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Show wr GIVE An Lp YOU'-Sa to-Dt- e FT N - :opj : Vh YOLUilS IV. made crti- - tg I NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SAT UR 3 AY, DECEMBER 5, 1898. T Grand I - ! Concert in v I tie Harper, lot4, blk 22, gave it in R. Edwin Goble. lot 2, bile 43.pd voice being Owner unknown, .i w q secpd, 7, acres, tp 12, s r least his usual style; his clear and perfect. The ladies quartette sang Rest Thee on This Mossy rillow, with great effect, The quartette was composed of Misses 1eese, llainsey, Webb, Larson, Jones and Peterson and no hitch could be detected in Till- - Sunday Ever, In v under prof. Lunds Leadership It was a High Order Was Well Attended- of con-Md- 11, VN sec T7 1 77 - 11 1 3 W 1 24 G 20 G 20 3-- 90 1 1 1.53 3-- 1 , 1 55 1 m-r-- I ; 11 q sec 2), 40 a res, qu-trte- 1 s.-- 1 w r 1 s r w iexton, 15. 8 t- 1 RDtovvazev, n w tp 12s r 1 west acre9, tp J er efiting the huilduig committee of the Second ward meeting house, llis disinterestedness in behalf of eo good a- cau-- e should receive the thanks of a grateful I waited For the unstinted 2S wier uukn,i n, n e I sec 32, Iq 4 : 4 acre-.- , p 11 s r 1 1 1 II Joseph Skinner, personal property O.v ner e w i or nw i 2 42 Utah Livestock and unknown, w n Mfg. j, sec 33, 17 acres tp .1st 1 e sec n of e 10, quarter quarter K iv Jr, 77 sec 10 . imp Gaunt J 1art ridge, n 4 of s el of Utah Live Stock and Mlg Cj , se 77 sec 4s3 n acres 10, 4 sec .5, tp J2 s r 1 e i'2U imp. quarter personal property tp 15 a r I wat 39 52 acres 8 97 J W and W J Schofield, n w quarLaura .1 Partridge, r. e i of n w ter sec 15, vv quarter sec 15. 320 4 s. e ,5, 4n acres, tp 12 s r 1 e... 170 24 80 acres, tp ,5s r 1 w Own r unkmiwu, u vv 1 of n vv i Utah Live stock & Mfg. Go. s e quar1 70 e Ui,c 3. 4 acres, tp 12 s r ter sec 15, 161 acres, to 1.5 s r 1 12 40 . waz y Tv Sons, n 4 of n w i sec G, west 2 73 J V & VV J Scuotisld, e had o! e b acivs, t j 12 s r e 22, tp 15 a r I west quarter John Green, s 4 of n vv i sec G. SO 1 61 80 acres 6 20 acres, tpl2s rle J XV & W. J Schofield, s halt 01 n w , It 1) v i.ey Sons, n vv i of it e s- c 23 quarter 8 seen, hi ivs, ip 12 s r e J W & W. J Schofield, u e quarter Uiohard vVUonk, j of n vv j of s w quarter o 23, 120 icrrs, t p 15 s r I w Is. 8 acrP s, t i 11 s r vv ; 457 J Wand VV J sehmie.u , se q see 26, James i oweil. e 4 of n e J s.v k, 10 acre-to 10 s r w mm per- acri s, t p 10 s r 2 vv 3 41 33 91 smai VVpr merty MI'vCZDLAXKOUS. J W and J S "lotielo, n e q isrier 8 68 . 14 42 Ereckson Bros, e 4 of s e see. 15. 