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Show Te Republic. Ne;hi, Utah. Saturday, Sept. 19. GIANT BALLOON Ths Sea Fe-- rest NcrLi Her Resources, Advantages to Attractions. appears to Frizes rfiPiiiRG in of the murders, lie is een suspected alCitv l" s GtbijMpl p al of having intended to turn the ves- most t i I tah. in It' latent natural ivM.iirifNhie t .u i.eulK uuiiw'it'M lt at sel over to the Cuban insurgents. uu n tint 2 of oiisist il of imlUNtr unl i4 II lien it nre ' t f tiir and oc n What must have been the cl imurr.tls. I o toe Xoith, is a large .tie i of a- - t.ne nJTieult'irnl lain of the pilot on going on board f.m Ik found iu I tah Abundant crop-- . uf s of the nnone ils ti.d a.i t t t M t'.e to find the ve el in charge of the band. non T o the Nvi tn t noihands ol at , b l.u je springs, natural meadow, x..t J lie colored steward and a Harvard vpioad out use a ie.itN otneiald taipot ns o! f pul art i ne tool ed ortabio I of e i its ill the ta.it oontiuthe mate in ous tuA w as sophomore pei loot a odi bo grovu m ip irons, and tin bo lies of the three t Is t Lon!!. t mate fir- -t on his supposed unw illingne-- s make port after the it Sail AVho Sr.v Ciptiia Was F:rtv the FIS3. ! 6,im.75 1 ru , .... e- -t l.N AWAY IN. C. I . Who has er of a balloon lisli? Not the little, pull'ing fellows . . . ore rr.izc er... that are so annoying to motlor-a o anglers fishing from a dock or small boat, but a huge monster that ploughs the seas far away from local. Tue wtuil one of N NEW WEEKLY murdered person,-- , tow ing astern iu l.u je'it in I int..n. and of;, tin, uch as to demand the land, and one who is a w orthy comol two xo tti firms and laie ::JGK AlOUNTfllM NEWS. the small boat! That hist touch is atltinioii and handling of waie loise for the peer of the great unknown and tile pi od net. Denver, Colo., LOCAL TIME CARD. characteristic. The survivors did A couple of mile, cast of the oiy, and near fi2 Is off4r ever m highly respected sea serpent. a m ot on, ei itabie jgV'T'est met Salt reek t act e not dare throw the bodies over- the t st ur soth of p .10 gypsum. t 1896. mounuiu In effect, Aprils, of the schooner (1M Is 't e ppr- - cf ' Captain Slocum, to the oi art , is a oomph te mill for Nt,s Tram arrue and depart at anous stations Is niters thampinn. it is the i board were because needed and the : vxhuhi, yi prodiut a uintnf they follow mutng as daily Kim ale. U leals in thought, as m ne a Saladin, out from Jacmel, Ilayti, bool, eonttuu i s shipped to the inter Stations. has bound. bun enlai and uetkly staes of t'e ravine Coast, 3nu U us last South d th latest and fullest o Arr. it contains jat Arr. while in latitude 20 degrees north, as evidence to piotect themselves month Leave Leae bt in, the output. mhd slock news, it ha speu U 9 as well as to convict the guilty: 2 30 am 2 10pm ... Opden .... 5 00pm pm to the Farm, the Hot.merits Up Sa t t reek anion and noitli easttely 3 30 am 3 10 longitude To degrees west, descried tX 7 00 4 t Ar Salt Lv Women and Children: a!! the briKhte pm pm about mile pme salt .prlujrs nsh Iroin 7 40 am 6 00 pm Lv nine were their 30 45 9 6 m am appalled Ar f Lake and lixest comment of the dally edt supeititious "Ps j pm to the eastward an object which lie the muiiiita'n Mde, and bx means of one of the to be found tn ft. It presents tn cor 0 15 am 6 01pm m the Uni- 8 00 am 6 26 pm te manufactories sail bodies inot the notion at the oomph of Sandy.... d form the domps of all the world it I keeping at lirst supposed to be the wreck ted Mates, the bnne is oonveited into table, t mih paper without a peer. few but a knur has and 38 dan that 4 salt comon board the vessel; so they 9 25 am .. Fairfield . equals determined to bav pm the Werklv New and no supi iors m the woild. The In me is of a small vessel. Altering his ' d 10 45 am . . . Eureka . . 