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Show ILa 2 1 re' ur:ie h mie Frifav. F. r good woo!. Hyde: Whitmore Co. m ( O ni" u. ill A f Lint r. iurul home f I - w t jnPtdeu: l i 'I t 1 M)U H iViiit UOfii C . !"i n Co-o- p s mti .day en route 1 Attorney W. A.C. Bryan Mantl this Week. Will Cazierschildren are down w ith tho measles. Reduced price in millinery till Christ mas at Mrs. H. M. Wheelers. The First ward V. L. M. I. A. was fairly well attended this weik. For stylish cleihA call on llyde& Whitmore Co. Xmas fruits at lowest prices, freehand nice, at the Excelsior, Harry Kendalls 'it e baby is very sick w.th bronchitis. Hyde& Whitmore Cm are go ngto lead in holiday goods thi year. Tne funeral of IliramCurturs i'ttla boy took place last Friday. Mr. Jo3epb Grant of American Fork is in Nephl visiting w itu lelatives and triends If you want a pretty, stylish and comstore. fortable dress, drop lu at the Tn Young Ladles meeting in th Becond ward w us ol an i u lores L n g cuaractei . Be sure and go to Ord Bros, and gel the finest suit in tne store loruniy jlO.Ud. II. C. L. Jorgi nsen of Laa, was a Tuesday. visitor to Little Chicago Honey iu flvegallon lots cheaper than ever. Apply to ihouias Beliiston. Is vr furniture and carDets are sold cheap at the Fxieisior. Dress pa tier us w ith beau t iful trimmings to match at reduced j rict-- at the ExceJsiur. Johnny Morgan w as over from Eureka last lclonday t J yuy up c ctlle lor that market. .M t re i ,0'jJa. s pi-- i tbio. in c! d fr.ends 1 nH through Ilyde Fork is Cheap sale in Millinery until Dec lath, Good warm stylish wraps still being sacrificed at the Co:op store. . MOST PERFECT MADE. Lo you want to look svieet anil pr, tty If so A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free you w. buy- your '.unt-r- a mllhneiy of Mt-- H frari Ammonia, Alumo ary cl .'er idu'.f sraht. 1 s M. Wllt'eler. N as Sit Co-o- Co. FanneleLte Remnant. sit the price smashing figure of 1U cents per yard worth lo cents at Ctias. Foote & .Sons. The large .1 stock of dolls ever shown south of S iu Like wi'l be displayed at livdo& Wh tmoreCos. Donotbuv yourJXnm presents until V u see tho beau iful holiday goods that Will be d isplayed at fly de ut W hitmore Go. Did you see Comfort w.th its gen.al instore? me home vitation at the go., os look lots metr this year and we Co-o- p them . T.j make the iiai, more Gos. The most Ct replete unto dote lino of linoleums, carp ts and matting at prices (helper than evc.r, at Cuas. Foote & S j ius Good adv'ce: . Never Dave home on a journey without ,i bott'e of Chamter- .iitm-edylams Col c Cholera and Diarrhou For sale by A. i.u nt & Sous. Mayor II. 11. Booth came home tne other absence ot ten days. Ed, divnf'trai to ks all rigut and is bt.il wearing a smiling fat e. Pl ide of Japan kais out of hair grow a natural color, Excelsior sells it. prevent bablnes , and keep the scalp sight. healthy, Hills llair Uei? w er was in vent Mi s Mirti Cnipman, one of the charmed, aud has proved ltieif sUCCeSolul. ing beMes ot Amerisan Fork, is visiting Co-o- t Sr . i ut of! Ice. OM Svic.a?J- Yers Dont fail to get you a suit uithia the next F days as it wiU only cost you -- 10 for the oest ttiiug in Ord Bros, itaro. Boys suits at cost. Now is the time to subenbe for the RepDont Jork at the Excelsior's add on ublic. it is throughly in dependent and paged. strictly reliable. canes nt extremely Our fur and Hot stuff: What: - Pride of low prices. Atplush Chas. Foote & Sous. will be one of the specialJapan tea. Hyde & Whitmore tiesHandkerchiefs at thegrinddisployatllyde & Whit- pre-tratiji- s tf i hair-dress-lu- afteruoou. Great sale of millinery, ribbons, etc. next week at ihe Mi sh Millinery House opposite Clius, Foote & boos. Mrs. James II. My riders returned fro u Baft Lake City last Tuesday, where sue hud been visiting trie uds Uio ...s. week. From all indications lately, itseeius that the cattle outlook is very promising, u.,d the dealers lathis section are happy . TheB. Y. Aoademy Concert Company under the leadership of 1rofissor Luua, did splendid work wmie hers of West Messrs. Patterson and Tintic, two prominent mining men came in Monday and made a pleasa..t call at this ) in us-lti- n . at Marshes. . ' 'fJt Wh't & Here you are! Igyw priciS in beef!' Huuuu i.iul chuck steak if ibs fur 2Je; d lbs for 25c; butler, 23c; bologcaps, iiom