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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 27, 1991 - Page 6 Brian Monticello High honor roll by Larry Harris Long, Jordan Davis, Chad The second term honor roll at Monticello High School includes 25 students who earned all As: a 4.0 grade point average. They Eardley, Karen Crowley, Robert Francom, Jenni Young, Josi Brewer, Nathan Palmer, Lisa Putnam, Todd Randall, Millicent Redd, Kristi Blankenagel, Day, Jeffrey Frost, Billy Manzanares, and are: Lan-do- n Grade Shannon Butler, Shanna Lewis, Stephanie Walden, Glen Walker, and Brad Young. 7: Grade 8: Christopher Crowley, Tara Forrest, Dennis Muhlestein, Kelly Pehrson, and Warren Peterson. Dominick Lagiglia. Grade 8: Courtney Young, Dalton, Julie Carli Connally, Melissa Adams, Leslie Tracy, Mike Black, Nebeker, Bradley Fullmer, Blaine Franki Grade 9: Brad Bunker, Erin Frost, Kiffany Miller, Aleigh Nebeker, Julie Taylor, and GeofT Adams. Grade 10: Monique Odette and Janalyn Walker. Grade 11: David Adams, Darin Allred, Karla Barton, Travis Forrest, and Stephen Allen. Grade 12: Dain Allred and Larry Harris. Honor roll students who earned grade point averages between 3.5 and 3.9 Young, Jodi Bailey, Brad Randall, Reagan Sandberg, Don Coleman, Ryan Young, Rolaina Moore, Walter Richardson, Clark Taylor, Aaron Bronson, Troy Koon, Becky Redd, Michael Walden, and Mari Burning-ham- . Michael Adams, Lupe Alba, Chance Allred, Steven Freestone, Danny mothy Young, and Brad are: Grade 7: Grade 9: Tabitha Taylor, Curtis Black, Tanner Dowell, Tige Hazleton, Cynthia Livingston, Angel Alvarez, George Skouson, Carter Trask, Eric Connally, Catherine Franklin, TiWoodard. Grade 10: Brian Redd, Tamara Wikle, Rice, Amy Young, Kelcey Goodwine, Nichole Peterson, Kaylyn Warner, Ray Pehrson, Christin Francom, Toria Manzanares, Logan Miller, Carlie Redd, Chris Shupe, Stella Howe, Bryan Palmer, Ryan Day, and Reed Young. Grade 11: Sandra Liv- ingston, Jenny Eardley, Trevor Warner, Rachael Stewart, Julie Bunker, Tracy Pehrson, Gentry Ramsay, Denise Peterson, Ben Semadeni, Adam Bron- son, Melissa Slade, Allen Peter Barry, Skouson, David Taylor, Jennifer Kil-gro- Robert Adams, Nikki Peterson, Anna Adair, and Sheri Lee. Grade 12: Julee Stuckey, Wedding announced David Rice, Angela Suttle-myre- , Micah Ewart, Julia Gary and Roberta Suttlemyre are pleased to announce the marriage of their son, Clyde Benjamin, to Rebbeca Sue Magrath on Loewecke, Tyler Young, Carina BrinV, Nicole Dalton, Darren Day, Daniel Francom, Saundra Schny-drig- , Jayson Young, Devin Feher, Gloria Penn, and Ja- January son Allen. The Monticello High School FIIA was recently reorganized and is back on track. New officers are: Sherrill Fullmer, presi- dent; Melissa Slade, vice president; Julia Loewecke, secretary; and, Julie Bunker, publications. FHA members at Monticello High are: Sandra Schnegdrig, Nancy Palmer, Julie Bunker, Kaylyn Warner, Sherrill Fullmer, Karla Barton, Melissa Slade, Toni Tracy, Rachael Stewart, Julia Loewecke, Janalyn Walker, and Sandra Livingston. Without advertising you wouldn't know To Monti- An open house recep- tion will be held in their honor from 12 until 2 p.m. following the ceremony. Tama is a daughter of Andy and Aleta Peterson of Monticello. Dow is a son of Jack and Beth Young, formerly of Monticello now living in St. George. Dow and Tama will make their home in Monticello. Preserve the Past Byrd Photo Copies 510 N. 200 W. Blanding, Utah 4 versity of Utah LDS Chapel. Tassie and Tommy Ma- Rebbecas young children, served as maid of honor and best man. A wedding dinner, hosted by the grooms parents, was held at Trolley Square after the ceremony. Rebbeca is a daughter of side in Salt Lake City. When the nursing shortage created by Desert Storm has eased, Benjamin and Rebbeca plan to come to Monticello so that Rebbeca can meet the wonderful people of this area. Ruth Mink of Council, Idaho, and Robert Lehman of St. Anthony, Idaho. She graduated from the University of Wyoming, where she majored in psychology and Helpful Numbers Toll-fre- e Heartlife for cardiovascular information 241 6993 National Hoalth Information Clearinghouse nursing. Benjamin is a graduate of Weber State University in the College of Nursing. He served in the Rochester, New York Mission of the LDS Church. He is continuing his education at Weber State University. Rebbeca and Benjamin are employed as registered Cancer Information 1 800-- CANCKK American Cancer Society 1 5 American Diabetea Aaaociation Medicaid or Medicare Complaint I.ine American Kidney Foundation 8299 exchange vows Grist Mill Inn in 678-283- Uni- nurses at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City. The couple share an avid enthusiasm for skiing and mountain biking. After a brief honeymoon at Homestead Resort, they returned to re- and Tama Peterson Tama Peterson and Dow Young will be married Saturday, March 2, 1991, at the cello. at the 13, 1991, grath, FHA at MHS Dow Young and Mrs. Clyde Benjamin Suttlemyre Mr. Jim Moore, Sherrill Fullmer, Gertrude Heyden, Paul Walker, Desmond Wikle, Linda Valdez, Preserve old family photos, and get copies for family members, without sending your valuable originals through the mail. $1.00 for each copy negative, 4X5 prints only 500 each, 5X7-- $ 1.50, 8X10-$3.5- 0 each (discounts on larger quantities of same photo Black and white only). is available, for worthwhile projects, from foundations, l. government and business. But, you need to know where to look and how to write a "funding ' V winning proposal. Grants-manshi- p is the ability to do both. For spring quarter, die College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus offers the opportunity to learn the complex, competitive world of grantsmanship. Lcam the intricate art of dealing with funding agencies and how to prepare anti write project applications. Under the direction of Lynn Lee, CEU-SJdean, lcam the methods and strategies of successful grantsmanship. Mr. Lee is recognized nationally for his years of successful grant writing and winning proposals. C The class covers essenn tial elements of well-writte- applications including abstracts and summaries, introductions, need and problem statements, plans of operation, key personnel, budgets and evaluation. Skills you learn will benefit both you and your organization in developing goals and objectives, keeping records, improving fiscal managment and much more. Classes start March 26, so sign up today at the College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus. For more information call Dr. Kay Shumway at 678-220- 1. |