3 20 pm question the largest cmulitlon o 33 t the salt Ural and Mipply pr.u cei y tow r astern. ui them the between river and th Mississippi p i) ing unlimited la add tiou to tne uiaiiulactured course, he ran down to the suppos- promised by pr .( dM't Therefore It offers to the 7 00 pm .Lehi Junct . 8 40 am 5 2S pm K40am or e al tuei of F4 In s ei set mines aie number the greatest quarries onhrg 18 pm Cudoubtably the Herbert Fuller olproduct, rock sail, tue txieut ot which cannot be 8 30 am 7 10 pm Amern Fork 8 V9am 55 12 I iat ed wreck, a distance of about five before lit. September 8 Dh am 7 17 pm Pieast Orove 8 2iun pin ce uneiualltd prizes. computed. w ill form the plot of 4 33 pm 20 am 7 40 pm ...Proo... 9 800am many tragedy from extract The miles. following Asa dist: ibutn,.- point, Xepiu recognizes 9 40 am 7 59 pm Spanish Fork 7 44 am 4 34 pm REGULAR AGENTS' COMMISSION mu' suptu.or in I tab. It is the key to 9 57 am 8 12 pm . . Pa soil . 7 29 am 4 21 pm the ship's log book will explain the a future sea novel, lut no ro- but boulhei n I lah, and nil t ie adx antae ol two HOOain0l5pm ALLOWED IN ADDITION. 6 40am 3 35 pm ....Nepal Lv 6 U) am out to the east and south, 11 no pm Ar mancer could ha e ailorded to in- railroads sitetc CONTEST BEGINS A T ONCE. j adventure: furnishes, a iPn in question, the best point m in 25 pm Lv JUdD f Ar 5 00 am to the es a on aliment ot mauufactoi ies Utah TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. He OPEN a 35 3 so talc. 13 01am am vent Leamington 2 extraordinary ami wholesale boast's Time, 7:30 a. m., June 4. At 0 2 U) am .. .Oasis am acon at 05 been have 50 2 would am am Clear I ake laughed f Nephi as a residence The HtU.u tni' a. m. the object was first seen 6 25 am Ar ) MilLv 0 10 pm u their It is situauet Tor particulars adJresJ tow n, ai umqt. 43 inherent 8 7 of 05 count the am diLvffordfAr pm turn ot t improbability c the Inchest poi ated on al ..od weather murky and at 7 a. m. 7 30 pm. 8 45 am ... ...Frisco t The A ews lrinting Co., mnth tms of into wateis i.s that la. The murders vide Leae Arrne waid into the st ier 1. tiin tK' ami suut we came up to it. It proved to be of bis incidents. Denver, Colo , on No. lake-tSouth, in tie id Tuesday Thursday Sleeper er, tnemeoiiv u d to the se iei tlie ed have but muster, and vicious-lookind o.ut pa Its i might Saturday al'Uude, gianli sea ot MiPoi sea a large and the bt slot sleeper on No 2 North, Monday's, and pnl. t i ullage ard stu lent and tin colored svH Han t on Lion s we sin h, that u t. t Finlay's. iu seen as health, never such had I monster, m Trains bouh of Juab run daily except Sitv but two ca s ui dipt hei la has' ommed in their steward 3 ot nM extraordinary nu a ly neai t D s u s t.iHo e At eai popul.it or heard of any time. The body tGEiiTRil CYCLE E'FG. C3.E i The Two through trains daily from Salt ijs ai in.yand pitPrie-sie- . b on pronounced 'Pstm w lde sti cep and anutsoi laie shade trees, 10 feet long role would b.uc lie to to East. about all Lake points appeared O y mt la,, es leautitul la ails ctini evatit INDIAKAPOUS, ms. BulTuiot ourier. cost Through Puilman Palace Sleepers from Sail ( umdein publn biuMms, make ot Nehi a Lake to without and the tail about GO feet, with