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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 27, 1991 Bluff Stuff Dorothy Nielson by - Kevin The Guymons and Julie and Ervin and Judy - were happy to have visitors over the weekend. Kevins parents and his brother, Gordon, and family were here from Ogden. The Bluff Elementary School had a dance and song program on February 20 at the school. All the grades were represented. Each participant was costumed, and they performed Indian dances and songs. It was colorful and beautiful. The program had a twofold purpose: to entertain their parents, and as a dress rehearsal for a competition at Rough Rock, Arizona. There are quite a number of schools that will take part in the competition, so we wish them well. Id been hearing about the ice on the river, so went down to take a look. Ive never seen such huge blocks of ice as those piled up and lining the river. If anyone wanted to make an Eskimo house, it would be a perfect place to Find materials. It was an awesome sight. think I I - Page 14 fered a fatal heart attack, so the troops can come home. The press conferences are particularly maddening. The same questions are asked over and over again, and some want the complete battle plan spelled out. As I say, masochism! February thaw! Such a beautiful phrase. All it takes to get over the war newscasts is to look out my window - or better yet, to go outside. Go for a walk! See only patches of snow and very little mud. Im begin- ning to look for budding leaves on the trees. I now can get out of my driveway without getting stuck, and other people can come to see me. It is no longer a challenge to get to my trash can. When I go outside, I can forget my coat, and don a sweater. I guess we needed all that Arctic weather to really appreciate We may get more bad weather before spring really sets in, but for now, Ill love this weather with sunny skies, warm days, and cool nights to sleep in. Weather report: ten to all the war news on both radio and TV and read about it in the paper. All it does is lead to a severe case of depression. It is really stupid to listen so much, as they repeat themselves over and over throughout the day. guess hope springs eternal that there will be good news, that Saddam has left Kuwait, or perhaps suf-Notice to water users The State Engineer received the following Application(s) to Appropriate Water in Sun Juan County (Locations in SLB&M). Persons objecting to an application must file a Protest stating the reasons for the protest. To have a hearing before the State Engineer, persons must request a hearing in the Protest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Salt Lake on or before City, Utah 84116, APRIL 12, 1991. These are informal proceedof the Division of ings as per Rule R625-6-Water Rights. (LEGEND: Point(s) of Diversion POD; Place of Use - POU; Nature of Use USE) (A65186): Wesley L. Hunt QUANTITY: 0.1 cfs. SOURCE: 5 in. well 100 ft. 4 to 200 ft. deep. POD: (1) S 1814 W 130 from Nl4 Cor, Sec 35, T36S, R22E. (Blanding, Utah) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 1.00 acs; Stockwatering: 10 head of livestock; Domestic: family. POU: SE14NW14 Sec 35, 1 T36S, R22E. Robert L. Morgan, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published February 27, March 6 and 13, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. Public notice San Juan County will accept scaled bids for the installation of two 10,000 gallon aboveground fuel tanks at the Blanding Airport. Bids will include tanks, lines, pumps, and installation. A walk through will be held on March 12, 1991, at 10:00 a.m. at the Blanding Airport. This walk through will be required. Specifications will be provided at the time of the walk through. For more information, please contact Mr. Rick M. Builey at the San Juan County courthouse, P.O. Box 9, Monticello, Utah 84535; phone 801 587-322- Published February 27 and March 6, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. Housing Preservation for Aneth Chapter Notice is hereby given that the Aneth Grants Community Development Corp is making application for $96,000 in Farmers Home Administration - Housing Preservation Grants which will be administrated by the Aneth Chapter Development Project. The Housing Preservation Grant will be used in meeting the specific