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Show V Tl: fp " y Suturth;, Sc?i-10- . e n ::r: I y rc. THE P21 MARIES. TILE REPUBLIC. issr:; wr:'!:' Po-- v ; nor. Editor. vv. L. Lun, vi Cl! 2 Eld t:uv: One Yt . All fiNlir 0 ' I. - r I l, if.-- ' t I, 3 r- - come: peech. ltwasB'ud tuat there were nearly 200 sigmitnres attichel to the articles. While we dont d ubt the we are of the belief that they should come out and let the people know who they are. Those whose names were published bad the true manliness iu showing to the people what they' believe arid what they meant, and are held higher in the estimation of the people than those who sign and then are afraid to have it known. -- that the whole proceedings were character! tie of g od leeliags. ti b " " Ail .i There is one thirg, however, which Ias. . ' u I? aJIr. people cannot fad to notice, and that t va:i. N. jlii, J .o' t is, there were no women delegates elected. The ladies will easily notice compciy this breach nf politeners if not justice, mn ::ru:H.i9 and we are sorry for the sake of the M ,w. McCune, Manager. party that they did not endeavor to elect at. least two ladies among the ApuUetttii.n lia. li.'.-- made at the NVj.hi delegates. To slight them this camfi. c ti Mi.:iiJ"i"ii tan.i!j'i the mads as paign is very bad policy, for they are iua.l iraU-r-- I '1 n I I 1 C - , . runt-i-iiiN- ! FALL OPENIN O . sat fed ay kept. sure to pile up a pretty good sized vote this election. tVe do not, however, think this was done intentionally, far from it, but it can be said that it was done unthinkingly, and while we hope no serious results will ensue, yet no one can tell how the matter will go, for they now have the franchise and from the looks of things they have a pretty good idea how to use it. The delegates chosen, however, were representative citizens, who will do their best, we are sure, to nominate suitable men to till the offices which will be declared vacant. Let the delegates nominate men on their merits. Make it known that no I tickle you, you tickle me policy will go. But study the men who are now in orlice, and if they are qualified to stay there, why let them stay, if not then fire them and put those in who are qualified. Ve hope the delegates will shut down od all such damable wirepulling which has been so characteristic of previous conventions, and let us by all means have a government of, for and by the lou., is:;. Be Sure that you ADVERTISE IN TheRepUbliG It will Pay you. Thomas It is sail! that has a large 6ized senatorial bee buzzing in the upper portion of his head year. The government may call ten grains j 1 THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK. lil page 17. TiiK'gold standard Democrats of Con- necticut State centra) committee resigned in favor of the silver wing of the party. Even stan i old Connecticut is i iking a little of silver medicine which D beiug spread broad cast. our article on the reduction of salaries there is a little mistake which In -- That all. mid be rectified. - A contemporary suj that Burke Coen ..its D stumping the country on Out bonus, and is advocating tiie the i nd standard. It say-- , lie lias a grt it suiee, mi nnst.nted tluw of bin. and a goo head." Ah! but gum..-- .., , 1 there note lr in telegraphic accounts which huye been received the powers have about come to the conclusion that the pill which had been handed out to them to swallow was a too letter dose, and the of warships inTurkish waters means something no'e than a mere passing paiade. For a great many years Turkey has been a festering sore upon the European map and it has continued to grow in ignorance, until it- seems that its despotic sway is about to be o vci thrown. The atorcities which have been carried out in that land were enough to make every civilized power raise up and blot out the contagion. But no. It seemed to be a case of one frightened and the other dars.mt. with the nf nobility. Tnere was a feoling that one p cer would get a bigger slice than tho other m the division. But now all seems to have changed. Even the young Turks are ri.ing against tleir lascivious ruler, and it is now only r sci-m- that Spain is ready and a metter of a shod time when either to end the war by granting tho (.no or all the powers will let daylight insir.uit ho us rule. At last the into Turkey, the satno as Japan did to p over nas acknowledgprou China, and tho horrible crimes which MARKET. ed th ' defeat is sine and certain The have been icrpetrated m Turkeys do- CITY in-.. mts however w l take nothing main will he known no more. Bi.ort f absol rte independence. XI 31 eiZZX.'is That accomplished and an indepen- LJfC warUnited hacked States by dence, $ Give you the host of to Ciihi, would be the Mn V.ias. Andrews is out for lie ship, granted meat at the cheapest of two uuigin is which have been The people oi )hing presc jiu.il ho tors. M'.e attention of the whole prices, and we treat Nop: hm.v Mr. Andrews well enough occupying world for vears. all w ith courtesy and wilie r our going into a long We are the ini bis qualities. respect. srv.i vs nf tho people and there is no Till- school