93 acres, tp 15 a r 1 ivo-t- -. quarter Edward E.ntore. n e quarter of s e 22! t p 1! s r 5 vv ej 2 35 10 r sec 22, Erick-o- n quart iros, s t quarter of n 62 00 Edwaid Elmore, w half 01 w c quai I er sec 2 5, tj 11 e i 5 vv 80 acres 23. sec quarter 4 31 Edward Er.cksu't Bros, s w quarter of s j Elmore, u w quart r of h vv w cju irter si c 2 !, 40 acres, tp 'iat ler sec 21 tp 11 s r 3 6 23 vv 160 acres 15 s r t w imp 15 j i sec 9, quarter 1 w 3 71 imp Ownerunknown, n w S section 7, 5 acres, tp 12, s r 1 east V. Anderson, n w q sec 7, 5 acres, tp 12 r least Ownerunknown, a w U sec 7, 586 acres Isabellt McCune, n w , sec IS, 11 acres, tp 12 a r 1 east Geo. G. Ostler, n w sec IS, 11 aer?g, tp 11 s r least n Owner unknown, w q seclS, 17 , acres, tp 12 s r 1 east their voices. Owner unknow r, s w s e IS, luq to 12 a r 1 east The concert closed with Beetho- Davacres,Lebker, s q of a w q , sec 21, vens Hallelujah to the Lord, one Elizs20 nuree, tp 12ss Vrl east Wsrwood, o(sw , 'sec of the most soul inspiring songs of 2S, 20 acreR, tp 12 s r 1 east.... j Eliza Wurwood, st q of sec 2S, 40 this great author. acres, ip 12 r le isf ae q sec 20, 22 acres, tp John Professor Lund and his compny 12 s Gove, r 1 east of singers should be congratulated E. D. Svvazev, u w q , sec 12, SO acres tp 12s rl west upon the splendid concerts given in Owner unknown, s e q stc 3J, tp 12 r least, 19 acres s t Mr. city, especially when we NebofiuitCo. imnpjrs na property n e q see 12, 40 nc t 8 the fact that they gave their Swazey 12s Sons, r 1 west tp n v benq sec iJ, 80 acres, tp RD Swazey, services entirely free towards 1 The good work which the 1. Y. Academy Concert- company did in this city received words of praise from all lovers of music. The Sunday evening concert was well attended by an apptveir.C'-audience, who would have give), vent to their delight by repeated encores, but for the fact that it was the Sabbath. The music was of an exceptionally high order. After prayer by Elder Crawley, nthe concert opened with that gem 1 74 No. 27 lines Keuellv, n w quarter sec 160 acres, tp 12 s r 5 w Cnas. liigk-ye of n vv quarter et I. imp jiero nal pro- pert v Finis. Burley, n vv quitter of n 120 acres tp p quart ei sec 11 17 1 3 10 2 4 , 2 - 31 acres, tpllsrl t a, UN. n e n inter c 32, 10 John Love, 1 acres tp 12s r east, per propert y 11 57 Owner unknown, lot 1, blk (5, p a. 1 17 Ownerunknown, mvqiarti-- sec 32, .3 IS CO t p 12 9 r I t ast 9 40 John Green, blk 12. p a acres, of Mendelssohns Owner unknown, se quarter sec 32, Wm liatt, imp pi rsoiril property 3 56 19 37 sr w 1 73 81 acres, tp 12 9 rleast Win Houghton, lot 4, blk 9, p e, VV 15 vv Chits. s c of 8 ad Lord, the solos being sung by (pc.rter Ownerunknown. 8 e quarter 1 17 3, 77 imp perso oil property 3 aces, tp 12 9 r 1 e ist Mise- Ra m.sey and Miss Peterson. qu t'tcr sec 3 i, to acres tp 10 s 1 17 lot bis Owner .J, 9, IT c, unknown, p r 2 10 rn v Owner unknown, se quarter sec 32, wjp'ti b!k 7, p d I 55 Wm. Henri id. DELIXQUI I TAXES. These ladies have exceptionally 42 ll.trrv Kay, 2acres tp 12 s r 1 east proimp personal til Gar,i, Id, blk 9, p d, imp.. :s 10 S A Love, u w quarter sec 33, y acres, 92 perty b il contralto tine voices, Miss Uam.