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Show N WE GIVE PEOPLE YOU- -r- Y An I i 1 j 1 Paper ?2 NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, VOLUME IV. J of Camas- - Hoard t,1 i!.t-ii'e- s ll'D-VV- The Returns Thoroughly Canvassed Three Precincts Objected to The Bill of the Times and Eureka Democrat Publishing scs-io- Companies Petered to a Committee of two- - The county commissioners sat on Monday as a board of canvassers. Those present were: Hugo Deprezin, A. L. Jackman and Ohas. Foote. The official figures as supervised by the board of canvassers is as follows: j v ii. I'KIDAY. Presidential Electors Bennett, R Page, K Smith, ii Daly, D, I. R Lawrence, D. I. Lund, D, I. R Congressmen--Foster- Senator , On reassembling the following business was transacted: Pursuant to previous instructions of R Blanchard, R Chappell, D . Kirkendall, D Commissioners .... Taylor, D Deprezin, I!... Kienke, R ... Thyger.on, R. Grover, D Bailey, R Treasurer Abbott. D Booth, R Clerk Recorder-Farm- D er, Winn, R Attorney-Pik- e, Assessor--Loude- D Notice to Stake and Ward Oftisjrs of Fish Springs and Detroit are included in the above CoxsrAro.K Justice of Peace Nephi W. S Leo TO 40 I Taj lies, 410 Jos, If, IfeiJ, if Win. Sloutt Detroit Fish 23 14 .... 111 1 (senator 14 24 Callister, R Robinson, D Representative Blanchard. It V, 'heeler, D Coiumissioneis Chappell, D Deprezin. R John Kieukie, R Kirkenilall, I ... Thygeison. R Taylor, D 14 24 .... 23 15 14 24 14 24 41 9 1 9 9 6 1 9 1 4 Lorenzo Wt.bb llasmus Sorensen Meskick Pitt E. Vv Peterson.... S. E. Melmgrecn T. C. Winn William Burton Joint M. Thompson James Whittaker George Hanson Rexh iilic Publishing Co.. Alfred Haycock If. Burton M. Jennings S. E. Malmgreen Lawrence Blackett Hyde if tfc Whitmore Mrs. J. T. Ponagnue W. C. Ockey 24 14 IVti'rC. Burke Recorder Farmer, D Winn, if 40 0!) 42 14 1 25 4 80 50 00 00 00 2 50 20 00 James 14 24 Iaxman Robert Skelton Timic Mercantile Co Timic Mercantile Co Joseph Gerber G. J. Field 14 23 SheiilT Christensen, D... Spy rives, R .... W. Deck store) S. M Stlisnury .Tames E. Eustice Hurveyoi ...... 24 11 5. G. Wilkcy The county court as a board of ty canvassers, then adjourned. 2 r. Cd 9 95 4 50 1 50 G 00 20 00 W, M. Moss 23 13 Louder, D Lerwell, R til Hans J. Hassell Timic Miner Assessor coun- M. The board reconvened ?s a board of county commissioners, and the following business was transacted: Those present were: Commissioners Deprezin, Jackman and Foote. The license oE Thus. M. Ncsbit was granted. The county surveyor wa3 authorized to immediately commence his work on the maps and piats. were ordered to The load render their report by the first of rs 00 00 00 2o G 40 7 75 35 82 32 50 Ellen Sullivan 21 11 :up-iv.so- 40 10 22 4 j D. W.Cuzier A. L. Jackman 24 11 TUESDAY, 416 4.!( John Morley Cleik Grover, D Bailey, K Treasurer Abbott, D Larsen, If McCliryslal, D ... Attorney Foote, If Bike, D Y. At tne officers meeting of the total.- - Central Drugstore Eureka.. 6. E. Ware N. A. Lackey E. IT. S;,arkes Hugo Deprezin T. A. Fo H Edward Bike F. V. Blue i 2 3 4G 3 10 25 8 17 7 S 50 75 30 50 25 70 00 25 30 50 25 on 23 3o 19 General Conference of Young Men's Mutual Improvement associations, held May 30th, 189G, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: That the fourth week in November be adopted and known as Collection Week' in the Young Men's Mutual Improvement associations throughout all the Stakes in Zion; that duriug that week each association appoint one or more collectors to s e, and person' ally solicit from each member of the association the annual fee ageeed upon iifty cents to meet the local and general expense of mutual improvement work; that after deducting ten per cent of the collections, to meet the expense of the local association, the president shall see to it that the treasurer shall forward the remainder to the Stake treasurer, who, after deducting fifteen per cent of the tola! collections, saall imme li itely report the balance of the reesipts from the Stake to the general treasurer We urge upon th officers that they give this matter earnest and immediate attention, mid see to it that the collectors conUTiipluted in the resolution are appointed at once, and the amoanis collected forwarded to the ge icin. treasurer as early as possible. Earnest! praying