objectives of the National Historical Preservation Act and provide rehabilitated and repaired housing for very low- - and homeowners in rural areas. More than 90 of the homeowners or families served will be very The total grant of $96,000 from FmllA will be utilized for building materials only while the Navajo Tribe and UNDC will provide technical and administrative assistance as well as some labor. Twelve homes will be rehabilitated at an average cost of $8,000 per home. The Statement of Activities is available for public comment during business hours from February 20th to March 13th at the Aneth Chapter Office. You may call Clarence Rockwell at (801) to give comments or for additional information. Comments are welcome from the general public, community leaders, and elected officials. Published February 20 and 27, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. e Lake Powell: Fishing is presently slow at Lake Powell, but is expected to improve gradually. Walleye angling usually starts in February. Largemouth bass start biting in March. Fishing for all species should be taking off in April. Loyds Lake: Virtually no ice Fishing is taking place, according to conservation officer, Roger Kerstetter. He reports water pooling over the ice. Recapture Reservoir: 1I-- 78, 3, 8, 637-195- PY-9- 637-544- All data must be Licensed Electrical Contractor Residential submitted by March 20, 1991 to: W.F. (Bob) Robirts, Associate Director Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments Employment and Training Division P.O. Box 1 106, Price, Utah 84501 Published February 27 and March 6, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. Probate, Guardianship, Trust and Conservator Notices. Consult clerk of the court or the respective signers for further information. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN AND FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY, STATE OK UTAH ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of MARGUERITE LOUISE ANDERSON PEIIRSON. also known as Marguerite Pehrson, Deceased. Probate No. 1329 in the Seventh Judicial District Court of San Juan County, State of Utah. Douglas Evan Pehrson has been appointed as personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to present them to the personal representative, or to the Clerk of the Court, on or before the 21st day of May, 1991, or said claims shall be forever barred. Douglas Evan Pehrson P.O. Box 727 Monticello, UT 84535 Published February 20, 27, & March 6, 1991, in The San Juan Record. Monticello, Utah. Commercial 678-241- Bruce Johnson David Johnson 678-237- 61 678-249- 6 West 300 North 24-ho- for damage-fre- lift townig and car yrarcwffini e carier service C5H5BE) , DEVON'S REPAIR Notice to water users ismum CurtislHolden i 396 S First East Monticello Truck and Car Repair 587-236- 4 587-293- 0 gamma Emergency Smv'c The State Engineer received the following Application(s) to Appropriate Water in San Juan County (Locations in SLB&M). Persons objecting to an application must file a Protest stating the reasons for the protest. To have a hearing before the State Engineer, persons must request a hearing in the P, jtest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple, Sa I Lake on or before City, Utah 84116, APRIL 5, 1991. These are informal proceedings as per Rule R625-6-of the Division of Water Rights. (LEGEND: loint(s) of Diversion POD; Place of Use - POU; Nature of Use - USE) (A65143): Sandy L. & Gail D. Johnson QUANTITY: 0.05 cfs. SOURCE: 8 in. well 330 ft. deep. POD: (1) N 1310 W 1265 from SE Cor. Sec 30, T33S, R34E. (1 mi. East of to Oct Monticello) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 31, total acreage 0.50 acs; Stockwatering: 20 head of livestock. lOU: SE14SE14 Sec 30, T33S, Commercial Refrigeration Service for San Juan County 24 HOUR SERVICE Dairy & RADIO DISPATCHED Walk-i- Supermarkets Convenience Stores Meat Plants & freezers Cases Ice Makers CALL Planned Maintenance Specialists GARY SOSA, Owner coolers n Display 672-227- 1 ferr hiway 191 bluff - VIDEO REPAIR 1 SHOP 023 R24E. (A65144): Sandy L. & Gail I). Johnson QUANTITY: 0.011 cfs. SOURCE: Deer Flat Spring 2. POD: (1) S 750 W 1570 from NE Cor, Sec 2, T36S, R17E. (5 mi. N. Natural Bridges Mon.) USE: Stockwatering: 450 head of livestock. 