simply impo-siblchange Chicago a ie.il luun m ki i: . or Touri-- t s.eepei1. place in wine Improteil Ct t ree Keeliiiiug Chair tars. forked end-- , each fork about four w.th a oompVte sy stem ot wat-eItissvppli w i. h Lle.mt day roaches. w ol k s ,i the lioui iUw, walr BEN-HU. Notice. )' liu-)R t The only line operating (lining car sort ice. feet long. It had two feet, or Estray lit some tin et unit, u p the pm t spin f t The shot test afcd fastest line to all points o ni nt the loilow Ji2 2.s tamou T the west aboi.t tne units, the east not unlike tho-- e of a sea serpent. ci I hiIt u an. l) mouiiLtin l aii- - is v, . l oiimj and ol imi in ns to w it E. D. W1CKINS, Agent, Nephi. TT7 llli i ion patui a Je 'i o abound hi e () c bu iiu.i .ibout t o ears i.lu, Im i Nt The creature stood adout 12 f l tin n t .nut a s, mi cmi east i: the D. E Burley, Cen'l At Pasrr. Dept sp ip o n It shoulder it scmblm a tew miles o 201 Mam st , Salt Lake. abiubl'N i iss. to tin1 uti tn t City Tiokt was and of water out the i fully ton All s ol E. L. Luiuax, no i nts into the tv high It d mi.ij s and costs on said annuals r( t the lop oi P.issgr and Ticket At. E. Diekmou, (jeul Mnpr., Uuiaka n t n dus Loin the date of this etei lull snow New Y ork jud Willi 10 feet iu breadth. S U. II Clark, v m be sold to tin Inquest bidder ,it e tin at on ami witho it colorinu, Withn it O'ner W. Mink, ound. eaj llm ot ,)n it s i i foi tlio ltel ournal. ihstiiptiou E. Ellery Anderson, o cloth p in. Sept. rl me nnl date ot sale o! Juab Couiitx in t t In-an- l Separate Prices - re-- t d 81,000 - pas-eng- ir. i - !1 . U 1 U 1 PCT0'V iu-t- rx -- a C r 5 ed I n mouii-tar- y . North-boun- ' d i x di- (X) V i -, I i . 1 1 M fM-- r i . year-M- il r - . . x ( (Ml , 1 t- - - - - j i - 1 1 . g Tues-duy'aan- d e i ' r. ( j r f U i ss-,u,- u ac-an- , i w I fi-e- w w y , i a- -t .N c . i 1 1 17th X' pin 8t ' I 1 .6. Jmls 1L 11 1 D, ronml Ke mr. A SEA TRAGEDY, American getting its share of tention these dajs. but in the excitement don't Sec in- - to be at- - r ile-era- Ol ..! ctefod Driir-pi-t- M P KONCr. Calnuet and OSTLER new ; n,1 li . i- -i l.uu . r u til - Kj - 73.G3 - 16. j November 17th, 18J5, ydTT' South. iWl r ' iV03l;kr fU'A r. rWX H th' N01 I J 'Tk a, nr n ' 1 ::! -- : , ' , Maker. CutMn ALLEV, & 1 UTIOV J. VV. Old, Supt. W. H. PETlL.iRtAV, M.uinl.u tor of and and S.uldl. Shi 111 s i t US ep-.v- -- U LOT I UN L , OSTLER Hut at s. u H. 11 W KINS, Lihti d nu 'ioim and SL u (.roccuts. 11 O. . ( ' c i Bout in 6 00 Pies, 'ho ipak r i r Ueul Manager, Lake . LX( 11 J., & j ox PENT M- t fi, O' A KNOW LI A V I 1) stv J ' i I ' jrJnVil - rTr"t n O' t- th " J! CH'Cft ,s .1 -.i ILL. p ECU UK THIS o u ksiil il ion J21 j . 'P Will, y k 1 O f !, fCGTgrTiUH:;. Sait City, II. K. Kipp., G. F. A F. Agent, Mant Mrt'f C 1 . ' Uy 1 r AC H t ' - X.- p. m. ik Supt. N(KKIE. tllillv It .UllL in till r l i VCT M I.o wupt At.. Lake Mondays, Wed lies Relurnlng arrne at 00 p. ra., Tueopore Bp.ubvck, Ptst uuant. n;. i o-t- at 3 n Direct connections at Nephi with UniOB P.idilie Railw uy from and to Salt Lake City Oden, Bute, Proto, Milford and intermediate points, and all pointe East and We t. stop on sipnal. The Company resort es the rilit to Tary rom this Time Tabic at peasure loUiinr and to nt s fiu liis'nn 111 ( Mor-iso- Mariti at le tier m Harness, .1 s supplies. t.euei.il and ml ORD PRO and days and Fridays. s PAivini:. jnoUi ah r leate Hatifi for Sterling, Funks Tr-nu- s IN-Si- .. tjct Ultuu TH j C ' 8i;n ph-nt- l ' I 1 t T IL 11 lie; i 1' lx m Oi u-- id : -- , P jb io ib. Oi U 'lb WSH.23 TlaE, fin Jivu i triumb-e- i ivepam . Roots and Shoes. CIIAs lOOTni-oV- -, Dcalci s in tieneial Merchandise. NEPHI COOPER XTIVK MERCANTILE 1. 