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Show I Tha Rapublia Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Dea. 5 THE REPUBLIC. Tint Pay-u- n Ilea ler has unfortunate left the d. scree path, width it formerly occupied ari l with a vindictive spirit attempts to cut and slice Juab county to a beautiful finish. With their little axe, which they appear to have sharpened for the nccas-iot low w to chop off the Tintie J ui ii.i ! county and portion u.g ti e question of the formation of a . roL.nty or annexation to Utah issued Saturday morning ly Editor. W. L. ROE, or vilsckiition; TEIiM' u, One Year : (hi ad-va- a:i ti!u.! lu--j i.vs to 1 .1, or iUor, c ,u All T W .O 'r r. ty '. . The an :u KU'i II CvM i e- V A V.anfjr fAcfune, Application I.islm'ii uui'lt- a.t t li N phi po-for Umiimp through the mail u Idouud-clas-mail u.aUi i. mattery SATURDAY DEC. Gth, ISbC. Be Sure that you proposition? Secretary .Tos. I. Wright, ing portion, or is it the old residents W. J. Shirarain, Treasurer that desire it. Insurance I Jut Agent T. II. G. Parkes, why, we ask, is the editor of the Wni. Bailey, T. It. Foote, Directors i nt'ori leader, so disinterested that he should light for the establishment Geo. McGune, S. G. Ord and Watkin of am tlnr county? What benefit does L. Roe. the Header expect to derive In the event All applications for loans can be ol sin Ii u scheme being arcompllahed? made to any one member of the board 'I tm em ir of this paper has been eog-- who will in turn, bring it before that iz.atii of tins proposition. If is not, a body for action. Blanks for applications for loans can do Ige, but is being worked for the be obtained from the secretary. purpose of the personal aggrandiseof a ment cert tin class of people. If t he interests of Iayson are in Tin-tiCount Court, what is the reason it desires the format ion of a now county. The large sized colored gentleman is plainly The county court met in special scs ion visible. All the commissioners being Tuesday. Can the Header tell us which portion present. They met for the purpose of signing of J uab county has expended the most abstract of election returns, after that was in taxes up to 180G? If It cannot we the board considered bids for accomplished, w ou Id be pleased to give it that infor- publishing tha delinquent tax list. The mation. contract was awarded io The Republic Pub. when in Tintie the Nephi supported Co., it being the lowest bidder. midst of poverty; and in the upbuilding of that great camp has taken a List of Unclaimed Letters. prominent part; many of Nephi citizens being at present residents of T n tic. The list of unclaimed letters remaining Another homorous expression emun-te- s in Nephi post office Nov. 1st. 1S3G is as from the pen of the follows. Samuel IlooDer editor of the Tintie Miner. It says' H. L. Mygaie ' John W.Thornley "Tiutic would pay the taxes and Orson Rogers the other end would receive the benAlexander Anderson efit. The fatuity of tins position can W. s. Clark , 2 Mary Ann Scveaoon ho illustrated if the editor of that pa-If the above letters are ndt call d for in w di make a careful perusal of the 30 days, they will be sent to the doad lettax rolls of fins county. VYo also ter ofuce. notice unoi her funny .sentence which II. F. McCexs:, P. M. calls, s us to asi tho quest ion, 'Is the edit r of the 'J lntic Miner developing into a humorist? lie says, and the The Chicago aaiwaukce t St. Pau! Ry east side tied on to Sanpete county Many pu'i.lc limit tjm.ii'.tcd with the geou lieie it right fully belongs. iimljiue flint le must h' an expert in latitudinal graphy ,f the Vcand longitudinal tines, when he gives Chicag'i, M'lwnu'.c'e and St. Paul are used in tin cm j irate title c.f the It is a names r,ul way owning the hiiort Line between I.i, ago and iiiui'ni, they must g, v: , p1(, ua h ol Alilv auhee .aid St. Baal to K.a'i U.