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Show THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 27, 1991 ting acquainted with the 7U&& baby. ents, Mervin and Kathleen Day from Orangeville, Utah, also visited that weekend, and a good time was Jean Lovato bv It has been a beautiful week with very comfortable nice for walkweather ing. It gives one a feeling enjoyed by all. Bob and Diane Johnston, and their dog Cinder, went on another trip to Lake Pow- should start cleaning we yards, and maybe windows, so we can get our storms! It may be an old wives tale, but we need something to keep us hoping for more moisture. Congratulations to Russel and Julia Walker of Provo upon the birth of their son, Eric Tyler, on February 16. He joins a brother, Steven, at home. Grandparents Mel and Ilene Walker, and family, spent Presidents Day weekend in Provo get MOAB 225 South Main Georgia Hamblin BLANDING 678-200- Finley Bayles 678-282- Dale Lyman Marlha Lyman Joe 678-282- M. BLUFF - Clemma Johnson His other grandpar- ell, at Hite Marina, on February They hiked for three days on the rim in the White Canyon area be13-1- tween 5. Fry and Farley canyons. The lake is down some more, even though it has only been about 10 days since their last trip. However, the snow has all melted along the road, for parking on pull-of- f High- There are still way 95. some visible snow patches . . 25 5842 05 ox Eaton 672-226- 3 MONTICELLO F. Bennion Redd Carl Eisemann 587-242- 587 2602 587 2838 Grayson Redd Shir,e'' RamsaF 587-239- ritle Insurance!?! Property Management! FAppralsingK! Rentals Bl. 10-r- Large, home on 2 acres. Kxciting view. Includes well. See this one! 1040 B2. Pioneer Hstates. home. Dble carport. 1.25 acres. $35,000. B3. Small but affordable home, Urge comer lot, includes small cement block Also includes vacant corner shop. sq-f- building lot. BS. Lovely home with new siding, shop, storage shed, fruit trees, fireplace insert. A real family home. 2 5 acres B6. Business opportunity. sou ill of town. Ready to go as commercial greenhouse. 30x80 metal bldg. Adaptable 50-y- r to oilier uses. Good price. B15. Kxecutive-lyphome. Formal DR, 5 bdrms, 2 12 baths, swimming pool. Many features. Also, former Quality Ford Dlrshp bldg with 3 acres on busy highway. Also, 30 acres in city limits. Prime Development Property. B18. 10 acres north on Highway 191 near Quality Ford location. B19. VA home with full bsmnt on N. Main. $29,500 with $1,500 down. See us quickly. $245.73month. B20. Conveniently located. Masonry home, 3 bdrms. With appliances. $9,000 down. Quick occupancy. B30. Twenty-fiv- e acres. Beautiful e setting. B33. acres near new Foodtown Ideal for subdividing. Bluff Buys store. 300. Dble-wid- 24 e and lot. Only $25,000. loan. 301. 36 trailer house $13,000 assumable X Commercial acreage. Good location with water connection. 302. Five lots overlooking beautiful San Juan River and red bluffs. 303. 360 feet of choice hiway Addition. L.ow frontage in Cottonwood down and owner financing. 304. Silver Dollar Bar. Ideal location for business. 3,750 square feet. Low down. Owner financed. 305. Famed Painted Horn Trading Post. Includes trail er home. owner can't operate the trading post and says to sell it. 10 down, owner financing on balance. 306. Full block in Cottonwood Addition with city water connection Ideal site for any commercial venture. 307. One lot in Cottonwood Addition. Just right for your trailer home. La Sal 55. 12 acres with mobile home near mountain. Price negotiable. Good deal. 1 Monticello 1. acres Market 307 acres near Monticello, in hay. Includes corrals. 180 2. Twenty-twacres overlooking beautiful Long Canyon. Lots of privacy. 3. on half acre at Circle Park near golf course. New carpets and paint. Spacious trailer hookup on lot brings in $50 per month. Owner financing possible. 4. Opportunity. home. New siding, roof, furnace and other features. Large lot. $10,000 down with owner financing. Call us for price. 5. Large home. Could add rooms on upper level for apt. or trailer homeowner's usage. Inch o Two-bdr- one-bat- h park (could be expanded) several $100 per month. Brings in 4 Very with 13. large attached garage. Huge lot with fruit trees and lots of flowers. Two storage hidings. Located between schools. 