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Show Til 6 V I LIU the to Anutlifi Cans?. eam-paig- By Wilhelm Tlcit Is Advanced Argumer Favoring Silver. York X nv ( Tree Journal ) lion Miihclm von KardorlT of tho liinn-tallisthe brn-hpart' t the Do t, ami one of orators in hrilianl t He is a prolbmul student of rr;i"iaa in tl. imi-- Rer-uvar- v. raid ranks with Arendt as wiic (f the two leading Herman nuiimri; ies on monetary seienee. 1 hv tiie following let- will t T that Viki K i h that free coinage hy tin United States will he the means of the bimeludic s'stem in cro'.omie-'- , !ii-ve- re-tori- Enron . In Wahritr, Silesia, Augu-- t aeeurjhi nee w ith sour ivqiid, I iicrewilh semi you my views on tin a. practical icaii.ation of bime.ahe-m- , eul refei'ene to lue .rile hetw.-- n nili tl and international wUh sj . . . w.iiea as broken out in the Inited Xl Res. Allow iae to that, al ter tv, (1 va.h's of com prehens iv e, li Clime ledm-chum- l tlmr.mgh theoretical ami practical study of the coinage problem, still hold t h great principle w hull your disti; coantrym m, Mr. Ileury E trey, upluld aga'm.-- t the genl fanatics when he wrote: ' "I'm id. nt Lincoln has estahlisli-e- d the aviotn: livery tiling of. the people, for the people and by the people. " 1 ' ALL i h: , :i:; vi aio la.xiums-Th- gold advocates have adopted the principle; Everything of the for the money lendlenders, money and the er! by money lenders." I he legislative bodies of ail great commercial nations have, by hirm r' majorities, passed resolutions which (1 tnaml tin international regulation of the money standard (pies, ti m in the intcre-- t of the in the interest ofjioliti-ca- l economy, in the interest of a lies thy advance of wages, and in the ihtero.-- of international trade. 'J lies resolutions are on record in the I'nited States Congress, the I'm: h Chambers, the German Keic :Rag, tbe Prussian Chambers and i he English Houseof Commons. A la. pi number of smaller countries bavi .oiiied in the good movement, such as Holland, llelginm. etc. W ny tire the e thus far no practical results to these devout M h does not sueei'ss crown as yet the many bimetallic congresses? Iks nisi the capitalists of the who,, a oi hi are allied against us as o:: man,- and money stid mmis supr mc. W should he big fools," said ir :!iam Hareourt in Iarlia- men. "if we Hnglishmen, the credi tors ( ; the whole world, should to a change of our iiss sta rd." W: h these words he has candidly Utter the heartfelt sentimen s o.' tin1 c pitalintio fraternity, who are uuiti in France, England, German merica and other lands ig deh of the gold sta miaul. The tentacles oi. this mighty oetunus have captured the most powerful newspapers of the civilized world, have Listened their grip on the Cabinets, Ministers and high officials of the ruling lands, who arc made to thwart the pronounced will of rarliments. produe-ing-classe- -- de.-ire-s? - r.'-- e s, 1 Dr.C.H. BIRD Lambert Paper Dentist. VITH BALDNESS The Danger is Averted ty Itsizj hair vicca n. Tesllt ExtrsQRd Without Pain. PKINTEKS GOLD CROWNS, SUPPLIES Spocirtlty. gX NEPHI OFFICE: One block south Store. and halt block east of . S. M, xJ n & J a h 'd ed a new of hair, and grow t li the scalp free. In on d.ii (li'tilV. an occasional application is tieeiP d to natural hi i i color. I li. m er A !o ( Onxpitrtl 1.XX 3 COLORADO SP'3, DENVER. EFFECTIVE APRIL Id 1894 20, ! 