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Show ifcjR&dublic, Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Eec. 5 Martha Continued from rage 1. Thomas Pitman imp personal property... . Uana Rustndimp...-............L.E. Kiterlmp 5 i i t s 't, acres Samuel McIntyre n bait ui . 1.5; 4 1 v u'ean i i 3s e .Van KiO - I .t 1 aere? FKh Springs r ivram lot - Co 13.t aer.-- ; 1 o .... .i ,o .o lot 1 c 0 a s 68 1 54 1 54 41 i IiW 710 to s ... J6 . 1 Four acres imp. personal property 3,1 uii'it-C'arig" lid 3, blk V, pf .... 1 6 lk 22 p Iiichuni Maaqru'n lot 4. n 1 S' ' Henry Bin it t 14 1. tv 1, i..k 2i pc Annie D Sti.l'a nu t 12, elk 3 k pc K I ward J Bay lot 1. Idk.io. p c ... Clili'.ird B. ll lot 1, blk 4). Alphas Miller lot 3, ldk 16, pd John S l.intou lots 1 2, blk 19 pi J do John S Linton lot 3, bik 16, p d 1 ''1 lidwin Boblelot 2, ldk 13, p 1 John Coleman lots 1, 2, blk 19, p (1 ... , p d. . Janies E Colt lots 1, 4, blk llyrum Tnl.cy 1 liorsis, $100. pro perty. $15 Minuon Whiting personal pmpetty Thomas Ingrant lot 4, s 4 ldk 31, p a Thomas Ingram lot 4. blk 10, p c Edward II Rudd lot 2, blk 6, p v. . -- ,J Julia Sieriy lot 1, blk 11, pcWilliam M Pextoa lot 2, blk 21, p c i JJ w I I'.i 1 ia I 43 All Authentic. Paxman lot 112 se b of sec 12 tp 10 sr 5 acres 3 v.r Argenta lot 547 se h sc 13 tp iOsr 3 w acres The North Mamin .tn tie, uw, se & tD 10 sr 3 w sw 'ot 33 sec 9 72 809 acres Fcur Aces lot 2JI5 -- ec 36 tp lo si 3 w ' . named icixmsaie delinquent in the pay- llit vt nf citv taxes in Xephi Citv, Juab SI 6 615 acre- Utah for the year U9(i to the 13 U county, se sec ne Damtino lot25210 5 aces. . 1 C2 amount hereinafter specified; aud that un20 3 tv 12 sr bgc tp 10 Banger lot 240 t) I sec 21 ip sr 3 tv 70 less said amounts are s inner p lid, I shall acres Co lot sell the property hereinafter described to .tlillsue ftlig Wyoming silver 63 sr 2 w 5 acres sec 8 p 52 ne satisfy sne.i tixes aud costs in the manner Perie lot 34i s sec 12 tp 10 sr 3 w 2 56 prescribed by 1 i'v. 20 090 acres Slid sile will begin on the third Monday H imestake lot 30o3 e a sec 21 tp 10 o5 of December 1896 at twelve o'clock noou at acres sr 3 tv tbs trout if ttie County Court house in lot 226 ne h sec!9tp 10 sr Mahogany 960 11 acres 2w Nephi city, Juab county. Utah where I will lot 216 w i South Extension Beecher expose tor sale and sell at pu die auction to sec 19 ip 10 sr 2 w the highest respmsible bidder for cash, Divide lot3!3 s lasec 19 tp 10 sr 2 w sufficient of such delinquents real estate to acres pay the taxes and costs, and will continue California lot 114 ne h sec 30 tp 10 sr to sell from (lay to day until the property of acres 2 w lot 295 such delinquents is exhausted or the taxes Cleveland and Middle Altas and c. sis p lid. oe J sec 30 tp IOsr 2 tv 18 200a. sw U ec iStp 10 sr 2 Abraham Oume, Bradley lot 158acres w Treasure .Nephi City, City U i9 ntv