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Show V 'Ill? Kipuino Nr.ffi, on the schoonarrived here y er Irene from Nassau. They left the camp of Gomez 13 It Comes Chiefly From tha Baltic days ago, and sailed from Cuba on Coast Its Many Uses. the night of October 20 in an open boat, arriving several days later at Amber i a specialty of the Hal-ti- e Nassau, Avhence they sailed on the Irene for Key West. They state coa-- t of Prioffa, and the Priti.--h Generals Serafmo and Calixto that Cousul at Haiit.-iin his report, states that it is a mouoply worked Garcia are Avith General Gomez, who lias 17,000 men. They also by a linn which owns the two best General Rabi with imnesJjlnirtiekeu and Kraxtepelle reported that soldiers recently and paid for the concession to the 3,000 Gomez. They leave (Joverment last year a royalty of joined for New Yoik. CineinnatiEu- about 132, .'00. It is calculated that the firm has, up to the present (pnrer. AMBER SUPPLY. v 'j-.t- Sa'ir.-l- j paid X' 1, 000, Out) in these royal lies. Last year, in addition to the product of the mines, a good deal of amber was picked up on the beach at Tillau, in the Provico of Hast Prussia, having been washed up Avith the seawreck during the prevalence of the northwesterly gales. The shore at Pillau after a storm is sometimes covered u ith a layer of seawed three feet thick, in Avhicli the amber is found entangled. Men, women and children lind eay and lucrative employment in searching for the amber along this part cd the coast. After a storm last year one man was lucky enough to notice a piece of amber the size of a child's head in the weeds near the shore, and with some difficulty secured it he having had to (live for it. The people engaged in this pioearious work sometimes earn XI 10s a day The raw amber goes into Pan-tsito make into beads, which are sent all over the Avorld, and are known as Peghorn corals. There is great demand for them. Amber mouthpieces and ornaments, especially necklaces, some of Avliich are c very tastefully put together, are said to be gaining in favor abroad. London Times. DENTIST. and Through it you may find peace at heart. Send 10 cents for Makes a Specialty of Gold Crown and a tnree months trial subscription to Bridge work. Teeth wlthoet plates. The are as specific follows: . le givm of your Ri-.- w. pointment-:, Attvnif ap- Speed and safety ere the werehworls of the nee. One Minute ."miph Cure acts speedily. safely nnd nt vt r fails. Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds aro cured by it. A. Lunt ik Son. tf - Nephi j fit-La- ir Utah - - -- Utala. ggwiiiMMiui. irrve.'TTrmnr-.- sire a correspondent. The. Best Laundry Is the one that guarantees the fineat and most artistic their work. The finest gloss is placed on all our Collars, Cuffs, etc. finish on There is nothing more simple than that, and it is less than oOO miles between Omaha and Chicago. Two through trains daily in each direction with the best Sleeping Gar and Dining Car Sen ice, and all regular t rate lets know and appreciate the merits ot the Chicago, Jlilw alike e A: St. Paul Rail way's Short fine between the Last and the Wed. 1 L J ,1 i rf. -- c'e-'- 1 l pi'?-rg- teii-o- .io.ul:rful flower. BANKING IN BRANCHES. JOSEPH bUoU, CGIVAfJ, Agnt. ALL ITS For 34 years Utah. THE . J. CITY LIQUOR Cigars in Nephi. A. Miner- Hugo Deprezin Jackman A. L, J. T. Sullivan .D. W. Cazier Sheriff Assessor and Collector. Clerk and Recorder William Lurtoi Attorney Surveyor . Thomas Winn . Edward Pike . Treasurer Coroner T. C. Hanford Wm Oekey ..John Superintend'!!! Schools aljsts and Salt Late Leer H. GOLDSBROUGH, hand. on Proprietor. Courteous treatment to all. R. Edgheill Prep. The Golden Eustiee We Have T. idiller H. It. Booth .Tas F, V.'riyl.t, .John siffavoll, A fivff Emit. Larson, Joan LGb-oaO. P. Goldsbrough Roronier : J pjes Schofield Abiaffam unite j iva-.ii- i r;e: Wm. SLout CGy T. L. Foote (,ii At lornrvi Wm r Works: W.F Bailey Fuji, and REAPERS Mayor; , ; Ju-ff- XtpM, nr a..l J.dis i'uii van ii sto of X I1. CTtnla. L. At V,tf;l Wm. II. Warner t U. S ennd j 'IM: CT1 h , c Cl. E AND VA. :.G. in f. rk!r Ia.'kfs (J. uiCs G'r,iil, P, E,. . . D E VICES Me 1.. x S( n ,i. indent ' 'rlnpiv p in. j 'f !;G ' u (.luek a m Y. L. M. i. Association m'itings are held in th n I ard ' er Wt diu d.,y e t. uing and ml TiH-i'rin tie , i''T. ugs. s LONG J lh. ri-- beer, liquors and cigars in ' TJiSi.2x. Pei r Ls.utFiiaoe i.'nbr C !Mll-p- ; At ud Yi ciolii. 