OCR Text |
Show 2 Tto Republic. Ve Huve mm r- ,Jci: Jf " -- vN ..- k " - &gyFC .'V. : y iv1'1'' ,jy K v Ji ' a r V-- - VT- -. la fact, everything Ticket. Pur i FRY Vice-Presiden- For j piAHa - Easy Payments. I TJtivli.: Prices and term- - to suit every one. willi j X. iu.-pc-et Predilent: For .Jli.VNI.VO LONG TIME fV Wm, Baiioy A. 3Nioxlai, Wir.LHM rfie for neces.-ar-y farm work. Call ami our goods. RecaWican Fur President:-- - N OWENS BINDERS, and REAPERS i & .;V Met. Democratic r - V WAGONS. ' - ; x A .. ;J 1 What! o s. if V We 3eU Them. The most complete ami ami m-tdate L v Satin day, Sep. 1'k Xephi, Utah, Dr. Jicirrvi.iiv, Ji:. m J. A. Booth, Viec-lroi'Ien- ARnillMSCWALL. hobart. a. (iai:iii:tt ; Temple of Music, 232 S. Main. Tiii: nelson-chap- man. Numerous Presents FAM. NOT THEORY, BUT Given SALT QEETilST. to The Coiaii Uniir Th? Frai And This Young Couple. Fur particulars call on W. L. Roe i of Silver Makes a Specialty LAKE CITY. at this office. Cold Crcn a and of Era'.o work. Teeth wilhcet plates. pretty wedding took dace at ; The Km')ire of J.nn ustlintro the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John with Thor aMivieitv. an inChapman in honor of their daughter Stella and Mr. X. A. Xeil-se- n dividual bo m "on" in ;at other at A p. m. The invited guests land of silver mon y. B wing l&Oo. i.sties of which have ju.--t Pt. 23501313.1 numbering tu about seventy sat the statist reached the mat tun of fresh in, down to a sumptions supper on "Otct-tlin new an I dd the lawn, after which they ad- capital , including railways and journed to .Millers hall, where eaterfUi-u-ail was ).o id, 00 ) venm eipial A. C. dancing was enjoyed in the rest of hanks, to of Mexican 500,000,00 dollars! the evening. The presents were fUtoniry ir numerous and useful. The donors Over half went into railway'.-- , into banks and the remainbeing (he following persons. . . Utah der e tt a mills, silk and Nepl.i into I Messrs. kder, Olivet, and Samweaving industries, paper mills uel Aeilsen. a beautiful cupboard, A or lias the niovemenl stepp. Miss .Mary Nielsen, a lovely table F. W. CHAPPELL, ed. lbr during the last 41 days of searl; Mr. and Mrs. .John Chapman, AtUmieij-at-Lacenter table: Mr. and Mrs. 1. Soren- tins year the new capital subscribed tor fresh undertaking-- was Probata vuirk a Ku.rai II Kxr. Ul'k. sen, clock: .Mr. and Mrs. II. yen. NtpM City. Utah. parlor rocker; Mr. and will r vtll t A r, we Oar vs read 1. Sid well, wall racket: Mr. and A (Js8 Ihree Crown Baking Powder. E3 P0.1ES7 j . j ive-Ue- 4 l W. ) ntcT BUY AN 150,-O0t0)- I Imv, Constantly pouring their wealth into Salt Lake City will continue to stimulate business of all kinds, and to rapidly increase the value of city realty. OAKLE1 LOTS at the present extremely low price, 8100 to $200 each, & SPKRltY Japan and Mexico were bound make progress on the blu r basis. The only First-Clas- s Barber The industrial movement1 in this Shop in N'ephi. country', halt'd on silver was predicted six years ago by the mana- Court ions Treatment Guaranteed to all. ger oi the Lank of London and Mexico, in this city. .Mr. II.- 0. ZXT ZSI o Bt. Jjlii Maters, whose sound judgment Las prolnably taken by ili:luy T Tv V jy 4 -'-Y enterprising capitalists. Mr. Vfat- tV fcr y, will soon double in value. i ft - i r t!mt sagamou- - c!a-- s T who early di eeraed s For 34 the and Mrs. (. Blackett, Silver butter dish; Air. and Mrs. David Oekey, set of sad irons; Mrs. R. n Goldsbrough, lunch set; Mr. P. infant shoes and stockings; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jensen parlor rocker; Mr. and Mrs. Skei'tn, bread-rise- r and towels; Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Rochester