1XHJ: El2 Sec 2, T36S, RUE. Robert L. Morgan, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published February 20, 27, & March 6, 1991, in The Sun Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. (19-1- 0) 'indowjrscreeiTjepaij; ur Front wheel 48 Blanding wreckers Semi Wrecker Two mal Fishing pressure in the past several weeks. San Juan County Health District Board will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, February 28, 1991, bef Inning at 6 p.m. at the Blanding City Office, Blanding, Utah. Published February 27, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. 5 Hotpoint Appliances Small Trencher & 85KW Generator For Rent 1415 East Main Cortez, Colorado 81321 Laundry.andLlnen (303) QSE00 DELIVER' Ti MONDATHURSDA Monticello Merc 565-794- 7 Dependable, Quality Electronic Repairs for VCRs, TVs Radios, Stereos eddMerc Public notice The Southeastern Utah Private Industry Council in conjunction with the Southeastern Utah Association of Ixcal Governments is in the process of modifying their Program Year JTlA Title 1I-EDWAA and Title Plans. The public is invited to submit their ideas and comments regarding the development of the plan. Any interested parties may request a or Plan by calling copy of the 1990-199- NORTHERN ELECTRIC Warm weather has left the ice wet and sloppy. Mini- Public notice Public notice Public notice off as well. Public notice I lis- I Kens Lake: Ice Fishing may be over for the year. Warm weather has left a pool of water over the ice. Angler success has tapered this. must have a streak of masochism. Fishing report FREE ESTIMATES Continental Telephone (Contel) has submitted application to the Bureau of Land Management (BUM), San Juan Resource Area, Monticello, Utah, for a microwave radio relay repeater to be constructed in T35S, R17E, Section 12, SW4SW4, SLM. The location of Contel's proposal is within an area chained by 11LM in the early 1970's. The purpose of the proposed microwave site is to provide additional and reliable telephone service to the Hite Marina, Bullfrog and Halls Crossing areas on Lake Powell. The proposed site would measure 50 feet wide by 75 feet long and contain a 12' X 30' building constructed of composite material with rock pebble exterior to house the radio equipment and an 80' self supporting tower. Antennas, consisting of two 12' ultra high performance with radomes (di6h), and four 8' diameter standard F series with radomes would be mounted at various heights on the tower. The tower is described as a three-letype, 15 between legs, tapering to 9' between the legs at the top. Primary power for the site would be provided with a 16' x 43' ground mounted photovoltaic solar array and batteries. A 20 kilowatt propane powered "standby generator would be installed inside the building to provide power in the event of prolonged cloudiness or failure of the solar equipment. Propane fuel for the generator would be stored in a 1000 gallon steel tank within the designated site. The proposed site is level and only minor excavation would be necessary to allow placement of the building and tower foundations. The site would be fenced with chain link fencing for security. Access to the site would be from San Juan County Road 256 by way of an existing road, 970' in length. No construction, rerouting or modification of the road would be necessary nor required to meet the needs of the applicant. The tower, building, fence and all exterior equipment would be painted a neutral, g Taylor Made Wooden Heritage Fine Handcrafted Furniture and Cabinets for Home or Office 3 Taylor Palmer North Reservoir Road Blanding, Utah 678-252- We do line carving Plumbing or Heating ProbCems? Call Doug Whipple - HonUccUo 587-28- 64 Seiver & Drain Cleaning - Disposals Water Heaters Plumbing Jixtures - Septic Systems Serving San Juan County two-trac- k MOSS TV and APPLIANCE 444 East Main Cortez, CO 565-7- 1 01 color. Comments on this proposed action will be received for a period of fourteen (14) days following publication of this notice and may be addressed to: Area Manager, San Juan Resource Area, P.O. Box 7, Monticello, Utah 84535. DATE: 22091 s Kenneth V. Rhea Acting District Manager Published February 27, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. Roper Amana Whirlpool Jenn-Ai- r Zenith Magnavox Echo Star Channel Master THE APPLIANCE STORE WITH MORE ON THE FLOOR |