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Show at his knows him and lovra to he in his v, hieh kiJS reached hail about emmmv. A viciou-hor' head, and In aad L.c determine.! ion to frighten her the stablemen i ii with ditlic'ilty The moon is Lie a otai m uib roan i ir. Prift toe iMeu lc, with stori'-- of highw aynimi till she handle will stand like a lamb while All staiaei aai siitaieu ua? J.pp.-- i wouldn't inside the cneh, when he harm-- ' - an 1 U!iIurae-.-e- - him. o m liy cio.id. dark, like A little lever to thi hjJ the inaosy head.1 and twi-U-oaks at- - Thed )v-- dy around him, and in stones lean. trad'd her attention. 1 yon the wo Is th wild birds apparent-knoFor ell the craves give up their deal the h w old thorn trees are? she ly regard him as a friend aad ally. night oi IIjUj.vjou. ,, d -' ,Jcn4Lj 1 s hf-a- TO SAY TO YOU s d w ed and was preparing to lanneli The most re n irkabln exhibition !a whole row ofli gures at him when of his p wve, w hich has long been p,, s,n jlel. jJV g ve ry known an c mini rated on by his - within tha Uoliry The aster in the wait has loit it nt f orsaken flower; And two ty tw o they lightly pas l.ka shadows on the greeu, With steps that leave no prints behind the ghosts of Halloween. They circle in a phantom dance and waver to and fro, And eddy in the chilly gust like wreaths of w indy snow; Bat some must find their places filled and strangers there, I ween, Or weeds upon the broken sill, the nigtit of Halloween. Their feet are in the filled leaves, their sighs are in the air; They pull the muslin curtains by and climb the cracking stair, With scent of musty lavender, the du-and dawn betiveeu. Take off the gates and K t them through the ghost of II olio ween. j they? But the BahyS Ir.cisor f.al to ho - llovv- - do you arrive sjx VUiirspat .such accurate results? 'Well, a j smart young woman from Boston what knows all about it told me tlu-were .TH)') old, an that was six ears ago, so they must be JODG j now goin on 11007.' San Fran- - Immense Spiders. In IMidngisear there is one species of spider whose bite is said to be always fital. It is of a glossy black, with a red sp it ou tins abdomen, and is a globular in shape, being ub mt the size of a small marto attack ble. It d ms n ot iuterest- Ou this hum oi j since he his buhu. Thais spoke Henry Rhodes, colored, at the City afternoon. The subject of his remarks was in his arms, a chubby pickaninny. The child is only' live days old, yet he had just undergone without a cry an operation from which most adults shrink that of having two teeth extracted. B i by Jthodes came into the world iuemor teeth with two in his lower jaw. This pleased his father hugely, principally because of an extraordinary enhwidenee. When Rhode senior was born fit) ears ago he, too, had two lower , inci-mprecisely like tno-with whieii hi. lir.-- t baby was hle-TBut w bill tbe abys tnutsy-woofall-grow- n e te-th- r . t- 1 aad f.irmiliar with the boy as to allow him to take him out and put him iu the trap, will come at his whistle, and m uiifest every appeav- ance of jov at liis presence. There Some of them colored spiders. are larg enougli to cover a dinner :,li long-sufferin- - up-to-da- g accomplished. NOW FOR THE SEC turn T. Ti:e Reiti'I m l'ut , t ) tbe lore ia i. peiIbnii.itiiidii'iv feat witiiia the cdva a1 aaimil. London sf reams ami HK) roads, which are anchored by cords o strong that an clibrt is required A.i A ' r i :i T 'iro:'. to break them. ra- W Co. me .teli-iiiaiio- to t l( a (i.n-inmo- ,, .end'd r..atuiii, of t,t.va p.g"'. CV;,- sietc. iw lieie.n e mt.. ol (J: tines .torn-ting I OCAL VU.Ii'g;S. Atul full of l iko.I a.loi iiuuion to tbe eit.zcht, , t tl.i, eiiiiipii'i'.;; i.ty .cad uuaty. Ciir.-li- v-- ii - j , i C inchs ihro.i A Microitopic 3ili!e anl . umbrella, w ib , i. - h.-Ao- ha .h were captured force during the mu 3X11 1 L i i 4 of the by the British The London d Asaautee war, have barn Episcopal Bee rder, of 1iiihidel-phia- , to Aueen Vielirii. The t'aroue, m!io will pay lip in advance we will To nil writes of the circumstances el ib, irate eirvel arumha.r, an LLO rKDEIt (a vuckly Journal NATIONAL tbe give attending the publication of a new f of Bump. an eonstruetbui, invrations, et- ) and t'.ie N'EPIII edition of the B'hle by a Hl.mgwv RBrUTLIO for one year at the low price of 2.00 I vu i najicroas round-of th care is stiulde lmu.-- e ia the Leaded nails. flic lootst oul is of THIS OFFER IS ONLY OPEN TO JANUARY 1st, ISO 7 take l iu printing the Scriptures. aad ihe voluminous barbaric And is open to old subscribers as well S new. It m ly not b gen rally known, it folds of the dep is d Vv est Alr.cau says, that in Scotland anybody may monarchs great umbrella are print the scriptures, but bef e a loinrd. publi.