-ey- s 1 26 Fanny Zun.lkq s vv i of n vv 1 Utah Mmo imp. tp 2srleist properPed 22 Owner unknown, n w quarter sec 35 90 showing a tremendous range, her List of Dili ty Tax Piyers of Juab 80 Fanny ZundK n 30, acres, tp 2s r 1 east.. of s w 4 sec as low notes being equally EUREKA. plain Owner unknown, s w quarter, sec 22 2 10 33, lu acres, tpl2s ri cast n vv I of o 1 Zimdle. Comty, 'tat3 of Utah for 1333. and distinct as the high notes. Fanny Win Birdie imp e quarter see 5, $ 1 27 Owner unknown, sea 22, 1581 lines, t p 10 s r (J F Bridge 63 6 acres, tp 13s r 1 1 63 t imp Miss Peterson's soprano voice is of 1 e 3 0.5 Jos liruinlli, a i imp pt rsui.d lU'n- D. K. Brown, s e quarter o,t 2 29 of s vv J. see 27 acres t p 13 s r 1 e tst Crook, 3 40 Jos. le'tyis splendid tone, good range and the As required by law, notice is hereby Owner .v Fti.is i2un 2 53 o ntt pi up Tty s e quarter sec5, HI acres imp personal pmpety imp unknown, two voices blended together har- eiwn that the following named per- 6 37 53 '1 acres, tp 15s r 1 east 2 87 !)5 Cv L.ivi ess up tp lo s r 1 e I'nuruil (J. .nil l in 5 10 i sons are riehu p.nmt 111 the payment of John il.t..ue, u w qu ,r:er (J, UJ n K fo-see of Jos. Crook, 2S, Oi k i t 28 Fr,i no S 2J i, moniously. acres, 1 SO acres tp lo s r tpl;srle,st school, county, cmnty Owner unknown, la:e Flee Mate, ne Eureka Fn uno n w r Lig.it jit 0, quur.. Lund next gave a piano n mr iti-- C.) r e j of n w i 4102 ,soi at p- p u ty 4 acres, tp 13 3 rl e.,st 53 Starr school, clistri ;b and special school taxes eec 5. acres to s r 1 e .... 31 Fulleride tc Wrt.l ice 22 95 as lum to be Ownc showed which imp bill 0, 1 unknown, quarter solo, in J ti.tb coimiy the year Oi to the w n Co sc t Niet FalriiTinij) 3 s'2 hoc 5 43 Starr In 3sh acres, tp 15, sr least is he a singer. amount heiein filter specilicrf; ami that James E Cont-m2 55 2 71 Jacob Filguer lmn u e q lurt-ncrea tp 11 s r 1 e s c 9, ii good a inusicion as 1 63 mm ,5. 82 7J Starr Itridatmn Up h vv i to 13, s r 1 ,st piooerlv The bass solo, The Mighty Peep Hub said amoiints, together with the Johnacres 13 4 ,r0 n w ou irter ot a c ouar- C 35 Gemini Mmo imp ersona. (.rop u ty :. e fp 11 b r e Park, N e Li 'i. er 2 53 csts are au ir.er pud, 1 shall sell the, ters-c'34 Starr In ac.e o 13, s r 1 east inn Cp b w J fco u, . iga, u by 3Ir. Jenson was very good. He Ui ill ic i ,,i,il pr ). ei i y . . 2 f it rein a! ter described to sit- - John WnitbecK, s e q larter sc 9, 43 ci'e--- Ip 11 s r 1 e. imp. ... 2 1 5 J A 1! ivverb i iip 1 2S 1 01 has a good voice, though lie seem- p;o; erly tax a dn i costs in the man- - .DD'Ferron tn If s r imp 1 .8 'i i St ut James 11 u In n, na,. isfy iotvel 9. 2 h , s vv qunt1. 