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Show Tks BesaMip Va.'iii. AROYAL LOVE AFrA IR. List of Unclaimed Letters. Deo. 5 Silurdiv, 7 W. M. STOUT, Lambert Paper Co. Repairer of Boots and Shoes. CHA3. FOOTE A SONS Now the 6erman Emperor Lost the Girl he The list of unclaimed letters remaining Dealers in General Merchandise. in Nephi post office Nov. Wanted1S96 is as NFPHI COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE SillJ. L'TION. lu.low s. V. Ord, Snpt. "When the present Emperor of Or- L. or S. Taylor Mr. W. II, PETTEGKEW, Mi !. L. many was at the most susceptible point Mauufactur of and dealer in Harness, Mr. O. C. U. Wells, in his career he fell in l ive, was Saddles, and Sheep-Men'- s supplies. Orsou A. Whittaker. JNO. S PAINTER, characteristic of the young man that he John W. Jotinston Dealer in General and green Groceries. Mr. Arthur Devmr. fell widely and desperately, choosing ORD BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, for the object of his adoration the beau-- 1 It the above letters are not called for in Dealers in Clothing and Gent's furnishings tiful elder sister of the Czarina, who is 30 days, they will be sent to the dead let- OSTLER A OCKEY, Butchers. now the Grand Duchess Serge of llus-Bi- ter office. II. F. McCcxe, P. M. H. H. HAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. ; - lc. if h m r - A 3 WHOLESAL DEALERS IN 1 i h K ' V V H it tr. ! rs- nj t audit wrapping PRINTERS SUPPLIES and Printed Papers, plain Twines, Cutters, etc. Office and Saleseoous: 23 WEST FIRST SOUTH E a. Of course this was all verv fine and romantic, but state policy came before hearts, and as there would be nothing to gain by marrying the heir of the German throne to a Princess oT Ilesse Darmstadt, Bismarck told Emperor William it wouldn't do at all. The old Etopiror of course, broke the news to his grandson, who stormed and sulked, finally promised obedience, and when asked to look about and select some other nice young Princess, broke out with: Choose whom you like: it is absolutely the 6ame to me, so long as it is not one of the English lot. Of course this was just what the Iron Chancellor wanted, and to heal the breach between the and the Prussians he propp'd for the Princess Augusta's hand and Prince William went awooing. Naturally, he did not find in his prospective bride any such rare beauty and accomplishments as his Hessian cousin possessed, but at any rate lie d id meet au amazingly robust, sensible young woman, with the freshest white and pink skin, Dice blue eyes, fair hair and an It Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894. I have used Unamberlain.s Pain Balu for rh uinatism and 'ound it to be all that is claimed for it. I believe it to be the best preparation lor rheumatism and deen seated muscular pains, on the market and cheerfully recommend if to the nubile. Jxo. G. Brooks, dealer in boots shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St. ALSO READ THIS Mechanicsville, St. Mary County, Md. I sold a bottle of Cnamberlains Palu Balm to a man who had been suffering with rheumatism for several years. It made him a well mao. A. J. Magill. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A. Lunt & Son, Druggists. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy lor your troubles? If not,' get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be cure of peeuliaily adapted to the relief and wondera all Female Complaints, exerting ful direct intlnence in giving strength and Lt-sof Ap s tone to the organs. If you have petite, Constipation, Headaelie, Faintinj Excitable Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, with troubled Spells or Dizzy Melancholy need. medicine the is you Betters Electric Health and Strength are guaranteed hv its use. Fifty cents and ?1.00 at all Din Stores. Furniture and undertaking. KNOWLES A WEBB, Wheel W rights. HYDE A WHITMORE, General Merchandise. 