-dost in. .linn if it - Ciiie.;;o or the p isitiun of surveyor ol a undn he will see that this gross GolVc: then of. Ti.i- - ii a 1 TheRepUbliG ! It will Pay you. A ...... Aice-Preside- ADVERTISE IN l" Captain General WVyliT would be glad if Cleveland would interfere. The doughty general lmiot si eni the air of detent. Hard words break no limes. Thats lint unlbi tiMiitely they have a begin iug and the devil knows when theyll end. )! Good newspiper linn in ike generally good lawyers, says an exchange. Yes, but good lawyers dont alwaiMii ike good newspaper men. lias any jut. ologieul expert ever been aide to dt.t u.r the mode of jiroeedavo iu remould; one ot the two taees tViu a dect mine pizunl. 1. mean. I The Oie ;.m s Uta'i Noilli-erailmads wii: e.leet a eouijilete iiitrg'iniz ut ion. Ik miuient i uluu men being in !s..lc JL ike lor ta.it I'liij Use. ; io-- An exeluogo noon the net. that in my es! Tut Vikislhiepu jd.i.s.eiei s aie idle. t , . - k t ; l.lov all linn tg ige tie turn und dont n.i io, i i; . i ! t -t 1 b.c.-ai.-- l,u,r to the people by any sjt liy Nepal was inispl.,, d u u-- . 111 h o! S ol! il t o w w Miner st..te o gi'igin,rlq .ion t lie bun. id i ir ed. 1; M I Clued. O Wo j. a 1. take.-- r.iMliiy .cud ;:n , k, a- III CMC that , Iili-- wiLlm-a- In1 ((MiGe-- e w i 1 lid st ,t! i d id w r ... t K t ioo- - on g it to . i.n .. ! - h- e.i-.- t . ; ' V I 1 I . ' jr 1 . . l'i t ' ?: !,y - i . e '.a a 'D vear out. You ought to see cur men's suits made by H. S. s M. We warrant them. -- .J'.jn f r.'. I' L THIS LABEL1 ARE WARRANTED. THE Is often asked why it is we can sell so much clothing. The question is easily solved when it is known the style of goods wo carry. Usually people Lke to be well dressed and dislike the shoddy, fuzzy stuff sold by some merchants. M'ican sell as muen clotuiug and why our tiade Thats iu. why clothing is dailv increasing. O V ,Y hen a person need; a suii. he Jibes to get one that litie i nmu) lo ih like ti.i will .look respectable and one that will tit. livery quality that t can be found in high ait clothing is found in our,. It wears l.i, j Midi, it fits well, . Tiie.'c is noth.), i io.. v i th. t. 11! it loe-k-- well. : Our hoes Thats why line also o i iN will always buy. S'epbi. 11 bind. 11 'a "p tli u i.li , i tin the ' Yfken you (or bay - of us 'you t llleetinal no that vvla this spiecic of act,, .e t. God, wo hive Mm,' when' to taut w under w in t '.or , he. uB. a on ir , w ep be ' '.ill ell Ion., n h.i ,1.0 bll.n, i s sole v, i i YiMRy all Ut ih c. tlftv J) l.ien an help to But before that i a il ioipio. e.ue.i ii be n Mm u ul. i he , a.i ;e o.' 1. !)', tu be sumo n, ,r wo, the; ii j e o, , leNo! ng tl e n.l; bn.i ine; K r the ci.o pr tl.e hi. mi w ilii know lede; and mi onwaid aw e V,e ,r'c r,',uy t movement ,n the allot, Tu, e ne!. n d u in ; 3 u l mil. ga-- to giant, the s of Xcph t ho ct ceiiicteiy on the hill ami place it within our con i i 'A ( . mi-t- Can the editor ni tne ! .(; ... n i iisiek and tiiel ot playleiliups l,iy-.oi- i ing second tilde to Imve and a upita. eity s, beiu is vn king inieonitbi tobly in its J - BRING THE' BOY.... Theres no end to the boys' vear here, School clothes or all styles, all prices. Sunday clothes the sort boys like and parents approve, easy to buy but hard to c, trust tii.it l!u g is ei it nn ersy iu Salt Bake will nut end in wind. AVc d'1'!1 L- s- 1 f so, we would like due no-t- i e he tore hand, The people in these parts would like to get stocked with have representatives in this city. provisions to last during the period of Mr. Kyle has been working like a tro-ga- n ostracirttion. to finish and perfect the organiTo set ail joking aside, let us ask the the result is as follows: zation, of the people question, "What portion President J. W. PaxmaD, of '1 title is it that desire or would faJohn W. Ord. vor such a Is it the float- n V J. tY. Kyle, special agent of the Western Building and Loin Asoctation has been in the eity f,,r a COUple of weeks with the intention of organizing a branch board in this city. His efforts have, so far, been successful, and this company , which is one high in standing in the business world, will -i s ftUt? . seditious Branch Board. i r. yrest?rn Building and Loin u, , v . iiu: Vr ! i C J.4L will, NEW ORGANIZATION. X feMi:.:) r.' inward desire in our ho r s t k it the J louder W ill stop on its id uostriieiiou, and have j a.iin-y si fur Gods sake leave us little Mona f e would indeed, be con,;, ti, - d ai me, if this proposed era of dt s iriti'l in were allowed to pr ceod. Dot-thoemtor of rhe Header (Issue io lone a fence placed around Nephi? Does it desire to act the hog in ibis lui h U Gl i r to-.