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Show fb 2 Wise Words. Money There is no action of man in this life which is not the beginning of so long a chain of consequences as that no human providence is high enough to give us a prospect to the end. Thomas of Malmes- I It Yourself! Make ft ft ft ft We are never without help. We have no right to say of any good work, it is too hard for me to do; or of any sorrow, it is too hard for me to bear; or of any sinful habit, it is too hard for me to overcome. Mi save as it has issued in the lovo that seeks men and tries to do them good. ller- man Packard do Forest. a will ELECTRIC BITTERS. ft ft There is no such thing as patriotic art and patriotic science. Both art and science belong; like all tilings great and good, to the whole world, and can be furthered only by a free and general interchange of ideas among contemporaries, with continual reference to the heritage of the past as it is known to us. Goethe. ft SPECIFIC FOIL t La Grippe, for Gelds, Goughs, AND LUNG TROUBLES, AYERS C E. l CongTr CHERRY PECTORAL Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver Ls torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial jxiison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 60c or $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Stores and a word TO SAY TO YOU. fleher M We. Governor T. H iinmor Secretary of Stale Janes ChipmifV Treasurer Moreau Klehards J Auditor A. C. Bist Attorney Genera) John R. Pit of Instruction Pubhc Supt. C. N Zane. G. W Bard Judge of Supreme Court J. A. Miner. Judge Fifth Judicial District.. .... E. V. Higgiu( Senator, Seventh District.. Jam P.DriHcOxL Member Lower House Adelbert Cazier. Brvon Grot? Registrar Land Office Receiver Laud office Frank Harris. i dont turnaway but listen to the f secret. AhseMHor and Collector.... D. W. Cazier Clerk and Recorder .William Burton, Thomas Winn Edward Pike Attorney ...T.C. Hanford Surveyor Wm Ockey Treasurer Coroner Euatioe ...... Schools Miller ..JohnT. Snpennteudent publishers of the Republic have determined to give the citizens of Nephi a splendid opportunity When the ot helping along a good work. to the known made Republic was started, it was people that the intentions was-t- giv e il t citizens of Juab county a thorough paper. No four page nonentity would be launched upon a g public, but an eight page newspaper having full reports of all happenings in J uab county. This, we feel satisfied, has been up-to-da- up-to-da- long-sufferin- accomplished. NOW FOR THE SECRET. deiuers. Another Smart Woman. is poor but proud and he husband My does not want me to work; as I have nottiing to do I get restless, ami after reading in your paper Mrs. Russell's exflatirons I perience selling concluded I would try it. I wrote to J. F. Casey & Co., St. t.ouis, Mo., and they treated me so nicely that I felt very much encouraged. As soon as I got my sample iron I started out and sold irons the first day, clearing $12. I have not sold less than eight atty day since, anp one day I sold 17. I now have J225 clear money, and iny husband does not know I have been working, but I am afraid lie will be mad when I tell him. Have I done right or should I quit work acd leave him to struggle alone? An Anxious Wifi You are doing just, rigat, your husband should bo proud of you go right ahead and show the world what an energetic woman can do. That mm must lio a wonderful seller, as wo hear of so many that are succeeding selling it. self-heatin- g self-heatin- g Win. PaxmaQ Xepui; President., and James V. Paxn. diaries Sperry ; Nepal Counselors. WARDS. Eureka Peter Juab Levan Mona Nephi BISHOPI. Lautensoe! Robt. C. Stevensoi X. P. Rasmusuei Jas. H. New tor Wm. H. Warner T. H. G. Parkes Tho. Orgill, P. E First second Wellington CTABt KNAC1E AND WARD SERVICES Services eery .Sunday in the Tabernacle at oclock p. in. Sabbath School 10 oclock a. m Y. L. M. I. Association meetiugs are held in the First ward every vVednesday evening and in the Second Tuesday evenings. Primary meetings every Saturday at 3 oclock p. m. High Priests meetings, first Saturday in each month at 2 o'clock p. m. The Republic Publishing Co. are determined to be to the fore in enterprise, therefore we shall issue a s, Tendd Christmas Edition, of sixteen pages. Consisting of Christmas stories, scientific articles etc. by LOCAL W ' ; ITERS. And full of general information to the citizens of thi enterprising city and county. i 2 Presbyterain. Rev. O. S. Wilson, pastor regular services, Sunday at o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. Braver mesting at "oclock p. in. Wednesdays, Sunday school at 10 oclock a. hi. 1 1 FURTHERMORE To all subscribers who will pay up in advance we will give the NATIONAL RECORDER (a weekly Journal of scientific inventions, etc.) and the .NEP1H REPUBLIC for one year at the low price of $2.00 7 THIS OFFER IS ONLY OPEN TO JANUARY 1st, 1S97 Methodist. And Sunday School at 9 oclock a. m. Maud Charley said his head went Regular services Sunday 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. A. Smith, Pastor. around and around just before he is open to old subscribers as well is new. popped. Ethel Oh, well, he is so used to opening bottles, you know D. S. POST OFFICE. 4 Arrival and Chance to Make Money. I read how one of your subscribers made money selling Dishwashers; I or- Closing A A of at Malls Nephi Post Office. dered one, and my lady triends were charmed, as they hate dish washing. My brother and I commenced selling them, and have made $1,700 alter pay ing all expenses. We dont canvass any. Our sales are all made at home. Feojdo come or send for them. The Mound City Dish Washer is the best Dishwasher on the market. Our business is increasing, and we are going to keep right on, until we make ten thousand dollars. We sell from 5 15 machines every day, and some days moro The Dishwasher is lovely, every housekeeper wants one. There is no excuse to be poor when so much money can be madoselling Dish Washers. For lull particulars, address The Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, Mo. They will start you on tho road to suc- Eeapeu. Excuse me. observed the man in spectacles, Out I am a surgeon, and that Never you is not where the liver is. mind weere his liver is, retorted the It it was in his big toe or his other. left ear UeWlts Little Early Kisers would reao it and shake it for him. On A. that you can bet your Luut & Hons. A Churn That Churns In One Minute, have been in tho dairy business all my lifs and have many times dunned lor an hour before butver would appear, so when I heard of h churn that would churn in a minute, I concluded to try it. Every day tor a week used it, and not only could 1 churn in a minute, but I got more and better butter than with the common churn. This is very important infnration to butter maker. The churn and will churn an oidinar.v work churning in less than sixty seconds. have sold two dozen of these churns in the past month. Every butter maker that has seen me churn in less than a minute bought one. You can obtain all desired information regarding the churn J. F. Casey A Co., Nt. by addre-sm- g Louis, Mo., ad they will give you prompt and courteous attention. 