9.25 THOS. BELLISTON, Agt. Mt. PleasaDt Marble Works. 10.45 BIRD Dentist. 8.40am 8.50 am 8.56 am 9.20am 9.40 am 9.57am 11. OU am C H. BOOTH, T. B. FOOTE, Dealer in General and Green Groceries. 1896. Water. Betsy (the maid) Half of the milk cf you leave every morning leaks out of the pail. Waterman (the milkman) You a have to waterproof pail. ought the pail is watet proof, Iai "Weil, leaks not the water it's sure very Not out. y Chil Geographically,r Nephi City is sitsatod al eeuti-of Utah. Its latent natural resources are practically unlimited. Its active resources consist (li of Agriculture; (2) of Horticulture; (3) of the Sheep indiiM'.v and (4 of minerals. To the North, West aiul South is a large area of asiiue.agTu-oliui.i- l lands as can he found in Utah. Abundant crops of cereals and alfalfa bless the labors of the husbandmen. To the North, thousands of acres of natural meadow, watered by large springs, spread out like a great emerald carpet. The vegetable gardens of Nephi are unexcelled in the west. Its fruit and that of its contiguous towns, is as perfect as can be grown in this latitude. The wool industry of this locality, is one of largest in Ltah, and is such as to demand the attention of two wealthy and large w aia'houses for the storing and handling of the product. A couple of miles east of the city, and near the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable mountain of pure gypsum. Convenient to the quarri, is a complete mill for and rehuoig the product which is grinding being contin nous y slopped to the states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tons last month being the output. Up Salt Creek canyon and north eastrely about nine miles, pure salt springs gush from the mountain side, and by means of one of tne most complete salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table, dairy and packing salt that has ' but few equals and no superiors in the world. The brine is 35 per cent, salt and the supply practical y unlimited. In addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines oy quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be most in the s DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is an antiseptic, soothing and healing- application for burns, scald, cuts .bruises, etc., and cures piles like magic, ltnstanlly stop pain. A. i.unt&suu. Lead in the race Come and see us. National & Barnes Bicycles are the Best. DENVER. 7.00 pm. .Lehi 7.10 5.18 5.12 4.52 4 34 4.21 S.35 7.17 pm pm pm pm pm pm pm put . SPS, EFFECTIVE APRIL 20 1894- Train No. 2 leaves Salt Lake 8:05 a. in. arSprings rives at Pueblo 6:10 a m., Colorado Creek 9:50 7:51 a. m. Denver 10:10 a. m., Cripple Colorado's a. m. Slim test line to Cripple Creek, great gold camp. Tram No 4 leaves Salt Lake 7 :40 p. m. arrives at Pueblo 5:27 p. m. Colorado Springs, 6:53 p. in., Denver 9:25 p. in. made at Pueblo, Colorado Connections with all lines east. Kle-gaSpring and Denver chair cars, and Pullman day oncoaches, all trains. Take the D. A R. G. aim sleepers have a comfortable trip and enjoy the fineet scenerv on the continent. S. K. HOOPER, A. S. HUGHES, G. P. A T. A., Traffic Manager, Drnwr. boto. Denver, Colo. M. CUSHING, H. B. F. NEVINS, Pane Agt. Trav. General Agent, Salt Lake Citt, UTaix. nt UbsGiibs 1 ?or -- an effect as follows; Ayers Sarsaparil-il- a is not a patent medicine. It does noi South. belong to the list of nostrums, lt is here on ltsmerits. No. 1 newsiest, ar;d Best Print Weekly Published in Utah. All Home 1896. o- North Daily H. HAWKINS Boarding Douse GIVEN AWAY' B. Palmer, Blacksmith, All kindsof repair work done" Nepbl. Utah - Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funks Laks at 3:00 p. m., Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays. Returning arrive at and Morrison Manti at 6:00 p. m. Direct connections at Nephi with