15. with home many Large possibilities. 4 miles east of town. 2 16. Spacious 12 older, Good bath home. location. Owner financing possible. , 17. Rare opportunity. home. Garage, orchard, landscaped. Located on 25 unique acres between town and mtn. 125M. 18. Lovely, brick home. Den, FR, fireplaces, full finished Two-bdrm- 1 Presidents Day weekend in Farmington, visiting with our son Ben and his wife rained all day on undisturbed 40 acres 6 mi. K. of town on maintained road. 29. 160 acres (a Eastland turn off. NCPR for 5 yrs from which owner gets S2.330 per yr. 99 acres in cultivation. 1100-sq-f- t home. 31. Newly remodeled, well insulated. 3 bdrms, bath, faces east. I.rge back yard. Delightful area. Low, low, $30's. 32. Choice bldg lot next to hospital. 39. Commercial bldg suitable for any business. 12 blk off Main Street. 42. Delightful 4 or 5 bdnn quality home. Fabulous view of mtn. I.ols of new Owner transferring Plush construction. carpeting, 2 woodburning stoves and gas fjrnacc. This home is for someone who wants something special. 43 Large commercial Main St next to safety building. building 46. In town - 3.65 acres Ideal for pasture and rural setting home 48. 5 acres, heavily wooded, on llwy 666 near Lcolo turnoff. 71. 40 acres with full bsmnt home. Also, 40 X 40 metal Summit garage, large apt, outbuildings. Point area. unfinished 75. bsmnt. Well kept lot. 82. 320 acres in West Summit Point area, $125 per acre. 88 30 acres, heavily wooded 8 miles east. $600 per acre. Choice, 1 Several homes with assumable FmHA financing. Ask for details. See us for good business investment opportunities in San Juan unadvertised and County residential and commercial listings West Valley, and Clyde, Clyda and Corina Gonzales of Barstow, California were guests at the home of Ange-linKing. They came to visit J. P. Gonzales and Andrew Robert family moved to Monticello, but he continued to commute to Alaska with Ilaliburton until 1987. He then opened Andys Truck Repair and Trucking in Monticello, but in November of 1989 was again employed by Halibur-to- n in Oxnard. In August of 1990, he was diagnosed with cancer, and at that time moved to Salt Lake City, where he died. He is survived by his wife, Kay, of Salt Lake City; children, Daniel Ross and wife Jessica of Wasilla, Alaska, Dianna Carol and husband Ralph Woodward, Robert Allen and fiance Jan Kelson, and Calvin Ray and fiance Dawnell Anderson, all of Salt Lake City; grandchildren, Chance Musselman, Crystal, Carley, and Brandy Woodward; parents, Ross and Lillie of Monticello; bothers, Ben and Bob of Monticello; and a sister, Sue Redd of Duncan, Arizona. Funeral services were held February 22 at the First Musselman Saturday so we had a chance to sit around and visit. On Sunday, after church, we spent Andrew Robert Mussel-man- , age 50, died February 18, 1991, at the University Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, of cancer complications. A son of Ross Andrew and Lillie Bell Miller Musselman, he was born May 29, 1940, at Boulder Point, east of Monticello, Utah. the afternoon bowling. It was fun but every muscle in our bodies ached the next day. On Monday we headed home to rest from the long weekend. A1 and Min Haskins took a winter break and went to visit some of their friends. Their first stop was at Surprise, Arizona, where they spent a few days with Bud and Arah Corbin. Then, to El Paso and a visit with Jack and Barbara Joyce. In Alamogordo, New Mexico they spent time with Bruce and Susan Pederson. They golfing, Andy attended schools in Monticello, Moab, and Blanding, graduating from San Juan High School in 1958. After graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Army for two years, and was stationed at Worm, Germany, for most of his military service. Following his discharge from the Army, Andy married Thelma Kay Truman on September 9, 1960, in the Musselman home at Bluff, Utah. Their first home together was at Natural Bridges State Park, where he had employment. Four children were born to this horse races, and many other ac- tivities. Norma