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Show mmsm THE SAN JUAN RECORD Wednesday February 27, 1991 EC'0N"0MY e y Deadline is Friday noon. Call 587-227- Water We assume responsibility for an error in classified ads for the first printing only. If there is an error in your ad, please notify The San Juan Record following first publication of ad. Moab Toll Free For rent (801) Blanding. rent in for 678-271- Truck mount machine One and two bedroom apartments and mobile homes in Monticello. Call Steve 2, Palmer. 587-283- Furnished apartments in Mon- ticello. Two bedrooms, $150 with $50 deposit. One bedroom, $75 with $50 deposit. Call Kigalia electricity. Call 678-332- Large 6 bedroom apartment for rent in quiet neighborhood. Absolutely no smoking or pets. 9 month leasedeposit required. For more in wanted Help work from home Brush customers in Fuller servicing Part-tim- 2 formation, call e your neighborhood. Earn $150 to $5(X) per week. Call (801) 673--1162- lomer Davis, Box 65, Green River, . Utah 84525. Phone (801) 1 2 678-208- in Blanding. 4 7-- apailments Cedars Kigalia 587-280- home one- - , half block from high school, $350. Also, home, rent for $210 to with option buy. Also, home at $175 per month, no smoking, no pets. Call Lex Realty, Alcoholics I Anonymous meetings are held at the Catholic Mali in Monticello on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7 p in. Everyone is welcome. For information, 587 2195 9 p) tie evenings, or 587-2861- . Personal Abuse Anonymous meetings Tuesday nights at 7 pm, A 148 South Main, Monticello. 24 horn 2 20 tp hot line, 1 587-208- 587-242- tfc Monticello. HAWKINS REPAIR home in MonNice ticello. Almost new carpet and paint. A tc Reasonable rent. Call Washers 587-277- DEMONSTRATORS Attractive, reliable people to do product demonstrations in local grocery your Rccyclables getting wav? We can help. Call San Juan . Recycling Services. (SOI) Mowers FOREMAN POSITION ROAD San Juan County Road Department is accepting applications for the position of Blanding Road Foreman. Closing Dale: February 28, 1991, at 3 p.m No applications accepted after this date. Applications must be submitted to the Monticello Road Office. Qualifications: Valid Class E or road CDL license. Minimum 6 years experience in construction and-'omaintenance. Skilled heavy equipment operator with some mechanical background All qualified applicants will be tested and interviewed San Juan County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the San Juan School District is accepting applications for the following part time Summer Grounds positions: Summer Grounds Supervisor - Montezuma Creek Summer Grounds Supervisor - Blanding Summer Grounds Helpers - Blanding The general scope of the work will include the care of grass and nongrass areas: chemical application, mowing, watering, aeration, renovation, weed control & sprinkler system repair. Hourly rate will be based on the District Salary Schedule. Application deadline: March 11. 1991. Starting date: Varies with location. Submit application, complete with mailing address and telephone number to: Sam Lewis, San Juan West 200 North School District, Buildings & Grounds Department, 28-is 1. District (15-6an equal opporBlanding, Utah 8451 San Juan School tunity employer. ), 678-200- 3 A Relax in the sun. Two bedroom, in Mesa, Ariona. Like new! Good location. Will sell with or without furniture. tfc Call (801) Blanding. 678-241- 2 Nice home for sale just inside Blanding City limits. Three bedrooms upstairs, one bedroom in full basement. Two full baths. Large storeroom. Low utilities. Solar hot water. Water softener. Auto lawn One-fift- h 811 N. in Blanding, phone repair work, and sells new and used furniture. part in neigh- Used couch with 2 matching chairs, $230. Moving! Must sell like new GE air dishwasher, large window-moun- t bv side refrig conditioner, and side erator. Blanding, (801) 678-230- Cleaning out: 3(H) pounds of weights, $80. 13 inch color TV, $75. TV table, $15. Chain saw, 15 inch, Monticello. $50. Call 587-261- borhood well. 4 foot chainlink fence. Stuccoed. Only $76,000. 678-206- 7. tp Good starter home in Blanding. Low down payment. Assumable loan to qualified buyer. Immediate occupancy after closing. Call (801)678-259- 7. 