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Show i TteRedublio, Nep&i, Utih, Saturday, Dec. 5 WITH DEAD COLISEUM EXCAVATIONS. FISH. the Dipper Saved the FarmFather was sick and the mot tgage on the farm was coining due, I saw in the Christian Advocate where Miss A. M. Fritz of Station A. St. Iouis, Mo., would send a sample combination dipper for is two cent stamps, and I ordered one. I saw the dipper could be used as a fruit tiller; a plain dipper; a fine strainer; jar a funnel; a strainer funnel; a sick room arminsr pan and a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the dipper such a necessary' article that I went to work with it and it sells at very near every house. And in four months Ipaid off the mortgage. I think I can clear as much as ?2t0 a month. If you need work can do well by giving this a trial. you Miss A. M. Fritz," Station A. t. I.ouis Mo , will send you a sample l'orl 8 two, cent stamps write at once. John G. N. How discovery of Christian Tombs of Different Periods. The Surface of the Lake was Covered-StranSight In Chicago. ge On Friday of last week a very curious result of a heavy storm which occured the previous day was seen in the Illinois Central slips at Chicago. The surface of the water in two slips was covered with small dead fishes, somewhat like minnows, but declared by fisherman phitheater have brought to light a to be very different from the ordinary number of interesting points. minnow. The water for several acres These excavations were started on in extent was literally white with the bodies. Several fisherman secured th square opposite the street lead- deadnets and began scooping them up, dip ing to St. John Laterau, aud were and in a short lime one man had continued along a zone, about 30 a sack full. I have meters wide, around the entire been around the docks for 20 years, monument, up to the beginning of said one fisherman, as he looked at the thousands of dead fishes, but I never the new Via del Sdrpemi. The saw like this before, They ancient pavement of travertine, mustanything have come from a long distance which surrounded the amphitheater out in the lake for they are not the was found at a depth of four and a kind of minnow that is found close to half meters below the present level. shore. "What drove them in hero is than I can explain. No fish could Tnis subsidiary zone of the monu- more live in the water of Chicago river, and ment measured 17.6 meters in getting in it must be what killed them width. Along the edge of this But what was the cause of their compavement the ordinary street pave- ing here,, unless it was yesterday's ment began, made of the large po- storm, I cant understand. Tlio excavations which have been, carried on f late around the Coliseum at Rome for the purpose of giving a m ore complete view of the best preserved side of the am- i-3- - We Forfeit $1000 for lygonal blocks of basaltic lava. The paviug blooks were in par t wanting, as the ancient pavement was. mostly destroyed in 1SS2, when water conduits were put in and the width of the pavement could, therefore, not be exactly determined, but it was followed to a The space width of 10 meters. which surrounded the amphitheater was limited legally by terminal cippi, or boundary stones, placed between the area of travertine and the pavement of the public street. Five or six of these cippi were preserved in their original positions, on the eastern side of the monument. owing to the fact that they were incased in the foundations of the ancient Church of S. Giacomo de Coliseo, demolished in 181o. The cippi are of travertine, and terminate in a semicircle. Throughout this entire surrounding area of the Coliseum Christian tombs of different periods were discovered. They are placed at various levels, some being on a level of the ancient road of the amphitheater, others at a higher level, and a number as high as two meIt seems ters from the roadbed. probable that the majority of th ese tombs were connected with the church which stood on this site, and of which no traces remain. Those tombs are built of tiles and covered by caps; some of the tiles were stamped and came from ancient buildings which have been destroyed. One of the latest tombs, bel ong-in- g to a group on the highest level, dates evidently from the seventh century, judging from an inscription engraved on a marble slab on the front of the tomb. This inscription closes with a formula of imprecation, menacing the violator of the tomb with the punishment of Judas, and this very imprecation is found in a number of inscriptions of the seventh century, with several changes in the wording of it. In earlier inscriptions of the fifth and sixth centuries the praj'er that the tomb bo not violated is never followed by any imprecation. At the of point where the larg) groan these tombs w.i fo m 1 tore was discovered, in tin f ) 1.1 1 it.ous of 1 the hole, a large ;:ilar in ns of travertine, preserving a portion of its planter coating, on which was a to fragment of fresco belonging The about the eighth century. w ith saints two fresco represents circular nimbus and robed in long tunics which are decorated wi h Greek crosses. Each figure holds his right hand raised to Jiis brcat; the one on the right holds a crow n, the other an open book, New 1 ork Inbedender.t. can be preserved if it is not fired as soon as it is picked. Wc claim that green tea leazes cannot be shipped thousands