Johnston told me that her son, Craig Johnston, was activated and was stationed in Washington. Our wishes and prayers for a safe return home are with him. Stephanie Christensen, who works as a nannie in New York, was home for a week visiting her parents, Rex and Bernie. They took her to Salt Lake on Thursday for her flight back to New York. up-stat- union. Andys e Virginia Bloomfield, Lewellen of New Mexico, was profession diesel mechanic. He was employed with Ilaliburton Services in this capacity for 15 years, working at Odessa, Texas, Prudoe Bay, Alaska, and Oxnard, California. In 1979, he and his CROSSWORD PUZZLER You Know Us. We Know You. e 28. surprised her sister, Delight Barela, and family with an unannounced visit. It gave Delight quite an uplift, as she has not been feeling well lately. Bill Gonzales of Salt Lake City, Lenore Edmunds of Verna and her family. The weather was great - it 23. 25 acres of heavily wooded land, nice lay, good soil. 8 miles cast of town. $400 per acre. A lots with few 25. electricity west of highway at Long Canyon. Restricted covenants to protect integrity of area. Lots include right to use reservoir and recreational area. 26. 40 acres 7 miles east. Pasture, 2 reservoirs, fenced on 3 sides. Teleelect available. Page 13 e Angeline. Kristy, and our daughter bsmnt. Call us for EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY weather for hiking - sunny days and cool breezes. Sal, Stephanie, and I spent enjoyed in new sublivable division. Solar panel supplement. Lots of Regood neighbors. Ready to occupy. duced to $30,000. 8 Dream house. Beautiful log home on 54 acres. Overbuilt in quality for of owner. long life and convenience Corrals, outbuildings, garage. If you can afford a quality home, call us. 10. First time offering. Former country club building and lot on edge of goll course 4,134 sq ft. building, includes restaurant equipment. Ideal for home, club, restaurant, etc. 11. with full bsmnt. Great location. $398)0. 6. Bargains lllanding 587-242- the shady side of the mountain. It was perfect on - Member F D ACROSS 1 Cry 4 Vessel 8 Somersault 12 13 14 colloq Macaw Courageous person Japanese native 15 Bigger 17 Pale 19 FHalf an em 20 Scottish cap 21 Wager 22 Still 23 Barracuda 25 Sailor colloq 26 Hebrew letter 27 Organ of hearing In C 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 colloq 32 Article 33 Bird 35 Football pos Blandifiq 587 2218 678 3241 FIRST WESTERN NATIONAL RANK banking PEOPLE still make the different e Answer to Previous Puzzle Wander Dine Edible seed force 2 Thank you Andrew Mussel-man'- s family, thank all those who gave their love, support, and kindness durWe, ing this time of need. We are especially thankful for those who were there during Andys trial with cancer. We are also thankful for those who helped with the funeral service and paring the grave site. thing. F ootlike part Waltzed Singing voice Not subdued Anger Lifeless God of love pre- Kay Musselman and family Ordinance DOWN 1 Burial was at the Musselman Family Cemetery at Roughlock, north of Monticello. cello. cards, expressions of sympathy and personal visits were a great comfort to us. We truly appreciate every- Antlered animal Cover Towel inscription 48 49 52 54 56 57 58 59 in Monti- All the flowers, food, gifts, Bashan High mountain King of 46 Merriment 47 Hypothetical 28 Weight of India 29 Monticello Baptist Church Sodium chloride Anglo-Saxo- n money 3 T rade 4 Son of Noah That woman 6 Negative prefix 7 Force 8 Cooling device 9 Roman 5 5 1 10 Arrow poison Football kick 16 Ship channel 18 Near 1 1 21 Containers 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 Affirmative 3f 33 34 37 39 Oceans Gasp for breath Beverage Animal s foot Secret agent Negative Woody plant Period of time Sink in middle Knock Land measure Writing implement 41 Passageway 42 Press for payment 43 Burden 44 45 46 48 49 50 Unemployed That man Novelties 51 Condensed moisture ELK RIDGE RESTAURANT -- DINE OU- T- Breakfast Lunch Dinner Treat the family tonight or anytime Open 6 am 'til 10 pm Monday thru Saturday Seed container Paid Pitching stat 53 Symbol for tantalum 55 Either ELK RIDGE RESTAURANT Blanding, Utah |