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Show The Republic, Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Not. 14 8 CITY TOWN TALK. Ki3 tha eJitoral on school Lind Title. T. B. Foote dor orangei, grapes and bannanas. Bn v your hats and furnishings goods cf Ord Bros, and get the latest. For sweet botatoes go to T. B. toots j Free ojsters in. A. L. Jackman came to town this week. Dont fail to read the editoral on School Land Title. It wil interest you. Call and see our beautiful satin lined silk sewed suits, fine things. Ord Bros. WANTED One hundred turkeys. Rededus Meat shop. Robbers and overshoes at Hyde & Whitmore Co. a Mr. J. V. Pasman returned from the other day. Dr. llosrmrs lit'D boy bu been sick with lung trouble bat is oa the improve. Your produce is,os good ascish. Come to our bnrgain sale next Thursday, Friday , and Saturday. T. C. Winn sh mid be given a vote of thanks f.or his efficient services in behalf of the county. You all have to buy h use this winter and we can sate you from 10 to 25 cents per pair. Hyde & Whitmore Co. Floral Cream Lotion is the best thing for chapped bauds and rough sk:n. A, Lunt & Eons. President Win. Paxmun went over to Bauptte today to attend conterence at Moron 1. Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair. on? Eu-rek- New Stock of DRESS GOODS in single Dress Co-op- If you want a nice tieyoulonly have to call on Ord Bros. Dont lock at the Excelsiors add on page 4. The Exielaiors add on page 4 should be read. Mr. Tbos. Bellibton has been sick but Is now improving. Utah flannel underwear only f 2.00 a suit Ord Brothers. If yon want any Job printing done come to us. A fine line of turkeys for the holidays. think Utab flannel only ?2.00 a Mutton, beef, pork all at Jot and a suit. Ord Bros. the lowest prices. Chas. sansige, Ockey & Sons. Ilezekiah Carters little boy is someMonte is still paying off electioiT what better. beta. Call and se) him. Ids is prepared Notice our announcement on another to settle. Now is the time to eet the finest ladies page ot this issue. It will interest you. ome and see Our 25 cent cashmere has no equal, flannel etle wrappers. tnem ladies. At Chas. Foote & Sons. call and see it. Hyde & Whitmore Co. N. II. Felt, representing the Spring-vlll- e We feel satisfied that Janies E. Taylor I ndep indent gave us at call Friday. will make a good county commissioner. Come again, your welcome. fJLook out for announcements in the REPUBLIC. Flannelette Remnants at tha price figure of 1() cents per yard J. W. N. Whltecotton was In town this smashing worth 15 cents at Chas. Foote & Bons. week. Shed Lunt came to to wn one day this Look out for presents for the holidays week after a short absence, aud brought at A. Luut & dons. his smiling face with him. Our fur and plush capes at extremely & Sous. low prices. At Cbas. Foote Every lady knows what it means when we tell you we hive some more beautiful laxman went down to Leam- dress goods. Hyde & Whitmore Co. ington the middle part of this week. in the Christmas Republic. Advertize this week and see Drop in at the sixteen paves tor 5 cents. Full o( atones the prices on woolens. and articles of general topics. Do not buy your dress until you see the County Attorney Pike will still stay in office for the next two years at least. dress goods at Hyde & Whitmore Cos. They cau save you dollars. Ladies ulBters at your own price at the Look at thosa fur lined Juliets for the sale. little ones, only 51.03 pair at tha Bishop Walter J. Beatty of Salt Lake Formerly fl.2o per pair. ' city was in Nephi Friday, most to line of The date up completo Dont miss the big shoe sale at Excel- linoleums, carpets and mattiug at prices sior next week. cheaper than ever, at Cuas. Foote & Judge Pike was a viator to Nephi this Bans. week in attendance oa the county court. Mrs. Henry Hawkins, after attending That cheap shoe sale at the Excelsior tiie funeral of her little child imine crouds rf people. went to bed and gave birth to a fine ately should draw large boy. Shoes will be sold at almost halt price. Foote and A. L. Jackman went Judge Get your clothing at the Excelsior and t. Balt Lake Wednesday to investigate the forever after be satisfied. Nothing but prices ot printing the ballots and other good goods there. election stationery, Rubber goods. New line entirely! I. A. ScienceSocietv wifi meet Toothpicks and plain. Very cheap at atTheM. the "Academy hall next Monday Chns. Foote & Sous. evening at 7:3J oclook. Au interesting y Keepthe children warm. ChBoys winter& program will be rendered. is. Foote raps, from 50 cent3 up, at a no dress one will It you want that Sous. have one like, we can sell yon one with At last you can get what you want, a beautiful trimmings to mutch. Ilyde pair of shoes that wilt wear. Hyde & & Whitmore Co. Whitmore Co. Most ladies in buying a good and styWm. Burton has Dcen a good officer of lish dress, prefer to have something