Unios Padiflc Railway from and to Salt Laks City, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and intermediate points, and all points East and West. Stop on signal. The Company reserves the right to vary rom this Time Table at pleasure Thbodore Brttback, Free. & Genl Manager, Supt. Salt Lake City. H. S. Kerr, & G. F. & F. Agent, Mant, Scientific American Agency for SECURE THIS COURSE M CAVCr.TC, trade CDG'.CM patent: - JIUNN & CO., 1j1 Broadway, Frr Oldest bureau for tmirm; pf ten' tin : A'. : i out by us la Every pa knit taken the public by a notice given lrvo cu C Jbcicsiii w ').' advertise our College we will give thorough course of instruction in and hisgie Entry Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at To a d Book-keepin- One-Fourt- Lanrost cfrrn Int1rn of any iwlontlfir paoer In N' world. Splendidly illustrated. hhmild be without It, Weeklr, 3. CO dan HuHn & CO, rear; $1 six months. Addwa, Fuuxjshkes, o6i Broadway, Bevr York City This co .a limited nuiibcr of persons. oourne wu.1 be completed in 40 ItesoDC No charge for diplomas. Address, CAPITAL rtOMMERCIAL LdTY WA. C- - BRYAN 116 Wes College Sixth Street. Attorney W 55 i IN..,. Prizea Separate ... ., PRIZE ONE OF . $1,000 me NEW WEEKLY ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS.' i Denver, Colo., Tho bona fide prize offer ever ow.3e Jn the X.est or South. The Jvt'wa 1m the representative paper of tbe 'Westlt U eUver's champion; it is the peoples ed'Mcate: it leads in thought, as In newa. The WVrkly has Just bien eniargtMl and Improved; it contains the latest and fullest mining' and milling stock news; it has apacJaJ devoted to the Farm, the KotC hold, Vcrnen and Children; all the brtgbfcesl, cartoons and llvest comment of the dally edition arv to be found in It; it presents In condensed f urn the doings of ai the world It is a fami! paper wlthoui a peer. And thi Weekly News ts determined to hav' beyond h tl question the largest clroulation any papr between the Mississippi river and Then Therefore U Hers 10 the pen-- 1 Faciitc eons sending In the greatest number of $1 year- ly sub. nptions before beptembec 1st these L.tpquaiied prizes. REGULAR AGENTS COAHIitlSStOS ' ,K ALLOWED-IADDITION. A ? CONTEST BEGINS T ONCE. OPEN TO EVERT BOOT EVERTWHER A gyr tarflcoTxn ISTo-w- XVintlnsr'C.q s Pcn'vci) Coin, wtwmram THURMAN KANSAS. TOPEKA, at-lM- g Regular Price h ' ' I ! Injrizes $6,141.75 2.4op Nephi. Street- - tl Fortune 11,45a 12. lOp 12.40p 12.57p 1 15p 1.32p 1 42p 2.2p Cold Baths. COFYCITBTC, r'. For information and 'frco Hand uo : vi. 'tc .' & WEDGWOOD, - Attorneys at Law. - 0OOGXjGSXXXM301f Utah Nephi Room I and DISEASES OF THE GKIX. Tho intense itching and smarting ando?, dont to eczema, tetter, diseases of tlie skin is instantly allayed U t. First National Bank Building. UTAH. PROVO, ealt-rhcu- Druggists. cPlumb-ers- . GOLDEN EAGLE SALOON, Blackett Bros. Proprs. Dealersgin AVines, Liquors etc. F ATTHFUL MEN- M. P. KONG, travel for reepnnslble Cabinet and Coffin Maker. .ht5hSSUlnUt.li. SatorytTW. payab! permanont. Position OSTLER A ALLEN, 4T5w..kly and expenoea. stomped Bn Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles SSSSST Th National, Star and dealere in all kinds of horse furnishing goods. VALLEY RAILWAY a-t- A. LUNT & SON, fi'EUE'RAL Largo SI the having ordinary distinction only olood purifier allowed an exhibit Worlds lair, Chicago. Manulacturt era of other sarsapariilas sought oy every means to obtain a showing cf their goods, p but they were all turned away under the TABLE NO. 16. TIME application ot tbe rule forbidoing the entry of patent medicines and nostrumss Effective Sunday, November 17th, The dicision the Worlds lair authorities in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla was UTAH WOOL GROWERS ASSOCIATION, E. R. Booth, Manager.. NEPHI