7. Pavn. TIME I ii PajfEsnts. J'riinary meelings every Saturday atSoclock SAL' MIERIFES Santo, or Holy Gliod llower, found in the region of the I.dhmu.s of Panina, has within its petals the perfect image of a dove. The leaves are very pale green in color, as though in harmony aa ith liiedelic; te purity of the blos.mm, which is of alabaster whiteness. la the center of the The Pior del blossom. Avith the snow-whitcanopy about it, rests this wood its delicately molded Aiigs dropping, half extended at its head bent side, its gohUinlcd its and ii; y .crimson-slightly forward, bill almost touehing its tipped urudv m. one. ecry PiMi i:.'v, o. iOt.i O t I'liUiT Vi t. l. 111. Temulo of , . Filin' ru;v v Aev J. A. Mni1, U. . . ;ii n , m tv be ii tu' jud M.cnt. vn A to t'ic- .ti,rl'c t "i low tul inoiu y ol t.u or vt m.ich thiPi' !ul lc-.- Ui iL t (1 In iM-r- Mali , IT- i J 2 1 fY'TT Vi i T rY - n w, Juab Count, SirK", Doimy honrt" b;- 's.icvi'T of DISSECT. Dy K II. J. .0 iXr t , j" ' O fit . , Li t g. Y Ol 4 T'"i Lv X Z V. LAKC CITY at this office. ,T UexiiY of r U"l Al lo at O Wliat! tlBi Timm. 4 . OEcn. , loiiibh, Jo AT. anl FfiLi Pest a -. C; M. I .."tc; v krxd v Tor pgrCculars call cn V.. L. Roe i . -V f .h.rsflaj ', SALT .try to v.iniy v. J jlnm n st tiH'vuos: ::ici co (ity, I' tail. XotlV 7tn, 1. Amin 41.. sunt 'fas' mu I. t :th rtii i!uihuai5,.p eat- orn. w rn and Tiutu i.iai-From tlu iKPiU ami south San, to a. nl From a1! points m F ro-- 1 Sol- ip Trices and terms to suit e, snowy breast. iv IVTliC DPvTIFCrC FIvT OF THE FIFTH e rim-imag- i! 1. CU k hacliin g cough i3 not only anaov-in- g to otnens, tut in dangerous to the Ci C.i o. paiSJa who h.13 it. One M.nute Cough For '.ot'tioaM'Mm aiul Sariifto re ill i quickly put an end to it. A. For all ju mts motb i'xliulmr aI tab. t'iu 1. a nt & Bou. estovii an J Tint u For Pal poinl-- north ivml toauth A C-- Key West, Fla., November 2. Who think simple Idaa ofthingsomecan Colonel S. 31. Ortega, Major A. IJanted-f- in to rntent? nvor bmz you rstKh. P.yect ' our Cuspeine and Lieutenants Garcia wyr, Wzsntnpton, tbttor their Umn i. n'tKMTS WDV TRlK and Felix Itios, special Comm ission-hr- s 'T from General Gomea to the One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Cuban Junta in the United States That is what it was made for. OFFK E HOT :(k U :r- 10 Hot L.V. s i s n r PUREST t1 H rv 5 p. ill. A AND .4-- KS. Ornernl dcliverv. money onl r, i.,IJv oiii. IVO D ... 1: . to t..w.. iroo i;rnrn at 1 aiv CE5T. A crj u a-t- i 1 t II U I U vean encosn fjc LLG IT. M General delivery anipftannpj indijvj eiien Iron. l.u. to i', m. B. M F. McCvNK, II. 1 . k- rUHGRi. AblN. ruv.L a ,Il .0 AVphi All kinds Wm. Bailey rreslii.mt. Wm. . BL&S&ETF BHOS. In fact, everything necessary for farm work. Call and inspect our goods. JuibSTk? . Boyj : ?dni,'-hall- ! MOWERS BINDERS, WAGONS, V Eagle When You Want aNice Qrink Visit .the The most complete and and up-t- o date city orncr.r.a ( every Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Free Bns to asd from depot. Livery and feed stable connected witb it. Charles Foote Co.!jk .linen with lei STORE, The Fine if 11 d most complete Lines f Liquors and J. : Refitted; Convenience. E. V. Higgi, Judge Fifth Judicial District Senator, Seventh District.. ..James P. Driscoll Member Lower House AdUbert Cazier. Bryon Groo Registrar Land Office Receiver Land cilice Frank Harris. Selectmen. Lcdiug Foil in and Replete Pi X, ' if, e Southern Utah. C. E. Allen Heber M. YVelV of State James T. Hammer James Cliipicff" Morgan Richards A. C. BisI Attorney General John R. Supt. of Public Instruction C. S. Zane, G. W Bare Judges of Supreme Court t n'l-q- j iSKLi'llii.ilS, Utah Steam Laundry. Capital 050,000. Ourplus, 57,500. GENERAL call for work Mondays and Dhver Fridays of each wk. IVa Frank J. Cannon. Arthur Urow n. j Governor