cf miles : iibont decaying, any more than the loaves of - ny other plant. - - tt-- 1 The oldest speciment the snake of family known to the American naturalists, not taking into consideration the the two headed snake and other monstrosities of that ilk, is the horned rattlesnake, which, up to a lew years ago, w as thought to be one of the rarest as well as one of the most poisonous of serpants. Prior to the time when Dr. C. Hart Merriam made the famous picked in the choicest garden districts of T Japan is iired immediately, in oar own J 8 establishment, and carefully packed for ship- - ? s It arrives in America in condition r.ew, fresh, nent. first-clas- the best tea in packages imported. trial will prove oar statement. deiicate, k. fall-flavore- .7 L V ;i. J. Erandenstihn P5 A' . A d & Co. San Francisco and Yokohama If you wish to try it send 13 two cent stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St. Louis, Mo., and she will send you is a good wav to make samplo outfit, Miss Tina W. money around home. tl-.i- s V7e it Yourselfl I saw one of the Peoples wind mills which I saw recommended in your paper 40 and is a recently, it only cost me splendid mill; my well is deep, but it pumps it all right and with very little wind; the neighbors all like it, anil as I am a kind of a carpenter, I ha o agreed to put up nine mills already, on which I can make a nice protit, and there are many others for wliom I can put up mills this fall. I dont see why every farmer should not hav e a wind mill, when they can make it themselves tor less than Sid; anyone can get diagrams and complete directions for making the wind mill by t stamps to pay postsending IS age, etc., to Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. and there can be dozens of them put up in any locality by anyone that has the A Farmer. energy to do so. Good Wind Mill-M- ake What! Sell Them. 1 LONG TIME Paymsnts. Easy Death Valley exploring expedition, in 18P2-9but few specimens of it, and those mostly from the western desert had been collected. The regions, Death Val'ey explorers say that Death Valley is literally alive with them. Churning Done In One Minute. I have tried the Lightning Churn, you They have horns on top of their heads recently described in you paper, and it and are the smallest rattlers known. is certainly a wonder. I can churn in two-Pen- less than one minute, and the butter is elegant, and you get considerable more butler than when you use a common churn. I took the agency for the churn here and every butter maker that sees it buys one. I have sold three dozen and they give the best of satisfaction. I know I can aell HI0 in this township, as they churn so quickly, make so much more butter than common churns and are so cheap. Some one in every township can The New Hook Spoon Free to all. in the Christian Standard that road I Miss A. M. Fritz, Mai ion A., St. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone sending her ten 2 cent stamps. I sent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends, and made $13.00 in two hours, taking ord ers for the spoon. The hook spoon is make two or three hundred dollars sellhousehold necessity. It cannot slip o ing these churns. By addressing J. F. the dish or eooki ng vessel, being held A Co., St. Loins, you can get cirin vhe place by a liook on the back. The Casey culars and lull information so can spoon is something that housekeepers make higrnoney right at home. you I have have needed ever since spoons were thst made Ssi) the two weeks and I have invented. Anyone can get .a sample never sold past in liiy life before. anything spoon by sending ten stamps to A Far vn: it. Prices and tGrms to suit every one. Temple of Music, 232 S. Main. LAKE CITY. SALT For particulars call on W. L. Roe at this office. in-r- Miss Fritz. This is splendid wav to make money around home. Very truly, .1 2 -- .38 EN N LI A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine. Will some of your rea lers give rno a good recipt for making a cold starch? I g Hat irons aud iron Labrador, according to a local tradi- am selling tion which the gleaners of folk lore con- a little at every house and have to use some starch even place and want know sider of much importance, is the land how to make a good cold starch. Mv to which Cain was banished after the husband was in debt and I being anxious g through I would sell murder of Abel. That country, accord- to help him flatirons and I am doing splen. ing to the legend, was cursed by G id didlv. A cent's worth of fuel will heat with perpetual silence on the day when the iron for 3 hours, wo you have a pereven beat. You can iron in half it wus granted to the first murderer. fectly the time and no danger of seoreliii g the Ceitain is it that the wnole region has clothes, as with the old tron, anu you been silent and desolate ever since it can get the most beautiful gloss. I Veil at nearly every house, as the iron saves was first known to white men. so much fuel everybody wants one, I made 1.50 oil each iron and have not sold less than ten any day I worked. My brother is doing well and I think anyone Make your Cwn Lantern. can make lots of money atijwhere sell J. F. CAS MV A CO., St. Your home is incomplete without it, ing irons. will start anyone in the busiMo., Louis, I reach all. and the price is within of did me, if you will address as ness, they one use for my own ordered and it was Mrs. A. Kvsskli,. so