HOUSE, Mrs. E. Goldsorough,' propr. UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. K. Foote, propr. M. McCUNE, Bakery and Confectionary. COOPER, PYPER A CO. Dealers in Hardware, Tinners and SAN PETE at the worlds Fair. Ayers Sarsaparilla ofenjoys thebeenexttry stands at the head. It never exageration and without coloring, dSppointl Free trial bottles ot all Drug theWithout foregoing is a description of the lovely city of Nephi, the Capital of Juab County in fctorei and dealer?. which are found the mines of Tintic, the wonder and admiration of the Great West. Besides Tintic, the rich mines of Fish Springs, a portion of Deep Creek and other1iD wealthy and Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, growing the Western camps are situated ifre a f . oevt r i j 3 part of Juab County. C u F O n e M i note Cough Following is a directory of Nephis business hustlers: dren like & Sons. Lunt A. acd it helps tuem. C. ANDREWS A CO., Dealers in Wool, Grain etc. LakeUty. Junct. . 8.40am pm Arneru Fork 8 VO am Pleast Grove 8 81am Provo.... 8.00am 7.40pm 7.50 pm Spanish Fork 7.44 am 8.12pm ...Payson... 7.20am 9.1ft pm 6.40ain ....Nephi..,. 11. IK) pm Ar K ( Lt 6. IK) am j s Ar 5.00 aim J0.25 pm Lv J 12 01 am Leamington 3.35 am 2.00 am . . .Oasis. . 2.00 am 2.50 am Clear Lake 1.05 am 6.25 am Ar j Mil- - I Lv 9.10 pm 7.05 am Lv ford f Ar pm 8.45 am ....Frisco 7.30 pm But Ayers None water-w- CO. COLORADO Receivers. orks Snooad South St. Salt 4.38 pm 3.20 pm - The attractions of Nephi as a residerce town, are unique in their variety. It is situated on almqst the highest portion of the disumption. vide that turns the flow of waters north into ree at all Drug Stores. into the bevier rivUtah lake and south-war- d er, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead sea of Miiiord County. Its altitude, gravelly Main soil and perfect drainage insure the best of STANDS AT THE HEADhealth, in fact, the conditions are such, that blit two cases of diptheria. have occurred in live years among a population of nearly 3.000. o its citizens are thrilty and progressive. The mg druf ;ist wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, Aug. J- - Bogel, the fad t New Ur;. cosey cottages, beautiful lawns and elegant Shreveport, La., says. my cu.eb modern public buildings, make of Nephi a Discovery is th only thing J-place in which life is a real luxury. heat seller I lwoe. is the it and ough, ot An, Sartord, It is supplied with a complete system of Campbell, merchant all Dr. King's New Discoven is along which flows the water from writes: to and pure springs distant some three miles up the that is claimed tor it; it never tails, To the west about five miles, the Coughs and canyon. mountain a sure cure for Consumption, range is low, roiling and of easy acmerits. for it cess, and abounding with rich pasturage. To Colds I cannot say enough for Consumption, the east a couple of miles, the Nebu range Dr KingsXew Discovery It abrubtly rises, to the north east a few miles Coii'dis mid Coids is not mi experiment; tilt, top of Alt. Nebo rises into the regions of a eternal snow. has been tried for a quarter Jhe Eureka... . 1 Kings New Discovery ConteVtVColdsanc. 00tUes latl. irai lt dont & Fairfield .. . y merchart oi jilr. R. B. he had consump Nephi City that certifies Va. howie, was given up to die, sought alld medical treatment, that money cou Hot and procure, tried all cougn remedies be could nights computed. near of, but no relief; spent many to try a chair; was induced Main Street sitting up inNew curAs a distributing point, Nephi recognizes was Discovery, and Dr. Kings one but Utah. is the to It jn superior key ed by use of two Dottles. For past three Utah, and with the advantage ot two to business, and Southern out to the east and south, railroads years has been attendingDiscovery stretching is .he furnishes, wlthoui question, the best New point in says Dr. Kings ever Utah tor the establishment