1 I SOME PEOPLE WONDER IF Amt IVAL. From Sanpete and sout eastern Utah From all points north including vast- ern, western and Tmtie mails.... From the north ami south a 11 .05 11 :05a Closing. For Sanpete and southeastern Utah. 10:45 ( For all points north including eastern western and Tmtie Mails.. 3:lf? 8 .45 For all points north and sonuth OFFK E i Are getting better. IV e eannot fay as to that, but ItE PUBLIC is determined to keep abrest of J HOURS. SUNDAYS. General deliveij anu stamp window open 1 p, m. H. F. McCune, P. M. from 12m. to GEO. C. WHITMORE, President. W. S. MoCORXICK, TINGEY, Cashier. FIRST rmTIGHAL BANK of UEPH5. THE TIMES And shall endeavor to give the people of this county a live newsy, sprightly, catchy, consistant and conservative journal. The First for the Her;s, First for the People and First for Juab OcunS. will Continue to be Independent Capital 0530,000. Surplus, 37,300. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS. T A BANKING IN BRANCHES. GENERAL Nephi C:ty, ALL ITS Utah. Address Communications to Dairyman Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold ; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advise me to consult a physician. Noticing Chambedatns Cough Remedy advertised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung 1 procured a oottle, and after taking it a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend tnis remedy to anyone suffering with a cold. the Q General delivery, money order, registry stamp window open from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. C. S. THE TIMES ea-i- ly "We Have The most complete and and up-t- date o W.M. Kiel, 678 Shelby Ave., St. Paal, WAGONS, MOWERS BINDERS, Minn, For sale by A. Lunt & Sons. and REAPERS The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells of East Mass., had been suiiering lrom Highest Honors at Worlds Fair. Brimfield, for two days, not being able to neuralgia HolCleanse the System with Aver'i SersaDsrilla. In fact, everything necessary for sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. den sent her a bottle ol Chamberlains farm work. Call and inspect Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a trial. On meeting Mr. Wells thorough WAITED AT.ONCF: Active agents for each the next day he was told that she was all our goods. her within two county. Exclusive control ami no risk. Will right, the pain havingofleftPain Balm was bottle clear 12 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose hours, and the worth $5.00 if it could not bo had for less. stamp for full particulars, or 25o for fl sample. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A. Lunt Bio RArins Mineral Watlb Co. Big Rapids & Sons. m Utcvli. Ayers Cherry Pectoral Wm. Bailey Mich. te CITY OFFICER E. R. Booth Mayor; Counciimen ; Jas, F, Wright, John Sidwell, Martin Larson, John Ellison, Alfred Lunt. O. P. Goldsbrough Recorder; ..James Schofield Marshall; Abrabain Urine Treasurer; Wm. Stout City Justice; ; j T. L. Foote City Attorney Water Wm. Works; Supt. Bailey gig-lamp- s. mo, but, in spite of his attendance, I got ho better. Finally, my husband, rending one day of a gentleman who had had tlm grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, I was cured. I have used the lectoral for my children and in my family, whenever we have needed it, and have found it a specifio for colds, coughs, and lung troubles. Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. TLe o Charles Foote Hugo Deprezin A. L, Jackman J. T. Sullivan . So Juab Stake cess. Two years ago, I had the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing the medicine as often as lie found the things I had taken were not helping Allen liauG STATE urFICERS. Force of Habit. ft Exert your talents and distinguish yourself, and dont think of retiring from the world until the world will bo Barry that you retire. I Jiate ar fellow whom pride or cowardice o laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing while he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark. I)r. A j Selectmen K ft Frank J. Cannon. Arthur Brwn. Senators Delt-jrat- e Sheriff The love wo have to God is realized in our love to men. It cannot abide alonf. They who have thought to gain it by retirement and meditation have found it only ft U S. JUAB COlMY DIRECTORY. ft L 17 c Dire:tory. patented it, but let everybody use it free. Any fanner can make a mill himself, and all t lie material complete will not cost o er 10. It is a splendid mill, will pump the deepest wells, and will last Ionizer than any mill I eer had. Any person can pet diagrams and complete directions free, as I did, by sending is to pay postage, etc., o Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo.; he sells pumps also an when you pet your wind mill going would be glad to stll you a pumpifyoU need it. It is certainly useless to pay $50 or $ for a wind mill when you can make one just as good for 510, I think there could be big money made putting these mills up through the country ase very body would like them. A Keaduii. Elizabeth Charles. There will be a harvest from every sowing. Not) one grain of the holy seed of love can be lost. The life may sink away, and seem to have perished, but from its grave will come an influence which will be a blessing in the world. J. R, Miller. SaWa; Dec. 5 State Officers and Juab County I have never seen in the papers about the Peoples Wind Mill; we cal it the Peoples because the inventor ueer ps bury. epublie. Nepld, Stab EPU Publishing Co. Noplli, V |