lamp; Miss Ann Mr, lias-muse- the Mercur gold belt for Miitu or call for lurthor informa- - No Intere 3u. tioti. en lEaiu.Toba.rd. 43 West 2nd So St., Salt Lake Proprietor, Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. $. Govt Ry, 7U M-d- ' 1 tumbler-- ; Jane Sells half ghi'S fruit 1 v,. Tliis On r lFh. name r. unknown. Ta Y !: Opii-i-- ij4 of t n .ois r '"pin : e. in jHipi.l - C. i .. I . i thorily Va ' 'fiva-ar- y vitc Cl Ih 1V. Cl f.tiUl -r- .1 ; a., ii (r Vi C V 2 ' M.t 1v-- Cl; t , I A 1 d AIM! , K - C?f M. X n Qy hi in : ), a ! , C hD vj ) C?Ll,U j Tle 5(niiai iTatontrii in rnilPi! Sfr.-- 5 rn,l CiJiaitn.f r. Wi, n da r . i .7 (i v : i 1 ( ( Apr! I ' 1 f'd .lid tin . ivQdAl? U :i ; F:i i U " Rhiv.h. n Ch f v:: y. F Aug. 17, rS t, tV3 1 spe.il. In r IV.-- I. K ABSSlEirSI? Idy. touui h r " Fyjto: r.ivilv. j oi'Ii ch idanp, v, ill ho iin, lit 4 of tiia k (.,. I JTr.y lever Cura c V Fired by Gro;cf. stal . 7:' ! I ' 4' ! ' i, 1 HO. i u.y ot 1 t - And H"11 I'a'a'-- Bell, of 3 111. tula, bus been ; ;r 1L2 a ; 1 11 .! 11,11 aI , IliJ 11 Ii. Cl? -- XVl.l I m Ot tH-- t G'o'n e' k; d to , i U1 1 !:urmi. . i' .tl 'ui (ii ns 1 r s .U.-e- '' V- - ,'N V :.v C. - rcr IN. & Unm'fetvt b. ii,' JG.R) liiipis? lJiRH l,Ul ,s v hm y ,, - I V) mV' i'A"1', G r w a.li pm r i f' ') J( . Jt ' ,R JS.FHv s adili'iu 00.5 N ML- tjl(Ho , i dr h a U.'.it l a : t) , :u- - ( r.l, h. r;. J 7 mu, r. t I "In i inLiiriiii.n ; ( 1'i,:'1' ,l(h to r( "n" Hy v. t .71 Mining Stocks and Claims in -: cloth; J Sale. W. handsome present, Mrs. Faper From Any Old Thing. Wilson doz. tumblers and set of BARTON & CO. teaspoons; Mr. and .Mrs. F. Sells, pair blankets; Mr. and Mrs. X", Caper can be manufactured out Oiolliiers, Neilsen 200 lbs. ofibmr; Mr. Fie 1 of almo.-- t anything that can be RETAIL. Chapman et knives and forks; Mr. pomuh'd into pulp. Over 54 kinds WHOLESALE D. Col carving knife and fork: of bark are said to be S.. Salt LakoCitv. used, and .Mr. and Mrs. G. St.Clair, lim n hle pea M;-- s vMMfji Hotel in years Leadiug a fall in silver Mexico could Utah. Southern Re Refitted ; build up a great industrial system. am! modeled RepUta vjtth jevery We commend this fad t0 our American contemporaries who are Convenience. from nowadays (noting extensively the Herald in support of the theory Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Free Bus to acd from depot. that silver is honest money-- and a Livery and feed stable connected with it. good basis for a nations finance. With us here in Mexico it is no theory, hut a fact. Mexico Herald. II. GOLDSBROUGII, ot r 12 streets; alleys, etc. Terms: $10 a Month. that out of the apparent calamity rSVv minutes drive from business center. High and dry: shade trees; beautiful view; wide niu is a t.vi, ul cajiitah.--t Utah of . Hip.S0N (".mli.iu:illy SAIT LAKE 0;TY. UTAH BROS. i, 1 Thm-gens- &&&$& t The Great Dividend Paying Mines w 1 MeCune, Celery dish; .Mrs. Af-VLts- .TEALEIT it-La- 0 Su-- . Mrs. O. 1 Coldabrough, butter di-- h and sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hale, half dozen dates; Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). exton pair vast's; Miss May Jexton, tidy; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph right, Chenelle table cover: Miss Sidle and Minnie Mid-gleglass sci; Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer, Syrup dish and tooth pick ;tolder; Miss Kttic Sidwcll, do. tumblers; Miss Emma Bale, I doz. desert dishes; Miss Jane Sinclair. one set sad irons; Mr. and Mrs; C. Dale, I do, tumblers ami nutmeg grater; Mr. George Read, book; GROSE n SELLS ST. fc j vTA-000,00- Gold.s-brougi- YGUB. v R f I i ' ,''C ' s (A r a .'nr. |