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Show - 1 4 fh3 ilepabiic 4 THE HE PUB LIC. Nsp'ai, oathrciay, Nov. 14 G has on band, rea ly fur d str.bution, a large number of printed Hanks designIt is said that attorneys in Salt Lake ed fur the sole use of pref ere nca are engaged irr'examining the Austra- right" applicants and which they can lian election law preparatory to a con- readdy obtain by writing for or applytest in the courts. in The person. ing provision of the From the authority of prominent at- law not generally un lerstooJ is the ' torneys on both sides they seern to have limit of time fixed in the act for the tilgood grounds for Contesting, as 'the ing of these applications. Six months t election is timeiroiu the date of the tiling of i We believe tint Senator Froctor, school id school land plates, with the ' kA while in Silt Like, stated that ia case various county yb w as allowed f the presidential election was close, the wherein all pieferences right claiml A vote of Utah would hi contested on ants were to file their applications and f those grounds. as those phits were lib-- with the counWe believe, lio.v wer, that those off''A ty trouMirors n or about June 2'th of hold who icer positions, at precnt of this jear, the time in all the ouu-tiethat is, a majority of them will resign, will expire about December 25, and of the such event in proceedings l'b'h Tno serious part oi the matter is allow those elected to take their places. that if an applicant dot J not apply for The Australian law is a good law if his land with the state board of land the numbering of the ballots could be commisfaiuneis, on or before Christmas dona away with. day, ho will lose his right to purchase The expense attached to it, however, bis home at private sale and be comwill throw a good many of the smaller pelled to enter the market at the pubcounties in a state of bankruptcy if not lic sale and bid on the same at public amended. It gives unscrupulous news- auction. This will prove a hardship, papers a chance to lleece the public as the price of his land may be run up treasury, while under ordinary circum- over the appraised price and in no stances they would be content with evantcan lands be sold either to pubof election advertizing ic or private sales for less than the aprates. It looks to be a case of The praised price per acre. So it will readPublic Be Dammed, we intend to get ily be seen that failure'to tile his applithere anyhow. cation in time may cost much more We hope the next legislature will see money to retain his home than if he to this. used the right granted him by the Legislature and placed a written claim at proper ofiice Inside the time limit. AN ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. This statement of facts is designed to warn the occupants of school land Ladies Fine, genuine Dongola Shoes worth 1.75 for only Sl.OOpair. Nephi should have more light. This the State of the great danthroughout elecis an to city large enough support Childs Fine shoes no heel worth 75 cts for only 40 cts. them of delaying this matter and tric light plant. Wo understand that ger to in the hope that it may result in the Childs patent tip and patent foxed a nice dressy shoe worth 1.00 responsible parties will erect a plant if of to those who pos- to money a franchise were granted.' Think about the saving $1.25 for only 75 cts. sess are not this who but cogniright it gentlemen of the city council. The Childs school Shoes heavy for G5 cts. of the restrictions and limits zant too dark to be without nights are Ladies Winter lined Slippers worjli 1.25 for onlyt75 cts. with it. lights of some kind. If we cannot coupled have electric lignt, for heavens sake Ictus return to the old tallow dip It is now Baid that McKinley pressed which will do a little good, if it does the button and the mills will do the not exactily fulfil requirements. We rest, would like to know the views of i the citizens on this subject. Send in comThe Reiuiilio does not need a newsmunications and we wall publish thdm. paper of the calibre of the Nephi Times to show up its defects. A Contest Likely. the ISSUED SATUEDAV MORNING Editor. W. L. ROE, terms or OaeYear sur.-CKirno- K: - - - 2.00 thttial imimutiun. n1 lo iH.itler.sboL.il tte i4 ubhi. itir or I.ditor, news t , iohir'-.