0 3tp DAVIS UPHOLSTERY Auto Home Furnishings 1 81 North Highway 191 Blanding, Utah 8451 1 & Call 678-343- 7 Hay for sale Juniper Village Apartments for the elderly Call 1988 WE PAY ALL UTILITIES 100 S. 100 E Blanding . Buick Skylark, two-doo- ta fQUAt HOUStWG ObPORTUNlT 1986 Chevrolet Cavalier, Public notice Notice is hereby given that at the City Hall, 50 West 100 South, Blanding, Utah on February 27 at 8:00 p.m. there will be a Public Forum concerning the development of additional water storage facilities and the funding of water projects. s Norman L. Johnson City Manager Published February 20 and 27, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. r. Low mileage. Also, 1980 Jeep Cherokee Chief, 4WD. For more information, call days, ask for Dow. After 5 p.m., call depending on your income 4 (801)864-2646- AutoCycles for sale AS LOW AS $50 PER MONTH 678-261- . Good quality Delta, Utah hav. Will deliver. S100 to $105 per ton. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE (801) Good quality alfalfa hav for sale. Also, Circle-- J white, trailer. New condition. Call Moab (801)259-5578- Member FDIC 20 2tp 678 3437, does excellent two bath condominium Z 24 sports model. Sun roof, black. Asking $3,000. Call Blanding. 97' 677-224- 1 Si.e Organ Full Davis Upholstery at 191 x Equal Housing Lender Full jxdal, pre sets, percus- Highway Homes for sale sprinklers. 20 tfc The cost new was near $4,(KK). personally warranty this instrument the same as a new one. Ron McDonald, 678 2300, Blanding. 4tc Cham Saws eft Call Gorden at 3,072 sq ft. on 54' lot - Small Down Monthly Pmt $217 Beautiful, solid oak, custom built hutch. Would like to keep but too large for my kitchen. 587 2969, I Lilers Monthly Pmt Commercial Building 587-246- Baldwin 142 lot IN MONTICELLO one-inc- 2 x Acre tracts with 2 shares MVI in Sunnyside Estates subd by Lewis, CO - 11 miles north of Cortez, 4 miles from McPhee Res, Beautiful views- - excellent terms 30 lots available. 3tp pool table with one slate. Real wood conpiece, struction. Six pool cues, rack and brush. $500. Monticello, 2 - 3 sie speaker. This is a real nice instrument, and an exceptional bargain. 678-2092- BLANDING l()tp Public notice sion, automatic rhythms, leslie Ranges - 9 587--2467- $1,4(X). Dryeis Small Engine Repair in 1 mobile home on 50 OWN ACREAGE FOR YOUR NEW HOME guaranteed, One 30 gallon with fish, negotiable. Ask tor Theresa. Call (SOI) A also Recycling stores CALL - Refrigerators tp well-groome- Log Monticello. Expert Appliance Repair No pets. Woodburning stove. x 50" - Above Properties Located In Dove Creek, Colorado Three aquariums, all with complete set up. One 55 gallon with stand, $175. One 55 gallon, $125. Full bedroom 12' for sale Quality bath home 1 Small Down $175 $21, 5(H). (801)972 6066. A 7 t porches. 6 Persona Monticello Four-bdrm- 2 Home Package: 2,016 square feet, four bedrooms, windows, doors, 9() foot covered Pre-Cu- Now taking applications bedroom, with deck 63 x 93 lot Small Down - $217permo 587-230- 0 Miscellaneous I bedroom apartments 2 rent for to families and ttie elderly Call (801) x 100 lot - - Call Sue Halliday tfc 4 bath home 1 Small Down Monthly Pmt $260 For Sale cleaner from Monticello Merc. Call . bedroom, 50 2 R1NCE 'N VAC shampoix-- r or steam PARK PLAZA Subsidised 3 FARM EQUIPMENT carpet cleaning easy and simple, rent a BUUE UUSTER tp 1 The Monticello City Police Department is accepting applications for a patrolman. Applicants must have completed the Peace Officer's Standards and Training Basic Academy and be certified or certifiable in Utah. Pick up applications at the Public Safety Building in Monticello, or by mail to P.O. Box 1058, Monticello, Utah 84535. Deadline for applications is March 2, 1991. The City of Monticello is an Equal Opportunity Em- Your Own Home 259-818- To make 41 Opportunities to Purchase painted professionally building, machine, sign, and some inventory. Must sell, price reduced from $2,5(X) to $950. Call (SOI) Muib. 8tp Miscelltyieo us 678-332- lousekeeping maid needed at Triangle II Motel in Monticello. 213 tfc Apply at office. 27-3t- p Includes 303-677-22- Ask for Ron or Sharon Ice Castle shaved ice business. 678-323- Three bedroom home near ele mentary school in Monticello. $250 per month plus $100 deposit. Call Mity Brice at ployer. depending on price and location. 