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Show Nov. 14 fh3 SetuMic, NepH. Uta... North" Ward Reunion. The annual reunion of the North meetWard was held in the new and ing house yesterday (Friday) was today. An excellent repast served during the afternoon of and Friday, and songs, recitation? music helped to pass time pleas, afternoon. In antly during the cleared the evening the aides were in by and dancing was indulged the old folks. are treated Today the children in a similar manner. 1 myS money. As a currency Ayers Sarsaparilla might be cumbersome, but one thing would be sure youd always get the value oi the dollar invested in the Tgestral INDIANAPOLIS, IND. remedy. MAKERS OF m BEN-HU- R Its Value Recognized by Physicians. As a rule I sm opposed to proprietary medicines. Still I value a good one, especially when such is the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) application I have found Chamberlains Pain Balm the best remedy I have ever used for neuralgia of any kind. I have conscimany entiously recommended it to Janespersons. William 1Iore,M. D., & Son. ville, Wis. Sold by A. Lunt Druggists. DISEASES cycle mfb. .?,5SY6LES Our Fall stock' is now Complete in all departments. Consisting of OP THE SKIN. Tim intense itching and smarting k. , and ona dent to eczema, tetter, THE SILVER QUESTION. diseases of the skin is instantly allayed and Ski applying Chamberlains Eye have been cases had Ointment. of Many very Solution Hint From India -- A Novel is It it. cured equally by permanently the Currency Question suggested efficient for itching piles and a favorite remMorning Lowell the by edy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilTimesblains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. I ALL HEADY FOR YOU salt-rheu- t , j b a n PliEUbUTiS TIRE 9 - him? The Times says: It recently happeneda 'f;y 'ir. Cady'ls f ontlitcu? Powders, to pay c .01 1'i are ust h at a resident of Lowell desired vul miswfllJ' (11 bill due to a friend who is a medical frend The India. British in sionary country suggested If Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. from that in Ayers Sarsaparilla, that it be paid Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1S91. I which ho said i3 reckoned. have used Chamberlain, s Pain Bain for rh umatism and touud it to be all that is "AS GOOD ASGOLDl claimed for it. I believe it to be the On application to the J. C. Ayer Co., best preparation for rheumatism and order on tbeir Bomdeeo seated muscular pains, on the marthey readily gave an ket and cheerfully recommend if to ttie of Sarsapsnl.a bay agents for a qnanty oublic. Jno. G. Brooks, dealer in boots of face to an amount equivalent to the shoes, etc., No. IS Mam St. the bill. A letter dated Rahuri, India, ALSO READ THIS received in Lowell, Oct, 18, has just been St. Mary County, Mechanicsville, was duly Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlains which says: "The Sarsaparilla received and as it has a regular market Pain Balm to a man who had been Bufferconverted into cash ing with rheumatism for several years. quotation price, was It made him a well man. A. J. Magill. with the utmost facility. Whatever may sale at 50 cents ner bottle by A. and the For Lunt & Son,;Druggiste. be said about other sarsaparillas medicinal value of their contents, their is fact remains, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla With two small children subject to mark-e- t a has it that India in so well known we do not rest easy without a botcroup fluctuation tle of Chamberlains Cough R rnedy in value, depending ubon the the house, for t e most severe attacks in the value of a few doses of it. quickly succumb toBud. THE SILVER RUPEE, For sile at 2.5 Morrison, Colo., This or other staples. as much as cotton and 50 cents per bottle by A. Lunt & Son is not the case with any other sarspirilla Druggists. make. The natives of this Of American If your children are sub;ect to croup and unless watch for the first smptora of the discountry are very conservative, are If Chamberlains ease hoarseness. shy well known they is article an take a Cough Reaiedy is given as soon as the about using it. A native willfrom hoarse it will prevent the my child becomes bottle of Ayers Sarsaparilla Even after the croupy cough has attack. o3 with it without app jared the attack can always be pre dispensry and walkas to its - a purity or cura- vented by giving this remedy. It is also raisin'question invaluable for colds nud whooping cough is the truth, and I For tive qualities. This sale by A. Lunt & son, Druggists. whatever make let to you do not scruple choose. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says use of the statement you may of a popular patent medicine editoriapy this in country remedy this Thesuccessof from experience that Chamknow "We a of shows that judicious advertisin' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea berlain's is all th.it is claimed for it, as on meritorious article has accomplished. If Remedy s it stopped excruciating two I had saved us from an unand possibly pains money locked up We would cot rest easy grave. timely would in quantities on any medicine I overnight without it in the house. to any ether This remedy undoubtedly saves more Sarsaparilla prefer Ayers I pain and suffering than any other meditwenty times oyer, for I know that cine in the world. Every family should could get my money back iu the former keep it in the hou8e,"lbr H iSTtirr ter be case while in the other I should have to needed sooner or later, Foreale by A. 6 reta'.l it bottle by bottle in ordr torealfze Lunt Son, Druggists 1; - D aL. ( . "'t'-ft i far-aw- cca-ion- - I In all the Latest Styles? Solcnilfia American Agency for Id' Flannels Lindsays Teasel Downs and of all itluo Prints, veny latest patterns, j CAVEATS, trass MARKS, VmX.CESICN PATENTS, M- N COPYRIGHTS, v. For inform at on arvt fro Handbook etc. rito to bureau for securing patents in America. Kvery patent taken out by usu brmmht befonj the public by a notice given free ol charge iu tho f MUNN JSfc'V & CO., hCi Bkoadway. fwnfifu; Yarns, Dlanluots, OcuK pots, Mattings, Underwear, Hats, Oas and. circulation of any Jjarpst world. fioiontlflc paper fn the Splendidly illustrated. Mo intelligent Tuan should be without it. Wecklv, ).'?. OO a six months. A'idress, M UXV vs CO., liroadwuy, New .ork City A LETTERS: Devoted 1 Man other lines too numerous to mention, w lb'i we are offering! bright and Prices never equalled in the West. attractive JOURNAL to letter writing and corres- pondence, especially adapted to those who are downhearted, lonesome and lonely. In it you 'will line pleasure and happine-s- . Through it you may And peace at heart. SeDd 10 cents for a three months trial subscription to Letters PublishingCo. Indianapolis, Ind., U. S, A. And read thej addresses of many attractive young men and women that are wealohy and live in luxry, who a correspondent. ' de-e- lr We extend a Cordif 1 Invitation to all to Call and Examine f Goods; and we are Satisfied You Gan Save Money by eo doing. Ghas Foote arid Sons, NEBIIl CITY n i ,.n . r.- - UTAU |