ho receive as such should and the county from other idles so we have purthe thanks of the people. chased some beautilui single dress patterns, with ali the latest style trimmings The finest lot of clothing ever shown to match. Hyde & Whitmore Co in Nepni both tor meu and B iys at Ord Mi.G. R. Scott, traveling for celeBros. brated portrait artists, is hero with a If you are indisposed nothing will re- good proposition fir the enlargement of a condition batter thuu Read what the Excelsior juvenate your photographs. . It. J at Edgfielils. pica .ant drink company have to say about It. Now is the time to subcribe for the RepThose wishing a nice expression on ublic. It is throughly independent and their inexpressible love sh .uld visit the well stocked jewelry case at the btriU'y reliable. Lois of long coats for girls offered aston- store. ishingly cheap at our sale this week at The inexpressible will be expressed Co op. when the present you buy is received and thanks be lnexprei tile. The jewelry is All applications to school lands must all right, A gurautee accompanying, be tilled out correctly or they will be Rea. the editors! on the subject. at the The sheep limn have kept m busy ho child of Mr. aDd Mrs. Henry J. we appreciate; now we are ready Hawkins, uied at Juab lit 8:30 Monday, which to serve you at our sale at the latter end to Nephi Tuesday mornlhuo brought of the week. g ing and was buried tdnetday. Many lives of usefulness have deen cut Genial Captain Daprezin showed up in short by neglect to break up an ordinary tne at lu week attendance tins Nephi cold. Pneumonia, bronchi is and even as a board court the silliug county court, the. consumption cau be nverted byCure-Aof canvassers on the returns of the elecDrom pt use of One Mia ute Cough tion. Luut & Bon. To make the hair grow a natural color, Ayers Hair Vigor, whichof has outlived prevent baldnes ., and keep the scalp similar and was Uenrwcr superseded hundreds inveut llair Halls healthy, is undoubtedly the raos fashed, and bas proved itself successful. well as economical ionable as iu the market. By its use, the poorDont forget that we lead the clothing trade and give you better bargains est head of hair soon becomes luxuriant than you can get el&evvere, Brices way aud beautiful. down. Ord Bros. Human life is held ten cheaply when Come to the Marsh Millnery House for the individual wno needs a tonic for his your liais. Our prices will suprise you system, seeks to cover his wants by purCall and see us. We will only be heie a chasing every new mixture that is to himRemember that sluut time. Opposite Footes. . rt Co-o- p Co-o- p Co-o- au-tere- 1 Co-o- p Co-op- tfl r Kil A frc-T- LyiLLii MADE. PERFECT MOST pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free i Arrrronia, Alurr. o' any cCier idultenfid. iC tl"v. Yc?-- 3 Patterns all the latest style trimmings to match A. L. Jackman returned home Friday. It will saon be Con ntyCierk Joel Grover. If you want a good shoe that will wear cali on ilyda & VhUmcre Co. But, we have a lot of p splendid lined store. shoes for ladies at the Co-o- WANTED AT ONCE- :- Active agents for each Will county. Exclusive control and mi risk. clear L to 27i hundred dollars a year. Enclose for jl sample. stamp for full particulars, or Bin Kxi'ius Minkuai. Watch Co., liig Rapids, Mich. Thev are so little you hardly know you No two alike. 2- -c are taking them. They causa uo griping act quickly and most thoroughjdt they ly. Such are the famous little pills liuown as DeWltts Littio Early Risers. Btnall in size, great iu results. xY. Lunt Sou. & Estray Notice. the following des : eribeii animals One red u lute faced steef 2 or 3 years old white under belly lour while feet and bush of tail wiiile branded on left hip O If dummies and costs on said animals be not paid w itiiiu ten day- - from the date of this notice tney will be sold to t ie highest bidder at Nephi city estray pound, at 2 oclock p. in. on the lMli, irii.v ot Nov. lsJti. Dated at Nephi City tills 9th day of Nov. 18')6. Jami.s R. Rhiu. Round Keeper. I have in my n to-w- Bngel, the leading drugg'st o Dr. King's New say.--: Discovery is the only thing that cures my ouch, and it is t'n- - ue.--t seller I have. J. F. Campbell, merchant of Salford, Ariz., writes: Dr. King's New Disioteiy is all tliatis claim. 1 for it; it never tails, ami is a sure cure for Consumption, (doughs anil Colds. I cannot say e. lough for its merit.-- . l)r. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Coals is not a i experiment. 