of manufactories made, as it hasin done remedy grandest his ami wholesale houses, finmriTh lor him and also others A. W. CAINE am am . n The Grandest Remedy ASPEN PUEBLO. am 6.0u pm Lv f Lake Ar V. 45 urn .30 pm am 6.26 pm 9.15 am 6.61pm Sandy t.On June 1st the Salt Lake Tribune will ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN. reduce the price of the to f2 00 per year. The present high standard will be maintained, and every effort Arrive Leave Rio Grande B. R. on The Denver will be made to keep the in Sleeper on No. South, July 1st improved and enlarged their and Saturday. the irom rank. Sleeper on No. 2 North, aheep corrals at Tennessee Pass, Colorand Friday. days ado, where there is the finest of mountain Trains souh of Juab run daily except Sea-Its Value Recognized by Physiciansgrass and clear running water, which is ATS Two As a rule I sm opposed to proprietary free of cost to the sheep men. The comthrough trains dally from Salt Lake to all points East. medicines. Still I value a good one, esalso provided sleeping accomopany has Through Pullman Palace Sleepers frym Salt pecially when sueh is the source of relief wuhouteliange dations, which will be kept especially Lake to Chicago ioiu pain. As a topical (external) applicaImproved Tourist sleepers. tion I have found Chamberlains Pain for sheep men who stop there to grar Free Reclining Chair cars. Bulm the best remedy I have ever used their Elegant day coaches. sheep. We can handle your inutltU The only line operatiug dining car service. for neuralgia cf any kind. 1 have conscifor all eastern Before markets. The shortest and fastest line Is all point) orderlgf recommended it to many entiously persons. William 11ore,M. D., Janes- your cars, be sure and write for furtec? east. E. D. AVICKINS, Agent, Nephi. ville, Wis. Wold by A. Lunt & Son. information to either D. E. Burley, Gen'l Apt. Passpr. Dept., Druggists. B. F. Nevins, General Agent, City Ticket Office, 20 Main tt., Salt Lake. Passer, and Ticket Apt. George A. Uawkes, Traveling FreiL E. L. Lomax,E.Oeni Diek Idhoi), (Jenl Mngr., Omaha Agent, S. H. H. Clark, Nephi Her Resources, Advantages A. J. Gregory, Traveling Frei gh Oliver Y. Mink, E. Ellery AnderBon, 58 West 2nd South St. , Salt Lake Agent. John W. Doane, and Attractions. city. Frederick K. Ceudert, Semi-Weekl- LEADVILLE, 1 7.40 Dentist. Semi-Weekl- of the World. Line Scenic Blacksmitliing. Reduced to $2.00 per Year After Jun RAILROAD. In effect, AprilrS, 1896. Train arrive and depart at various statisai daily as follows: North-beam- ) Southbound. Stations. The Only Lie Leave Leave Arr. Arr. Two 5. 00pm 8.00pm Kunniug 2.30am 2.10pm Ogden Fast Through 3 30 am 3.10 pm Ar Salt Lv 4.00 pm 7 FI pm Trains Daily to Jamea Rio Grande & Denver LOCAL TIME CARD. NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. A. Cazier, Supt. EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., Dealers in General Merchandise. W. Pax man, aupt. PEXTOX A CHASE, SALT LAkE SEWI tvEEKLy TEIBLNE. Thu V PICT OB'-- C. OSTLER, Boot and Shoe maker. FRANCIS SELLS, J. A. long-standi- amiable temper. J. M. Eye and applying Chamberlain's Ointment Many very bad cases hare been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remExc. Blk. edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites, and chronic sore e.yea. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. W. CHAPPELL, A ttorney-at-La- w Probate work a Specially. Room Nsphl City. Utah. 11 (fiyDr. Cady's Conditlan FewJere,tbey ij iwd enodt vhft r corsvaeedf-whDeWitts Colic & Cholera Cure. aitust f'Sto Tcbnc. t.ood Plsaaaat, quick result) sals to use. s 8 -- rvwi'Af BUCKLENS ABNICA SAIVE. Tlie Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chatqied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peiiect satisfaction or money refused. Price 25 cents per box. Fo sale by all druggists aud general dealers. , |