNefoB Wednesday, December 10, 1997 Page 3 Nephi, Utah 199S RsMmg amid Hunting Lncemisss for Christmas Chord) Revs. . The perfect Christmas gift for the angler or hunter on your list may await you at the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources office or hunting license agent. 1998 fishing, small game and e combination licenses, permits and Wildlife Habitat Authorizations are now available from Division offices in Ogden, Salt Lake City, Springville, Vernal, Price and Cedar City. 1998 licenses, permits and Habitat Authorizations will be available from fishing and hunting license agents statewide by said Linda Stoin-skDivision information manager. 1998 Wildlife Heritage Certificates may also be purchased at the six Division offices. They are not currently available from license agents. Resident costs for 1998 are as 2nd Ward Christmas Party on Thursday two-pol- The Nephi 2nd LDS Ward Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 11th, at the church. A dinner and desert will be served at 6:30 p.m. There will a program and a spedal guest has been invited to greet the children of the ward. two-po- le 2nd Ward Christmas Elder Brian Hall FAREWELL Spencer Morgan, has been called to serve in the the son of T.Sgt. Randall and England London Mission. His Rebecca Morgan of Great Falls, farewell will be December 14th in Idaho, has been called to serve in the Nephi LDS 4th Ward Chapel the Canada Toronto West LDS at 10:50 a.m: He will enter the Mission. He is the grandson of MTC on January 14, 1998. His Fay and Reva Morgan of Nephi, and Walter and Gloria Svedin of . parents are Bruce and Darla West Valley City. He entered the MTC on December 3, 1997. Hall. Christmas party for young single adults Saturday A Christmas Party for Young Single Adults will take place Saturday December 13th, beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the Nephi LDS lst2nd8th Ward church: The evening will include a Christmas dinner, videos, games and fun, fun, fun. Bring your appetite and a friend. I Levan Ward and Levari Town will hold Christmas Party next Help available for unplanned pregnancies Levan Town and the Levan LDS Ward will hold a Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 16th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Please bring your own dishes. 5th Ward Christmas Party tonight Homemalring meeting tonight 756-521- 378-762- 0. nt ts arrangements, and adoption Area Forecast National Weather Service From the Internet ... Missionary and csrvicemans tions, addresses must be brought S8 South to The Times-NewMain, Nephi, before the 5:00 p.m. Monday deadline for publication, please, ho hone calls. . i SIctcr Ualf Whitirg s, . (Xr j - r; VJ -- li. itC. IX.er i T- t- T Czz '. C T ; Mcrfsn :et ' Partly cloudy and cold. A slight chance of mountain Enow showers. Highs 20s to lower 30s. Sunny days and dear nights. Continued Cold. Local late nigtt and early morning valley fog Friday and Saturday. Lows in the teens, llighs ugper 20s through mid 30s. - Lee . i J, Or.Urio P7B X2 H', ' 6-8- NEW! NEW! NEW! Many adults have expressed interest in our classes. No matter, whether you have previous music knowledge or not, this will be a very exciting and fun class, that might open the door to a really rewarding and satisfying hobby for you. Everybody can do this, so do ' not he shy or bashful. Give us a call and inquire about details. f , For information and enrollment, please call mail to: . 623-075- 8 or 623-823- Or fill out this ad and 2 Musikschule Frohlich - 388 E 800 N - Nephi, UT 84648 MUSIC IS FOR EVERYBODY!! Name: Address: City: Phone: ATTENTION: All GOVERNMENT EMPLOVEES One benefit of being a government employee is a great cellular airtime rate offered to you by CellularOne! As a government employee, you qualify for the following rate and promotion: II Sign up for cellular service in December and receive a Free flip phone, ($125 value!), $40.00 activation fee waived, plus 60 additional minutes of evenings and 60 additional minutes of weekend calling per month for one full year! Government employees include all Federal, State, County, City, Firemen, EMTs, and Search and Rescue Members. You may sign up as many as 4 phones on this plan for other members of your family. Enter.;!;;; Fcrcczct... ' i ct e :1 C:t r C3 11 , 'i South f.!c!nf f'rphi or ces C23--1 1 3 Petti Kidd ct levies P.lus, 7C3 North Main, Beciuii C23-43- r Norma Sherwood, reporter Lew Free Dte High Low Prec rtperter -- v rfeCiow!l n, Dutch C.l:r Den Win a 1313 107th Ave S.7 Calory, Alberta T2WOC C0 of o rocont chongo in policy wP Oowmonl ovnpioyooo osotaig to got on govommonl mAoo scSiQfci oomco oftor Docombor 31. 