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Show Tea RenaMic, Nephi. U;ak, IN THE DIAMOND MINES. The Katflr Worknen Are Kept Under Wire Nets While Digging. was what looked like a hut a habitation for man. We went in and found the shrunken remains of four men, sailors probably, who had died in one night, to judge from appearances. One was leaning agaiust the wall in a sitting position. There was dry food on the tab1, dry meat in a box and everything was burning dry. A letter in th i pocket of one man was dated Liverpool, 1S1G, and on the table was a bottle with a note in it, evidently intended to be oast adrift. It said they were four English seamen, marooned by the Captain, left to die. The note was dated 1S1C, and I suppose they had been there dead in that hut for over 30 years, and they must have died of heat one day and We left them dried right up. Lewiston where we found them. The first diamonds discovered in Africa were found by a trader who saw some children playing with wlnt they supposed were pebbles, one of which, at lea.'t, proved to be a diamond worth 3 ))). Eveu at that early day the news ot the dis covery was not long in spreading to different countries, and not many years passed before o m my claims were taken up that it was impossible to keep them sep rate, and the result was one vast mining district some 15,03) square miles in area, controlled and worked by various corporations and syndicates- - Besides these there is a large number of individual diggers. The mining in African fields is , done by thousands of Journal. KafThese natives. firs are large, powerful men, cleanSTANDS AT THE HEAD. ly in their babbits, and during the time for which their labor is con Aug. J. Bagel, the lea ling druggist o l)r. Kings New are a Shreveport, I.a., says: tracted, usually month, they is the only thing that cures my Discovery Comdeprived of all freed m. ough. an l it is the best seller I have. J. munication with any one outside U Campbell, merchant of Safibrd, Ariz., Dr. King's New Diseoveiv is all the limits of the mine is forbidden. writes: Ihatis elaim.sl for it; it never fills, mills They are compelled to live within i sure cure for Consumption, Coughs ami s iv ejoimli for its merits. the walled inclosure or compound CDr.'Ids. I cannot for Consumption King's Ne'.v owne 1 by the e mi piny. While in Coughs :.u I Coals is not an expeiiment. It on tiied for a quarter of a century, their employ the Kaffirs are clothed lii id btod iv stmds at the head. It never ho. ties at nil Drug and fed by the company, and if hvipjioiiits. Free sick or injured they are cared for Store an I leeier. by an l at the expense of .lie corDid You Ever poration. Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your Every possible precaution i s tumbles? If not, get a bottle now andto get be This mediciue has been found taken to prevent the native work- relief. peenliaily adapted to the relief and cure of ingmen from stealing the gems. A ill Female Complaints, exerting a wonderdirect intlneuce in giving strength and wire netting covers the top of the ful tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Apcompound, making it impossible to petite, Constipation, Headache, Fainting or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, throw a stone over the wall s, to be Spells, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, picked up by a confederate or an Eiectri' Letters is the medicine you need. and Strength ate, guaranteed by its illicit diamond buyer. Every night Health Hse. Fifty cents and $1.00 at all Drug at 5 oclock, as the miners leave Stores. their work, each is searched with ELECTRIC BITTERS. great rigidity by the companys agent. So expert have the natives Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for become in their robberies that every any season, but perhaps more generally the languid, exhausted feeling portion of their body is carefully needed when when the liver is torpid and prevails, examined with a sounding hamami ti.c med of t tonic and alterative lias mer, and by the light of n candle - tilt. A prompt and of this mediciue fatal bilious aseiuJ alien perhaps long the sole of each foil is eximined e.rs, Xo mediciue will act more suiely in for the telltale lvfractio i of light e umtei.'Cting a ol fleeing the system tiom . Headache, th i raalai ,al Ind'g stion, which reveals a diamond puriie 1 Constipation, Dizine-- s yield to Electric under the thick skin of the foot B tiers. ode or 81. 00 per bottle at all Drug bores an dcaitr.