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Show li Tha Republic ephi, Utah, Saturday, Not. Farm Notes. South DaTuta can raise wheat at a cost of 53. 15 an aero, including 1.5:1 fur ground rent, which is leaver than in any other state. Yet in that slate ths average ciop will n A pay that eo-- t at present selling prices. Foreign lemons are being shipped into New York in such quantities and are selling so cheaply that the California growers have abandoned the Atlantic coast markets and will push their sales in the interior west. There were 63,135, 113 passengers carried over the 10,500 miles of railway in Illinois last year, with a loss of only twelve lives, or one out of 5,290,151. The number injured was as one to Nephi Her Resources, tlH d SHEEP ATTENTION. Advantages Attractions. 7 .ViEN. , The Denver & Kio Grande B. It. on en'argc.a theii July 1st improved and e Paso. corrals at Tene-sesheep . Nenhi Citv is ado, w here there is ine Brest of mountain ri.ffc.h. iis .t nutur.tl Its ac- j rra?3 and clear u n nin it water, whicn D ;.re 'ly v lvsoim of Agriculture: i2 of I .inifulta.: ,:u oftlesnfep mriu-tr- v nml Mi lre f co-- tv tne Fuoep men. The com-- t Dunpr-rvand Notith pany has aleO led sleeping accomo-i- lo 1'ie Norths Wt l laiul-- j , a large aroaof as fine as can be found in Utah. Abundant erop of nations, which will bo K6pv especially cereals and alfalfa bless the Jabor of tn huv fjjf sheep Qdcn who stop there ta gra1 bandireu. To me North, thousands of acres of natural meadow, watered by large springs, their sheep. YVe enn handle your mu'4, spread out like a grvat emerald carpet. Tne for all eastern markets. Before ordeij; vegetable gardens of Nephi are unexcelled in the west. Its fruit anu that of its contigu- your cars, be sure and write for fart, f ous towns, is as perfect as cau be growu in information to either this latitude. B. F. Neyixs, General Agent, one of The a- i , l.u-iutiu.i-.nx.i- . u-- - PRINTERS . 1 SUPPLIES 1 t . vi t asrru-ultnra- wrapplrg . i i Office r fers, plain and Printed Th ..es. Cutters, etc. ANDSiii-Rooa- s: WEST i'HiST SOUTH ST 23 ' wool industry of this locality, is in Utah, and is such as to demand the George A. IIawkbs, Traveling Fre.. attention of two wealthy firms and large Aeect, warehouses for the storing and handling of A. J. Gregory, Traveling Freieh the product. larjre--- t Go. WECILSAL DEALERS IN Oe-w- PiCTO-- 1 Ii!3 & D:Ti9f LOCAL TIME CAUD. A couple of miles east of the city, and near Agent. 58 West 2nd isou.i) b;. , Ailt Lake the mouth of Salt Creek Canyon, is a veritable city. lu etTeet, April-5- , 1805. mouutain of pure cryrtalized gypsum. ConTrain arrive and depart at various fitatiout venient to the quarry, is a complete mill for daily a follow s: Mexico shipped four hundred carminding and refilling the product which is . North-bounStations. bein'? continuously shipped to the inter-mouArr. Arr. Leave Leave loads of oranges ta the United States tain states of the Pacific Coast, 300 tous last 2.30 am 2.10 pm .... Ogden ... . 5 0pm F 00 pm mouth being the output. durloads hundred six and last year, :t 'H am 3 !i pm Ar Salt j Lv 4 UO m 7 00 pm Up Salt Creek canyon and north eastrelv am 0 tH) pm Lv ( Lake i Ar 9.45 urn 0 30 pm ing the season just ended. The loss of about nine miles, pure salt springs gush from pain, $.id.tin ft the mouutain side, and by means cf one of the pm Sandy.... 