-3- treu-mrei- All remittances au-- biNiui s be aMre'st tt U lie K public honM ys Jett to 1 KepLi, J nab tn,i , 1 t , i.tli. nVtoQas Wo,T0 Wl&W ft!; non-secre- All con M RJtj PJ e, S s' y'VXn A' QEULS , J 'sfVuiJty LAv' -. Tlii: KLPlEUO PL LLI II M. AlcCune, slii Ni r (OMPALV Manager. Applicatcn hits been mad' at the N pin post tftiru for tran siiussbm Inronh tLe in(n.s as ieeoudelas.s mail matter. SATURDAY NOV. 11th, 1390. Be Sure that you ADVERTISE IN one-fourt- h A RIG BRRP iA TheRepUbliG Grand Shoe Sale Next Week, It will Pay you. The Salt Lake Tribune's sarcasm on t Marcus Aurelins Hanna was too provoking. The Nephi Tunes may be pretty telligent as to figures on election will require a turns, but-isearch wheie in- re- double-breaste- t light to that intelligence Had d out is situated. Thursday, November 2Gth being Thanksgiving.it is desirioua that all ptisone will celebrate that day. The Times is enveloped so much in its own littleness that the citizens wonder whether it is responsible for its chameleon-lik- actions. e $1101. All SCHOOL LAND TITLE. Inquiry at the ofice of the State termed The Nephi Times election table looks as if t had been brought over bodily from the forms of the Tintie Miner and inserted with only a change of pro-cine- t. e A.. mT. board of land commissioners develops the fact that applications for school lands in t) is State, under what is Everybody should help Brother Morris, the aged singer of Nophi, and attend bis class winch is held in the Central school. other shoes will be reduced for this great Sale. Scddcii Nephis First-Clas- s ABHET. EAT are preference right, We liavo always on hand not beiog tilled as rapidly a3 thoy should when the magnitude of the hold- lleof, Mutton, Tork, Bacon, Butter, Pork Sausage, and Cliease. ings is considered. This is doubtless due to the lack of familiarity with the provisions of the We invite the citizens of law on the part of cthe persons who Nephi to giv e us a call. possess this valuable right. The act designated as school lands First Door North of Post Office-B- . sections 2, Id, 112 and !(, in every townA. WILLIS, Manager. ship in the State, and the last Legislature, recognizing the injustice which would result in not protecting actual and bonafido settlers on these sections Bn-abli- We wonder what John G. Carlisle will It inis been suggested that a do now. statue be erected to him in Washington as one of the greatest political jugglers that eer lived. What is the matter with an electric light plant for the city. We believe that it would be remunerative enough as well as a boon to the people. k Citizens of Nephi! is said that lharoah, King of Egypt tirbt used a lock. If those ' election figure critics had been alive at that time a muzzle would have 1 ecu used as well. It had settled upon, occupied or cultivated small tracts, ignorant of the fact that thoy were school lands, and they couid not obtain title thereon until they became the property of the who Is it silver or gold. November will tell but you can tell upon inthat the vestigation EAikRjlSiSI KjA The American Glucose company for duty November 10, at which time a recent reduction of 10 per. cent in wages will fied its workmen tw report be restored. The lawyers are clamoring to contest the election under the claim that S-- B h-- w sc - Bo vr 1 The Tumble has come in prices too and you cannot afford to miss this great sale on Shoes. ONE WEEK ONLY. uncon-etitiona- l. Lisnto Pharmacy, opportunity of purchasing itjat the apThe majority of the people decided praised price and on ten years, time, that Wni. McKinley should he the with interest on deferred payments at Main Street, "" 1 FALL. 'tmR.E SI Prescriptions correctly compounded 1, 1891, has only to apply to the State the Australian ballot law as practised Yours for Health, board of land commissioners of this theiefore in.Utah, is city for the particular tract, describing the same, and he will be granted the non-secre- p'iSE to invest best any place State, passed a law which will oe fouud kind of money is at in the laws of Utah, IStD, and designatLuniks Pharmacy. Call ed us chapter 81). Section 19 of this act and see us, we have regrants w hat has beeu termed a preduced e cry thing to. ference right to settlers or occupants who have improved State lands and Ihv Ca ii h. i B is were on January 1, 18!) I, actual settlers Lno of We cany an or occupants thereon whereby these settlors eouhl apply for their exact Candy, Drugs, holdings and thus be enabled to purMedicines, chase them from the State at the apToilet Articles, praised price at private sale without Perfumes, Soaps, being compelled to compote with any Comos, other persons who might desire to obBrushes, tain these improved lands. The actual Books, Stationery etc. settler on school land, prior to January il.-ga- noti- - R.5 States. So president of the United 3 cent per annum. This is a very and keep per wheel put your shoulder to the and especially so as every the simple matter, him bring about reforms that county treasurer tbioughout the State American people bo much need. TT yANTFlx-,.SEXERA- )V L, or YAu-n-- n jjjl.VwrukU Til 1 U ftT c ill envelope. The Chicago. to A Nephi, FAITHFUL MEN for responsible nSI) .. Leaders payable .Vn'IIqu jiniaiifot. stAinivd National, JttarEmMing, 1 Nephi in Low Prices, u |