Harkness lot 156 stv2 hw sec Ditcd Nephi C.ty, Utah Dee. 3d 1896. sec 30 tp 10 sr Mrs L A Adams lot 1, fraction s 5, 10 sr Phu-nilot 152 w 4 sec 30 tp ; 30 1 I 12-2- acres 75 blk Brazil No 2 lot 274 e sec 30 tp 10 acres sr 2 w lot 326 s 4 eo 19 tp 10 sr Enterprise am- ls 2 tv lot 32 so see 19 tp 2 1 acres bv 190 R S Hamilt n lot 1, blk IN p a 57 1 4 fiby 211 A del 'cert Cajer let 2, fraction f, b'k 5 30, p a, ' a 1 Ann C Coleman lot 23, bik 31, I la Rockwell lot 4, blk ldk 3 i, pa ... 9 C R Foote lot 3. n Bl.tinSiS; Sm-- . lots 3. 1. blk 43 p a 3 Mi ( u no in t 1 , bik 4 ., p a, Is 10 6 i ft bv 63 .1 W llntlv 1"' 1, ldk 11. ; a. .5s ft 5 bv 53 ivi-c- sr 2 10 Cvguet lot sr 10 tv 10:72 331 2 w ou-iv- sc acresIsecOOtp 3.1 nj '1 I 1 South Stfinsca 5:- West I'1 ss-- u renda C'M' lot 337 in 'i Silver Moon lot 3.r! si B s v 31 t; in r 3 ,v i.'.s HI 30 tp HI vr,. w Valoyo lot lUis c B s ai es 115 s sr i s Iron liiosso-i- 1 lot s 3 tv . ..!' tv . r . c s, 3, tp More- Lcilo lot 13o s i - .'.)il ' i iin-1- - t.-- os.- 3.1 joi am- l. s. .. ue s P , , ' ,- pa pa 1 . 11, 27 10 31 King James lot 87 ne 4 sec tp sr2 v Janies (4 Blame lot 3B nr sec ntp t) blk v, 12 9.9 p Jk s'" r- I 1 r.igbfy-Eig'- ad perty i. w a u ore will b g eI air Y a-- 1 rrr r. i JUST THE GOODS YOU UJAHT. Goads you cannot see through. Just vliat you want Good, rich, pretty and reasonably cheap. Many people with faces awry through experiences ox past will say; Gli! we can not what we want at the Co-othings are too high. To such, we wish to say tn at we will nou be undersold, witii this exception, wiion people sell one article below cost for the purpose of deception ard Th Hailstone is lr ing workol g m 1. Emp'oyiug tw its prospects r.t nuo. men at tie; p' ortlinu in this d.trict Tl)" mturcof thinris cnlori le and liar r lrhorxte, and a sa-wav up. A t'vl galena form itk u is al f lutid with g. cat res ills. .VI Also a nicccfioics Selection in Drcs s Goods and Shot Silks Just in. p lead profrom it id 1 the f iKU'. ' W ! Tins camp is looking up in splendid condition, and according tn the repo ts Patterson and Bit"S which Mo-ee a big pn ducer in the geve, it will fotu'a. Tiio only iliutvbaek is That it is m uhte at such a great distance from the railroad, being about, 23 miles from Eureka and 4o miles duo vve.t Irimi Nephi. The Sc ilia mine i in splendid condition and were we aiio.Mii to go into figuri s, it would be .tartling to oni5. T io Rh't i mnto is shinpin r ore, but in w hat qu ir,t,itios wo a;e tumble to s y. T1 o .vV e: West Tintlc- -- y $ ecuted all winter. 