- 1.1 Then-i- N The Mormon people would only he too glad to welcome the gentleman back to the position which he once occupied. But when he sets hia judgment against twelve good and true men, it shows that discretion has been shattered from him and in its place the spirit of egotism is implanted. It Must be a Joke. speiik in praise of our goods. , we : ell n. (a t (fti.e clothing in Las the sr.mh Yv'Iien im you wart f rils end all' lathing that I i i : ; will give good wear and fit for little money go to o. I i i , 111 ei-s- . 1 ! t.it'i.s tl, i. it 1 h'.i.ht and n i'l i h he h.h n ; The Thcitcher Ca;. i.ni' n.iva.H'Ol byer.! ) mnd 'IM 1.. th.lh. 1,:, on f 1 i,l. ml O.y c s . ii Ol . v woitgd ill--- . ie.l I ,i Twist, t w lib tee ii it e i w; .i.o ' n :ei " y R ; i; . m5 '.l-- es i tt ' tn ne. .u L...0 i t. e i tif t ;:o ?. c cc oi Tii.i, ::ei, 1 h-- i tnltter. t it tj d.i, t .tn. to be in,. 1 jii t er d, Vt, u t ,'t. non-cnde- with next election.. 'Wirepulling and jur tisaa-hi- p in its worst form is engendered In such crazy quilt legislation. "Will the 1 'ay - 11 li .tier reetif j loa.-- e ihe mistake in last weeks pqier asserting that the Nephi Republic received ?;)il lhr printing the otlleial ballots. That 1)0 failed to materialize at his office, and to give The Header a pointer ou the subject, -- PO e . Never tre Dot red that Ciiad wha1, we term it, but anyhow it found a resting place iu, me otiice oi lue jxephi Times, self-su,ii- e self-sam- i v.hv, ; i in it ,p iii cn : ; ! x 1 r: : es. li hi Y t!ut the stum! wo took urn t ptDi f.ul i' i.u We s; irrect u,u n; t ; l;1 time that we ndm.i'cil the gent!, 'man h ,u, .It d I'.i It sI fur his individuality and w,- repent ami costs If dariuiosaul unlmal he uol that assertion. But when the gentlefa ii t,, a. i:e u p.uti witiidi itll tla man was curried away by that individ- IDtlUP tlH v''l 111 It In A.iil it .t N'pphl fd C'liiiv piGUni, i.t f uality, his ju igment was bin ini. tiif lit d, la or The reply uf President Snow shows Lute ;it Neplu Yi. this ml ihivof lipp, ,, Jamks U. Rliij, 1ouiul Kt vi the case only two pi nn. and the quibbling which has been earned ou by the once apostle, is plainly apparent. Eitray Kotica. Two sides of the question have rmvv I h.neinmyiiiMisMou the following been furnished the people, let the peoit an igihLs. biiuA: s,tti tl horabDut 8 years old, tieInna ple read the two 6idt-- thorouhlv and both f nt v whitt spot in freheml see for themselves which side is th i,h J - pis on braiu ed on right. , As the matter now stands, the church ilso hramled ou left shoulder J. If damages nml etmts on said animnl he not , authomie-- are distinctly in the aid tn (lavs trout Li. date of this ilu. right. nee they w ill he iiold tu tac cash The period of discontent es at tne Nephi ' et ra highest nund, at o'clock ULtViUuCr ifNo tu them occurred Jong before the storm of J. DatidAllat NepUi enj tuia iNtU day of Nov politics was thrown upon the people. Jams R, Risd, City Fouad vv I 1 . pioven Tin Republic tines imt stand in w.fit.a k I:.1 il Uni U fixing-- , winch took ji'.i.c We me sitisti, J diii'.iig the last campaign. law of printing the bal t!ut the lots in the lievv-- p q. rs will he done aw. iv uV'7n; tu , V j t l t .1 Hie c . J 1 I t ii- i ,l - f -- ,1 hu-- a -- . j fIROnfjTILE GGGPaUy 1 v ties-jnbc- to-- : s 1 stately 1iaI-le- Leaders in Low Prices, v r r U- Vzl 81H5. Keeper, Nopiii . t toll . i. . |