handy' and convenient I went to tak- them. ing orders foro them.85and sold 51 in one clear. It gives a er day making Cains Us8 Three Crown Baking Powder. ETTK S. Lam). self-heatin- pur.czT OUR titlD CEST. . ... r 7- - T GROCER CELLS IT. ai ...y Y solf-lioatin- - HEWLETT BROS. SALT LAKE CLTY, UTAH J. A, Booth, Dr. v For 34 years the Ladiug hcil in THE Southern Utah. DENTIST- - Refitted; Re- medied arnfi Replete with erery beautiful white fight, chimney's never Convenience. There Is Nothing So Good. break from heat, ii is always clean and Ia-cFrancis St. I.ouis Mo., ready'. There is just as good as I)r, will send sample f r li two cent, stamps, King Newnothing Ibr consumption, Makes a Specialty of Gold Crown and Sample Rooms tor Commercial Travelers. Discovery write for one. I g a my start from him. Colds, so demand it and do aup Coughs Free Bus to aid from depot. Georgia li. not permit the dealer to sell you some subBridge work. Teeth wlthoet plates. and feed stable connected with it. Livery stitute. Jle will not claim thero is anyi. J j in but to order make moic thing better, v. 25-3- 8 - CT"3 protit lie may claim something else to be good. You war t Dr. Kings New Discoveiy Iwcause you know it to he sale and reli rule. and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, on and all affections of Throat, Clast and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr King's New Tri Iot fiee at all Drug Stores ut.d Dealers. ICgular sizes GO cents and 81. on. just as LOCALKSEASE and is the resu't cl colds cr.it sudden camauc changes. For your Protection t'1.1 tte 'iv stale that remedy (l.ts not contain mercery or aay other injurious aeir. t'o'-.tiv- . a is CjifLY'S , U . ccr' ! o Ay ' Building, UVIctixi 4. SUt. Proprietor. TJoxplii TUtnla. ! a too THE i A keo".. ' ci - cure to V,.. rmoedu a. s Ancienl Egyptian Gifrethod? of agriculture nre not ap-plicable to the wont of the Amen-cafarmer of today. If you wrh - to keep fully informed of the best ways and means of successfully both farm and orchard ygTowin? crops by the aid ot trrr.tiun you t read a journal devotvd to this icular subject. lo you wish to i '' profit by what others have learned at the expense of a- - immense outlay of time and money? lOca num-J beror la year is the cost of the I t J only magazine which will pive you ; j the desired information. It is handZ, some, practical and instructive. - - .THE IRRIGATION AQE, CHICAGO. PbllfMbyaE,HRUNO. f. II. GOLDSBROUGII, V 1 to tkerorg'i a, Co d in Head and l'ay Fever of a, It oi clo..isefi the r. passages the pores, pro allays pa'n ai a tecta thp inemhr me trout cohb, restores these.ic and mtx Z. irtt p tor. at rr. gluts or V, mail of KLY .HUOul iinK'S, oti Warren btieet, hew York i,i Wool Growers Con-sum- BALW A Money to Loan. In anv amount from odp hundred to ten thousand dollars. On improved farm property or on water stock. Recorder. T. C. Winn. County A Pride of Japan (Tree) Tea Marry This Girl Quick. I saw in your paper that a 13 year old bov made $1.28 the first hour he worked selling the lerfeetion Metal Tip Lamp-wicI ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared flu, t he second week I cleared $1". 1 expect to run up to $25 a week in the near future, as the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwiek makes such a beautiful white light and does away with sinokey chimneys and had odor and saves oil, it is easy to sell. A The Horned Rattlesnake. of to.- two-bush- . that the flavor and aroma any showing to the contrary !!ow to Prevent Croup. me reading iliat will prove interesting to young mothers. How to guard Hjan.'-- t the disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to po-- t them concerning the cause, first sympton s and treatment is the object of this item. The orgin of croup ts a common cold. Children who are subject to it fake cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptim Is hoarsdess; this is soon followed by a pe- bright aod attractive J0 CITY The Fines: Lines D ?. N A L LIQUOR aid most 1 STORE, complete Liquors and Cigars in Nephi. Devoted to letter writing and corres- Falists and Salt Lake beer cn band. pondence, especially adapted to those who are downheaited, lonesome and Courteous treatment to ail. will fine In it you pleasure lonely. J. R. Edgheill Prep. and happine'S. Through it you may culiar rough cough, which iseasily recog- find peace at heart. Send 10 cents lor nized and will nevpr be forgotten by one who baa heared it. The time to act is a three monthe trial subscription to & when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlains Cough Remedy is all tendency to croup will soon disClatliiErs, appear. Evpd after the croupy cough has Indianapolis, Ind., U. S, A. developed it will prevent the attacks There is uo danger iu giving this remedy WHOLESALE RETAIL for it contains nothing injurious. For And read the! addresses of many atsale by A. Lunt & Sons. Main St. Salt Lake City. tractive young men and women that are wealohy and live in luxry, who decan sire a correspondent. of some sample Kanied-f- in Wanied-f- BARTON freel-give- mtr thrr you Trtyft Writ JOHN WbLtDEKBUKN CO., Patent pv ' f f t.iliic ). pi aud Hut of ,ro hundred i.vcnUoua CO. Letters PublishingCo. idea Idea in Proscl n AtXot- KiLvZ Little Gariy Risers. DeWitts famous Tbs littla pills. Wnl JOHN fbc WteiiJtiKfcGHN ! , j'...UsiaiOi lwifi'u4 kfcAiJl'l Aud frHnff yon Oo , P V I fc . ik W f |