1987, wfli nood to pm Ml pneo lor too phonos. TJeyhi weather C.l-- X 4-- D Contact: David Worwood Plumbing end Builders Cuppfy .iL.incoL7'tE ArJ le (4-6- Tliurcery tlrm Grturcby... s U'C2173 ' " SIX Ave, 1 S , v V. Malloch f.Vrvey 125 Mass. EJ- two-po- Monthly Charge: $22.95 Minutes free airtime each month 30. cents flat rate per minute over SO minutes through the holidays. To be printed in the Wednesday edi- EL 3CS34 fore purchasing a fishing or hunting license for someone 14 years of age and older, they must first purchase a $5.25 Habitat SO will print the The Timea-New-s for missionaraddresses mailing ies and . military personnel Cce Ccrz.!, Small game license (14 years old and older) $12 Combination license $25 Purchasing a license for someone is easy, Stoinski said. If youre visiting a Division office, all youll need to provide is the persons personal information name, height, weight, eye color, hair color, date of birth, address and phone number. Those who purchase a small chestra. The orchestra had a first public appearance on December 1st and did very welL It is still growing and we invite every piano, keyboard or accordion player to check it out and participate. Practice time is every Thursday at 7:00 PM in the Old Gym in Nephi (West - entrance). The following classes are being offered for January start: 1 ) MusOKfass This is a start up class for preschool age ). This class teaches solid skills in reading music, rhythm, basic ter 2) Melodica Class minology and the playing of 25 songs on a simple keyboard instrument (age ). class begins at the age of approximately.. 6 and has no age This Class Instrumental 3) limit. UP uddrccas lCCOLSCAficrec 12 (12-1- 3 NEW CLASSES START JANUARY 1998 east-to-ma- The Nephi LDS 5th Ward will placements are available by callcelebrate Christmas with a par- ing ty December 10th (tonight) at LD$ Social Services can be &30 p.m. at the church. reached at 50 East North Tfem-pl- e There will be a short program Street, Salt Lake City, 84150. followed by dinner. The menu LDS Services can also be will include roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, gelatin, rolls and cake. Please bring your own dishes. A special visitor will come and join the fun following dinner. : Small game license years old) $6 Division-approve- Times-New- birth-paren- education course via computer, the way we can at a Division office, Stoinski said. Buyers are reminded that be- Two-pole , reached through the American Fork Agency, 350 East 300 North, Suite B, American Fork, By Myrna Trauntvein 7 or Provo 84003, (801) 1190 900 North East, Agency, s Correspondent Provo, 84604, (801) The services are also available Free and confidential help is for married or divorced couples available for unmarried females with unplanned pregnancies, who have an unplanned preggrandparents of the baby, church nancy by calling Birth Parent leaders and interested members, Services. doctors and attorneys, school Males involved in the situation administrators, teachers, and may also receive help. and all others who counselors, Since 1919, LDS Social Serviccare. es has provided professional, liAll services are provided based censed services. A on Christiaa values. Adoptive network of caring, qualified peoparents who share these Chrisple in local offices throughout the tian values are available if the united States and Canada is birth decides to place the available to help with the needs child. parent and the of the Continued care to birth parneeds of the baby in a personal, ents is available until adjustconfidential setting. ments are made and emotional Free counseling is available to healing takes place. help the birth parents consider " alternative confidentially. Temporary Housing, for girls who wish to live away from home during the pregnancy, opportunities to continue schooling; local help, medical, legal, financial birth-pare- Tuesday: December 31, 1965, who wishes to purchase a hunting license or permit. License agents are not able to verify completion of a hunter Authorization for them, Stoinski said. Buyers also are reminded that the combination license does not include a deer or elk permit and does not allow someone to hunt deer or elk, Stoinski said. 1998 general deer and elk permits will game or combination license be available in May from a license agent also must The permit allows an supply verification (also known angler, who must also possess a in Utah as a blue card) that the fishing license and, if 14 years of follows: The Nephi 2nd LDS Ward will Wildlife Habitat Authoriza- person theyre purchasing the age or older, a Habitat Authorifor has completed a zation, to use two poles while have a Christmas Homemaking tion (14 years old and older) d hunter educaMeeting on Wednesday, Decem- $5.25 course is reThe course. 6:30 ber 10th, at p.m. Wildlife Heritage Certificate tion See License on page 5 j. for There will be a visiting teach- (under 12 years old) $5.00 everyone bom after quired ing message and a home management lesson. A gift basket display, gift boxes, and a tasters table will be features of the evening. Everyone is invited to bring a dish of favorite food and the recipe to share. Recipes will be colMusikWRtre Frohlich is offering new classes starting in January 1998. We had a great lected and typed for all Relief response last summer and were successful in establishing our school as well as an orSociety sisters. i, FAREWELL Wildlife Heritage Certificate (12 years old and older) $15.00 Fishing license (14-6- 4 years old) $18.00 Fishing license (65 years old and older) $9 permit $10.00 V I oho |