1 1 has been tried for a quarter of a Jcentury, ami to day stands at the head. It never tils ippoints. Free Drill bottles at all Drug Bt.ae; au I iteiei-- . Aug. .T. Slireveiiit, La., T' DRESS Goods for Childrens School Dresses. Did You Ever Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bun Us now and get rel.ef. This medicine has been found to be peeuliailv adapted to the ulief aud cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct iiilluencs in giving stieugth and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of ApHeadache, Fainting petite, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Eleetii Betters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its uFifty couis aud tfi.OU at all Dtug ( n, -e Stores. ELECTRIC BITTERS. . Co-o- VV Shoes callon us. STANDS AT THE HEAD. I '1 If you want a GOOD pair of Lleclvie Bitte.s is a me lici.io suited for any soasiu. tint pcrilaps more generally needed wiica tae la tgilid, exit pasted fearing pievaiD, vv lieu the Ever is leipl.i aud sluggish tin, I tne need ot i to. lie aud altetarive xV lias is pr imp! use of this often averted long and lerhups fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act tinie surely in tne noth louuternciuig and fiecmg Lie in il trial p is in. 1 leada , I.alig-stio- n, Constipation, Dizziness yield t Electric Bitters 50: or el. 0 I p;r 'mule at ail Drug tores and Ask to see our 25c. Cashmere, 36in wide and in all shades. . m-- -- ilt-a- hair-dressin- g There Is Nothing So ooaJ. just as good as Dr, King New D.scjverv for w.msuaiptioii, Co tglis 1111;) Colds, so demand it and do not permit the neoier to .ell you some subnot claim there is anystitute. lie w but in oulcr to make more better, d thing a has Barsunarilla Ayers -el-- e to lie profit he limy claim vv omething reputa.ion of ULy years standing. You at. I i)r. Kings New j list as good. Chronic constipation is a painful, dis- Discoveiv because on know it (o lie safe agreeable and d.tfieuriy. and re! i Ie. and gu.irao .ecu to do good or It deranges Hie syst n, c.ius-- s sick head-aer- money refunded, l'or Cough-- , Cold.--, bad hr 'n, and poisons me blood. ot Turoat, ahect.ons all and It can tie overt. mm by DsWitts so good nut. .s and tinuv Chest ling Lung., itiese little pUiS are Little; Early Ris Iri I1 as is Dr. Kings New I)wo cry. great regulators. A. Lunt B n. Dealers. ic- - ai.il bottle fine i t a.i ! hug sizes o.i oo.s a.i.i cl.U . Many poliinl speakers, clergymen, Regular singer- - and 111 rs who use tha voice excessively, le'y uoon One Minute Cough. The Cr&mieit Remedy Care t.i prevent duskiness and iaryngi-tisIts value as a preventive is only e j an le.l by Us power to afford in ere hunt, o: Chi I Mr. R. B. relief, xi. Lunt A Sou. ho'v ie, V i. cet lilies that to- 1. oi g.ven up to ill- -, so g In all 17. L tion, vv.i KETCHU.W mid t'cafp-mt- , tint oout-n,e.,.e-i- l !i- tm muKI tried n t eo igo re A vat'-- oirk-- of sixVc-- i yeirs experipmeai'", but no icitcf; many nights of, ence, of which, six voirs sen spent in bear .. it cui i r ; was i a d u a t try watch re mi ring la New York I ity, I s; i tin up -i oMew so j u as our-elovery. have come to uy, and I will do i.ll kinds Dr. King or t w D D e- -. F ' mh three by ush ot repair work, on short notice, and g nnd to gu a ra n tee all work to give perfect satis- yems has been No v D ooV"V is me faction. I carry a C'vmileto line of watch- says Dr. Kings ever , - t has done it wi.l pay grande-- t i tor him ami mad es, j wtdry and specacles. also oriie.-- s in Iris so mac you to call at the Neptii Jewel y S.ore. Dumovery commu my. Or. Kings N-Coo-um- pt is guai intend for Coaghs Colds and on . toont rril. rrirl oottles f te at air Drug Stores. Wood will be taken on subscription st this office. We hope subscribers will taka advantage of this and keep ofus secure Money to Loan. winter. nn the cold shivering blast amount from one hjndred to In sny I! them ie anything we lik e beside a good On improved farm drink in Winter it ie a nice re sy fire ta ten thousandondollars. hit tS sy. properlyT.or C. water stock. Wixx, County Record et. There is nothing 1 well-earne- iVe wish that all interested parties would read the editors! on School land filths, ll will beol benefit to some, amt by a close per oral oi the sn me it will how them conclusively the law on the subject. fi'lie big shoe sale nil next week at the l'xci Is mr w 11 he a hummer. Look at i he pi u cs. Childs fine shoes, no lieel for 19c. L"dies fine Dongola aliors for only jl.U) worth jd.73. 1ulieC w inter slippers worth 51.23 lor on ly 75c. bee their add ou page lour. Our pi ns mt fell townsmen Mr. J. A. f tne Uyue & Wni.iuore Co. bus been atek and confined to Ins home a portion of tins week. We are gl.id to In sole to state that he is around Hde, manager again. v . Do not buy your HOSE, until you call on us, we can save you money. ip i v Thorn wis t?'er shown such a stock of clothing in N chl as is found at fi'he Nt.b'iy suits f r all, late riotn the be- -t markets in tio world, and so cheat) th i' ail cm buy good clothing. No shoddy in them. Ex-c-s- h r i s,'l -- d ou-tne- att-ndta- s- speak louder than words ask your grocer ifwe really mean money-bac- k if you dont like Schilling s Best tea. ".Actions A Schilliig ban K: Company t rxiiciwo SSI w Tha Drtf Goods Peopla K'o pH.l O It v, I |