5 10 2 71, M rn T. li ed to us to be the possessor of a n.T ad in Sn 6, 35 acre's, tp J b r 1 7J acr i t,rl3 s r 1 ist . . . . by luv. Allred Jd.iKH pii-1171 s I. 'll lliot, . II Starr lirig inn Fn u vv V;.cc S. 17, q .! vdl b gm on the fair I Mon- C E S .i i p cold width somewhat marred the V It ilisi'.g;r I'.'iiv t 27 t p 13 s r 1 7) :i t ii s r 1 l 1' fi l ... srn27 . il ti. sec 7. r effect. P it it can be so- n that lie day ot December lsJC at twelve oclock O ner u i k i i v j n w n in - r v3 il m F ri Sf'ii ig .v ,, s.; ,v ci.i. 1 1 03 5 bK.oi.rt, r a ea 17, 77 02 155 in 11. 8 r i e acie,n ,ipn - qa i E L 'U s ' 175 i.. lias a splendid voice, and there is t.o ;ii at the fr.i.t of the county court O .vner u nkuow e.o 7, irr Ir.'igat mu110 ) s 1vv i ...7, i n " house in .Vej.hi ciity, Juab county, 5 i., i'j 2) 70 tp 11 s r 1 S Ii ; nrf- - rn 12 16 John s r o 0 acres tp 2 id ;i promise of a great singer in Mr. Utah stale where I will expose for sal DavidSll'da, n Bro.a.iajad, pi,. ni 115 s 1 M mu o y. nth Fu it 7, rn it g tir sec 8) 31, quarter Jensen. and sell at pubbe auction to l Do high-ca- t David 23 67 James N vp u imp.. ocr s tp 11 s r c Broadhead, n w quaiwrni suf-flvv vv 2S n .Sophia Eic imu pi s a. It Co toe Miss Ida Peterson's Norwegian bidder 8, te: fir 3c, Starr uinn cash, ng raq responsible quarter 3 S2 13 s r 1 east 1 b r 1 e 8 43 i f acre--4 34 MraWtilHau i.ihtp to real estate such mtof well was Soi 32 03 au Ri delinquent's Goi Echo executed, prop g, imp pernmal James W Broadhead, siu.-- half vv n uy.. its15 Cos I seo 8, Starr Irig Demis i Su livan imp p n w quarter siu 32, 8J acres the taxes and cost-- , and will contin2 33 acres, tp 11 s r 1 e 4 71 showing perfect command of voice; pay W e w pronerty s of James hat, Broadhead, w ue to sill from day to day until the pros e seo 8 of L4 i i Dominie 8, Corny, Sidney baret line acre-j 13s 8) intonation. seq,32, quarter tp with a splendid G 26 46 act.'s, tp 11 s r 2 55 Wm. T. Bianle, imp of such delinquents is exhausted 13 33 r I east imp perty Wm h Si river A Co imp L II Kier, s 1 of n w quarter N. L- Nelson, Professor of Rhet- or the taxes and costs pud. David Broadhead e hall ut h e quar147 93 sec- 17. 46, hoi es t j 11 s r 1 e. 80 acre v, tp 13 s r 1 sec prot erty ter 32, oric of the P. Y. Academy, gave a Robert Thompson imp personal 13 02 L II Keelet , s w i of n e i sec 17, Ily order of county commissioners. east, imp per prop.-rt13 80 properly 1), V. Oazieu, 40 uctes tp 11 Joseph Broadhead83 e hall u. .. vv imp perreading entitled, The Organist, Thomas imp Uena 255 sec acres 5, quarter sonal property coun ty, 6tate .j Mrs Flora Vernon iniji persaonal This is an exceptionally fine piece County C illector of nab Joseph Broadhead, vv ha f ot u e 17 s sec e of n e Thomas 2 99 i Kay, i property of quarter sec 5, 80 acres 40 acres, tp 11 8 r 1 e, 76 S WhIh in imp S n and the portrayal of the story was DatedUtah e oi Broadhead, quarter at Ncphi city, Utah Dec. 3, 18DG. Joseph 1 91 W O W.urona imp Thomas Kay. s e i boo 7 120 n e quarter sec 5, 20 acre tp 14 . dramatic Wai-oiin 61 i good style, 3 10 Sam 14 imp acres tp b r e given 8 r 1 east imp personal property MEIIII. 