1 . t .v.k v i rm r ',i:i n i ' n . .:ix 1 t i, I: P-- i" r n li e rniiiim A, ". '.y ", Trahc i ; is. i;: i.', r: i- t rli n. :uia"r. iv w. ko: . ; t t i Nephi City, o "i r L ' i k, '13 e. Du. J. C. AYER & CO.. LC'.VCLL, LAST, Utah. , v r GUY 5. A. a. r u r. f S tml r' O 3 STom lLiuLH Tii. i a OilUub! jlxo Is - - complete ru'.-- t l.'.irors and a! Mi--:.- :i ( .(. i it :ie r 'I T Xegln I i - k .H F1C ( nil!. ( - r,.nMian- Alb M..na M.miiiint'.i-- ii j. no - An! iii- ( John an pi II. ilAV.KIXS Nephi City Hoarding House - ; otlii-- oiy tlrg out no. w i r f TE12 End Cold Baths. r.u.uin. Ft of UncUt.a )d Lc Home Print Weekly Published in Utah. All that amuRntees tho :'.i,e t, and most artistic liras!, n i ih.eir work. The tinest g'oss is plaeeil on all Is the one The list of utic, .l.i.i'U leltois rein in Nephi po a olili Sign. 1st. 10'j is follows. a ill ip.;z , Jtr, Janus I. ODonne:'. our Coilars, Cuffs, etc. Xir. Chart, s la.Mwl. Walter L. Price. 1 call fo" work A liriglit a t Dewited to let ter w i it and mg JOSEPH N A THURMAN L xfW' cx v : ' E t, M - CiU - Room I and c - i !C:t 6 Bank Builaiug. - p- . Fot information an 1 i"' , j JIl'.NN o: CO., woi 1rom Ohict hureai i'r fr'ciir.r." j : v ; Lwrv T5itf,nt taii'Mi oi.-bi:x o c . the public by a w t.cc ?. Pirst ' Lr : copvc: 0 P Law. :i! - ' c ' WEDGWOOD, , - - . - Af'TVr, l Agent jeurres-p- , ; : ' c . vil'i'V.V ciroi:latioi of anv f'O Larprt orid. i. iilr l r i..t '. ' v.z V n man bo without it. ( Oa Iv, x,Ix dr'm.h. Ad im,. ; evv vf;ir: cot - UTAH. PROVO, iJL RLLhlll.iLi, , 1 , u VV' NcPriCitV A. YJ. CAINE & CO, -- n li & Attorneys I. end in the race lblishingCo. wiili the v cggisrga plea-mr- Lottr a: and ndetu'e, es)ee:.iev ailapted to those. vim are dnvuih atted, !i,nsome anil will line lonely. In it y t Tl, rough it, um may and lmppine-s- . tir.,1 p ace at, heatt. Setnl 10 rents t ,r a tmee u.iintlis i a uLserii t:oa to : CO. VPN, i fer Agsr-c- Utah Steam Laundry. rami vo JOUR ScieniiriC and Deliver MonJays Fridays cf each week. tle aboe S') i 7a Cainphi-!:- letters me not cnll-- d tor in davs, they will bo sent to tne dead letter rdiice. II. I. McCcxM, 1. M. If J of yee.r n J. W. Claude Lprr,r:A jsIcs, Nephi. bitiv.v Air ill poiutniont-i- , Liit list IXii B olli I'K.ie.uz rlitvis will E n, A :.i M isiiiiii.ivitw an, I ilcis-- gheiil Prep. j; Jo i ,i!i .J us n. .V, J. C O-f- I lRt t V. kr. ev fn nt to all. t ' in. y -- XV i JaiA epm. ljf-,- T X-- 1,, lie X si f.:ike i ds (o !!. I a 1 mapolis, nd.. U. S, A. j)',oh of many at- Vn,l lead the a of the We.-t-, imagine that beean,", ami tmetive young men and women that "Chit age, M'hvaa'Kee ami Sf. Paul wi'.o do r.a'.iie.- - u.vj.l in tlie (iiu, r.ite tale of theaie wealohy and livoin railway oumti'.!: the Short I. iae lictwe ,! ; :i o a eon spomleat . Chiim o ami Omaha, they mu-- t g) ia tli. elm s u1' M to i an St. Pa:! l rea their ii ,,ia;tiea if it lie Chiiw; or east TEIBUNE. SALT Lt:.r. a mistaken idea, theieof. ()n a Jun After Reduced to S2.C0 per Year map the tine miming .vi t'y ; r.n.l we-- f 1890 erhl ok l.ke this, the Sal. Lake Tribune will On Juno to Oauhe. reduce too ( me (t tbu liieryo. CO per year. Tne present Ilia'll siatid-aetfort wiii bo maiat nned. nnd Thcieis nuthing mure sinqili