587-2256- Call Business for sale wooded acreage, Monticello area. Any si.e considered, 203tc Properties For Sale By DOVE CREEK STATE BANK We are mobile Wanted: A 587-299- Now taking applications Bluff - Wanted 564-3522- 587-249- Furnished one bedrixun house in North Monticello. Some utilities paid. No pets. Call II bedroom apartments & 2 1 Large one bedroom apartment, partially furnished. In Monticello. Close to schools. $210 per month plus 587-290- 8. consigned. Private treaty sale, 7 yearling embryo transplant bulls, $2,(XX). For information 303 241 3813. 2 587-292- 9 Apartments 1 1 Dove Creek Monticello B the 5th Annual Western Colo. Angus Assn. Sale March 9 at p.m.. Delta Sales Hard, Delta, Colo. 70 bulls & Serving Blanding 15 Angus consigning 10 fertility tested. Lap tested bulls to Flood Damage Restoration Fire & Smoke Restoration to place your ad. 7 Double Insurance Approved Company per insertion. Page Livestock for sale Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning words or less, $2.50 pre-paiClassified ad of twenty-fiv- e words or less that runs three consecutive weeks without copy change, $2.00 per week. classifieds must be pre paid Blind ad service charge is $ 1 .00 additional Twenty-fiv- - Public notice Notice is hereby given that at the City Hall, 50 West 100 South, Blanding, Utah on February 27 at 7:05 p.m. there will be a Public Forum concerning the bringing of Natural Gas into the community. All citizens interested or with ideas to share are welcome and encouraged to aUend. s Norman L. Johnson City Manager Published February 20 and 27, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. CITY OF MONTICELLO SPECIAL USE PERMIT The Monticello Ranger District of the Mantilla Sal National Forest will issue a special use permit to the City of Monticello for the portion of the Blue Mountain Triathlon Race to be held on National Forest System lands. The race will be held on March 9, 1991. The decision is sub jecl to administrative review pursuant to either 36 CFR 217 or 36 CKR 251. Information about this permit and copies of the appeal regulations are available at the District office, 496 Fast Central, Monticello, Utah. s IxC A Bennett District Ranger Published February 27, 1991, in The San Juan Ripcord, Monticello, Utah. Public notice DEMAND FOR PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF ASSESSMENT FEES To Mineral Knergy, Inc., its officers, directors, stockholders, assigns and all persons who may have succeeded to the interest of Mineral Knergy, Inc., in the 170 mining claims identified below and to all other persons who may have or claim un interest in the mining claims identified below: Utah Power & Light Company and PacifiCorp, the successor in interest to Utah Power & Light, has expended for annual labor and improvements required by the mining laws of the United States and the State of Utah for the assessment year ending September 1, 990, on or for the benefit of the unpatented lode mining claims situated in San Juan County, State of Utah, identified as Royal UMC 00961-73- ; UMC 07104-12Thursday GG719 49; Hermit UMC Lark UMC 60630-79- ; UMC 60821-50Miser UMC 00855 69, Rimview Nash Car 66953-5UMC in excess of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17,000.00). Not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100 00) was paid for work done on or for the benefit of each of the mining claims in said contiguous group of mining claims. Such work was done and expenditures were made m good faith for the purpose of exploring, developing and holding said mining claims. PacifiCorp is the 60 owner of the mining claims and hereby demands that all persons claiming an interest in the mining claims contribute their proportion of the expenditures made by PacifiCorp. If contribution is not made within 180 days after the first newspaper publication of this notice, which was February 20, 1991, the interest of shall become the any delinquent who has property of PacifiCorp as the made the required expenditures pursuant to 30 U.S C. 28 and 43 C.F.R. 3851 4 Inquiries regarding the payment of the proportionate share of expenditures should be directed to the law firm of Berman & GRorke, attention Morns Haggerty, 50 S. Main, Suite 1250, Salt City, Utah Published February 20, 1991, through May 22, 1991, in The San Juan Record, Monticello, Utah. 1 , |