10 20 J S Watts imp David Broadhead, n e quarter sec St;u r Irrigation Co n w f sec 18, though we think that the professor James B Wright, Jots 1,2, blk 5, pa, 12 40 5, 20 acres So acres, tp 11 b r e EUREKA MOtii'GAGES. 56 David a e q trier oi. did not use enough dramatic force Broadhead, imp personal properly n sec e j Co 18, Stair i Irrigation . . 20 4 . lot 1, blk 6, p a. n e quarter sec 5, 40 acres David Broadhead, 102 acres, tp s r i e lo 81 T J Blu mnrtgige from G Hansen in some of the sentences. Professor Geo, G Outlet , lot lg eusl half of lot 2, David Broadhead, w half of n vv 6 73 and B Borsp w sec 18 13 Co of s Starr Irrigation ei i sec 4, 83, tp 14 s rle blk 12, p a, imp personal property Oo mortgage from umber Eureka quarter Nelson has a splendid tone of voice Edward 18, ho acres, w i of s e i sec 9 21 64 Morris, estatoe i , lot 1, blk W D B own.... imp 3D 18, 80 acres tp ll s r 1 e 15, pa, imp nersonal worerty.. 6 Owner u ukuown s e quarter see, A G Gearley morigacH irom L A and his pronunciation was perfect. 6 33 45'4 acres, tp 13 s rl west Tiugt-- , Cowan & Forest, 38x73 ft lot H7 50 Wilbams Starr Irrigatim Co, e half (of n w 4 20 The quartette of lady singers Owner ankuown, s w quarter see 4, blk 20 pa Chaa Caroline tiom mortgage Hays, 80 sec 19, acres quarter 1 01 John Hague, 111 It x 13 rds lot4, blk 36 56 8 93 ,9 acres, tp 13 s r 1 west C W Starr Irrigation Co, n e quarter Spinning Song, 21. pa, imppersoual property.... gave Yoegler's Owner unknown, s e quarter sec D L ose mortgage ir m V H Ben b w quarter sec 19, 40 acres, 81 Klssi tger from the Flying Dutchmen, which Nebo Salt company imp personal 3 64 J B 12, 46 siresn tpe 13s r 1 we,tsec 13, 5 6 41 tu s r east m ,. property qu irter Wright, John irom t h iot3, blk 27, p eni,.. 1 a 13 73 an r David forth west Co have Broadhead, e , 2 55 Starr Irrigation would brought tp John Ll, Mm quarter 6 52 a, imp personal 1 property Owner unknown, u e qu ir.er of sec 19, 96 actes, tp 11 s r John T opffl.18 mortgage Irom Au1 1 west core if it had not been the Sabbath. R S Eaiuntoii .... 13 s r 7 Cxll ft, lot 4, blk J acres a 0) 2 55 11 02 1 east 13, tp gust !t ly tfti'sen i 4 23 25. Pa . 12 32 E G Rjguon persou .1 property i. .on gag Ilan nal' The song by Miss Itamsay, In RS Ham. Starr Irrigation Cj., b e quarter aurnaj lion 57 6x214 ft lot 4, blk 7 65 D McL nd 3 10 NEPHI MORTGAGES. sec 19, 20 acres tp s r c Sweet September, was beautifully Adel28o,:pa Mary 1. XultiO u ortgage Cornelius 30 a sec lot blk , a, ne 2, p Ownerunknown, rtCazier, 53 qinrier Joh..sou 1142 Henry Forest and J W Pax n in ra'Kt- 77 19, 5 neoM. tp ll s r east imppersoual property rendered, her voice again showing ' 13 23 e Wyl r Childs and feiepm-- Lwnun from (JKF.io gsge ot Oik lots .r 2, 1, icl.on John s e Hague Martha Gartiein, tnor gage from Henry bioytaier 5 19 qu.uter sec 21 00 Mrs Ester L i wreiioe, in irtg .g-- iro .i to ail vantage. 