ode .its up, at Oils. Foule A biuouge, 3 i a lor 25c. At Cnas. O.k-- y B na, jiu. Lous Cash only. Of tiiocUlle shipped by Mr. Hailey last know flip l.xcelsior leads th m week, one hundred and titty head belonged allDoyou in shoes? Another Dig shipment just to Bhed Lunt. rriv. d unu i hey are such beauties too, Go to Marshes for cheap sailors and Ir y ou want comfort, fit uud goo i wear for walking hats. Prm;s cant be beat. in tie money buy your shue3 at the Excelsior. Opn isito Footes. Univerwent McCune the to back ltoy Ayers flair Vigor, wiiich has outlived sity Bund iy uiteruoou to resume ins stu- unu .superseded hundreds ol similar dies. is undoubtedly the mos fashg p are ionable us well as economical Thus dress pice 3 at the lu tuc market. By I us3( ttio poorfrom all olbeis aud est iioiui nice, a little ilill.-ien- l or hull boou tecjaies luA.Uiiu.ti veryehoip. aud Licmutifai. J. W. Pa tm an of the bx el si or com puny s will look all tuc belter If bhe Thv journeyed out t ) Eureka Wedues.ay and wear ;'Hd mlllmcij. I hac the iiuc-s- t line in returned Baturday. Ni phi. All tue Lxle-'u.odc &nd A. L. Jackman sir jT.I into to.vn Tuesat puces to suit the acmt Nt pin packet and day to iittoud t a special meeting of the booh. Gome aud siv for jorhdvts. Mrs. II county court. M heeler. Ne'v line entirely! Rubier goods. E.ld.e McCuuc, Hyde & Yvhitmore's '"'( ' ..ks and plain. Very cheap at tuver, a iu oi.e of Nepals upper ten hus CnuH, Foote cc Bons. been unseating himself from his compan-'ousoll- it , - o they say . Ask J no where iii...ngCnpta.n Hugo D 'ptcz.n came iu Tu. S lay auo aSaib'.tll Ul LUo ooii.gl ut the ha has been. COUl t. j Bombing, and not irrita lag, strengthAl. D ivn a i.. M. L. an i V. il J iowil. ening, ... c no. small b.it ti-- t Ol ivu . at. C..y 11.1 0 mu lu Lu.n .aeloic i o i si,, o re toe quail ties ot De Witt o j L i.h Liu ly ..I' sers, .bo famous lu.ie pills part of tile Wm k oujiug cattle. soie a. A. Lint is; Sous. Uei,. Mow ,8tioi me to tet tne finest lad.et' come and see flam el site vti uppers. s has been pa lie n tly watching N. E. J l Ut 1U h.il.cf. Alenas. Foots & bolis. CMiy t- in lr m lha north oi late. He mu s' ne expictmg me ldolof bis be.iit. J. W. IVxmnn weal down t Sail We j mi j ou IoImvoi th in welcoming Ler .mo r.tuiu-iue Lund.Mouuay morniug to ms uiagn lucent city. same tveu.ug. 'ioiu.e ml c, Id soies, to he il rfn indo-leMotluis should be sure unu .11k the uicoi , or .o speedily cure piles, you , DUit best lu Oia Bros, t.'.iu ler tin boy ni.-simply apply DeWitts Wl.eh flnz 1 It wiit only cost JJ.UO. .salve Hcciudirg to directions. Its magic-lik- Mr. 'lhomas Bellisfon said to Mr. (I. VV. ac.ioa will sui prise you, a. Lun. & boi,8. Craig oi Brovo, oUUU ids. oi iiouty fna. John Hendrickson of I.evan sent out a train load ol cuttle to Omaha A educed ay U,3 r j sGoeis os D) r Le Lanii.r, 1. Miss llaliiday of American g -- ; ET3 I want any J,,b printing done i r F at L .r a" nf Ctab, 5at5ra.e-- , Dj3. 5 Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair. I d i lu L00U1 nSCuTDLL rL. StfpubHe.. Net'Ll. Mrs. Joe Duuklev. At'ornevD. lloutzca nen on the north to bound tram Mouuay. Hu purpos-wa- s tlx upa.i apnesl in the .epii irrigation company "ase against S. 'i . ViCiiei s. Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Wickeds took a trio to s Z. on s capnol last Saturtlay. Mrs. will remain there a lew days as the guest of .Mrs. II irry Clara . r Merc mti. e company will The hive another la rue consignment offurni-lui- " in a tuw days, ltwasstutedthat the demund w as s gi ( at that they had to send an o uer fur muie furniture every live days. billed Lun t iscontem plating i trip north in tne near fu.ure, VVe are afraid that bache.ur-ilow e are goi n g to lose BtieJ ,.s it has been wuispcie that be is to he joi tied l ji t. one oi bpanish Folks belles (re long. .s VV iek-en- Esc-Dio- Ir-- .n m 1 For breakfast it cant be Japan tea is beat. Pride of old at the Co-o- p. said 'The old is Jy wv right when sh the child mi .nt die it they, wait for the doctor, fcbe waved the little ones life with a fe .v closes ot One Minute Corgh Cure. Bh ha used .t for croup beiore. For sale by A. Lunt A Sous. If your children are sub ect to croup, vi atih for the first s , mpto'ii of the dts-- j H hoars ness. Chamberlains ei.se Cough lie jedy is given as sum