9 15 ain ft 01 pn the Florida tre?3 maJa this possible. most complete salt manufactories in the Uni9.25 am .. Fairfirld .. 4. 24 pm btales, the brine is converted into table, It requires 15,000,000 cows to supply ted None But Ayers at the worlds Fair. LL45 am . . . Eureka... 3.2U pm dairy and packing salt that has but few equalsis and milk its for demand world. no brine The the products and superiors in the tne evttry 35 per cent, suit and the supply practical y Ayers teen the 8.4 am 7.t0 pm .Lehi June! . S 40 am 5 24 pm in this country, and the products of unlimited, lu addition to the manufactured ordinary distinction of Paving 8 .'0 am 7.iv) pm Ainern hork 8 9 am 5 IS pui an tilood purifier only product, there are several mines or quarries CO, 000,000 acres of land to feed them. Grove SSHim 5 12un be j the Worlds tnir, Ghie ico. M mufacturt ;i ds a m 77 J7 pm Ileas't of rock salt, the extent of which h) pm . ...Rrovii ... Sooam 4 52 pin -- 1 jo am I a s e '.l'. t !0'.' of whole Great computed. y 1S30 ery of other ers the sareap.. In tonnage 7.." 9 o am pm Spanish I ork 7.41 am 4 24 pm a shots irg ct tn. r means to obt.-us 12 pm ... Litsou... 7Jara 4'2tpia 9 57 am the Asa tPstributlng point, Nephi recognizes Ihitain was but 2,000.000. To-da- y 3 35 11 nm! all were tutred essay to am U) rthel P.rom but they Nephi piu but one sonmor in Utah. It is the key l Tll . Lv ft ') am llt u5 pm Ar the advantage of two appiication 01 the lule U rb.tiumk' tonnage register shows 0,090, 00 J tons of. Soutnem Utah, and with 5. i f am Lv Ar lo and out and to .o.nes the east pm ir.uiifti south, i.i. uf? V of patent try ) I Oi am steam and 5,000,000 of sailing vessel-,o firm--Learning tori 2 :' am , poiut in The dicisiou oi the v oi ids tair autiuri-- l question, the Oasis. . 2 on ain i dm LO of manufactories LIdIi vva ul.i Far of the in favor has pni Delaware tits b am largest peach crop and v i Ayers 2.5) aui Clear Lake ii,.i9c.-,- . ns effect an follows: ft 25 am Aim Mil- Lv 9.10 pm "Ayers it baskets and since 1ST5, about S C iru f 5 a 7 Lv ford not am Ar medicine, oil.t ut! is s of Nephi as a residorce Tho a t patent s. .5 am ....I risco.... 7.3J pm in tbeir arietv. It is situ-a- t belong to the list cf nostrums, it .s lipje growers have offered them :s low as 2. r.v, n. in e ..pie Leave Arrive nn aii'.o-.- t the highest poition of the on itsnicrits. cents a basket. tuat nil IIS the flow of waters north into Sleeper on No. 1 South, TnesU.v, TaursJay riv.Our and into the qvw L tail lake .mil lay. Montana hoa Is the list this year as er, on si nrd to the Set n r lake tne deeper mi No. 2 North, M talaji, Tnes-d.- t s aiul t nda.v s. Its Millord altitude, gravelly followed of in sea County. by to the number sheep, soil ;u,.i j i licet lintniare insure the, best oi Trains souh of Juab run daily except Sun m siu-liMexico New that and Ohio in a'tli, in I'm t, the eeinluums are I) a i California, occurred m oi il j .tii.-- .,1 i.uttsso Two through trains daily from Salt I Lot lkC the order named. of nearly urn ' a ipu.i-l.nns e y e.ii s Uoarijing City LiivO all points Lto-t- . rilie anil progressive. i ill ens are t.inltj Sait T trough Pullman Palace Sleepers fr'j-siia-iThe state firms in North Carolina its trees, of laroe avenues iikiunl s. siieets r L.ti- e to l i f? without e!u no r uieago and Lrf l.tssns c l.auuiul eleyimt coses ham ho at 'v d Toun- -' G i Li I. C . i S I where the convicts are employe 1, pei s. llVM LiiU model n pul. lie bmkinys, liu.i.e of Nephi a ! n uecbmng U air ear-- . 