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Show r THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 27, 1991 - Page 16 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION UPDATE ON THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGYS ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT FIVE-YEAPLAN AND PRIORITY SYSTEMS R The United States Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office (Grand Junction, Colorado), will hold a public information meeting to discuss the progress of the Environ- mental Restoration and r Waste Management Five-Yea- Plan. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 7, 1991 at the San Juan County Courthouse, Commissioners Hearing Room, 117 South Main Street, Monti-cellUtah, at 7:00 p.m. o, The primary purposes of the meeting are for DOE to explain what cleanup and waste management activi- ties the Grand Junction Projects Office (GJPO) is proposing to conduct in fiscal year 1993; to explain how GJPO program managers have used new priority systems to categorize proposed activities; and to hear public opinion about the proposed activities and priorities. Interested citizens are invited to attend. They need not make advance appointments or present written comments. Activity Data Sheets which describe the planned restoration and waste management operations can be reviewed before and after the meeting at the San Juan County Public Library in Monti-cellUtah. Citizen comments expressed at the meeting will be considered and incorporated in the ongoing development of the o, plan. This is one of many similar meetings being held by the Department of Energy around the country. For more information, please call Mr. Peter Mygatt at (303) DOE Grand Junction Projects Office. Collect calls will be accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 248-601- 4:30 p.m. MST. 5, |