15 J t Anlrew Blackett will depart for the Neho mines with the intention of building a log house on the property of his broi her. so that work can be pros- o 1 OT J . F. W. Limb has ju-- t returned from the claims v hich he, the Illacaett but s and Ilenry Sadler are interested in, and states that previous to his departure for Nephi, he struck something which is the finest indicat on which he Las yet discoved. -- 75 23 25 LARGE LINE OF WARM LINED SHOES JUST IN A merly of Mt. Ihea-an- t fore 3 of men on t Mt. N ju, to work his prinniMiig claims' in this camp. Jim says it is all right aod it will emne to the front in the near future, Sam Read brought in a sackful of shipping tue to this office that would 58 make the eyes of sceptics water. Sam has got hold of a good thing in the Copperhead, The Seagull and Sam Read C6 claims. The gentleman will not divulge the aesnb of his mineral but large bunches of native copper can be plainly seen, and according to the testi1 uiony of two prominent mining experts rock will bring a go, id profit if it this 44 00 had to be shipped to JCmopj for treatment. Sam has been working quietly and it i plainly e valent that his long 46 tears of tod and labor are about to le rt warded with succei-s- . luxir : C 8 o8 15 by 16 rods John Hague 1 r 4. blk 21 p a, 1111 20 3 1, 2, n 4, Henry Forast lot 3, blk 18, pa.... Ilenry Forest lot 14, blk 44. p a 43 ft Independence acres 10 sr 2 tv Victor lot 217 ntv i sec 19 tp 10 sr acres 2 w Union lot 300 se 4 sec 19 tp 10 sr 2. acres w on the J v Wenilcgo Co Claim sec 8 tp 11 41 ntv lot Bowers acres sr 2 w Beil Rose lot 91 e ' sec 30 tp 10 sr 2 Ji.ni .................... a 11. p Morgan Bros, lots p a - w tty, fortook a small James Simpson, of Spring 2 2 v Dlffirent Sources ffom DISTRICT. Prices. Ziow MINES AND MINING. Gathered FE02?M SMAMi 78 38 75 TIN TIC OP 1 5 15 pi blk 32, p b J 0 11 Samuel Ryser, s w quarter of s w U sec 22,40 acres tp 11 s r 3 w Vm. Stackense', n e quarter of n e quarter sec 2i, 40 acres, tpll sr3w . ' acres Fish Springs acres Fish Springs Niger lot 53 Northern Light, st Patrick San Chanlj J uun lot bit a tp 10 sr 8 w 09 050 acres West Tunic Silver star Loiies and Silver Star Mill-- . acres site lot 19 B ; - .... S aerjs 'i i a t ic Ltah lot 4. n 1 I, p o 1 j Fi-.- si.tca imuidul lot blk 29, lot 4. Herbert Shaw lo!s3, J H Eicon lot 1, blk j N ,u.- - J Schofield S 37 Mt Nebo 'rjs a res sprintrs acre' ish .springs ii , pa.. pii Eilwaixl Elmer lot 3 ldk 27, p b 1 e.' lot 53 6 iM acres I isli Sprins .u lot 51 15 u 15 acres Fish spruits M.uiiooii lot 41 l.t jJ acres sprtiic Creek acres Fish SpriUKs o.'.lei: lo 41 0 acres W est rinue Ml Vi lot 3T no, Abe Chalmers l.o 2, blk 4J. p a, 26V ft by 1 J nxls Charles Morris lot 3, b!k 48, p a ... Charles Morris lot 4, blk 38, p d .. David S Webb lot 2, blk o", Jovep t Tranter lot 2, blk 53. p a . 1 Henry Hoyt lots 1, 2, s 1, lk6'2, p a 1 n I lot Adams (ieorge Wilibrd J Cole lot 1, 2, blk 57 p a Mrs E A Skillicoru lit 3, w I blk 27 :3 4.iJt,a,1, m: o.o n. lai i n w quarter sequarterof w q u arter olne sec 32 i p 10 s r 4 w, 160 acres Samuel McIntyre, w nail ui n tv quarter s e quarter of n w quarter s w quarter ulne qua. ter, boc 34, tplOs r 4 west 160 sacres half of s w Samuel McIntyre sec 3. s hals of se quarquarter ter sec 4. tp sr4 west, 160 acres Samuel McIntyre s e quarter of n quarter, sec 15, tp 10, e r 3 tv, 40 PROPERTY 44 sc s MINING w 2 Site '1inje tn.