-through an incision so deftly covered that is easily overlooked. But the searcher has become as F. W. CHAPPELL, I in his work as great and ad ante ' O La ir A ttorney-at- the robber in his robberies, until it Proliatc woik a Specialty. Room 11 Eve. Bik. is almost impossible for the thief Ncpfcl City, Utah. secret a stone and to succo.-sfult the prospects of severe or of several years imprisonment & WEDGWOOD, had its iniluenc j in reducing the TIIUBViAN robberies to a minimum. Chautau-quan- . Attorneys - at - Law. wild-eyed- black-skinne- d Is it silver or gold. November will tell but you can tell upon investigation that the best place to invest any kind of money is at Lunt's rharmaoy. Call and see us, we have reduced everything to. " J We cirry an elegant line of Candy, Drugs, 3 ftfedicir.es, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Books, Stationery etc. The biggest and prettiest Lunts Pharmacy . line of CLOTHING both for Prescriptions correctly1 compounded Yours for Health, V.ain Street, Nephi , CITY HEAT MARKET. rja Oorair-L-: the best of meat at the cheapest Give you prices, and ve tleat all vs ah couitesy and respect. Rounnd steak and Mutton, 10c. per pound cr 3 pounds for 25c- Shoulder or - Loin and Porterhouse Steak Oc. per lb. straight. EolOgun, Snufsagois, and on linnci. always Chas.Oekey & Sods Proprietors. u-.- e (Late Ostler & Ockey) fi T Sr.C.EL 7 Tpnj'O Pv!r?pJ,vl iTpJ'11 1 GOLD CROWNS, 1IVOL' TEETH, l.KIDGES AND puni.-dnnen- IRJF. BE It ELATES NEEIII OFFICE: and half Room and S, FirM National Bank Building blo'-'- x One h'. c.'i- -t of Co-o- k i -- oath More. p 1 D3SERET ILSAND. UTAti PnOVO, Quimby, of Lewiston, says that he has traveled in all the warm countries of the globe and that lie lias been in the coldest latitudes, lie does not think that we have such very hot Offices: SHHDSF .Tohn s xi i enit , .. ( ip 1 - , SREURY & Fiixd-Ckts- B.uhcr s WE ARE THE ONLY CLOTHING PEOPLE ?! ;M i p r H .i t ' I V e V a m Treatment Guaranteed t ions to all. CAt. IT S' ct? lx 5. V- 'Lxnai t t r,n I -- 1 1 ' t Kt a -i urn T.;. Li ito jT Aa. a i d5 gt L. t it o ( rAiTiirri fvT Vfsi irv Posiiu S i! v U ;mM NlLgiki, mlnt u able ' mnn Mi p iv ii i) hta.Bi ') nj ) i ' j 63lcr.i:r.o fiTorican N LVtz : d Awr.cy or I t c V L, A .V' v" GHOLOCtZP AiTLY: - i , .. u caveats, trade F. Wright, Utnli. Kanted-- Aa 1 94 j : GrxlO los. )im taK J 1 I .iU K. M POl i t t " "" y-- 1 4 l.o c U aii Cnioago. HIGH GOAL r- ' i ' i ' in Homan as. ) The only Com Giac.as, The Elizabeth Jennings on winch I sailed in IS! from Iurti u.d. Hopped therefor water, and a boats crew went ashore for it. It was a little volcanic island and awful dry and hot. We didn't know whether th- re wcuhl be any water there or not, but we did find a spring v.ith a btreem as large ns a run a handle t do pouring out all the ime. And was water the you believe me, dried up atpd soaked up before it lmd run four feet in the sand. The place was covered with dried trees and a little distance away XEII.SOX Shop in Nephi. weather. If people would make provisions for th i hot days as they do in India, he thinks wo snoulu not notice it so much. the warm But. r y.- h'1, 1 cm experienced weatlurtl.it called was on a small I Our Hat and Shoe stock is immense. Everything up to date- - if you want to keep posted on prices call and see us. . Four Castaway Sailors vvora Cremated by Natural Heat. Unci'1 B abort William S Cured ZZams, y ON A Men and Boys ever shown. Our fine has alwavs been large, but it is extraordinary large now. All good goods and cost but little money. Dont forget that we have always led the clothing trade. We are here for that purpose. Our prices have always been low, they are lower than ever this year. Sugar 33aoou, Butter Forlx,Cliooao H 1 Z3 LaE;c Preces Sal! t-- t $ GOLD Oil SILVER y slug-gi-.- Nov. 14 Su-urca- idea ProtfKt vonr Mpn may Wnuj 36 ixl Yv LBDLliLUI.N WiiO cr.u thins somo simple tMnK to iiateiit? ud weaiUi. A"7-neye- . Pf $l,0ut pnae oUcf tU), Wasblngton, D. C.,for their aud Itht of vo hubdr A Lavtiona vutccL for lHfonrn.tJrn arul rrtiKrf, PSSICM PATEKTS, CORYRISUTS, etc. fre Hantlbonk wntu to A ' Jlij ' i J ft fJO, o)I 1 HOADWAY, 1W Y'ItlCf Oldc-'- t bureau for pDcurint? pabuits in AmuriefU hv us out is t&I.pn TMnt brought brfore tviry t.te public by a notice given free ol charge iii the MLiNN frietiiiffc amcfiot crfTiln'An of hit panor fn tf.e world. illuMrawiu. ii No lu man ehonlil lie without It. Week It, fcdt.OOa fear; H.50 six months. Address, MUXN & CO iirvAf way. New York City. . jliiiAHksg, Ijir-r-- st get i wvi ( .,6 i ,i |