than th.it, 1 LRADVILLE, AMEN PFEI1LO, lift v I (AX.! ci 1 u i .e jvi.iiat.' M.my of the World, Line Train No JLmivg, Salt Ukci 05 a. m. ar a in., .hiiurado S)rinn;i five's nt 1iit'Mu hi a m., n i p. Rnvk y No 7.M a. m, lVnrr a. in, Midi tst Iiid to ( n j t ( i prott nrol'l ratnp, 4 1' Tra;!) :trm. SaH IriNo 7' ' p. m nvr'Vis at i'urSlo du( (,tiloi a.io pi m;',, t.r3 p. ni., Drtivrr y p. m. inadt' at 'dilici'liniis " spi Inc's ;uii nv,r u it dll! H.t cc iritPH, rna'r ms. I'a ''vptTs n a'l Sim a roiiiOataiitr trio a "O' .11 J, I j TPy Sc3nic Runmnj- Two Thrmig u K;i- -t Train- - Daih to 3, t.T2Ip Av (a a. Neb. j St. Paul RAILROAD. Tin On tv I.lrtF ) : ir of o m v reettmiiiem! a1 to my friends.' de.-ir- v Rio Grands .V) 1 oLI.oVV. MitwieLcc & . turn, and was so well satisfied with the result that have never trad any other kind of dressing, ft Hupped the hair from falling out, st min- dealing's with the I'nited States, and especially those to promote an export that e trade to the i'nited states, will be compelled, on their part, to enact an international coinage law. t the he.il a rolling," This will and attempts to cheek it will provej as futile as have been the efforts oi bimetallists to effect a change for the better. The great, simple truth mud he accepted that the j)rogriss of civilization throughout the world depends in reality on the reestablishment oil a secure ha-i- s of the intercourse between gold and silver lands through tbe restoration of the true relative values of .lie Ixo metals. This great, fundamental truth recognized by the political economists, sociologists and practical statesmen in all lands of culture, must he taken from the sphere of theoretical speculation and practically applied, should we he spared from revolution and war, which woald mid in a sure ret rogres.-doof civilization. I hope that it will lm the destiny of the powerful commonwealth of the I'nited States and its intelligent, bravo and ind strious people to take the happy initiative in this great question of modern civiliz-ition- . C:tcJGO WEST FIRST SOUTH S" Denver ;A7!00AL & JS n pt w H, J commercial Ttic Thu lit. WmrMOKi:, Pn rOl.'MCK. Vi,..' president. r. s. IXCLY, C.islikr. C. W Sale-u.io- 23 Ucplii mid IVIunti. Aytv'$ ox Kaki'o.t Wauxitz. Offu e and p Offices: (hi Cutters, etc. Twines, nUPRER ILATES Co-o- Papers, plain and Printed wrapping FRIDGES AND Jiuropeau states that have any WlUIM.M Co. WH0LE3AL DEALERS IS PIVOT TEETII, Nearly forty tears age, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began lading out so rapidly that 1 was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearivg Jhiir Vigor highly spoken o, Ajers I commenced using this pnpara- - The gold hugs will be easily contented with the election of a bimetallist, of whom it is assured beforehand that there will be no change in the standard. This would mean a never ending scarcity of gold, which leads to everlasting borrowing of money, ottering enormous profits to banks, hut ever lowering the financial status (if American serurilie's and cer endangering and deteriorating the economical eond tions of the producing cl.i'ses. Let America take omnious warning from Spain. Italy and other gold lands. How din'eivnt will he the result cf the election of an energetic politician w lio w ill create at once a national hanking