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Show The ReriiViie, N5;Ei ' U:: j , 3iV 19- - 'h --- ft ' - ' ' ; H I Il ' f f w t Ll I i i ) Held August 29th. The vote? stood 16 tol, that the most complete line of Hats: for men and Boys was at 1 aiS' '3 SEOS. ZESID Tltc :i crp pp iLEBRA Tabs fiT-jTX i 'Ti T") n c2 vt , ay.xs Mipposod to lo tin tin of ;ih innt city wn-- only the level of of a comparatively An Injured "an Does Not Know he is modern city Imilt over tin ruins of an older one or a sucf""ion of Kurt 'Until Blood Trickles. older ones. r ;i "vfix The excavations above tin level 1 . hief of Dr Delorme. Surjreon-in-- t 111 M i had "one t hrmigh .;( feet d oris, the trench army, has been lector-- j ev wro now ontinued to a 23 8 iim in Paris before the Academy of depth of .hi feet below, th' exeava- Medicine on the new stu eoat( d s fa- TT li- e ver p;,,. s Jc bi rly 'LJ rifle bullets and their ellect as pro-.- , J .jeeted from the modern magazine of 4.040 vo irs of IDbvlonian is. ride. The most remarkable lact in tory. Below tin platform to t'ejjj connection with them appears to be virgin s 11 was an juvini'ilutiou of,! O 3"T4LT: lin little cause p very that , 1 drain--they this, rve aal br kn pot- !jd ju-to those who are struck by them-A- tery, and various otimr obycts of ' Fourmies, during the riots there, interests. Twenty tiir feet ow mt man was wounded so badly (the platform Frof. II lines evm1 .10115. that ho afterward suffered from upon tin most amuent kev.-lo-n susnot did cen he paralysis; yet arch known, an arch Prof blood saw he until was shot he th in pect cht thinks, cannot be lati 110ll,cr stains upon his clothes. Prof. Haines eveavat- . ('. r).ooG ( nr man who was shot through 1 led the lower pud of the marvelous I liis sensation thus, wall of the city. Its foundations 11 me. come over felt a slight shiver were found to be 10 feet lr ov tin Another who was shot through the level ot the desert wall i'.wf. It arm could only remember that his is 17 feet high and 45 feet wide si Pu&SSsfoang elbow twitched, and that he involthe top. This wall "lands Pe- upon untarily closed his fist. Dr. upon another of unknown height. lerine finds that when the bullets These walls wore built of brick 20 '!P meet with an obstacle at a short inches square, probably tin largest err?' distance, say from 100 to 150 yards, bricks ever used. The most valuNotice of Dissolution. and ill they are very apt to explode, n able finds were the iiwriptions n Tlit ni partin r"ln) a 0 tv ic the pieces of metal are capable of up'on the broken vases, bricks and (li r lilt HHMip ami at Nt'i'ii Uta n is tils ia London mutual t'niit . 1st Prizs. RiiTisaii nsso, "Myia 6,' 5 djo uj doing serious mischief. is confidentit these From 'J tablets. lui" iiic-- s con will ar. f tr Iticin: 75 CD wesaaa man or 2d Prizs. for Bicycle, Ock'A ipici.-(Davit's tinl'r tii k News. nl Ot'Lcv A sui. wlm ufl ilUct' LO mi na1 ly predicted by Prof. Ililprccht 50 Z 3d Prizs. Cssli out "landing imlthlfdDo-- s aud vill pa. ;t.I 03 of t a 250 continous 2cii that dfht oou ,icicl iy n Cssli Prizes, history $25 lr Li Of Ki CO 100 10 each Cash $10 Frizz:, will be written. New Vork u Ivd. Nojdii. FINDS. BABYLONIAN 120 00 CQCn':i FrizES, ensh $2 Sun. tlial what 1( el .... is Only J ; f 1 a ( s Par Year ' Wcclily f County. - t I c ir XOttlt 'Jt WOKK. -- Communications to the Go., iHepishiic 2 v t cA 1. 111 l f- ! . t1. I Ikiby-lonis- ( 1. WiMm-siia- RcanrkaV.e Discoveries Mads by . , . ( .1 . - v ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN. cent Excavations. ijo first prio .till bo efiven to tlio person wlio rontruotq the longest no letter of the alphabet more than three Kcnltifce In food Knililk foatamnu w ill times, i t is not neressar to um- - e very let ter of the alphabet. The ot her prizes recrelnr order to those competitors whose seutenees are next in It injth. 'v fellers will receive a paper Lvery compatitor whose sentence reaches forly-tw- Dont Porget-- - 0 Tin; Obi Ifciiaijlc LAUNDRY. TROY STEAM These latest discoveries came Suusfart ion i in ran irrrt. about in an interesting way. His tot and d'iirod errv Work ti y. Odd predecessor, I)r. Peters, worked iadis s,lurt w aKts a store. or at tloor certain Sparks' a (andy to down E. 1. Sparks Jr. Agent. had platform which lie and others taken to be the ground with the ancient city. One of this party "uested that this level should be conpenetrated and tlie digging tinued until rock or virgin soil should be reached. The sugges- Agent, A. J. Traveling Frcieh All kinrlsof repair work clone" tion was adopted, and to the de- - Agent 5S Gregory, West 2nd gouth St salt Lake Main Streetof all concerned, it was found city. Nephl, Utah -- cm t ed vc!;i mu eoeta iiilii- -' error. Th, 'oiiC'st closes - f'cl ve uf WlikieTheCollins . ,r-Wl'- l- i t - U- ' Vf d A. 3. Palmer, (5 B WOULD-IlEEAL- gi WILLIAM J. CKYAM, is Editor, . each competing sentence be enclosed with one (foliar for a it is required thatThe sec- is issued in Weekly Woklu-Uerasubset ption. yearsand champion of free lienee is nearly as vood as a daily. It is tho western t;ons and Blacksmith, - - (p 0 & nov els whether lie wins a prize y aunouiicedono prize winueis will he 111.1!' r two or pi to the hesttine. given l ho allowed u.. ....... pt rsmi wil . ,i. i.i, t ' nted ' t h ; eoni i oi more t.he n once. Sentences an not he cm n cted or suh-er ciev are received. Uctidciits of Umaiia aro not i.crmitted to compete, (5 & cctly or 1'hUiecUy. N RUL1I3 FOR 7ME SENTENCE (No Others Furnlshe-T.The leneTh of a sentence ir. to be measured by tlio number of letters ltcontalns, s bu used or counted more than three times. No word except "a" buti noietter can words. e,...oo. The sentence must consist of complete Ll L' cun bo - i... iiimiuiiiuuuii' $ ' i mug figures, abljreviat inns or contractions, etc., must not be used, ihc pronoun words. nouns cannot 1? and the article as will be accepted a" Proper complete 7eV SOfl Kacli contestant must iuuicute by figures at the end of his sentence how 5; man v letters it contains. pf which This remarkably liberal offer is made by the WEEKLY essmau, the distinguished o The Denver & Kio Grande B. K. on "nlar.'H theii July 1st improved Pa"-.- . Colorsheep corrals at Tenr.e-M- i is the of mountain there lines,, where ado, grass and clear running water, which is free of cost to the sheep men. The company has also provided sleeping accomodations, which will be kept especially for sheep men who btop there to graze their sheep. We can handle your mutton for all eastern markets. Before ordering your cars, be sure and write for further information to either B. F. Nevixs, General Agent, George A. IIawkes, Traveling Freight light $ 1,135 00 3 Prixaq Re- ld stiver coinage and the leading family newspaper of Nebrask Address, I semi-week- ly C ff, . V |