5,099 acres in corn and 4, 00') acres in place m vs Iiieli ii!e is a real luxin-ydav 'Mill Nr pi i. 'j - uidy fine eoaeties. Main Street tug riming ear service. cotton. H Vue shrlest ojutt line to all puiiitN u; 'tiled vv itb a complete svtein of atd wter from the Iiovn wl.ick er-or.-' The number of Mm? p in the country o three milt's up tlic i tii'str.iit D. WICK INS, Agent, Nepu. jjurc pi ih nloit live imie, the lias decreased in the last two years from t aij.von. To the west D. L. Pnrloy, (Ici'l Agt. Iepl., low , roiHim anti of ea-- y ac is & ruujde muuptaiu ( hiv ri'eket Oiiice, 20i Main st.,Salt l.ake. 53,000,000 to less than 43,090.000 head. tiiul ji bo u ini d ? w Uh ,Ild.i pa "ti1 1ac. To K. Ticket Art. and r.otnax JJ.iSKgr. ,lh'nl the Ncbo vanpt of n!e-,the e.Oit a P!-- ' E. Dickinson, Geu'l Mugr.t Umaba dOr"? There are more than o00,030 tele- anruoly roiq tohio liOitli cast a lew nub s 1J. S. II. Clark, URiiiii jl J) into the reg.ous of t ne is)) o f 21 1. c oo l ist-i Oh er W. Mmk, phones in the United States, and they eurual row . E. Ellery Anderson, RETAIL are used m re than 2.909,039 times WHOLESALE John W. Witiout exacration and without coloring, h rerieriek i.L ouriert, th of lion ioel desei a it the foi .uing is daily. Receivers. Like St. Main Salt in . ol City. Juab Uonnty the of oitv aptal is won-cheese of ' appar- whieii etc lo.ind ibo mines of 1 mile, the The consumption atlitittMUon oi the.iral Vfe-- t. 3 1 is hold to ho a der aiol ri Intu, tn uch mint's of b'l-- bpriugs, a ently decreasing. Crcv k and otiioi wealthy and livui ol luxury, and the, herd imes tJls against pu; m the cw'tbrn jSiow iiig c.inios are biluattd K & 11 JL A it. part id J ii.tO Lou iity. e of feet Vessels drawing twenty-threFoil. wing is a directory of Nepii's Lead in the reed water can now enter Sabine harbor hu .Ilcls 403,-53- amfort Paper GrHi!3 PiiO RAILROAD. 3. Scenic f J i K i- -s- I ii-- h. bt ,ini-,.ime- , 1 S.ir-apnn- l- -i u-- i (1 haw ms II. DENVER. EFFECTIVE 20 1894. Train No. 2 leav s Sa't Lake 8 05 a. m. arrives at Pueblo ft. !u a a., Colorado Springs 7 .51 a in. Denver 19:59. in. .Cripple Creek 9:ri a. in. .shortest line to C pple Creek, Colorados noM camp, , great Tram Not leav e Salt Lake 7 :40 p. in. arrives at Pueblo 5:,7 p. in. Colorado springs, 6:53 p. m. in., Denver 2.) ni.id at Pueblo, Celorndo t'onneetion SpriTigs and 1 ener w itu all iinen east. ElePullman gant day eoiivdie. chair ears, and and sleepers on all t. airis. TuketheD ,v H. have a eninlorttible trip ..nd enjoy the finest on the eniitimX,t. K. IlOOrKR, A. S. lilbiHris. u. P. A C. A., Tra.lie M.tnaj-r- , Jo iivT, Colo. leuver, CoU). be-.i- t'n-m-- Ill EliLO, COLORADO SP'3, d'hiough Fast Train Daily to . . LEADYILLE, a SEEN The Only Line Running Two , Sar'-apurii- - World. South-bound- n . cf the Lir.3 A-- aiL Vi . 4 (. n. nilvina, f, t.eneial Agent, i:. (mi1i, s Agt. m Tinr, Lake City, UTaii. SAur 1h-- & . - .;j - . !.