institution for the United States, such as the Lank of ihighind in ihnti'.a. the Raichs and the E.mqite bank in . , wim. assoon as I?e, tl iYniuv , servos tin list-- platonic incliaaliot UM t;,,, rim) im govern- j,.,.; ni,.nl-- , p, take up the silver (plenum will not hesitate to eilect the tree coinage of siiver hand in hand with the free coinage of gold. TItr.Y .Il'sT Saturday. Sept 19. threatened and so-call- Kardorft Vo. i ikab- - W-A- TURNING GRAY dor the web oflies which the monster gold spider lias spun around the world. I think the following will show to every sound thinker the Silver clearly two sides of the great question pending before the American people during this Presidential T Rtriblic. Come and see us. 1 Idiv-se- -, Tits Rational & Barnes lur, Bicycles are n llw n lev Second South St. Suit I.,ake City. 1 :srr - 333 H, pa-- 1 -t C Semi-Weekl- y ni ry l in j made to keep the than ,V,i! mile- - between Omaha wdl t.ix. and ("mean . Two thro tg.i trains daily in eieh il'ivlion with the he-- t Sleeping Gar The Grandest Remedy and nimny Car Seniee, and all regular tr.eeleis know and appreeiate tli merits oi j mereh.int of CliiRj Mr.ll.il. tlie Chicago, Milwaukee N St. Paul Raihowue, Va. cerliiies that tie tmd eonsump ail lways Short line between the Fist and the tion, wa given up to die, soughtcould medical treatment,, that innnev Wet. tried all cough re neriies tiecouia r - For maps, time tables and information procure, g CONDITIONS ON'T ( 11AX'(,K. hear of, but no relief; epent many nights call on or address Alex. Mitchell pittirur up in u chair; whs induced to try generally, These coiuIUions will not chamm New Discovery, and was cur Dr. Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah, ed Kings use of two bottles. For past three by the theorttie agitations of despite years has been nlteudinj? to business, and 8 the New Dscovery All kinds of tcienee, of Parliaments and Con- "T WANTED SENE UAL FAITHFUL MEN sava Dr. Kings ever as it has done made, grandest remedy Women or to estravel for also others in his stork, gresses, until in some country an talili-,hehouse m Utah. Salary s;sa payable so much for him and Dr. Kings New Discovery S15 weekly and expenses. Position community. . prmanent intrepid and energetic political Keferein'e. Fnelose self aililvesse stani;)e,l is guaranteed for Coughs Colds and Conleacbr will be enabled to tear asun- - envelope. The National, StarBnil il i rp, sumption. It dont fail. Trial Dottles Chicago. free al all Drug Stores. Semi-Weekl- ami it is y When You Want a Nice Drink Visit the les-- j tl Boys, f )T g I Q The sppeifle and universal opinions, condensed, are as follows: You deserve preat praise, and the gratitude of the reading world Hint portion of it, at least, that is fortunate enough to read THE GREAT DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it is intensely American in cast and character. It is useless for us to say, the illustrative features and typography are superb equal in quality and unusualness to the fascinating and Strange contents that fill our columns. TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAR a year. Tour newsdealer has it, if not, send to THE GREAT DIVIDE, Denver, C til 300.000.1 CAPITAL. Ivoer, lienors and cigars in . ...WRRSCK t it !,RcllA8lflfc70RMKTIOWfTH-ciPPU-CH- Utrtlx -- b I |