-hin-g any edition a copy of it must bo read by a Government The Crn.e.t Uer'.cJy and duly lieeiw'd. The edi lion isvned by the Glisgow Urm , 'lurch, mt o: C!o! ,Vr. It. B. tiu ...i was so small tint two or thro l.u'.vK-- , va. (un.lLs tt.Uv ouisuap i;j i o rao, I").., .. Hie tiiat iIIO- mil aiuuov cial.ll i.eal, copies will go into ;.n c.,c',ii jo n ..k-- uecou.a SOjIL TEOi'LH YfONDER IF mil jf ;i ii ji, ; t.i.i li any i.iLls pocket, and the reading of it no L :t ii. id ; bu im.d? i to ii u I,,. vrilhA can eve Ig S ordinary mating1 r v , i.t.l vvcW cjr- ' A corre-'ponde- j pre-enlc- sub-ci'ilie- rs ly 1 ille..-trati-- m . de.-iga- cur-ioaT- y ol-tici- Cf'c-'-c- w- wx.i-tcoi- t. . , i i t) j 1 ) v J u t i. I i . 1' a i o ; u - i ; dJi-i- i i i i ii-- ij ll ? T. i i J at ) ot bd'lht,!, v ii t O U i j 1 I oej u i tt s ixl.. 1) njvc'i y i ( J II Ulwl.S ICS. Hr Lippe A y- TIMES -ti H .:5ER?1 i -- AND 1 A- by Ami &.i .11 mile Ivor 1o give th? pcopb (f this (lu.iby lice ii cw c v, Npri fitlv, cc.tby, coHsist.uit uni jijuvnal. - SAVED - 5 VIC, Are gettin;; better. We cannct try as to that, hut tho KELTBLHJ is detcimi.ied to keep abu-- ot w Iuu'M C li ibbi , ll j; iu . V, U U t examined tao obild and readied the conclusion that A a l.i jo ii jILIay. the teeth would intei lore with its Am m ; th Hi. id ms throughout taking noarldim mt in th (UTlio ix the wh !e of In lla there ii a holi-ila- m inner, so lie etrated them. 'le'emte in Ina u- of LakHi The chil I boro the operation ! s of we lit u and good well, rail no.v ir.hippo is congratu- mi, the g d is uni lating himsell with having t.valed fortune, w imre m g unbing al as a religious the youuycst dental patio it oa versilit' regard festival ll-Jas is the known It lives Rhodes at record duty. oa of lamps, anl tint iliyall class, Franklin avenue. e.s indulge ia games of chance with shells, coins, cards, dice, etc., aad Sarn and Dl ;d foasiher. the future of the individual, whe- i tVcf (.mill i 1 FHE T i - l a s up-to-da- but what Tioo ta n r to j ly -y d tured in t lie stable in one of those traps which permit of easy ingress Tim men who were and no gre-slooking at the animal were afraid to go near the trap, the animal sbzwed uch terror, but the boy, when he beheld the imprisoned creature, fearlessly put oat his iinger and stroked its heal, the rat manifesting as much pleasure as would a cat or dog. Several days have passed since then, and the stublem m are still afraid of their capture, but he has grown so tame - j Ain' dat chilo a honey? Hes jus like I wots wlnm 1 us no ohl.i a whimper hi him. He nin raise a howl outi'ii him. dark-face- j Cxt.-a- c ed. determined to publishers of the Republic have give the citizens of Nephi a splendid opportunity hen the ot helping along a good work. to the Republic wa3 started, it was made known citizens people that the intentions was to give the paper. of Juab county a thorough a launched be upon No four page nonentity would public, but an eight page in newspaper having full reports of all happenings been Juab county. This, we feel satisfied, has . cisco Bod. with TtCTii. So 1 l,r01jll' J Judge. uortN dont turn away but listen to the secret. The j - 1 too Persistent L5so w :i of . ther good or b id, ii looked upon vrkable else is reearded as a forecast of hi i wealth or poverhyaa imgiidi provin il pip r. 01 I ty during the boar. The William B mglas and hi- - wifelately worn m t '.le a m intea-- e inter-e-- 1 died. He and his wife were b'ru in tb pror L i aad, if 'on the sane d iy, wi'hiu the sum v, exp md their i.i.uag; in h ear; chri-- t a ol at tli'M'ii' time the parela-- - of ,ve 'tv.e s ia I w:e .m c!ureh. they :ra I at th fruits, a, s gii.- t all th nr ir, n.d-e mo npani :m, and at fa- the mu ill a. id remti ;r-- , t inirrl-'th w me at L " - I'd - f r the bo vs. !. work.re Iron chi. .'.a A eu-ui- ior-tumt- - sn-ta- ) fer tEso Poodle and First la Ini? h Ik i v;a i L ITLi V T- XT i'wii UTl In I lli.Ui TIT'TATt i1 D mesrsi AXNOUNCBNBNTF Lr' , n - x - l 1 ib MU!. r aru be t ch'-- e oltri'-li'iie- i d wore 1. a. ) tin- - d. i.ild 'n baric 1 in one gT.no. are th y were font wan-They never lull any - w al.- - hole el tv i.- - u l o bhuu of , i r' po A. wOver AnI.nals. It Figures Slu) was from Boston, and was on her way to tho geysers. She had rendered tho stage driver uncomfortable by thoroughly throwing great chunks of botanical livit: tire! v . mt. m laud d. iri ms thing, the power human beings have over animals. There is in Lowell a boy, differing in no respect from his companions, who has this pow-i- n a marked degree. Every stray' dog or cat in tho neighborhood is a e td the .mre was en- i ; f ii Since thmi, I as tier, and. inas thooxh I could fit deed, ii w e.oase firs. S. A. it. iituu'f keep IT L Li's, Bniomaed, la. 's eera'-iomill- ia a tvn:.e and n. CoqJ illam'm itrd, blood-pu- n which some AVtSLw Its Paly n iiA iLd ii Worlds Fair Sasagalila. dyer's Pills Regulate tho Liver lasr 0 l mu iiiiuisaiS will Ooniinne to to e. 02U5S, to M ng . rr,,u A I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, w ho treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could ho done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try and, utter takAjers tsirsuparilla, the sora of number a bottles, ing Publishing Co.? Xoi. |