as the child b comes lio.use it vvi.l p evtuc ttie attaik. Even auei thecrou cough ha cun ill', Oa preapp fired vented by giviug this remedy. Il u also invaluable for colds ud w hooo.ug c iugh For sale by A. Lunt it sou .Druggists. k caused by After an illness of sever. we. life ot I.rct'i. u .la.aes Kay at about 3 oclock jias-e- d peacefully .mat W etlueshat was 53 yearn uiornmg. Dcceas-sol age aud a long and highly esteemed oi.ireu came ..eie witn his parents tell them that you ef this piace. lie irem England at o it 40 yea s ago. From the he has raised a lamily , all of w hom that tasted it. Pride of Japan tea. fact are w 11 respeeteh, is substantial proot of his Chasl Foote & Sons upi ight character, lie leaies a wile and six children, most ot w houi are grown. The fun Mrs. H. M. McCune went to the capitol eral sen ices were held at the meeting house id Sunday ai.ernoou and will be goue ten o'clock Thursday. wasche days, lneobjectof herdepartuie sickness of her daughter Mrs- - Mark A Christmas Presents. Gout os, wno has given birth to a flue girl The au k people in these parts will miss Mrs. Mcouueslarlug her aoseuc.-- . I will have the best line of holi 'ay goods Scaly eruptions on Ihe head, chapped ever beeu seen in Nephi, at hands and Ups, cuts, bruises, scalds, that have the times. Come and buy bu. ns are quickly cured by DeWitts pricesvv to suit, and uaughter a nice watch or Wltcli liazei Salve. t '8 at present the yout lie Will haven nice lineof silverware; article most used for piles, ana it always ling. silver fets and mugs. cures them. For sale by A. Lunt&Bous. also children's Comeandsee me beloie purchasing else 1 Human life is held too cheaply when Wtiereaud will save you from 15 to 25 the individual w no needs a tonic for ins cents ou the dollar. system, seeks to cover lus wants by e ery new mixture that is 1 heart failure, th" l Just pur-ciiasi- Yourelotiuugbought ft the Excelsior to himRemember that nnd you sue ii.ippy tor years, because you Ins a ananlla far? Ayers wear for term and liman and good get ht, iou of tilty y ears staadi ng. rei uta little money. weil-earnt- d Ai'm isi n g incident octu rred da ring the will e tecta new load- concert fu m.ny nigc t. A mouse was seen : the future. tear flippers ing are count unlly cotnpl.i.uing of this pj; or to tine,1 g i; from a cievieu under t he sacrament 1,, turn in face towird the st uui luacue affair. gun iilii.ic rwiicn ot us tail an glide lo a ly b o' to us Gen It bioug.it the 'Ihe curb vv started to ring at eignt im 1 1. at music i to .m il hath charms t.D eclockTurr l.y mgnt ltulend of cme, sooth s i.ncr.as., j f u cou Id bu call- show in ir 1 1ml a i '...luge ban uien niadu lor ftil We 1 e tl o C. O clinti-i- i. 1 -- the w iuo inter months. T no Sanpt to Valley IIv. Co. brought a It un lemlil ans tue day en route for tlv'i is rt. 11. e nuio io d is lushing things bo held op lh man The foil r t r imps H all in tho city voie unsigned llie jul, r a t lo appear for it day ud n oi i r.. tn.il on hat charge. liow-a-iiay- m-io- 1 No one would drink poor tea if he or she knew the nerence in tea. Good tea is not costlv. j Your grocer will sell you Schillings Best and return your money in full if you dont like it . A Schilling & Company ban Francisco . S3S i bo U ngth of mv life may be incieaied bv lisseiiit.g tho d mgers. The iii.ijonii of u. e eople die irom lung tu.ubiis. t c averted by promptly using Ttiseiuay Out! Mtuino Gough Cuie. A. Lunt A bous. Harry Kend ill, in response to a n urgent message u tm bis viife D'uitig lii.u ot the Mtknensof bis ch. id , came home to Nephi ' curies. lay night. He tot k t.iam fum R.thlie.d to Mi. ileasaft, e ml fti.ing to catch the ri. F, V. tram i ooe to Fountatu Giten on her ebac.i. At that pl.ita tue hiimial cate t ut and he was kind. y uss.;-pby a lueud at that place, w ho brought him tu to town . Lunt&Son hive put in a fine hot soda fouutai'i. sriddnungthe winiermo iths cold and thirsty vltizeus will be trusted t oyally if they will visit t he store. Brother Jone will dispense to his customers hot beef te, clam bouillon, bot sodas and hot-h- ot stutf to the frost bitten wanderer. This firm are to becoDgratulated upon the additional improvements w hich they have made to their store, and the standard of excellence which it has been placed iu business circles in this city. u TJt! |