3D, p a, imp 4 48 It G Wu ou & Aleck i Wiritt ir.ort- 19, 17 acres tp II s r east 4 (Jo Carier 9 tc 2,01kol,pa.. gag from Ileekiali W Brant.... 12 75 1 Starr Irrigation C, se qu irter The doublo male nmrtfd noin BF lligueandniortgite IdaR )Okwell3x13rds,h1k32pa, imp 2 10 AlmaKuileck C P..t'en 32 06 2 79 WFso iver mor.go e Irom Ellen B 19, idficres t p J Jos 'a blk another Elizabeth was UdailwL, 30 LO Loves Old Song, loti, vV San ird 7 00 Vickers&b ms mortgaalro nJ-la II K eeler, ii e quarter eec 20, 35, pa, imp 11 Sulllvau imu 7 00 .4'ige Uoiu a u Nome .3 72 P u r m ll 20 r s 38 n the le acres, lot q c R , 3, a, p tp being composed Eoote, quartette imp 53 82 John, 'Itiom.iR, o F a; U J imc 53 55 gen?, Gee phegim O.v ,. r unknown, h vv qu. trier sec property Hannah E Tucker moiigaee Irom fiu:n r" of Messrs. Fartridge, Whitaker and Johnpersonal 1 Oik o Vn.ers, 6 45 x ui'l'li..g ft 121 r 191 Hague, Feast, rils, 39 17 .9, Isa J Bullock tp 5 63 a 37, pa Keue. a vv q irter sec 30, Hannah E Tucker morigage irom E FA fi i.u 1. Utcn.r-1Stewart, tenors, Robinson and 1J Nancy nnrtade ilickmun, pmsonal property 30 63 t 2, acres, B Sanford 3 1! 13 5) Bow c, n J in tp li e v i eaRt, Lund baritone , J enson and Lroad-ben- t, Isabella McCunue, 6 ix6S P, lol- rt1,v 12 15 o sec Owner unknown, tpiaiter Oik 41, p n, iin p personal prop LEVAN. M AMMO fit. 55 bassos. 36, 10 actes, tp Ii s r east ... . Jcbn Hague & E J McUune, 53'jx119 5 01 Owner unltn s e sec irter e sec it win, Owner irter lot unknown, qu qi a, p ll, 2, blk.45, i 1 21 The piece of the evening was DavidS 13 pro.53 Aj ix Mining Co iimi tp 4 , s r 1 wtst 3 i. 3j itcres. tji It s r east Webb, lol 2, blk 50, pa, imp 7 7J O n25,r u 1 acre 315 k no II , II .V (jiirt-- r ty Vv Dlk n G a 51, pel p o Mrs with sec h lol3, Wheeler, iinkllOvVn, Annie Laurie variations, by (Dane quarter 2 1 s 1 1 13 52 s u i 13 r 4 90 Cu.idnn oui ;t if 5, Iat imp 11 21 a, imp 3 8 a 'res, tp s r ca-- t .... 69 and Isabejla 11 20 C.e n 15 m ire m ile, s e q i:i' t r S O Lavapess Imp Misses Ramsey, leterson I'ltCune. oi k 53, p a, .. . . . 51 Owner tiiikno.vn. s e quitter sec 115 3 t;i 1 s r 1 we-- t 1.3 1 2 i, Diamond John a , imp 4. A lot oik 57, p Love, 3, imp 6 16 Geo A G u.-- r, lot 12. ol ck 17, p a 2 t8 s r east 1 9,5 E It lore.,tin.D 30,125 acres. Ip ir Jones, which was perfect in both tiara.i I ersonai proo-- i 4 II F A 2 61 prvo-r.u w qu u ter .cc 31. 