-- ter sec 32, tp sr st -- n u 33 53 w tieore ' f 41 58 1 4 see 20 tp 10 sr 2 w 3 414 acres m Nora lot ?.v: sw 3! tr 10 sr 2 w lots acres ?, I sc?c 5 tp il sr 2 w ) 5 T-i ttOit Lm-M sec 29-- 1 ' P lot .. to H sr 2 w acre- j 31 Gre.it Wad Yar lot 2. uw tp 10 sr 3 w lVKvU acres 2 SW Narvo. 19 G sec lot tp 10 - ' 2o0(.iaci s 3J 70 a Jo e tp 10 st 2 w j i Lasi : ,r Lo.B lot 232 se 4 sec 3Jtp lUsr I sec 4, Jos Handry n e hall of w quarter sec W A Kleplmuer ll" Kintr James VHiu.g and Mining Co imp James A I usk . n e b sec S, 4 i c; quarter sec 29, e half ofi tersee3:sw quarter 10 r 4 20 43 2 w tp 10sr 2 w tp 10 sr 2 w acres 5 rM 11 tpllsr3w..... Samuel McIntyre, s e quei tern! 24 , ne Lillian lot 23 sw lis quarter swquarlersec IS, John OFreckleton s r4 40 acres, tp '4 of n w quarter Jos Ilandry. easttn!lsr4we-120 acres l sec see sec acres 137 acres tp 10 sr sc 4 see 6t 11 sr2 Jersey lot u toria lot 23 se I see 30 tp 10 w r 3 w 22. 40 acre-t- lot 2 30 - SILVER CITY. Croker, n w quarter o! S 75 Lucky Ja- c lot 10S e 2.Kkj acres Ed Stokes lot 21$ sw jred Scott imp personal properly.. John No tp 10 r 2 w eo acres 31 lot is Pha-ni- 5 -- - , - ' ;1 I rri : U, i r ri 1 j 1 i S h j -- Ll- r e i pr -- 'toil (le.i't lelitoft it bring your e bar,' hi rmd ;a along and tty it. where to Mate d ie r.ut pw'pai from, as v.e are sworn to secrecy Where the 'pace on the matter. from, a vein of from to 10 feet with a shalt oi 105 in width and no bottom. l i thi-ca- -- ;j to nounco as ni J- - rr v V q t, - .i V geo a goc:"s small profits. e-a- d t n. O' 'i - ' Tv n h1 J Ji. cr ; io We have a pn "e o (Ii',er,.!e o x o, bee Well'll Ce'enring t) id . 125 ouiees rlivor: 72 ; and from 215 to .2a in gold. ;,r r while -; - ' rrr. T'N O', n f' rx- o O hC- c- B71 0 a. W CJJ rr x r- - 8- ' jv - - f Ss tw G C k W n war-take- b-.- -- usyou you STRICTLY 1 PRICE TO. ALL. nr - il I vgev I 1 i right. v Glias Foote and Sons -- Read went out to his claims in tick Wednesday. Sam wore Diet Neho a 16x20 smile as if everything was all Sm df 44 t Tintic ore Lead Here is mi 40 ounces; gold, $19,20. silver 75 per Cnt; the from January claim in Mt. Au assiy DO cents. Neho, goes 4 ounces silver, go.d claim is 82 Ncbo a from Another asy ounces 21.40 sliver; gold 85 per cent lead, feet dawn. fonr J nnlv and Xrrn ii4 xl ' 1 John IJ. Ord, Superintendent. i IJi vt f4 , k L Ui with 1 1 from as! Win ? B 'cause 25 years exBy purchasing the wants of the peoperience in business enables us to know ' OND - e bu foi . ple ond select goods according1' TJIICB V' !.en cash and take advantage of ai! di count.do not have to pay tin debts of others. trade with p IQn- - L . t - 7 T do- - w J V., N. i ijUu V X. 'S Tl O T |