1 actual crime hentiu dunday, 1 o V l 111 -- h Effective FKEUKATIC HUE, poods. V. M STOUT. -- S TIME TABLE NO. k Manilla tui.is of Harness an! Sadd'cs and dealt s all kinds ol horse liu nisliin J unre-tricte- rl i ip - ctionaiy. )V, GOLDUN E O.T.E - U.OOX, m.u Lett la. s Pioprs Dealers in Wines, Liquuis etc. -- common 11 (Irtre.' 'r. s s -- laier e lift u. rxrn: x to in Dcalcis 111 llanlnaie, Tinners and co e- s L. O. LUNT re i- !, ,r.. li.iko.i Call and Soc Us. Limfs Pharmscjf, D-- VALLEY RAILWAY UOWLUS AS OCIATION, C C 'BEST ly o.'i, i M. 1 pirate--Possib- SAN PETE ( projir. UMOV IIOTI L. in -- . . li 1 onto, pi opr. Health, Pho-phat- l . te o, CO, f. 1 Iioc-XU-- . NErill es i- lteeeiwrs. Is an dk r c. UTAH W on L L K Ho been a favorable Tlie scene w itli romanceis for forget to look and tragic crii. after vour This has been due to the seelu-io- n which it oiler- - and al-perhaps, to the tradition of piracy winch IIae jou heard about the wonder hung about it. There wu- a time be-ful rcn,( dy when the line of demarcation the and peao tween the pirate --- TOXIC, mariner wa not ery sharply dr.i w u e Lace ordered a big supand the late Frentice iIulford, who and ply. We also hae the grew up in a seafaring town the most Koyal had even served on shipboard be . aitich-on cooling healthful summer fore the ma-- t. once wrote drink, di glasses 27e. tlidt the relations maintaining the which still prevail between master and the crew ot a ship are Yours tor Health, a relic of the day.- - when all seafaring men were practically a juster explanation of the Mam Street, Nephi, harsh treatment to which sail MEN EK XL I XIT1II UL subjected woulu be touml nitlie an I ' s oi women t Paid for law and which t house in L tan Saint arbitrary authority putable let pent! elf Position jierni.mont bestow upon a U, t.i II an Liu custom ncees-aril- y addioss. d sttliiip( d l.'se i,. iciMH t A..11 Tn ir in isuinliii, (U liu ins', for it - almo-- t an aot.... shipma'-ter- . E d power alaxiom that ways lead- - to tyrany that nothin,- -, but lack of autboiity prex cut- - c cry Aim.1 .af L.SJ. man from misusing it. Vt a!le entthe reader of a ea nocl txp et- - t m&as'O meet with vaiim- - v rt-- i of mt-- t t r a re tne ad-, w !ilc d daik of the maiine c dumns of a n of w Li v: 'el - con-piraci- ian . llll st it Birkentine Herbert Fuller. ha-fc- . Do.ine, John Frodeiiek It. Coudert, 1 tie The Startling S.ory of eit ol.Nnii apital w Inch ai - touml the uiuits ol ijitic. tm won-- I cl theuieal W t st He-- I dev and .mnu -- nh s 1 ml n. t hi h mint s td 1 l uh SpiIt ais. a a h and it !elv til d oUit l po 1 ion ol mow nu " pal t o' J j F(fi'i'v a ,s a ilint loiy of Nephi s business . I r J. wj- r I - k ft.J i y! "'T s f r ' ) ff A Im t 7 , r ) A !. 3 u. i 1 1 " ' 1 t aft F i ( t . 1. . ally to Fc b the (lb fuller i - th at it . be know n the erf to. C&U'i eu -- " J tl 1 . fiie i.-- tu :! f . l i ' 1 - it. !y ' c i , lb; r 'it S'i,' V, 1. . , I ..S it to m i i. sb r nl t:. ' evil. mc3 g '.In si A 7 ' sa Ouuz s c e I iTS 1 r-iifc Ws.1 F v. I r Ji or ur C'P r fTf HViN W-- v ' ft f, ti v 1 y v l 1 f JLc. 1 , C n r ik . ' I'xrr. HfjUfoCPj , ( tn i ' i r jji ')!''r L'ilirx 1 jt iv . . - o a ' o' UtiM-li-- v laj ! : i 11 , jix G Jr A bt! Y - V'--: y s' fy u .r - i)Lo, bui. hi . U . .J i - j, t i . . i n ? uo g i t x C n r.-- : . inll P .nfc r - r j j j r ...IS'1 |