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Show Th8 Republio NepM,Utah, Satnrday, Dac. 5 6 Knives laid ly for a apt to become rusty and Rubbing the blades with will keep them in perfect Chinese Dwarf. A Household Notes. time are to spoil. vaseline order. Silver candlesticks continue to please, especially when accompanied by one of the new shades of pierced silver, with colored silk lining. Loochop. China, is excited over the recent appearance on her streets of a microscopic prodigy in the person of a dwarf, who appears to be about 50 years of age, but who is only 20 inches in height. lie has a long grey beard, which almost reaches the ground, and talks several Chinese dialecta quiet fluently. lie says that he is from the kingdom of the dwarfs by the western ocean, but further than that no one knows anything about the prodigy. A l NEILSON Courtious Treatment Guaranteed to all. iVIftiu St. 3T oplil The Best Laundry Is the one that guarantees the fineit and most artistic finish on their work. The finest gloss is placed on all our Collars, Cuffs, etc. call for work Wa head. Tilling touches. Barber The only First-Clas- s Shop in Nephi. Sad Blow. lie blew in money for the Bake of fun Popular materials for bodice acBlew in on friends wheD his nose was cessories are silk, mull, fine lawns, red; velvet and chillYon, with rib'jon, One day he blew in the end of a gun, And the gun in turn blew off hia lace, insertion and edging for fin SPERRY & aid Mondays Oliver Fridays of each wk. PHOTOGRAPHY For evening gowns net is being used in great profusion, but it is We desire to announce to the public til at September 15th, we shiill be prepared to not treated ia its most extravagant after take your pictures. warrant our work and will do it at price fasliiou, with trimmings of steel or to We wilt the times. We alto have the nesrtives, recently- made by S. J. Kanee & Co., and can furni-- h cabinet photograph jewels or jet. superlor-tinintherefrom at ifi.fiO per dozen. Call and aee us. & Co., PhotouTiiphers. . C. II. ISlU Nephi, Utah. and scissors Silver grape grape fingers are in order. The first This Is Your Opportunity. snips tho fruit from the .cluster, On and receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, conveys the second picks it up a generous sample will be mailed of the Cure it to the month of tho luxuriant most popular Catarrh and Ilay Fever demonto sufficient Cream Balm) (Elys person who eats it. strate the great merits of the remedy. - h Utah Steam Laundry. JOSEPH COWAN, Agnt. The golden Eagle . . AN- Visit the ELY BROTHERS, CO Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Elys Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, It is a positive cure for eatarrli if used as directed. Rev. Francis W. Boole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. All kinds of beer, liquors and cigars in Balm is the Cream acknowledged Elys stock. enre for catarrh and contains no mercury CO oents. nor any injurious drug. Price, Boys, Dressy capes and collets are developed from plain and chameleon velvet, velours da nord and heavily-ribsilks. It is said thatben bed galino is to he revived because of the favor given to wool velours. BLACKETT BROS. An elaborate fichu for dressy wear is of white silk mull, with a charming decoration of insertion and lace edgings. It is shaped to tabs on form two long, egualet-likin crosses sleeve and each surplice fashion below the bitot". Nephis First-Clas- s EAT MARKET. Dont Forget The Old Reliable We have always on hand - TROY Mutton, Tork, Bacon, Butter, Pork Sausage, and Chease. Beef, Albert Edwards Britannia won a little over 8,000 in money prizes last season, without count mg cups. may STEAM LAUNDRY Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work called for and delivered every week Ladies shirt waists a specialty. Office at Sparks Candy & Cigar store. We invite the citizens of Nephi to giv e us a call. Sparks Jr. Agent E H. SHERIFFS India's population according to First Door North of Post Office II. A. WILLIS, Manager. tho census of! 895, is 2X7,223,431, an increase over the previous census ot 33,420,917. London bakers TTtali .1. yV. IrSedclen Noplil o Happenings Abroad- When You Want a Nice Drink f SALE. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE FIFTH Judicial District of the State of Utah, County of Juab. Alfred Manager, Plaintiff, vs. Edwin Grohle, Mary ( lobie and Alfred Lunt, Defendants. Under aud by virtue of an order of sale anddeoieeof hen issued out of the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District 04 the Mate of Utah, County of Juab on the Jth, day of October A. D. IsOrt, in the above entitled action, wherein Alfred Manager, the above named obtained a judgement aud tWree plaintiff,Edw in (tohle, Mary (ioble and Alfred aaiust Hunt, defendants, on the JDth day of- October js'iti. which said decree was, on thekdth d.iy of book A October ls.irt, recorded in judgment of said court, at paire 25, 1 am commanded to sell at public auction all that certain lot, piece or pan el of land situate, lyin', and being in theeitvof Xeplii, County of Juab. Stat3 of bounded and described as follows, Utah, : of Block forty three lib Plat Lot two I) ot the Nephi survey ot building lots, one acre and nine rods. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the IHHli day of November ix.it at 12 oclock noon, and of that day m front of the county court house in the city of Nephi, County uf Juab, Mala of or 3 Uttli, I will,otin obedience to said order of sale lieu, sell the above described and decree ty. or so much thereof as may be necesspropei ary to satisfy said plaintiff's judgment, with interest thereon and costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder, fur cash, lawful money of tae United Mates JoiinT Si'uivav, sl)ii i'f of tui b Count, Utah. By E II. Sparks, Deputy Mieriif Nephi City, dull, Noveber tn, imh. CITY MEAT MARKET. deliver bread on Sunday, but not buns or 17 cake, a Bloomsbury baker having been fined for delivering buns to his customers, c Cara Give you the best of meat atthe cheapest prices, and we tieat all with courtesy and Cambridge university, England, recently passed a statute euabling to-w- it respect. !22T2 tho university authorities to de- Shoulder. or Rounnd steak prive a graduate of his degree and Mutton, 10c. per pound all the privileges of the university pounds for 25c. iu case of misconduct. Loin and Porterhouse Steak Oc. per lb. Official reports of the trial of the Sparrowhawk torpedo boat destroy er, built by the Lairds, give an average of 30.2 knots on the measured mile and oO.CS knots for the three hours continuous steaming trial. An old woman of Liverpool named Bridget McMullen is rivaling the record of London's laneCakebread. She has b ;eu brought before the police court 35, times for intoxication and has spent lulf her life straight UolOgmt, Snxisagos, Siigm-- Cured llama, Porlx, Qnoon, Diittor and. Clioeso alwaya on liajicl. Chas. Ockey & Sons Proprietors. (Late Ostler N. Ockey) Carry More Clothing than all the others. WE SELL MORE. How is it?Our prices are right. Our goods are the best. We have carried the celebrated Henry W. King & Cos line-ogoods for many years and they have proven satisfactory to every customer. We have sold so many of these goods this fall that we have had to place the second order which will be here shortly. We defy competition. We can give you better goods for less money than any store in town. Call and see us. .1 $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any onewho applies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our clients, and the object of this ottr is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the iUct that IT 5 THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the ulitLh can bo easily s!J up and down without bre..ktti ' the p.s i.;ei's back, and 3 tliousind o;in.r little ilr.ngs that mst any one can find a way of improving; an J these simple inventions are the orn-- that returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Talents taken out through us receive special notice in the44 National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C.,whichis theUtst newspaper published in Amonoa m the interests of inventors W e farnUh a year's to this journal, lies of cost, to all our clients. Ve ako advertise, free oicot, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of conies of the National Recorder,'4 containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scatteicd throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their sauce-pan- n. , collar-buiiui,- " ," nut-luc- biin.-Lrg- -'t Th G 5 b I iipiI. ik the Lyes See. L Helm hull, has shown that ihe fundi , f (.f 0 bMJ Sr i J of the ure themselves luminous. W In making mi txpenu,ent he was hle to see, in tutal du knot-s- , the mov- Tce!!i Exlracled WiSSoat ements of his arms by the light of his own eye.-- ! Oculists ami jihysuiiogists GOLD CLOWNS, Ilow i afl d 3 aVTiwy a 4 f Vto Pais. attention the merits ot the invention. declare that this is one of the most rePIVOT TEEUI, All communications regarded strictly confidentf-- L markable experiments reoorileu in the Address AND PllIDGLS JOHN WEDDERSLRN & CO., history of the sciences. Probably there llUIUtEH PLATES Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents. are but few uu-- lning who could sat61 S F Street, N. W., isfactorily repeat the experiment, for Cox 385. D. C. - KiftrcH.ee editor ofWashington, this pater. I 'rite orcur the reason that it is very likely that the NEPHI OFFICE: One block isouth Seepage fampklct, t REE. luminosity of the human eye is assoStore. of half and bloek.east The National Recorder and the Reciated with uncommon activity of the Y ear Ouo $L0C. public brain. It is the fluorescence ot the brain, as it were. Opeoialty, 8?- Co-o- p Offices: TheKepublie will add new and interestto its columns. The pnblic ing features should watch its colums for lutber and noancement. rjoplii ancl Mniiti. 'IVTANTF'D SENEltAL FAITHFUL MEN' fV or Women to travel tor responaibk houe m Utah. Salary j.tj-- payable weekly mid e pciiaes. Position prmaufut. Refereuce. Enclcse stamped The envelope. Netoal, fcrBnlldine 0 Witch DeWitts Cure. r.Iww, - Hazel 5alvo &. CbiunitK 1 NEPH!. UTAH. |