57 Gainer Neil p pro Imp erojuai DKB-owKejie, icriy. imp. lot voices 3, tlk 14, jib, inp 2, intonation and volume; the 9 63 Martha Morgm. lot 31, b.ock 13, p i Grand Centnal Mining Co imp per- acres, (j s r ty personal 14. SI 1)1 CO ro u ill property . property ofthewe three blending together S J Sctiofieid, propei .nip. ilv 4, Oik 23, p u, imp 10 3o sotial proper, y u 2 39 11- - idrick-en- , Ti S Harris lmu u lo. H, oi Tiv vv -, u S t inpersonal pro quin-4 81 R I) Swaei- an o a, ue.'a mi! pr ip i tv D Humphrey imp peisou.d pro- W with perfect ease. 25, proward EJ Elmore, imp persuual er pec 31. 13 u'uvs tp ll h r 4 (3 96 Wm. Siier vuil. lot 1,2, id iv 5.,,. ., perty 1 76 D S.vaiy a id Snus, a vv quar4 02 The soprano solo by Miss Sarah Heroe Il II 1 Harris 4!) F o. a property hi imp personal lot blk 32, p 1, 't Shavv, a c r ter sec 31, H.6 ,1','ics. p Alntrt Houston iu')p persoual prounknown, n 11vv s qr i trier Jones entitled Waiting showed Ja-i es H Bacon, lot 4, blk 4, p c, imp 5 60 Owner 1 53 c t .... 3 17 33. 2 ) acre, tp 49 82 perty c, mat p lot oik. east 5, 3, imp pers BamuelClaridgc, iirnfierty 1 72 2 s e won3 50 Sophia J Harris W quartersS1, this ladys voice to be one of imp u e R IJ hvrazev and .Suns, imp quar' 3 7 2 3J LG ea3t Hansen 6 acres Neil imp mi dsr tp p lot blk 11 1 12, pc, 2, Williams, ter sec 31, 59 acres, tp s r derful sweetness, her high notes Geo. Aiming Cj imp uBKDiwn, a e quur.er - e 30, 9 65 WM Pexton, lot 2. blk21, pc, imp 7 81 Owner 4 57 east 62 . ;.ci es, tp 11, s r e 1) CO property defined. and property persoual clear 31 1 lo sec s W quarter being , L Owner A n e sec block Junes imp unknown, Owmr lot B. unknown, quarter 1, 2, Annie Stidham, 1 34 105 22 acres, to 11, sr e ist 80 11 s r 2 22 the imp Prof. 9 591 Lund ;e BLoyl 31, gave 33, pc acres, tp By request 2 33 8 vv quarrer see 32 Owner 1 4J unknown, 33, LAMillusimp blk pc Eleanor Robinson , lot4, unknown, n a i sec 32, 421 6 3 51 old song Ben Bolt, which was re- John imp personal pioperiy 4 72 p d rcrei, tp 14, s r eait 3 28 Jno IOwea Hague, n V , lot 3, bikl5, b r 1 e acres, 8 05 tp & Lamb Imp 00 7 Price d blk iot 15, p 4, JUAB. Hague, n w i sec 32, 201 vived this last year throtfgh the John Owner unknown, perblk Robert Beagley, 21, pd, imp Continued on Fae 5. in acres, Ip 11 a r e 9 91 Mary E J Tay'cr, s ha'f of n 0 sonal property Trilby craze- This was well reaea-.- -- s-- r 1 st-- c M-- 1 12.3-6t- 1 11 . ev-- o.-- 11 I -- i i ; s.-- I : ' f . 1 1 -- r- Tro-fosso- 1 -. 1 1 L I 1 u rier-oi- 1 1 J s i . I ,1 !1 , 1 1 t i 1 . ed pie-cnh- , i v s -- -- - i I .1 ,!- - . t 1 , J v i , I i 1 i i ,n-Hol- i tla-- I ac-,- I - I ei - , 1 o- i -, 1 - - . srle 1 11 1 i 1 j 11 1 y 1 11 1 ur-re- st-- I 1 r 1 1 11 - 1 I j u 1 iJobur-taquesLl-tl- , I srle : VV 1 1 ) i 11 O-t- i , e-- li 1 1 . p'-o.- 1 1 CO V .V r 1 c- s- -c 1 , r- 1 1 ) -s 11 i i n, I 11 Mj-cr- 1 r i 1 nr-rt- i 11 I 1 1 j Thyg-rson- , 1 l 1 1 -5 1 1 11 1 - 1 |