sea-o- n opened Monday Shoulder or Rounnd steak and hum fa man wants to declare with the te lehers, as published in the culiJe. Mutton, 10c- per pound or. 3 l.i:irtu.ii at their head. pounds for 25c. : e i:i the United Tr linage nf gold The people should read the article by Rial- - from lS-- u to D.'o was vl,7V,M9,-7-'oWi.hem You Kard iT Wabaitz on tiie This silver to silver It will set you to question. sun .s that nearly three times more thinking. was c i. ned than silver, and then go". they tell us e have ton much silver. Guoveu the Buffalo Beast" as the We nouT object to some peoples but by thunder wed mt waul them Utahnian calls him is firing govern men' tal employees because they dare adt j id- it m. Down tv 21 cl vocate fret coinage of silver. with the tyrant! There was nothing surprising about the election in Maine. It has always & Wit contend that W. C. F. Becken-ndgbeen Kepuolican iu sentiment, and tho ought to say something about New England States would certainly as against free that $lo,000 moral or immoral obligation vote for protection state was plac- he owes to Madeline Pollard before he That silver. of coinage (Late Ostler & Ockey) ed uuder tiie gold standard column by commences to stick his beastly presence campaign statisticians long ago, so it is before the people to rave about repu- AVTANTED SENEKAD FAITHFUL MEN diation, honest money etc. Honest If or Women to travel for responnible no ciiterhm how the rest will go. in Utah. Salary r?( payable Whoever heard of Utlihetl home money forsooth. weekly ami expenses. Position pruiauent Reference. in hand hand Enclose honest going stamped The AndJdjr t anything This paper is envelope. National, SturUmhliiig, Bah! with lasciviousness. 15 41 Chicago. it. you s:u.i will.t SATURDAY A Beautiful tSoiwenii for tiie Ladies. In a recent letter to the manufacturer Mr. V. F. benjamin, editor of the Spectator, KUSHFORD; N. Y., says: It may be a pleasure to you to know the highest esteem in which Chamberlains medicines are held by the people of our state, where -they must te best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at dexter, iowa, was about to visit me a lew years since, and be. ore leaving home wrote me, asking a they were sold here, stating if they were not she would bring a quantity with tier as sbe did not like to be without tnein. The medicines reffered to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous lor its cures of coh, s and croup; Chamberlains Iain Balm for Rhumatism, lame Omk, pains in the side and chest, and Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Dinrhoea Rembowel complaints. These edy for medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. Tne people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and by any other. They are for sale here by A. Lunt A: Sou, Druggist. de-pot- ic where it ret. ;red to the consolidation of assessor and collector.- whereas it should have been collector and treasurer." is MD FRIDAY ug From 179:) to D79 ?7S, 174, .17.00 was the total of silver coinage. If you dout Tiie crises in the Ornient is daily astielieve us, see New Vork Tribune calsuming threatening proportions. From ender IT The Provo Enquirer questions the idea that all the wage workers are fur Bryan and cites a little town almost on the confines of nowhere which has 199 legal voters, and a McKinley club of 19.9, Looks like as if the Enquirer was hard up for something to talk about, whea it cites this Lilliputean town as one which is arrayed against the Democratic nominee lor president. Well cite state. Head you one from a gold-bthe Denver News of about a week ago and see the testimony of a president of a labor union at Clevelrnd who states that there are 9G,00u in the uuiou that are determined to vote against McKinley because the enemy of organized labor llanna i the boss of the campaign. Ilanna has repeatedly asked an audience of this union, aud they have declined, knowing full well 'his record in the Sailors Union and the Cleveland street railway strike, This is only one, there are others. llar and make it bo, or it may coin pot metal into dollars. John people. .Sherman. of silver a According to theTribune correspon dome Mr. (J. Ynrevvi dd not act as chairman of the McKinley club organization meeting. A nondescript by the name of Melrems" introduced Thomas. We think Mr. Andiews has a righteous and justifiable kick coming. To have the name of another man placed in as chairman, after Mr. Andrews had worked hard to make it a success is an outrage We hope the Tribune correspondent will rectify the mistake and place the credit and chairmanship where it rightly belongs. It is not always that a man has a chance to be the chairman of such an honorable body of men, aDd we think the matter should be rectified. 014 ; A-t Prices. Lio-wes- t 11 f MEAT tic Maji,' 1 ui 0 p-- r . liiai-eelf- f - Loin and Porterhouse ! - CdSi,0-.'.7hl.9- u, Steak 0c. per lb. 1 -l- straight. 23olOsnn, Snusagos, Curocl ob-L'pi -- j j e Sugar TAncon, Hams, Butter Porlt,Cliocso alwayo ou iiaud. Ctias. Ockey Sons Proprietors. . non-partisa- n. furgtt Leaders in Low Priees. Nephi XJtnii |