Secretary Treasurer Auditor Chicago. T, diers Desert. Main St. TJep 111. JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. t1 sh V NephiC'ty Directory. STATE OFFICERS. Jinny people unaequainUd wilh the geography of the West imagine that because are Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul names used in the corporate title of the railway owning the Short Line between Chicago and Omaha, they must go via the cities of Milwaukee and St. Paul to reach tkeir destination if it lie Chicago or east On a This is a mistaken idea. thereof. map the line running directly east and west would look like this. 1 Gotr.cz-SPanl- Building, Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A. And read thej addresses of many attractive young men and women that are wealohy and live in luxry, who de- Stats Officers and Juab Count U- - S. Senators St. Paul Ky Delegate to Congress Chicago Milwaukee The A c. BRYAN W. Paxir.an. J, ; of Wool Grower and universal opinions, condensed, You deserve great praise, and the gratitude of the reading world that portion of it, at least, I1 that is fortunate enough to read T11E G lalVLDE. Having a field entirely its own, it (a character. intensely American in cast and It is useless for us to say, the illustrative features and typography are superb equal in quality and unusualness to the fascinating and trange contents that fill our columns. TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAR year. Tour newsdealer has it, if not, send to Missionaries and presiding ofileers will plea.se c'ip this out for fntuu referenre, as co other noticis will . happine-'S- Letters PublishingCo. Ilaus Anderson, Joseph Jenson, 7 From the Camp Devoted to letter writing and correspondence, especially adapted to those who are downhearted, lonesome and lonely. In it you will fine pleasure THE FIRST KflTICrJAL . BCimi cf mber Century. Sheridan arrived in Washington on April f. lie weighed oul 115 pounds, and as his height Avas only 5 feet G inches, ha lo )ked anything hut fonuidabl as t c vidid ite lor A cavalry leader. He had met For maps, time tables and information n oK.'S At X. - HU 1,.t thePrcsident and tin officials at the pent Hilly, U.ll CU tali. Suit Lake I Couuueiei.il City, Agent, War Pepartment that day for the first time, and it was his appearance on this occasion which gave til A risito a remark mile to Gen. Giant the next time lv visited tha local'jd;sease r The officer you sp.J is U:e result ot co'.'s ant :t department: suui'e.i clir.utic changes. brought 011 from the West is rather Fup yonr Pro! '0 i'nJ r we t a little fellow to handle your cav- teiiigy 1P1 !i t ceiiLt.u j or t'.'a.tx.u'- To Avliich Grant replied, imririy iii'Sihu-- . alry. 'You will fin I him big enough for rh,!?0 pot-Lij wfib-- d u V...1 tliermip'i cure for the p'Uroo .e before we g t through N in i.nmGed 'ft1,V. p. bom r.ort ."1 Itul nnlti'O1'uyK'ier of ah '.rih, r f It rri'ii-- an s, ru::.t u., Avith him. rustiun, lic.'.'.s tho eous,pn-- t rn nui liillan root ores the s the liicmbn. c tiori coip, iU' ' s'c nnd nioU. I'ricc T'iV. at Drnegit;- or tiy mail. OJ Warrea Now iuri. LI.Y A JOURNAL V , Omaha Nove- Booth, for Sunday, Missionary apjioiutnic-ntTHE GREAT DIVIDE, Dnver,C GEO. C. WHITMORE, President. XovemVr lMli, are as follows: W. S. McCORNICK, Neplii Thomas Crawley. J. C BJCKLENS ARNICA SAIVE. C. S. TIN GEY, Cashier. Nelx) John Adams, Edwin B.Kth. Mona Isaac C. Guild, Peter Christiansen. The Best S dve ii the world for Cuts. Allied Gadd, Andrew Neilson. Corsica Bruises, Sure-)- Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Mammoth AVilliam Biukliolt, John M . Kores. Tetter, Clumped Hinds, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positiveOril ly cures Piles, or no pav required. It is Juab Edward Newton, Adelber Kay. guaranteed to mva perfect satisfaction or KEPI-l!'Wellington Thomas Stephenson, Joseph money refused. Price 'Jo cents per Inx. For sile by all druggists and general dealers. Price, Levan bright and attractive A Dr. J. A. Missionaries. Homo Grants Opinion of Sheridan. Porter in the N)7. 14 to-da- e, Gen. Horace 7, HEWLETT eBROSa 8ALT;-lK- E fiyj-J-TAT- T |