- wat-,t!vi- g - st CO. BARTON i ''"e. Pir. - s C li P CO. A. W. CAIN bu-in- os jLj 4 : with perfect case and safety, tion Age. C. AN DRRW3 A CO., Irriga- UTAH WOOL GLOWERS ASSOCIATION, E. U. Donth, Mau.igtr. HOUSE, NERHI There Is Nothing So Good. Airs. D. Gold.sorough, propr. os Ur, There in nothin jnst as goo-UNION HOTEL, Mrs. C. K. loote, propr. King New Diicovtry for Lonsuniplioii, tvtiil do .so demriud it Coughj it j ) (9 'his, II. MfCTXR, not permit the de.d.er to sell you some bakery and Confectionary. Iiewil l.otihiiiu thero is any- A. LUNT A SON, in ortUf to mtike tuoie Ijiicnai ci CMu33 103 Ovii Olsysias South St. Siit Lalie;City. S'eccnd sub-sliiut- e. n. thing hetter, Init T) o S Druggists. ylse tobe CUOTi proiU. he nitty ehiiiu & CO. PYfT" A i.a want I)r. King s 2sey jr.-,- t us gfHxl. in .i!'anan, Tinners mid cPhimb- Do, on know it to lie s'ile P.seoxeTy 1 I reli pile. pi, '.ran tec to do good or GCI.TfW lt..Or.TI S AtO' iT, it 1 or Coup.ns, Cohi-ltTunih-d- Deulerspin Wine. bl-.belt Bro- -. ihoi-i--luonev alVeetR-nThroat. of In jinn--- vie. Mil kitvlsof all and oil so good M. P. KONCf, tlie-is nothing Alain Iong', Street. r'abiiu-- t and Codin A1 nker. Till as is Dr Kings New Discovery. Dealers. M.d St.KvH till & Keeirt TLEP. Drug ALLEN, hotth of Harness and Sad Mauutac-tuivrJh;.ai ;t' si..ed 59 teats ami ft 1.00. and dealers in all kinds of hoi so furn isi,.,ip goods. 3 r-- '5 No. Clx-Mi- SAil-V.'EEICL- TCIBONE. y W. M. STOUT. of Boots and Shoos. nciuced to $2.00 per Year After Jun i ' 1095. will IN- Tribune Luke ' Oa Jane 1st theofKau Se:ul-- v eelfly to tiio bTiTLTIOX. T( cJucj the prteo stana-j.i-- d J. v. urU, Supt. year. The present Inga euort oj will be maintained, ar.d every IT, PETTL iRIHV, W. wdl be mads to keep the emi- eekly m Manulaetiu of ands dealer in Harness, and supplier. tlie froat rank. .0 -- - y "v L Sueep-.Mja'j- JNO- - S PAINTER, Dealer in General and green Groceries. and 2,200, Two teams (weight with wagon and harnesses lor sale at a Call oa or Caune, Nephi. 1, 690 ORD BROTHERS Dealers lu Clothing and OSTLER & OCKEY, to Loan. In any amount from one hundred to n th"U sad dollars. Oa improved farm r,i;x r. ' or oa water rtock. Recorder. T. C. Winn, Couuty PlfCTCGRAPHY U' t Gents furnNhings i Boarding J. A. 'V r V V laVI v. .1 aft'jui . L' 1 . vN A'1 3. I I I. TOvlG I v.1 N piii, L Uui, Jami . pot u rt T7 Salt Lake City, mw MourjUii k f. 1 is tth . D i ' r ft f, d 3 LA & V. i 9 J fR p i -- 1 Coll- i " r ' n.ii.Hi s' . - , i .B ;lii of 1 i ioTi Bo i 111 i u hews. by mail, girol aud Dmi-ii- g at Uw M 1 iJ NC .IK i A of PT- ;i h l (nil j No d. Oi A ... Kg - t V r. i I ) I4J a ' SNOLB. i r partulars ndtlrF Lie Fh c v.-;-- i IVintlu" KANSAS. s M J x' If the above letters are not ct"til foriet-t.-ia r sect to the dead 29 bays, thjy will 'V t J 1. . , l Cure. DeWitts Colic & Cholera safe to use. .a u. J J IF tr i . , j , r ' I ' t . - . V Mf N' TO; ' ; ah t.e A r. .t'-'il. : y r,; t. v." ry, j'-- do Ai L. .n L - (Itc . 1 'i - COM - f r, Jd to t ic- Jtiiy-iiv.i-itn- L l have K -- AGE, CHICAGO. G, K. GIRLING. SAMPLE COPY TREE. -j l m & J f5 tt r iU . i - 5 . Li f LUs i '1 r.f G t j'b i i wA. icj f;!uip b of CIitrg9a Ccnnachons mads in Union Depots. 2 K05I TFCSOCfinrV EQDITP2D Ill '.T.K 5T5- iU, - Ttrrt ' EAILWA? ; 1 . V ffk ( 0 V I a U FU vj If rr.ii .'T ;..j I.Ti.i i.aV3 I'- - I Nb,:.n,.. is couttlh tr.antKly rrrei lv crnl aitfavorite forilrliir,-- ' piles - rem-.