for the success of Mutual Improvement, we are your brethren, A The. mayor, E. F. Booth, presented a e proposition from the city council to rent due the county from the city, for the use of certain portions of the court house at Nephi. Oa motion of Commissioner Foote, the proposition was accepted, provided the city would pay the county 228. being the am mnt of rent in full for the years of 1835-G- , deducting .therefrom 893.95 accrued G moral Cmieinpi?.tecJ or- Lord Salisbury's ar nouncement of the terms of the Venezuelan arbitration requires an explanation, so says the New York Sun. There is good reason to believo that Senator Fair's pencil will is a rank forgery. It rumored that the Cuban insurgents have captured the city of lupcrto Principe. is large numbr of mills have opened up during the past week with an increase in wages and A work. The Knights of Pythias band Salt Lake will sue for error of judges in the award of a medal to the Appolo club of Denver. It is now said by the Denver News that the medal will be sent to the Salt Lake band, the rightful owners. The indictments against the have been sijuashed. Ba- cons The Salt Lake citizens are ex- -, erased over the actions of the coal combine. s a The electric lights of the capitol city are playing the devil Considerable kickirg being the result. now-a-night- THANKSGIVING s. DAY. W. 0111), grace. Oovenor Wells Proclaims a Holiday the 20th. Mrs. H. II. GRACE. MWi GENERAL Gathered From all the Over for Govenor Wells has isiued the followwith reference to ing proclamation Thanksgiving ddy: United The people of Utaa, ever appreciative of the continued rich blessings of nature vouchsafed in our glorious climaie, in the fertility of our soil H id the treasures of our bills, iu an aouudaut yield as a return for our labors n the fie d, on the States. Within the next G9 days a dismemberment of the whole Union ranges, in the iniu.s and manufactories, for me ealarge-men- r and profoundly l Pacific system will take place. of our civil ri iti in being admitted gra-e!u- to the Union as a .ivercig.i State, who r.veiciioa tile It seems probable that the Ding-lehm ojou over us; and Providence that Tariff bill will be passed at the thatwemiy givo p oper expression to corn'll"' session of congress. ihe gratitude of ou:1 Hearts in auclu manall-wis- y j' Jennings Bryan will preside ovt th e Congress to be held in Salt l.nke Trans-Mis-issip- on or about Deeem- cr e ner as shall be most iitting. Therefore, I, lle.sr M. Wells, Governor of the State o. Utah, in pursuance of law and ia coni ir nity with the proclamation of the Fmadeut of the United States designating .aursday, November 26:b,as aday of tha Uisgivirg and prayer, do hereby request i u people of tins State upon that day to fo ego their customary labors and pursuit, .in i assa.-nbiia their several places of .vosh p and at their fireside altars, to praise toe Giver of all good, and to further honor the day by remembering the po r aad the unfortunate by acts of charily and good fallow William . Kentucky Demo rats will contest the election of MmNinlry electors. e The United States navy is being placed oi a war footing. The ships ship. have to be ready by December 1. ; reia-tiv- A Ma- to the Public. c. n. G HAN'T, Supmintmdency. Card J. wiled. id wo,)d::uie. iILBLIi J. national silver educational ganization will soon be formed. A Inasmuch as .here has been con siderable talk with regard to music being eliminated from the course of study in our public schools the present year, wc the trustees desire to state that, owing to the iact that the school district is heavily involved, with an empty treasury and only means sufficient coming in to meet current expenses we felt under obligations, being servants of the people and responsible fora judicious handling of their money, to curtail expense in every possible way; this course was taken with uo personal fee'ings toward any one or a desire to cut oil one source ofliveiiheoj of Brother Morris; as we fully understand and appreciate the services lie has rendered to the public in the past, and INDIVIDUALLY we would do all in our power to aid and encourage him in any clTbrt in a musical direction. JOS. F. SMI i'll, el mb' immediate demand for an income tax and the free and unlimited ering. 1 G rn issued tilda Morris, who aas been subjected to a great deal of notoriety, attempted to end her life at Mona the other day, by taking a dose of strychnine. Ih. Hosmer was immediately sent for and arrived there as fast as a horse could carry him and administered the usual antidotes in such cases. The doctor says the girl is recov- M. M. I. A. Surveyor McChrystal, D Larsan, Sheriff Christenseo, D Sparks, Booth, their eves. Route-Th- unfortunate young girl D For Congressman King, D Holbrook. It Foster, 1 ertitnt of war. The Strychnine Foote, R r, al General Mil,. a has made his anappearance, and Judge lliggins in the months six him to sentenced nual report on military operations, and has handed it to the secretary penitentiary the boird, Coannissioaers Foote and Jackiu la reported, that accord. ng to the best information they could obtain from practical printers, the claims of Nephi Times and Eureka Pan rerat Publishing Cnnpanifd tor printing, etc., were reasonable with the exception of the Nepiii Times f jr the additional publication of said notice in the amount of $45, which they recommended B.aould be rejected, inasmuch as the same was unauthorized. The claims were then allowed: $122 00 Henry Adame 07 75 Co Times Pub. 1)0 00 Eureka Democrat board then adjourned. The R. P King, D Holbrook, Robinson, D tal lister, R hot No. 24, was brought iu, charged with having illicit relations with a young girl by the name of Webb. The prisoner wished to marry the girl and it w as said that she w ould put in au appearance Friday noon to have the ceremony performed. The damsel, however, did not put in an 1 k was i - ni.ii:!s--,oi-e- r Session As a 1J0 NOVEMBER 11, 1S95. ordered to notify the j during iil term an due thacitv t th peace to render a full re- - from said county. jl.M leu1Oa motion of (.bun. .Jackman, the fot p irt of heir docket by the first of Dellowin'' resolution was a looted: made a setWhereas. Wm. Burt m, clerk of the O tlement with the county treasurer for Fifth Judicial Pistnct e urt, of the and rent collected by him: State of Utah, e unity of J.i ib, having i.00: general, $10.00; rent, paid into the count v treasury of tne Li.ptor, $20. 0. county of Juab, the sum of $1I.G5, the amount of fees ill crimui U au I 'I'ne l). ird adjourned till Wednesday. cases collected by said clerk from civil . Wi.DN Jauuary 4, 13db. to June 4, D'di, inclusThe court again met in reconvened ive, and, All commissioners being pre-tWhereas, By decision of the supreme nt. court of the State of Utah, said fees, Captain Deprezin made a motion that amounting to j 1:41.05 must he paid bv Judge Foote and A. L. Jackman be ap- said clerk, to the state treasurer, for pointed a cumtuiDee of two to find out the benetit of the State of Utah. the price for the printing of the official Resolved, That the county clerk be ballots, etc. and decide upon the bills and is hereby authoriz-- d to draw Ins oftha ('in'.- -, and Eureka Democrat. warrant up m the county treasu-o- r for C,u ra the sum of $131.65 piyable 1 the orTne following claims were allowed. der of said Wm. Burton, being the said 194 00 amount paid by said Willi i n Birton E. 0. Crooks Eros 50 00 H. Burton by error, into the county treasury, 2 75 should have been paid by him into the Ord Iiros State treasury. Tii r,Vr'0 )0 In ho a re slow tn lontii ear. )' r G In testimony whereof I have set my hand and caused tha great seal of the Tom Wa! s' m's letter of nooepl-- a State to be hereua o affixed this ninth .cr was given to the public lor day of November, in toe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Lie u u time thm week. and of the independance of nine the United S ates the one hundred and Carlisle says lie is twentieth, and first year of the State of Secret try sliding to take a long jKjliti WeddJnrj. re-- t from Utih. SEAL .. hat promised to be a fashion able wedding in hi"h life" took a! Bryan a 111 outline his future O turn today and ended in an im. political programme this; evening, An Arab named , , prisonment. bull Workman 8ov-whMaster General Something-or-OtheCharley was docketed as John Doe. reign of the Knights of Labor has Vi j o r, I ilEHZR 7,1. WELLS. the Governor: James.T. Hammoxd, Secretary of State, By The Republic will add new and Interesting features to its columns. The pnblic should watch its coiums for futher and nou ncements. |