-J- v Biic-icn- t for kora nipplv--- ; clia.ip0(l hands, chil-frost bites, and chrcmie sore ryes. For sale by druggists at 2o cents per box. fond it;, on Few Jcra, P;$'r. Cr.dyY Ji f rors! leeds wbe-- i.i bid ut jnav.ha . r rV-T u. Tv- - r r., ntA .oa iVi ir in I ns, ! ,07 t , NN. lir. bio The Old Jl 1 ah.. Co.,- - tflfc'V FXP . t- . l IL-iy- Is rred T, . Ci ,1'. i! urnwwr.J 1 3 f 3AL7 L; ir Colo. IS It :J L.. Itihand-theoe:rud ome, prattle'll and instructive. A u ro jnform.B-Kn- . PublThel by f 1 L i.r 9. i.iinen.e c.t- L ? 10c a rrmnn-i the co. t of tn ? v.irwhich will Lpve ymi P .(THE IRF.ibfiTIOM .''! 1 L i d j a i v!. a ,r .brrCl oniy t b i'i t i jw k r- F. McCuNr I 'J'-'H- O' (1 oiti- - e. MFN FEVER X L F AITIIFU7. T ITAKTET V fer rvepot-Mblor v.ouieu t' .e lm.r-.l-'DO. m Utah. house ent. Bisutnni 1") 'resKIy and esptuces. Lneji-- e slamped eiiveiope. The National, Star Duioling.t 1 tJ h D v 5 c. Li 0 G TV 7. itc-- i v and (hi rivtr to O'f ir oi ar t nnr.L r of M list ne2kt tn. plLiiiLc - ::ICIAL ! - g.allcl pi nzouLA.t f.crsTS ccwszzicti r.LLCY.LO IN i.i ZITI0N. CCNTZZT DEG!:,' 3 AT ONCE. OPEN TO E'Zr,YCQ3f EVERYWHERE. This - 'iff In tl e i , ). ' IS Hi n tl r l. .r Ub 'LUITAL D.- - '.h ' e n m a net t i'ii il .i- O i Im xi:. r in G T. d. r j - r. t r m nt.st. A. r:oir I orks. i.t ,'M-a- p' e n 114 Pleaaat, quick results, . fEUUr-Kh- II. S. Kebb, G. F. & F. Agent, Mant & ad vc : T Ci Tay lor JL . O iyxj i) XL 1.3 iJ 8 c ii. i::i:t j. nnc: .inM letters remaining lou. lo.,5 1 D. Liit of bnolilrtccl Letters. oTlc'e Nov. ..ONE! ri.fZE SECURE THIS Cater, Sapt. EXCELSIOR MTIIC NTILE CO., lu .iiev iu jUHval idere liand.se. i.kvNLU.111, ipt. PENTOX & CITAE, pkotn-iiv.ph- t of parr.tc or.Prize 3 . n C.L.Y, h.i-.- l.'-- CA CO. to the publie that to ntinoiun-Blaeksmit i ig. mber t.itu, e shall be prepared to KNOWLES A WEIVA, U and will do it at priors. rigll s. AVAaouvork the ll'grtive-V,eal-- o 5 BE WATTM IIYDE A Co., and eiu ItS J. iianee General Mereli mdise. evh-n'- t s j, -- i us. THO DELTA TOV. , ,vi per do. n, Cail and s. Marble .. ..I . 'i. Lid an .v CM., Piiote ri aph-r- Tho in folio a 90 Genl Manager, & Supt. Cf r i: in-e- l ' ....GIVEN AWAY IN..... '71 M. C. OSTLER, iicu't and Siioe maker. FRANCIS SELLS, Fin n lure and undertaking. NEBO S LT M VNCFACTUIIING ires. t,. In- -h Restaurant. and bou-- Q6MLY5 rUBODOBE P.HUBACK, i IN N- II. II. HAWKINS, 'Wedui-s-daj- V Vredv-'-i.-! li, Luteuers. . leave Manti for Serling, at ii:00 p. in., Mondays, allJ Fridays, lteturning arrive at e i CLOTHING CO, For Sale. bur-rain- I' 1 Fomes liiFrlzGSl Funk's Lake , Manti at :U0 p. in. Dircet comiee'.ioris at Nephi with UnioB Iadifie If ail way from and to Salt Lake City, (igdeii, Butte, Irovo, Milford and intermediate points, and all pninte East and West. r,lop on signal. Tne Company reserves the right to varj rum this Time Table at L p-- ip .p and Morrison SONS CII S. FOOTE Dealers in General M1' ehtndisa. NFrn COOPUPvATIVS Id CPC ANTI LE a Cc::n 1 15, Train-- 1 C , 2.45i fr::: I U.Dtp 2 . ,V.1e fcP 1J iftp A s SALT LAIfS I I All Homo Print Weekly PubliGhoiI in Utah. 1 151 11 repair work done" fKphl, btah , North Daily t r 7 f1? ! ia South. ,reg Vt t TJMK TABLE NO. 13. s l! iii uy f 2n oveiii r I , u cc 1 1 1 Blacksmith, bec-in-- ton-sur.ij- VALLEY UAH AY Come and eec ua. Dealers in Wool, Grain etc. STEM! LAUNDRY. Ci mirar lecd. ridiverfd every week fncalled Work Ladies siii-.- v.amts a specialty. Oiiice at Sjiuil-.- Candy Cigar ttore. Sati-fai-tio- t i s E. tl. Sparks Jr. Agent. Little Early Risers. DeWitts The famous little pills. |